TM 224: Mad

Mar 30, 2008 17:35

TM 224 -- Mad

Anthony Stark, Director of SHIELD, steps out of his chauffeur-driven car and into a pack of rabid wolves.

Or, rather, a crowd of reporters.

Crazed predators, media. Same difference in his world.

"Director Stark, Director Stark -- can you react to the news of Magneto's escape?" "Why haven't the Avengers been sent to neutralize this threat?" "What are the X-men doing?" "Is this related to attempt on Senatory Kelly?" "What about Iron Man --?" " -- Freedom Force --" " -- SHIELD --" "Any leads --?" " -- Danger to the public? --" "Tony! Tony! How does this all make you feel?"

As the last question, Stark turns on the heel of his very expensive shoe, and a piercing shriek of feedback runs through all the microphones at once.

"How do I feel?" He steps toward the microphones, and grabs one from the hand of the nearest reporter. Speaking directly into it, he enunciates carefully, "How -- do -- I -- feel? I am mad as hell -- and I'm not gonna take it anymore." Then he flashes a smile, right for the cameras. "To coin a phrase."

Again, all the voices rise at once. "Magneto --" "Supervillains --" "Escape --" "SHIELD-" "Magneto --" Again, the screeching sound rises to cut them all off, yet the noise clears, and Stark's mike alone functions perfectly.

"I'm not talking about Magneto. I'm not talking about your so-called supervillains. The particular cause of my agita, at this very moment, would be our good friends at Freedom Force. That power-hungry, headline-grabbing, unaccountable trainwreck of an agency has imploded on itself, once again. It was a Freedom Force operation that nabbed Magneto. It was Freedom Force that arranged for his custody. I guarantee you -- guarantee that, if SHIELD and the Avengers had been in charge of Magneto's custody -- well, let's just say -- it takes more than a paperclip or a cufflink to break out of the Negative Zone. SHIELD and the Mighty Avengers will be cleaning up Freedom Force's mess -- not for the first time -- and then I'm going to go to the United States Congress and the Secretary of Defense, and make damn well good and sure that this is the last time. Good day."

And with that, Stark pushes away the microphone, turns his back on the wolves, and strides into Stark Tower.

OOC: A few hours later, this article appears.

ETA: Feel free to talk to Tony in the comments of this post.

tm_response, rp, magneto

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