This is not going to end well...

May 22, 2010 21:48

Characters: Astrid Hofferson, OPEN

Setting/Location: District 1

Date & Time: Day 0, after most of the other people have woken up

Warnings: Anyone that Astrid stumbles across is probably getting attacked and held hostage for info, sorry.

Summary: Astrid wakes up, doesn't bother with her Junogram, and waits to ambush someone for information. Shenanigans ensue, fights are had, and Hiccup gets a hug.

Vikings were not known for their stealth. After all, stealth was often ruined by yelling "RAAAAAARGH" while wildly swinging your axe, making a horrifying raegface at your enemy, and running into battle. Habits like that were practically in the blood and it was hard to shake berserker rages when addiction to berserker-ness ran in most Viking families.

However, Astrid was not your typical Viking. She was gifted with moderate intelligence (something she often tried to hide, because it was so un-Viking-like). That meant as soon as she was awake, she was on her feet. That also meant the magic box she'd found was tucked into the pouch at her side. She wasn't going to play with it, because who knows what it could do and she didn't want to get turned into an animal, but she didn't want to break it or leave it, if it might be useful later. A cursory inspection of the other rooms in the inn had shown they were all but empty--Astrid had been one of the last to wake and leave her room.

Rather than leaving through the front door of the inn, however (possible trap), she climbed out the window, axe strapped to her back, and dropped down into an alley. She had been grabbed by someone, and couldn't remember it, and that meant something fishy was going on. If she had been grabbed, and someone had actually captured her without them losing any limbs, that also meant that rather than just searching for her kidnapper and attacking, she was going to get back to the village, rally everyone, and come back with a proper horde of Vikings, because anyone--or anything--that could capture her alive had to be...something bad. And formidable.

But there were two things she had to find out. One thing was where this place was, especially in relation to Berk, and the second, and most important to her, was where Hiccup was, because the last she remembered, she'd been talking to him. And then she'd been here. Which meant he must've been ambushed, too, and if she'd been properly captured and hadn't fought her way free, there was no way in hell he'd fought his way free.

"Where are you, Hiccup?"

She hoped against hope Toothless was with him. Either way, she was going back to Berk for backup, but she wasn't leaving him here--she was bringing him back with her. Then they'd come back and make it abundantly clear to whoever had grabbed them that you didn't ever kidnap a Viking.

So there was a Viking moving rather stealthily through various alleyways and shadowy places. Had she known the answers lie in her Junogram, she might have risked poking around with it, but as it stood, she was waiting in the shadows, watching people, and planned to ambush the first person she saw that also had a magic box, and intended to find out everything they knew.

Possibly at axe-point.

Gecause as far as she was concerned, this was a possibly deadly situation she'd been thrown into, and anyone could be a potential enemy.

*day 00, lithuania, astrid hofferson, diana (wonder woman), hiccup horrendous haddock iii, #style: prose, shizuo heiwajima

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