fic for norisis: The Seduction of Sirius Black (Sirius, James, Marlene, others, PG-13)

Dec 17, 2007 16:49

Title: The Seduction of Sirius Black
Author: sciathan_file
Recipient: norisis
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Sirius Black, James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Lily, Remus, Peter, random members of the Order of the Phoenix, and some OCs
Warnings: Character death, misuse of Polyjuice Potion, some (Sirius) innuendo.
Author's Notes: See inside. Beta'd by the lovely yatsuka. All ( Read more... )

character: sirius black, !2007, character: lily potter, character: remus lupin, !fic, character: james potter, character: marlene mckinnon, character: peter pettigrew

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Re: Part 2 sciathan_file January 13 2008, 00:53:54 UTC
First and foremost - that is the most comprehensive and detailed comment I have ever received in my entire fanfic writing history. This is my first exchange ever, so I wasn't really certain on length and such, so I was absolutely floored when I read how much you liked it.

A lot of the first part comes from my own experiences in tramping around Ireland and Europe in general (I just returned from studying there) and let me tell you, it is so hard to find street signs for major streets! I totally sympathize with the constant getting lost. But I wanted to do something at an international level and I knew Ireland the best, so that is what I did. And the Druids totally needed some screen time - they were pretty much ready made wizards anyways.

But I wanted to give you something kind of silly while intermixing it with all the seriousness that inevitably comes with war because, really, even though Voldemort was out there, life had to go on and (in true MWPP style) pranks needed to be played. I also had never really worked all that extensively with James Potter, so that was quite an experience. I wanted to show him generally getting a bit more mature (at least in comparison to Sirius) and also foreshadow some of the later events through their relationships.

On a random note, I'm glad I did got with Man United over Arsenal - that was a happy accident!

But, I'm so very glad you enjoyed this so much and that it made your holiday season brighter. There's certainly nothing more I could have asked for from it.

Also, thank you for my absolutely gorgeous fic - I really loved it! <3


Re: Part 2 norisis January 24 2008, 21:08:52 UTC
First of all, may I glomp you properly? :) *glomps* I realise I may have been a bit too enthusiastic with my comments - but I kept seeing things that I enjoyed, and I felt like I just had to tell you and thank you. :)

I'm just nodding along and agreeing with all of your comments above - apologies, currently I'm kind of brain-fried from intensive studying, exams (which just ended yesterday). It was a great decision to choose Ireland as your setting: not completely international to make it arcane, but you also had a plausible explanation for why they were there. Ireland is not done much in fics, and it is not done well for the most part, but that was not the case here at all.

You can probably tell I got a bit tired of my own over-enthusiasm in my feedback, *g*, but you brought through the 'prank'-y side of James, Sirius, et al. very well. That scene where "Marlene" flirts with Sirius was so excellent - I mean, I was actually squirming in my seat with the giggles and heebyjeebies, and to find it was really Polyjuiced!James was a surprise, but when I thought about it, it just made sense! And that roundedness in the plot just stunned (stuns!) me.

On a random note, I'm glad I did got with Man United over Arsenal - that was a happy accident!
:D Well, I suppose I dislike Arsenal a bit less than, say, Chelsea, but Man Utd is definitely the way to go, IMHO. ;D

But, I'm so very glad you enjoyed this so much and that it made your holiday season brighter. There's certainly nothing more I could have asked for from it.
You did, you did! In fact I read it twice, once again when I was ill from the stress of multiple things (during the Christmas-New Year period), and it made me smile and be bouncy the second time around as well.

To be honest, I felt like a real douchebag because I felt my fic for you was not worthy! I suppose I got caught in a bad time, with writers block and uni just right and taking over - but, you've made me think so much more about Sirius. For my part, I hope I will be able to read more HP fanfiction by you - I also loved the other story you wrote for the exchange, about the Other Minister - would you mind much if I added you to my friends-list? You seem like an awfully awesome person. :)


Re: Part 2 sciathan_file January 25 2008, 00:41:11 UTC
*Is glomped more than properly*

I'll admit incredibly mercenary reasons for choosing Ireland - I studied abroad there last semester in Dublin, so I had great familiarity with it (and then I did some research to check out political connections between England and Ireland during the late 70's). Also, all experience with street signs, etc and trying to find one's way around Dublin is more or less authentic.

And don't worry about the brain-fry, I just started school again here and doing grad school applications, and who knows what else, so I completely understand that sensation.

I really wanted to try to bring out the more reckless, assy parts of Sirius as well as foreshadow James' more responsible development, even though they are for, all intents and purposes, still very much in the Hogwarts kind of glow.

I actually really honestly loved your fic - your language and imagery I thought were very beautiful. So, even if you had a bad time, I didn't notice (and I have seen it rec'd several places, in fact!).

And friending would be lovely. Your wonderful enthusiasm always brings a smile to my face. :)


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