And here it is, the masterlist of all art and fic completed in all three previous rounds of the Potterverse Tarot Fest. Some cards have multiple art interpretations. (Update: alas, somehow the code on the ones with multiple pieces of art is screwed up so they don't link anymore. Like it didn't like me putting two links in one cell. Sigh. I will try to fix it ASAP.)
The table here shows the interpretations provided in the claiming, separate links to each fic and art, and ratings for each (as they are often different).
As we get ready for another round, I've also added a column indicating art that has been lost. If anyone has been in touch with these artists, please let me know. In later rounds we got permission to archive all the art on a private server so that we didn't have to worry about things disappearing from people's Flickr/Photobucket/Deviantart/LJ accounts, but we did lose some stuff from round one.
Card (Linked to
traditional art)
Card Interpretation
Alternate Meaning
Main Char/Pairing
Link to Fic Done By:
Link to Art Done By:
Kaput art links:
The Fool "He is the spirit in search of
Harry Potter
laverinth The Magician "An ability to recognise one's own
potential" (P) "A sense of life as magical when everything goes
right." (V)
Grown Up Harry
sktypied frakfraco,
raitala G
The High Priestess "The High Priestess is the card of knowledge.
Instinctual, supernatural, and secret knowledge." (art) "She is the
Queen of Borrowed Light." (Waite, fic)
Hermione Granger (art) - Minerva McGonagall (fic)
lesyeuxverts00 _odella_ Art: G -- Fic: R
The Empress ""The fruitful mother of thousands, desire
and the wings thereof, as the woman clothed with the sun. She is spinning the
thread of life out of stars and air." (Waite)
Lily Potter, Narcissa Malfoy
quill_lumos kath_ballantine and
soramame_kun PG-13
The Emperor "Always makes the final decision on his own. In
control, forceful and ambitious. The emperor has power--can he avoid
corruption?" (PE)
Lucius Malfoy (Lucius/Draco)
by ravenna_c_tan by pinkelephant42 Art: PG-13 -- Fic: NC-17
The Hierophant Fic: "Captivity, empty ritual, a desire to
control others or being in a position in which you have allowed yourself to
be controlled by others." (V) "At his feet two acolytes kneel, but
do they kneel to him or to the higher power he represents?" (Waite) --
Art: "Manifestation of the spiritual on Earth, The Hierophant deals with
worldly problems, the Guardian Angel. He is devoted to his superiors and he
symbolises education and the teaching of divine wisdom. Though intelligent,
focussed and striving for harmony, he can be stubborn and narrow-minded in
his undertakings." (IB)
Art: Severus Snape-- Fic: Snape/Voldemort/Lucius
synn Isildurs_babe Art: PG -- Fic: NC-17
The Lovers "The trials that one must go through to finally
find true love." (fic) "Lovers, companionship, and a merging of
opposites." (art)
eclipsed_sky Sapphocles Art: PG but NWS -- Fic: unrated
The Chariot "The two animals which draw the Chariot try to
go in different directions." Control over things that are by nature in
Severus Snape/Sirius Black
summerborn Chibitoaster Fic: R -- Art: G
Strength "Spiritual strength overcomes physical
strength." (fic) "It has walked upon the asp and the basilisk and
has trodden down the lion and the dragon." (Waite)
Lily Potter (art) -- Molly Weasley (fic)
da_angel729 faire_weather Art: G -- Fic: PG
The Hermit "The slow, plodding passage of time - sometimes
a very long time, indeed." (SN)
Argus Filch
phix_me_up vikingcarrot Art: G -- Fic: PG
Wheel of Fortune "The Wheel signifies that the game is in
play." (FE) "Beginnings. Synthesis. Uncertainty. Hope."
The Sorthing Hat and the Four Founders
stephanometra thearchduchess G
Justice Justice. Proper balance. Harmony. Virtue. Honor.
Just reward. Equilibrium. Poise. Impartiality. Reversed: Bias. False
accusations. Bigotry. Severity in judgment. Intolerance. Unfairness. (I'll
leave it to you all to decide whether or not Tom's card was reversed!)
Merope Gaunt
FernWithy PG-13
The Hanged Man "Desiring revolution, he betrayed his world; by
choice the painful price is paid. Hanging above the Abyss by Heaven's chains,
he calmly waits for freedom from his pains."
Severus Snape
Severity_softly harrysde and
zephre R
Death "Death's sickle symbolizes reaping; you have
sown your seed, it has grown to this point, and now it is time for the
harvest." "The beginning of a new life. As a result of underlying
circumstances transformation and change."
Harry and a thestral
myfeetareugly kastra,
sugareey G
Temperance "Balance, merging seemingly impossible
opposites, unification, synthesis."
