Title: The Hesitant Errand Boy
kittehkatType: Art: graphite, Wacom tablet, PS7
Main character or Pairing:Draco
Card: Page of Swords
Card Interpretation: "Errand boy; Must take risks to reach a new level; sometimes hesitant, not fully prepared." (Waite's Tarot & How to Use Tarot Spreads) | ""Detached; Deals with self and obstacles one is facing; Spirtual issues and inner-turmoil." (Tarot of the Spirit) | "A young man under 25; Always looks over shoulder away from sword; Sword in right hand." (The Everything Tarot Book)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to HP.
Warnings: None.
Notes: You may want to read the
fic first since this or the picture may be spoilers. This is a kind-of collab with
lotrwariorgodss since we're roommates and hadn't done anything related yet though we're both pretty immersed in fandom so this takes the traditional ideas of the card and plays with objects in her fic. Most notably, Draco's sword isn't actually a sword at all -- it's a wand; I did this because I feel that in the magical world a wand is much like a sword in its purpose, which is to protect and combat others. The items he holds, though not true to his ability in the fic, are representative of the choices he must make between life or death, both of which are represented through two extremely significant item choices -- a pentacle/coin and a key, both of which allude to the future they provide. This didn't turn out how I pictured it in my mind, but ah, well. Hope you enjoy it, either way.