This is not going to end well...

May 22, 2010 21:48

Characters: Astrid Hofferson, OPEN

Setting/Location: District 1

Date & Time: Day 0, after most of the other people have woken up

Warnings: Anyone that Astrid stumbles across is probably getting attacked and held hostage for info, sorry.

Summary: Astrid wakes up, doesn't bother with her Junogram, and waits to ambush someone for information. ( Read more... )

*day 00, lithuania, astrid hofferson, diana (wonder woman), hiccup horrendous haddock iii, #style: prose, shizuo heiwajima

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Comments 52

liveandletliet May 23 2010, 02:01:32 UTC
The lack of care and concern usually reserved for easy mornings came with this early lax exploration of the village. Toris's arms were burdened with a basket that now contained his current worldly (or perhaps in this case, otherworldly, possessions) in addition to the meager belongings he had arrived with.

Correction: had been grabbed and transported, dumped unceremoniously into this particular unfamiliar place with. The basket contained whatever he had gathered from the village in the way of food, a familiar quiet comfort in this unknown place. His recently acquired Junogam nestled comfortably on top.

He made the mistake of tilting his head to contemplate the sudden patch of sun illuminating the alley, looking away from his surroundings for a moment.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 02:27:48 UTC

... )


liveandletliet May 23 2010, 02:40:17 UTC
A multi-tasking skill would have been pretty rewarding at that moment, if only in order to balance the basket of produce, stand erect enough as not to twitch, and of course, think all the questions over thoroughly and calmly.

Not fainting would have been an added benefit, as well, and Toris concentrated on that the most with all his will power.

"Lithuania," he answered in regard to the easiest question, before spluttering, "Who are you?! Could you please put the axe down, and I'll be just too happy to help you--"

In a moment of agitation, he dropped the basket down between their feet. He didn't even notice.

Why was it always the pretty blonde ones?


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 03:00:01 UTC

... )


veracitatem May 23 2010, 02:37:36 UTC
Diana had already had a busy day, meeting and greeting friends new and old. From a sickly young man to a group of young heroes, Diana had actually had an almost typical day. If she had saved the world from a giant monster, invading mythology, or a meteor, it would have just been another day. The only difference was the setting.

At least her stamina had not suffered from the loss of some of her powers. She had bartered with some local merchants for some vegetables to eat. All she had to barter was her own strength, but it was enough to move their stock to a new room. She now had a bag full of fresh, though odd, vegetables to show for it. She was on her way to perhaps find Tom or Yoite again to share, but in the meantime was skimming the posts on the cellphone-like device--the Junogam.

It left her decidedly less on-guard than she may usually be.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 04:26:58 UTC
"You!" This was starting to become a Thing, her accosting people, but this time, though she had her axe at the ready, she wasn't trying to hold Diana hostage, like she had Toris.

"Do you know what's going on?" asked the vicious, snarly-looking Viking girl with an axe in her hands.


veracitatem May 23 2010, 22:09:14 UTC
She took a step back in surprise as her expression sunk into a serious and somewhat threatening expression. But seeing the young girl, her expression soften. It wasn't the first time Diana had seen a young girl with an axe, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Somewhat, young warrior. Please, set your axe by your side. I will not harm you and give you as many answers as I can offer," she said calmly.

Diana was now on guard, though unworried. It was no insult to Astrid, but Diana would be able to disarm her with relative ease. She had no intentions to harm her if she was violent, but was just being cautious.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 22:22:36 UTC
Congratulations, Diana, you've said the magic words.

The axe was lowered in a somewhat conciliatory fashion.

"What's going on? How did we all get here and who brought us? Where is here?"


verydangerman May 23 2010, 02:42:18 UTC
Shizuo had actually managed to calm down again, now that he had gotten back into the room he arrived in (breaking a door in the process) and acquired the cellphone-like machine that he had left behind when he woke up. It was more simple than his cellphone, and not too hard to figure out, but annoyingly lacking in a lot of the uses he was used to.

Still, it looked like plenty of people had been announcing themselves on the network, and answering a few of his questions in the process. So he scrolled down Willaknet while walking down the streets, catching up on what everyone had been saying.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 04:29:47 UTC
"You!" Yeah, this was definitely becoming a thing, her accosting people. Luckily, everyone after Toris wasn't being held hostage at axe-point. "Do you know what's going on?"


verydangerman May 23 2010, 05:51:12 UTC
Since Shizuo probably would have just flat out skipped to killing anyone who held him up at axe point, it's very good news that Astrid has decided to leave off that part.

Still, who the hell was she to just jump out at him in the middle of the road and start demanding answers? It was really annoying.

He stared at her, making several seconds of eye contact through his purple lenses.

Really annoying. What was with that tone anyway? Like they were supposed to have more answers than her? Where did she get off accusing them of needing to know or not know anything about this damn mess.

Pissed him off.

His eyebrow twitched and. For the moment. He didn't try to kill her.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 13:55:31 UTC
"Answer my question. Do you know what's going on, or do you know someone that knows what's going on?"

Of course it was annoying. Vikings pretty much worked on their rudeness, trying to hone it until they has mastered it as an art form. By Berk standards, her behavior was awesome.


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axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 04:33:11 UTC
Sweet relief.


Before he even had the chance to look the way of that familiar voice, there was a blonde dropping her axe and barreling into him almost hard enough to knock him down, both arms wrapping around him and hugging him tightly.

She totally wasn't freaked at all by waking up here in this strange place, no, nor was she worried about him, nope nope. Never. Not in a million years.

"...What happened to Toothless?"


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axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 19:40:58 UTC
Thanks for reminding her, Hiccup. Here, have a punch to the shoulder. It'll help restore her Viking stoic-ness after all that un-Vikingly hugging. Also, after getting beat to hell. With her pulling away from the hug, he'd notice that she was a complete bloody mess. Not that she seemed to mind.

"I know he's smaller. I'm asking how it happened. Dragons don't just...shrink."


anmitsucherry May 24 2010, 09:24:05 UTC
Who knew what Astrid was up to right at that moment. Sakura wouldn't know. No no, she was much too focused on stomping back and forth in a little line, pacing and pacing and stomping and pacing.

And lo! She has one of those 'magic boxes' in her hand. One hand, and the other is typing violently across the keyboard, sharp and angry. She doesn't look too pleased either. Occasionally she'll even go as far as to swear under her breath. Sakura doesn't swear.

She might not even have gotten into Astrid's line of sight, had she not veered off her pacing path to stomp back the way she'd come from.


axeyouaquestion June 2 2010, 00:27:31 UTC

... )


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