Severus Snape
massicot/winkout G
The Devil Fic: A combination of traditional & Jungian
[where] the Devil represents a person... who is persuasive, aggressive, and
controlling [but also] our shadow self, the hidden, opposing image of our
outer self. -- Art: "a bondsman, sustained by the evil that is in
him and blind to the liberty of service." also, "Magic which
the material plane, for good or ill."
Lord Voldemort (art) -- Severus/Remus/Harry (fic)
klynie1 Fic: NC-17 -- Art: G
crucio_4_coffee The Tower "The alchemy of destruction is that it gives
birth to truth and strength."
The Tower, Dumbledore
redpiratemel The Star "Hope, guidance by one's conscience or higher
Andromeda Black Tonks
acidpop25 G
The Moon "Deception and being in the dark, lies, danger,
and even denial." (Smart Girls Guide to tarot) "The need for
secrecy. Deception. Illusion. Despair and a desperate need for help.
Inability to see things clearly sometimes resulting in personal
depression." (art)
Hermione/BartyJr (fic) Sirius/Remus (art)
freetheelves2 Lawrahhh Art: G -- Fic: NC-17
The Sun "You have total confidence in yourself. You are
not cocky, but profoundly sure of your power. You have unlimited energy and
glow with health. You have a greatness about you and stand out brilliantly.
Finally, you see and understand all that is happening within your sphere. Now
is the time to let your Light Shine."
Fred & George Weasley, Gellert Grindelwald
harrysde G
kungfooqueen The Last Judgement "An angel sounds his trumpet, and the dead
"Up until now, you have been striving toward a
goal sustained only by your faith that it must exist and that it's worth
striving for. Now you will be shown that it does in fact exist."
Voldemort's quest for immortality -- the Final
battle-- -- Harry/Pansy (fic)
jaelle_n_gilla, dellure
The World "The highest degree of natural
"The end to a long-term project is in sight,
and that it will be accompanied by well-earned praise, celebration and
success." (Aeclectic Tarot) -- Being involved in a very trying,
involved, emotional, all-encompasing experience. A feeling of joy at being
alive, rapture in being. Infinite potential. Mother earth, the creator. (Mary
K. Greer, Tarot for Your Self)
Harry at the end of the Horcrux hunt
eclipsed_sky Venturous G
Ace of Wands "This is the spark that starts the fire, and
though it cannot tell us whether the fire will burn brightly or fizzle out,
its power remains. " (ATA)
Tom Riddle
rubymiene calyxess Fic: R -- Art: G
Two of Wands "The sadness of Alexander amidst the grandeur
of this world's wealth." (Waite)
Draco Malfoy
eranim G
Three of Wands "A calm, stately personage, with his back
turned, looking from a cliff's edge at ships passing over the sea."
"Collaboration will favour enterprise."
Harry/Luna (fic)
ressick_recs massicot/winkout PG
Four of Wands "Country life, haven of refuge, a species of
domestic harvest-home, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace, and the
perfected work of these."
"Four of Wands is the card of rewards for those
who've worked to the best of their ability." (ATA)
Harry/Padma (fic) The Burrow (art)
bk03 Art: G -- Fic: PG-13
Five of Wands Sometimes called "The Lord of Strife", struggling through multiple attackers/problems at the same time.
Severus Snape -- Draco Malfoy -- Harry himself
Six of Wands "Victory - success is fortold in any venture.
You may have to work for it , but you will achieve a greater victoy than you
Harry, Luna, Neville, Ron, Ginny and Hermione in the
sugareey G
Seven of Wands Severus Snape (art)
by tripperfunster G
Eight of Wands
sweet_lemmon Nine of Wands "Strength in opposition. If attacked, the
person will meet an onslaught boldly." (Waite)
Ron Weasley
rudhampaiel PG
Ten of Wands "The place which the figure is approaching may
suffer from the rods that he carries." (Waite)"The feeling that you
can do anything. Gambles can result in great gain. Carries a warning to not
take things for granted." (P)
twistedm NC-17
Page of Wands
"Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a
postman. He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange."
Regulus Black
GatewayGirl phantomon
Fic: PG-13 -- Art: G
Knight of Wands "Travel and action. A red or fair-haired
youth." (SP) "Departure, absence, flight, emigration" (Waite)
Ron Weasley
leochi (draco)
Queen of Wands "A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste,
loving, honourable."
