There are so many things i want to show to you (Chapter 10 & 11)

Mar 06, 2011 21:17

Title: There are so many things i want to show to you (Chapter 10 & 11)
Rating: PG
Length: Chaptered (Drabble series)
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst (Maybe), AU!School
Word Count: 500; 343
Disclaimer: No matter how hard i wish for them, they will never be mine :(
Claimer: The fic is mine
Summary: Was that hatred i saw in your eyes?
Beta-ed by: vivalahyuk
Illustrated by: ochidyati
Ime's Note: An update with an illustration! YAY! How terrific would that sounds to you! 8D Okay so, this update will answer your questions about the reason Hyuk dated Hae and What happen to Hae. Happy reading! :D
Previous chapters: Chapter 1 & 2. Chapter 3 & 4. Chapter 5 & 6. Chapter 7. (Chapter 8 & 9)

-Tenth thing

Hyukjae remembered very clearly the first time he noticed Donghae.

That day, when everything was goes wrong and Jessica started to get all impatient toward him.

He was talking with the girl in empty class room after class just because Jessica wanted to. Hyukjae never say no to a girl. Even if he knew the girl already had boyfriend that well known not also because his face and personalities, but also because the friends that he hung around with. You don’t want to mess around with them.

So, Hyukjae was trying to restrain himself from anything stupid but it’s particularly hard because the girl just over horny for some reason.

She kept leaning on Hyukjae and spoke to him in close distant. Making skinship and all the effort to make Hyukjae touched her. But Hyukjae didn’t touch her. He dodged when the girl leaning too forward and trying to touched her lips on his. But because of fast reaction, she ended kissing his neck instead.

Hyukjae sighed and took hold of the girl that snuggling closer to him, but something caught his attention.

There, outside the class, under the cherry trees, a male stay still with sad expression all over his beautiful face. He was so deep in thought to notice anything around him. His feature framed by the windows ill as the wind blew off the feathers of the pinkish flowers. For a fake eternity time stop there, making a perfect painting in Hyukjae mind. He carved every detail of the painting in his heart and locked it there forever.

The illustration is belong to ochi. Click here to see the full size.

The time running on again and the male in the painting disappeared from his view. Hyukjae could feel warm tears running down his cheeks as the sadness so real in his heart. Strangely, he felt he knew the sadness, the sadness that always came to his dreams every night.

“Hyukjae-oppa, are you alright?” Jessica asked, sounded worry. But Hyukjae didn’t hear her. All he could feel was the sadness and the perfect painting in his mind.

But it’s only one day latter that he realized the male in the painting was Lee Donghae.

Hyukjae decided to stay longer in the field to practice juggling that’s why he was the only one left and he has the bathroom for himself. He sighed and took off his sweaty shirt but turned around when he felt a stare on him.

There standing Donghae with almost same expression like in the painting. The younger bored a hole on Hyukjae’s head but Hyukjae was too busy to think by himself.

When suddenly Donghae asked unexpected question, followed by silent fact behind all the truth, Hyukjae was thinking, thinking hard.

All the possibilities of the answers to the question kept cycling in his head yet none come as an actual sentence. All the possibilities have consequences and Hyukjae was asking himself what does he want? What do you want Hyukjae?

He wanted to see that expression on the painting painted on Donghae face once again.

-Eleventh thing

“Hyukjae, you didn’t meet Donghae?” Hankyung asked as he dried his hair when Hyukjae entered the bathroom.

“What are you doing on soccer club bathroom, hyung? And no, was he looking for me?”

“Er… kind of… saving my life…from someone…, Yeah he came to dance practice room earlier. I thought you were here so I suggested him to look for you here, but apparently he didn’t find you…”

“Oh,” Hyukjae said. Thinking over what Hankyung said. Soccer club finished their practice quite sometimes ago so might be Donghae had to wait for him to walk home together. He’ll just text him later after he took a shower.

Hyukjae texted him after shower and he now currently walking around school because Donghae didn’t reply to any of his texts and Hyukjae was getting worry by the minutes passed by.

Someone said that they saw Donghae running out of the school gate. And Hyukjae was just getting more worried.

Not until he was trying to call Donghae’s phone that he got the answer.

“Donghae? Where are you?”

“Good afternoon, sir,” said a woman voice. “Right now Mr. Lee Donghae can’t answer your call.”

“Why can’t he? And may I know who you are, lady?”

“I’m a nurse at central hospital and your acquaintance Mr. Lee Donghae was taken here by ambulance and currently on emergency room to get treatments,”

Hyukjae’s heart sank in light speed, “What-what happen to him?”

“We didn’t know what actually happen but someone called for an ambulance when they found him laying on a road unconscious and we already called his family so everything has been taken care of.”

“Will he…be okay?” Hyukjae almost didn’t hear himself.

“We don’t know yet, sir,”

Hyukjae just realized that he’s on the ground when someone touched his shoulder to ask him if he was okay. He’s not okay. His two feet were still shaking and so both of his hands, clutching his phone that kept whispering ‘Hello? Sir, are you okay? Are you still there?’ faintly.

Hyukjae’s not okay and he couldn’t think properly.

Ime's Note 1: Thanks to ochidyati who gimme a hand to did the beautiful illustration (even if she sometimes mean to me XDDD) Please respect and appreciate her by not plagiating her works!

Ime's Note 2: How was the update? Bet it was disappointing rite? I know there're more questions arise in your mind. Hyuk reason for dating Hae is not convincing enough and still vague rite? Like there's something behind it. And what kind of reason is that? D8 He wants to hurt Hae rite from the beginning just so he can see that sadness in Hae's eyes again? DD8 He couldn’t be meaner than this! Seriously! And yes, there's something bad happens to Hae... I can't do anything about that since it was the whole point of the story. But I can assure you that no one death in this story :D

Ime's Note 3: I just want to make sure, because a lot of people asking how to friending me. Well, I don’t do "comment-to-be-added" friending policy, all you have to do just read my welcome post and I’ll add you back. With Note: I assumed you DID read the welcome post if you add.

Last but not least, THANK YOU FOR READING TILL THIS FAR >////< ♥

length: chaptered, genre: romance, pairing: hyukhae, genre: drama, genre: angst, genre: school!au, rating: pg, title: there are so many things

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