This is not going to end well...

May 22, 2010 21:48

Characters: Astrid Hofferson, OPEN

Setting/Location: District 1

Date & Time: Day 0, after most of the other people have woken up

Warnings: Anyone that Astrid stumbles across is probably getting attacked and held hostage for info, sorry.

Summary: Astrid wakes up, doesn't bother with her Junogram, and waits to ambush someone for information. ( Read more... )

*day 00, lithuania, astrid hofferson, diana (wonder woman), hiccup horrendous haddock iii, #style: prose, shizuo heiwajima

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axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 21:10:22 UTC

Hello there, bloody nose. Is that your friend unconsciousness trying to stop in to say hi? After such a magnificent headbutt, her vision was fading in and out, and the only reason she stayed conscious was through sheer force of will.

But she was definitely down.

Oh hey, there was her axe.

There was a nearly feral growl and a vicious kick was aimed at Shizuo's knee, as she let go of the chain and tried to crawl for said axe.

Down, but not out apparently.


verydangerman May 23 2010, 21:17:59 UTC
Oh, so she was still conscious.

The kick to his knee, like the broken noise, didn't produce a noise of pain, but he stepped back from the sheer force of it, weight shifting to his other leg. She'd torn his pants a little, too. He'd be pissed about that later, when he noticed.

But it wasn't enough to bring him down or take his attention away from her, and if there was any hope that Shizuo would not try to hurt a wounded young girl crawling toward her last line of defense...

Well. No.

At least as he hurled the lamppost and chain at her back, he did so that the weapon would crash into her horizontally. If he hurled it like a javelin she might really die.

And as much as a part of him chanted endlessly for her blood, he'd never killed anyone, yet.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 21:41:13 UTC

This time she let out of a cry. It was one she couldn't bite back, and she immediately looked enraged that he'd managed to get that out of her. For a moment, she just lay there on her stomach, trying to catch to catch her breath. Defeated at last.

...Or not. He'd thrown the pole and chain at her.

In one swift movement that took pretty much the absolute last of her strength, she grabbed the pole, climbed up on one knee, and with the chain still attached, used it the pole to swing the chain at him again. At his head, in fact. She was snarling like an animal as she did it.

Vikings don't give up, Shizuo.

Stubbornness issues.


verydangerman May 23 2010, 21:48:11 UTC
He really wasn't expecting her to get back up. In fact, as soon as he had thrown the lamppost, his anger had started to cool. He'd almost woken up from his rage.

So there was a pause between Astrid attacking him and him realizing he was being attacked. And it was more than enough for the chain to wrap tightly around his neck.

A normal person would probably just flat out have their throat crushed in such a situation. As it was, it hurt. Aah, it really hurt. But his muscles protected him from not being able to breathe at all, from going down onto the ground suffocating.

Not that he really cared if his body got broken anyway. Whatever. He'd been destroying it his entire life.

He grabbed the chain that came away from his throat, that attached to the half-a-lamppost, and he held it tight. He probably could've just broken it with his fist, but it was conveniently chained to him and so instead he just held it and spun. Turning his entire body. Swinging the lamppost off the ground using himself as a pivot point.


axeyouaquestion May 23 2010, 22:00:17 UTC

She let go but not fast enough since her reflexes were now shot, and the end result was her arm was painfully yanked, almost out of the socket. There was horse tack shop. Lots of rope. And she was knocked into it...and in her struggles to free herself, she was horribly, hopelessly tangled.

There were more snarls and sounds of rage, but she couldn't get free.

The fight was over, but it wasn't over from either of them standing down.

As she thrashed and struggled, she cursed her head off.


Rassum frassum RAGE! VIKING RAGE!


verydangerman May 24 2010, 02:09:50 UTC
Oddly, the insults didn't reach Shizuo's ears. He appeared, in fact, utterly unaware of her. Seemingly preoccupied with unwinding the chain from his neck. Then making sure that his neck still moved this way and that.

He was aware of her, though, vaguely. Not of her feelings or her rage, which he didn't really care about, but of the fact that he'd just thrown her into several stands and hit her with a lamppost. Also several times.

His blood cooling down was always a bit like waking up. Only he'd woken up this way so many times, that his head clearing to find himself amid a street of destruction didn't cause much of a reaction. At least she was well enough to scream at him. That was good, also kind of irritating, what was the idea behind fighting him, then complaining so loudly about losing? Shit. She was already annoying him again. But he really didn't want to fight her anymore. Really didn't want to lose it again.

He turned away from her insults, placing his glasses back over his eyes, and shoved his hands in his pockets, and walked calmly away.

Ahh, and his clothes were bloody and cut. He would have to find somewhere to wash up.


axeyouaquestion May 24 2010, 02:16:33 UTC
"Come back here! I'm not finished with you yet!"

Oooooooh. Shizuo, next time she saw you, there was going to be a fist with your name on it.

Not that she knew your name.

(All in all, though, she had to admit, that had been a good fight).


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