"A good harvest." (W) "A person of
considerable energy, warmth, and passion. Generous, energetic, yet
practical." (RW)
Ginny or Molly Weasley -- Eileen Prince Snape --
Tonks -- Helga Hufflepuff (fic)
peskywhistpaw leochi PG
King of Wands "The card always signifies honesty, and may
mean news concerning an unexpected heritage." (Waite) "A passionate
man, handsome, noble, conscientious, strong, individualistic, but inclined to
be hasty or willful." (RW)
artisticentropy PG
Ace of Swords
Harry=Ace, Draco=Sword.
hayden_clone G
Two of Swords "Friendship and union. An alliance to achieve a
goal." (P) "Having to choose, the lesser of two evils." (RW)
Unblinking in the face of danger. Sharp differences
between two people. (V)
Harry/Draco, Albus (Albus/Gellert)
owens_mom, harrysde
Three of Swords "For a woman, the flight of her lover."
Tom Riddle/Merope Gaunt (Tom leaving her)
brightfeather burningpumpkins ,
leochi Art G -- Fic PG
Four of Swords "Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit's repose,
exile, tomb and coffin." (Waite)
lillithium R
Five of Swords "Feelings associated with loss and defeat. It
is a card that warns of impending failure should one continue in their
present direction."
Draco Malfoy
meghan70 PG-13
luredbyvenus Six of Swords "A journey by water." (some interpret this
as the River Styx)
Can also mean a marriage proposal. (W) "The
Lord of Science" (Thoth) The journey may be from one set of ideals to
another. (rct)
Bellatrix/Rodolphus (fic)
enchantedescape lampblack Fic: PG-13 -- Art: G
Seven of Swords A mix between, "Quarrelling, a plan that may
fail, annoyance" (Waite) and "Formulating complex schemes to seek
Merope Gaunt -- Narcissa Malfoy
fakers_journal raitala G
Eight of Swords "Bad news, violent chagrin, power in trammels,
conflict, calumny." (Waite)
soramame_kun R
Nine of Swords “The Nine of Swords represents the pain that we
generate from within. What tortures we put ourselves through when our fears
and doubts overwhelm us." (Learning the Tarot)
Draco & the cabinet
naadi G
Ten of Swords "Bottoming out, victim mentality"
( "The ultimate betrayal." (rct)
Ron/Draco -- Snape at the Shrieking Shack
strickens_girl raitala R
Page of Swords "He is passing over rugged land, and about his
way the clouds are collocated wildly. He is alert and lithe, looking this way
and that, as if an expected enemy might appear at any moment." (Waite)
"A person who believes in himself/his objective, but is driven by
desires or fears." (RW)
Draco Malfoy (Harry/Draco)
lotrwariorgodss kittehkat Fic: soft R -- Art: G
Knight of Swords "A spy, an enemy, a bigot; a treacherous young
Draco Malfoy
ciceronian_00 leochi PG
Queen of Swords "A card of wrongdoing as a reply to adverse
circumstances. A deceitful, sly, intolerant and narrow minded woman, expert
in the use of half truths and quiet slander."
Bellatrix LeStrange
buttfacemakani PG
King of Swords "He is the power of life and death, [by] virtue
of his office."
"Perceptive, strong-willed, firm in either
friendship or enmity. He may also be suspicious, over-cautious, cruel, and
overbearing." (RW)
Harry as Dark Lord (art) -- Harry/Severus (fic)
cyane_snape artisticentropy Fic: R -- Art: PG
Ace of Cups "Often, the Ace of Cups will predict the start
of a relationship, one that is full of potential and may eventually lead to
true love and happiness. But you must always remember that the Ace can show
only potential, not the final result of a situation." (ATA)
Harry Potter/Padma Patil
bk03 Zephre PG-13
Two of Cups "The card is indicative of marriage, romance,
passions and emotions. A partnership may be indicated." (fic)
"Soulmates. This love may be immature, though, if the people involved do
not know themselves." (art)
knightmare_shad R
dracolaconic/serkeiein Three of Cups "Bonding of a relationship or within a group.
Celebration of holidays, marriage, birth and other family events.
Acknowledging blessings. Good cheer. A pending matter reaches a happy
conclusion. Old wounds heal and you move forward."
Harry, Hermione, Ron (Harry/Tonks; Hermione/Ron are
hpmorrgian PG
Four of Cups "Everything you need and could hope for is
available to you, but your own dissatisfaction or negative outlook is keeping
you from taking advantage of it."
lunalovepotter PG-13
Five of Cups "A dark cloaked figure. It is a card of loss,
but something remains over; three have been taken, but two are left."
Remus (Remus/Sirius)
kyuuketsukirui R
Six of Cups "A card of the past and memories, things that
have vanished."
Renewal, regaining innocence. -- Dreams of idealized
childhood. (RW)
Harry, possibly Harry/Snape (fic) -- Lily, James,
Sirius, Dumbledore (art)
lotrwariorgodss thearchduchess Fic: PG -- Art: G
Seven of Cups "The seven cups are filled with strange and
wonderful gifts... but there is always danger hidden within one or two of
them to sting anyone who ventures near. Lying amidst the gems and the wreath
of victory are a snake and a dragon. " (ATA)
Harry, Draco
erisedreflect leochi PG-13
Eight of Cups "A matter which has been thought to be
important is really of slight consequence--either for good or evil."
