Memefic: Temple (PG13)

Sep 18, 2011 11:35

Warnings: Self harm, anxiety related issues, language.
Spoilers: 4.06
Summary: Written for the current hoodie-time fever-themed comment-fic meme, for the prompt: Dean gets ghost sickness. Again. Which is embarrassing enough as it is, but on top of it, he's already down with a bad case of the flu. There are germs everywhere and they're only gonna make ( Read more... )

sam, vomiting, spn, self-harm, dean, memefic, fic, h/c

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Comments 49

ursa1ita September 19 2011, 14:38:16 UTC


honeylocusttree September 19 2011, 15:50:22 UTC
Thanks very much!


caithream September 19 2011, 15:12:57 UTC
SO so creepy! I like how this takes the everyday things the Winchesters probably deal with (the possibility of bedbugs, mold and other grossness in the motels showers) and turns it into Dean's pure panic. And I still can't get over the steel wool part, even when it was used in the show. Ack!


honeylocusttree September 19 2011, 15:52:09 UTC
Wow, I had no idea it'd been used on the show, though now that I think about it, it seems obvious. Do you happen to know what episode? I want to go freak myself out. ;)

Glad you enjoyed this! And yeah, I can't imagine the motel rooms not being vaguely disgusting at the best of times, though come to think of it there seems to be much more generalized gross stuff in fic motel rooms than in a lot of the ones on the show. Huh. I wonder what that means...?

Thanks very much!


caithream September 19 2011, 22:13:31 UTC
Yeah! It was actually in Yellow Fever for a brief two seconds (in which I looked away and almost dry heaved I think, haha!) by that sheriff who Dean had the fight with at the end. Definitely good freak out material, both yours and that!


honeylocusttree September 20 2011, 20:21:58 UTC
Wow, that's an amazing bit of synergy there--or something like it, anyway. Now that you pointed it out, I do remember the scene in question, though it had honestly not crossed y mind at all at the time of writing (or even when I read the prompt). How weird!


vain_chan September 19 2011, 19:23:29 UTC
♥ Your fics are my happy place.


honeylocusttree September 19 2011, 20:47:18 UTC
This pleases me! <3


dollarformyname September 19 2011, 23:04:33 UTC
Agh! This whole thing made me itch, omg. And touch the skin on my hands to admire all its still-attached-ness. :O

So very vivid. I like how Sam's the one who's all ewwwww, germs, at the beginning, and then it's nothing compared to Dean's aversion to them later. YIKES.

Also, this line really struck me: ...he’s not prepared to have the pad yanked from his hand, or for the noise his brother makes when blood flies from Dean’s ruined skin and spatters across Sam’s face. There's something about someone else's blood hitting you in the face that is glorious and creepy.

I just love the way you horrify me, that's all. <3


honeylocusttree September 20 2011, 20:13:27 UTC
Hee! Yeah,it's hard to remember how nice it is to have all your skin attached until suddenly you don't anymore. Brr.

And I would love to see more sick!whoever fic where the other person in question is less selfless and cuddly and more "Arrgh getaway nooo!" XD

So glad to be horrifying! Your distress pleases me to no end! :D


dollarformyname September 21 2011, 07:29:27 UTC
Haha, that's a good point. Even the most cuddle-prone people I know are likely to keep their distance in the face of disease. My comfort goes more like, "Here, I got you some ice cream, and this big, plastic bubble to live in until you're all better." XP It's just practical to keep the slime-sharing to a minimum.


honeylocusttree September 21 2011, 23:01:09 UTC
Yes! Exactly! "I love you, now take your germs someplace else please." *dimpledimple*


aelijah85 September 20 2011, 02:11:54 UTC
I loved this, it was "creepy h/c" didn't know that was even possible until now.

I was so caught up in the story I actually had to keep myself from freaking out right along with Dean, and the final moment at the end with the Turpentine, Steel wool and the the mold!

Awesomely horrific; I cant imagine what walking in to that scene felt like for Sam. Also, next time I get really sick and somebody asks me whats wrong, I will be using this line, "Fucking-Bubonic black death avian swine flu."



honeylocusttree September 20 2011, 20:14:49 UTC
I encourage the use of that line! Feel free to add other plagues on as the urge strikes. It could be fifteen words long and keep growing...

Thanks so much for your kind words! I love creeping people out, and h/c is such a wonderful opportunity to do exactly that. Poor, unsuspecting readers...mwahahahaaaaa.



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