There are so many things i want to show to you (Chapter 5 & 6)

Feb 28, 2011 05:58

Title: There are so many things i want to show to you (Chapter 5 & 6)
Rating: PG
Length: Chaptered (Drabble series)
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst (Maybe), AU!School
Word Count: 490; 399
Disclaimer: no matter how hard i wish for them, they will never be mine :(
Claimer: the fic is mine
Summary: Was that hatred i saw in your eyes?
Beta-ed by: vivalahyuk
Ime's Note: Decide on fast update :D this is where one of those "jumpy"-thing. i hope it didnt confused you. Happy reading! ^-^
Previous chapters: Chapter 1 & 2 | Chapter 3 & 4

-Fifth thing

“Hyukjae-oppa~” a girl voice interrupted Sungmin narration. The said man turned around and when Hyukjae shifted a bit, Sungmin could see Jessica Jung stood stiffly with red face, “I have something to talk to you.”

As cold as ever, Hyukjae replied shortly, “Sure,” not really noticed the hidden message.

“I mean, privately,” Jessica said and took a glance at Sungmin.

But Sungmin knew very well that Hyukjae had already went through tons of this stuffs. Sungmin could even hear Hyukjae mentally sighed.

“I’ll be at cafeteria with Junsu,” Sungmin immediately said.

“Yeah, I’m gonna go straight to soccer club, so you guys don’t have to wait for me.”

“Cool. See you again tomorrow then!”

And Hyukjae followed Jessica walking away.

It’s been public secret that Jessica has a big crush on Hyukjae. She has been practically sticking to Hyukjae instead of her boyfriend the past few weeks. And just days ago she broke up with her boyfriend.

An imbecile cans even guessing what happen.

And with Hyukjae’s nature, Sungmin pretty sure tomorrow the news about Hyukjae and Jessica dating will be at the top of the headlines.

It will be a mess. And it’s not like the first mess Hyukjae caused because of girls, but still it sent the horrible migraine to Sungmin’s head.

The problem is that Jessica’s ex-boyfriend had a bunch of friends you don’t want to mess around with. It surely will be the hugest mess Hyukjae caused so far. But oh how so wrong Sungmin was. Because Hyukjae was about doing the biggest mess he ever caused in his life.

The next day at the cafeteria, right when Sungmin about to ask Hyukjae about Jessica, Hyukjae stood up from his seat and walked straight to Jessica’s ex-boyfriend seat.

Sungmin and Junsu could only wonder what was happening and staring at Hyukjae who chatting naturally with supposed to be enemy and enemy’s friends. Not until he got back to them and walking to their next class that Sungmin finally could get the answer.

“Hyukjae, are you messing around with Lee Donghae and his friends? What the hell was that?” Junsu shot to the point.

“I’m not,”

“Are you dating Jessica Jung?” Sungmin asked curiously.

“I’m not.”

“Yo stupid! Don’t only answer with ‘I’m not’! Explain God Damnit!” Junsu was just naturally impatient.

“I’m dating Lee Donghae,” Hyukjae said calmly, ignoring his two best friends who shouting “YOU WHAT!?” attracting attention from the entire corridor.

“I’m dating Lee Donghae,” Hyukjae repeated his statement as if his best friends didn’t hearing him clear enough.

After Junsu’s long monolog and he got tired of himself, Sungmin finally asked, “Why?”

Hyukjae shrugged, as if the matter as simple as dumped a girl. And by the way…

“Were you dumped Jessica?” Sungmin tied his eyebrows together.

An other shrug.

Sungmin sighed, “Are you aware of what are you getting yourself into?”

One more shrug and Sungmin knew he had to stop asking.

-Sixth thing

As soon as Jessica knew from Donghae himself, news about Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae dating was literally exploded the school with busy buzzing and loud chatter about it that made teachers has given up on their lessons.

They immediately became hot couple of the years even on the fact that they’re lack of intimacy.

Somehow, to both of them dating routine became an obligation, just because they are dating. However the lack of love didn’t seem to make them end their relationship.

They both also wondered what this is all about and where are they heading to. But they never asked the other. Because they have no answer to the questions which if they dare to ask will definitely asked back.

Donghae thought, maybe he’ll find the answer if he paid more attention to Hyukjae. The way he kicked the soccer ball, the way he talked to other, the way he yawned, the way he smiled toward Donghae which different from the way he smiled toward other, the way he walked, his affection (which due to dating obligation) toward Donghae and every single detail of anything that Donghae could notice.

What more Donghae noticed that, how persistent Jessica is. Sometimes, Donghae saw them in the corner, doing things (doing things that Donghae couldn’t see but he pretty sure what those were).

And as if to emphasize the feeling, Kyuhyun repeated his statement, “You’ll get hurt,” out of the blue.

Donghae had to look up in case the younger could read his mind because yes, Donghae was feeling hurt and was thinking about what Hyukjae and Jessica possibly doing at the school storage earlier this morning.

“You have the ugliest face I’ve ever seen,” Kyu answered Donghae unvoiced question, “Don’t frown, it doesn’t suit you.”

Kyuhyun never put an interest on other problem. Donghae stared at him with incredulous face.

Kyuhyun looked up from his ‘calculus and geometric analysis’ then said seriously, “If I find out either of them hurting you, I swear they will be sorry.”

Kyuhyun never put an interest on other problem since he never care about people except his own self.

Donghae’s heart skipped a beat at the coldness of Kyuhyun words and started to get worry somehow as if the one Kyuhyun threatened was Donghae. And Donghae worry if Jessica and Hyukjae would get hurt.


Wait a moment.

Is Donghae worrying about Hyukjae?

Ime's Note: How was that? Still pity Hyukjae? >:D
Ime's Note again: anyone willing help me to beta my fic(s)? *attempt on puppy eyes*

length: chaptered, genre: romance, pairing: hyukhae, title: there are so many things, rating: pg, genre: school!au, genre: drama

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