This is not going to end well...

May 22, 2010 21:48

Characters: Astrid Hofferson, OPEN

Setting/Location: District 1

Date & Time: Day 0, after most of the other people have woken up

Warnings: Anyone that Astrid stumbles across is probably getting attacked and held hostage for info, sorry.

Summary: Astrid wakes up, doesn't bother with her Junogram, and waits to ambush someone for information. ( Read more... )

*day 00, lithuania, astrid hofferson, diana (wonder woman), hiccup horrendous haddock iii, #style: prose, shizuo heiwajima

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verydangerman May 23 2010, 02:42:18 UTC
Shizuo had actually managed to calm down again, now that he had gotten back into the room he arrived in (breaking a door in the process) and acquired the cellphone-like machine that he had left behind when he woke up. It was more simple than his cellphone, and not too hard to figure out, but annoyingly lacking in a lot of the uses he was used to.

Still, it looked like plenty of people had been announcing themselves on the network, and answering a few of his questions in the process. So he scrolled down Willaknet while walking down the streets, catching up on what everyone had been saying.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 04:29:47 UTC
"You!" Yeah, this was definitely becoming a thing, her accosting people. Luckily, everyone after Toris wasn't being held hostage at axe-point. "Do you know what's going on?"


verydangerman May 23 2010, 05:51:12 UTC
Since Shizuo probably would have just flat out skipped to killing anyone who held him up at axe point, it's very good news that Astrid has decided to leave off that part.

Still, who the hell was she to just jump out at him in the middle of the road and start demanding answers? It was really annoying.

He stared at her, making several seconds of eye contact through his purple lenses.

Really annoying. What was with that tone anyway? Like they were supposed to have more answers than her? Where did she get off accusing them of needing to know or not know anything about this damn mess.

Pissed him off.

His eyebrow twitched and. For the moment. He didn't try to kill her.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 13:55:31 UTC
"Answer my question. Do you know what's going on, or do you know someone that knows what's going on?"

Of course it was annoying. Vikings pretty much worked on their rudeness, trying to hone it until they has mastered it as an art form. By Berk standards, her behavior was awesome.


verydangerman May 23 2010, 18:56:31 UTC
Ah, so she really thought it was okay to just go around amaking demands of strangers ( ... )


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 19:20:00 UTC

... )


verydangerman May 23 2010, 19:27:54 UTC
SOMETHING is indeed thrown, it happens quickly. One instant the man was stalking toward her, seeming to be almost calm as he tucked away his glasses into his vest so they wouldn't get broken. And in the next he had uprooted one of the village lampposts and was swinging all fifteen or so feet of it at her like a weapon.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 19:35:42 UTC

... )


verydangerman May 23 2010, 19:44:37 UTC
Shizuo shifted his weight to let the melon fly past him, and by the time it had done that, he was grinning too.

Whatever tenuous grasp he usually had his power and his rage was gone now. The girl got up, she fought back. Maybe she had the same kind of strength as him, maybe she was a martial arts master like Simon. Maybe she was just gutsy and about to get killed. Whatever the correct answer didn't matter much. She had pissed him off, so he'd hit her, she got back up, so now she was annoying in two ways. It pissed him off, but it was exciting too.

He swings the entire lamppost up in a block to catch her incoming attack.

"Finally you get a chance to meet your death. Is that what you're thinking?"


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 19:59:43 UTC

... )


God why do I never learn to proofread verydangerman May 23 2010, 20:26:56 UTC
The headbutt connected, but Astrid was a bit on the short side, so it crunched into Shizuo's nose instead, bending it and sending it bleeding. Not that this got any real reaction, not even a noise of pain ( ... )


God why do I never learn to make sure I have the right icons axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 20:42:56 UTC

... )


verydangerman May 23 2010, 20:53:43 UTC
"Aah! I don't hate you!"

He lifted one half of the lamppost and used it to catch the chain, twisting so that it wrapped tightly tightly around the lamppost.

"At least you've got guts. At least you aren't like those bastards that talk tough until someone beats their face in."

Then Shizuo jerked that tonfa to the side. 'To the side' being a fairly wide arc that would have sent several people flying if the street weren't clear of onlookers by now.

"At least I'm not hearing "I'll get you next time" while you run away crying!"


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 20:55:55 UTC

... )


verydangerman May 23 2010, 21:01:28 UTC
So he was finally wearing her down.

She'd done pretty good.

But it was time to end this.

He lifted the lamp post straight up into the air, dragging her back to him, and when she swung his way, he was ready with a headbutt.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 21:10:22 UTC

... )


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