Difficulties surmounted; imperfections overcome;
heart's desire fulfilled; satisfaction.
nurturing_roads leochi Fic: G-- Art: PG-13
Nine of Cups The "wish card."
Hannah Abbott/Pansy Parkinson
el_em_en_oh_pee R
Ten of Cups "Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the
perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship."
Harry/Draco postwar (fic) -- Harry/Ginny (art)
anthimaeria mudblood428,
sweet_lemmon Art: G -- Fic: Hard R
Page of Cups "A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of
studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at
him." (Waite)
Luna Lovegood
vainasyoulike R - NWS
Knight of Cups Arrival, approach--sometimes that of a messenger; He
too is a dreamer, but the images of the side of sense haunt him in his
vision. (Waite)
Draco Malfoy
lillithium PG-13
Queen of Cups "Beautiful, fair, dreamy--as one who sees
visions in a cup."
"A soft, nurturing figure... Kind, but usually
passive." (W)
Luna Lovegood
rarity leochi PG
King of Cups "A gentle man. A healer. A good advisor. A
good-natured, brown-haired man with light eyes." (SP)
Remus Lupin
kirasha Art: G -- Fic: PG
kasche THE COINS
Ace of Coins "Perfect contentment, felicity, ecstasy; also
speedy intelligence; gold."
"It is the cornerstone of a building that might
stand for decades, or crumble to dust after a few years." (ATA)
Luna Lovegood and Rowena Ravenclaw (art) -- grown-up
Draco at Malfoy Manor
spiralstairs Art: G
Two of Coins
"News and messages in writing, as obstacles,
agitation, trouble."
"Troubles are more imaginary than real."
The Quibbler and the Lovegoods
pinkelephant042 G
Three of Coins
Skillful work is both rewarded and appreciated. Master craftsman at work.
Four of Coins
"Four roots us in the physical world - the
solar events (equinoxes used here), four directions - to front and back and
either side. Also achievement and realisation of goals, power derived from
skill or posessions (the elder wand)"
Harry and the Elder wand
angelbabe_cj Five of Coins
Pilgrimage. Downtrodden but not beaten. A warning of material troubles ahead.
The Malfoys postwar -- Young Sirius -- Sirius in Azkaban
Six of Coins "A person in the guise of a merchant weighs
money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the needy and
distressed." (Waite)
Ollivander (w/ Remus/Severus)
innerslytherin PG
Seven of Coins "A young man leans upon his staff, looking at
the greenery; one would say that these were his treasures and that his heart
was there.' (Waite) Also, "A difficult choice must be made either to
continue working on something or to move on."
pinkelepant42 pinkelephant42 Art: G -- Fic: PG
Eight of Coins "A teacher/apprentice situation where a
knowledgeable person guides one's growth, turning a talent into a profession
and money making venture."
Draco, with a touch of H/D
snottygrrl G
Nine of Coins
"A woman, with a bird upon her wrist, stands
amidst a great abundance of grapevines in the garden of a manorial
"Discretion, Circumspection, Prudence,
Discernment; R. Deceit, Bad faith, Artifices, Deception."
unredeemed!draco (fic) -- Narcissa (art)
sappholococcus nedsagirl ,
sweet_lemmon Fic: R -- Art: G
Ten of Coins "A [couple] beneath an archway which gives
entrance to a house and domain. They are accompanied by a child, who looks
curiously at two dogs accosting an ancient personage seated in the
"Wisdom is present in this card, and the wise
know the value of acceptance and seeking common interests, not belittling or
turning against those whose experience is different than their
Draco learning to reject pureblood ideals -- Muggle
Relations -- the young Potters as newlyweds
rubymiene massicot/winkout G
Page of Coins
"Application, study, scholarship." The
Page is shown so entranced by his pentacle he ignores all else.
"Studious scholarship. A bringer of messages,
someone who is methodical, deliberate; who considers every move
carefully." (RW)
Young, plotting Snape studying the Dark arts (art)
-- Young Snape, possibly Snape/Lupin (fic)
strickens_girl Fic: PG-13 -- Art: G
kirasha Knight of Coins
An impassive, indifferent and stoical person, who does not always appreciate the feelings of others. Or a very traditional person who is clever in monetary affairs, patient and hardworking.
Queen of Coins "Someone deeply connected to nature." (V)
""She contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein."
Professor Sprout
sugareey G
King of Coins "A rather dark man, a merchant, master,
Tom Riddle
apricot_bath R