fic for norisis: The Seduction of Sirius Black (Sirius, James, Marlene, others, PG-13)

Dec 17, 2007 16:49

Title: The Seduction of Sirius Black
Author: sciathan_file
Recipient: norisis
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Sirius Black, James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Lily, Remus, Peter, random members of the Order of the Phoenix, and some OCs
Warnings: Character death, misuse of Polyjuice Potion, some (Sirius) innuendo.
Author's Notes: See inside. Beta'd by the lovely yatsuka. All ( Read more... )

character: sirius black, !2007, character: lily potter, character: remus lupin, !fic, character: james potter, character: marlene mckinnon, character: peter pettigrew

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Comments 15

reverdybrune December 18 2007, 00:38:37 UTC
This is wonderful. Great job!


sciathan_file January 13 2008, 00:42:27 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


wook77 December 19 2007, 04:42:28 UTC
Brilliant read that really breathed a lot of life into the MWPP era characters.

Much love!


sciathan_file January 13 2008, 00:44:39 UTC
I love writing all the MWPP characters because they're and have so much versatility to them.

I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks!


Part 1 norisis December 23 2007, 19:00:07 UTC
My dearest, most awesomest Mystery Author ( ... )


Part 2 norisis December 23 2007, 19:00:37 UTC
(continued from above)

The last bit about the war made me whimper - in a good way. The four feathers, gaah. *sniff* Perfect ending to a perfect story; as in life, the war couldn't have been all despair and gloom, so you've brought in the whimsical side of life in so perfectly into this drama. And the hope at the end, despite the melancholy - beautiful, beautiful. This holiday season has been a trying one for me, but this story has been such a bright spot... I don't think there's any word to describe how incredible this story is, and how it's impacted me. "Thank you" seems too little a representation of my gratitude, but I guess I'm too incoherent with pleasure and gratitude to be any more loquacious about it - and I think I've probably rambled too much in this review, and I expected I stopped making sense at some point into the second sentence.

*glomps Mystery Author* Thank you so much - I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, you've certainly brightened mine!


Re: Part 2 sciathan_file January 13 2008, 00:53:54 UTC
First and foremost - that is the most comprehensive and detailed comment I have ever received in my entire fanfic writing history. This is my first exchange ever, so I wasn't really certain on length and such, so I was absolutely floored when I read how much you liked it ( ... )


Re: Part 2 norisis January 24 2008, 21:08:52 UTC
First of all, may I glomp you properly? :) *glomps* I realise I may have been a bit too enthusiastic with my comments - but I kept seeing things that I enjoyed, and I felt like I just had to tell you and thank you ( ... )


Re: Part 2 sciathan_file January 25 2008, 00:41:11 UTC
*Is glomped more than properly ( ... )


such_heights January 3 2008, 00:18:33 UTC
I hardly know what to say, other than I love this to pieces! You've left me a wibbling mess at the end there, especially as I felt compelled to scroll back up to the top again - that first paragraph drew me right in when I started, and this time has brought a somewhat massive lump to my throat ( ... )


sciathan_file January 13 2008, 00:55:50 UTC
Thank you so much for the rec! It means a lot to me.

I've never before written First War fic or really considered the first incarnation of the OotP, so this was a fun challenge for me. I'm so glad to hear that you think I was successful in it.

But thank you very much for everything! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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