There are so many things i want to show to you

Mar 02, 2011 06:21

Title: There are so many things i want to show to you (Chapter 7)
Rating: PG
Length: Chaptered (Drabble series)
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst (Maybe), AU!School
Word Count: 659
Disclaimer: no matter how hard i wish for them, they will never be mine :(
Claimer: the fic is mine
Summary: Was that hatred i saw in your eyes?
Beta-ed by: vivalahyuk
Ime's Note: Firstly i would like to apologize for Jessica. I need a character and well... okay so. A tiny bit of eunhae for you :D
Previous chapters: Chapter 1 & 2 | Chapter 3 & 4 | Chapter 5 & 6

-Seventh thing

Donghae decided to stop. He would stop this so called unplanned revenge (courtesy of Heechul because he have no other reason as why Donghae would date Hyukjae even if revenge is something that against Donghae nature) and will actually planned it! (much to Heechul’s delight).

Donghae decided to stop being hurt and instead he would be the one who’s going to make both of them hurting. Or so it was what he planned.

First thing to do was to stop being weak and vulnerable. And so Donghae would stop thinking about Jessica. And stop feeling guilty at using Hyukjae. And stop feeling sad about everything.

His first showdown was when Jessica approached Hyukjae at the field when they on soccer club daily practice, with her bunch of friends, giggling horribly.

Donghae shallows a lump that suddenly appeared on his throat and approached them.

Hyukjae had both of his hands on his pocket and he seemed slightly bored listening to Jessica blabbing. When she saw Donghae behind Hyukjae’s back, she greeted him cheerfully, “Hi Donghae-oppa!”

“Hi Sica, what are you doing with my boyfriend?”

All of them looked at Donghae as if they heard him wrong. Even Hyukjae.

Jessica’s face darkened and she forced a smile when replied, “We’re just talking, oppa… Sunny told a funny story about pink bunny.”

Sunkyu made an awkward face at the mention of her name, “Yes, we are-”

“Don’t you guys know we are in the middle of practicing?” Donghae cut Sunkyu coldly.

“But, we just...” Jessica whined, then thought it’s better if she changed the tactic. She grabbed Hyukjae’s hand and made a not-cute-ageyo, “Hyukjae-oppa doesn’t mind.”

Donghae rolled his eyes and peeled off her hand of Hyukjae’s harshly. “We are in the middle of practicing,” he repeated “and please don’t be too touchy with MY boyfriend.”

Jessica now clearly looked offended and she retorted back at Donghae’s sudden weird behavior, “YOUR boyfriend didn’t mind, beside you’ve never treated him like you should as boyfriend!” It seemed that Jessica was one of the few people who didn’t go all crazy about Hyukjae and Donghae’s relationship.

“Just because we never doing PDA, it didn’t mean that we didn’t affectionate when we’re alone!” Donghae’s quickly adapted how to lie.

“Do you think I’m that stupid? You guys are so fake that I want to puke! Everybody should notice just how there’s no intimacy between you to believe that you guys are not dating for real!”

“We’re dating for real!”

“Oh, yeah? Show me!” Jessica challenged, thought that she’ll win over this stupid bickering because she knew Donghae couldn’t prove his word. But Jessica had to bite on her tongue sometime so she wouldn’t regret what she said. Like this one.

Like this moment when she dropped her jaw when Donghae harshly pulled Hyukjae down and kissed him roughly.

Hyukjae was so taken aback he forgot to think for a moment but then as a natural kisser, he soon responded at Donghae’s kiss and taking the domination from Donghae. And Donghae couldn’t do anything more than moaned and clung on Hyukjae sweaty shirts for his dear life as Hyukjae lead them slowly to a passionate kiss that even if Donghae’s embarrassed about what he was doing, he’ll forgot about everything the moment Hyukjae’s practically explored every corner of his mouth.

Jessica was so red it’s hard to tell if the blood still on her veins or already spilled all over her face. And her bunch of friends was so stunned that they couldn’t keep their beautiful image as they dropped their jaws so big a fly could fly in without them notice. An even after a minute or so, people on vicinity, including the soccer club members, are now watching them with curiosity (from afar).

After Sunkyu could take a hold of her self, she did the most cleaver thing human can do: taking out her phone and started to record the scene.

Ime's Note: Howdy! A slap for Jessica! The question is, will this stop Jessica? Will this be a new beginning for Eunhae? or only will lead to a painful revenge? :D next update will be on Friday (my time). Thank you for reading! You guys are so amazing! ♥

length: chaptered, genre: romance, pairing: hyukhae, title: there are so many things, rating: pg, genre: school!au, genre: drama

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