Mar 11, 2009 23:35

Green: is a medical procedure.
Orange is medicine.
Blue are diseases and conditions.
Purple is equipment.
Black is "other".

- X -

▪ X-ray: A procedure in radiology that consists of using highly ionized radiation produced by shooting electrons at a metal target to expose film after the radiation has passed through a patient's body. Generally speaking, the harder and denser the tissues, the harder it is for X-Rays to penetrate them. As such, X-Rays passing through structures like bone and metal will not expose the film, while normal body tissues allows X-Rays to pass right through to expose the film.

By Letter

| A | | B | | C | | D | | E | | F | | G | | H | | I | | J | | K | | L | | M |
| N | | O | | P | | Q | | R | | S | | T | | U | | V | | W | | X | | Y | | Z |


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