Snakes? On a plane? (Open to all)

Aug 18, 2006 13:24

Kojiro has been summoned to Hogwarts. He is to serve the Headmistress in a variety of functions: bodyguard, secretary, handyman, cabana boyKojiro knows the location of Hogwarts needs to be kept secret from the Muggle pilot. No landing for him. He'll parachute out. There's only one problem ( Read more... )

nessarose thropp, blair sandburg, daniel jackson, draco malfoy, sirius black, rp, lily potter, miss swan, uncyclopedia, emma woodhouse, wikipedia, jordan sullivan, all school, molly michon, harry potter, lord fanny

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Comments 45

wickednessa August 18 2006, 19:41:07 UTC
Nessa was eating lunch in the Great Hall when she caught a glimpse of something out the window. There was always something out the window- a Quidditch practice, or something that had wandered out of the forest... Hogwarts was a much busier school than Shiz had been. She turned to see what it was.

As she saw the wave of reptiles slithering up to the school, she went cold all over. She was terribly ophidiophobic, though she wasn't as afraid of Snakes. She had managed to keep her cool while talking to that Cobra. These, however, did not look like Snakes.

She gave a blood-curdling shriek. "There are snakes on the front lawn!"


theuncyclopedia August 18 2006, 19:57:05 UTC
Walking the lawn, pimp cane in hand, Unc did not seem at all bothered by the snakes now slithering across the grass. He had seen the plane and made the connection at first sight of the snakes. The man was familiar, but so were many people to Unc.

A snake twined around Unc's cane as it reached him and he smiled. He now had a motherfucking snake on his motherfucking cane. This was a good day indeed.

(( The Unc disclaimer can be found here. If you would like to interact with him, please jsut note your preferences OOCly when you respond! xD ))


thewikipedia August 18 2006, 20:18:25 UTC
Because he had to make sure Unc didn't cause much trouble, Wiki, too, had finally taken a break from his knowledge-seeking in the library. Curse this body. Before he had a chance to snark at talk to Unc, however, he spied snakes. Lots of them, actually, from someone with a parachute? Parachute would mean, most likely, from a plane, but who would be moronic enough to bring snakes? On a plane, no less?

Having a suspect already in mind... "Unc, did you do this in supposed retaliation?"

((The same pretty much goes for Wiki, folks.))


whinylittlegit August 18 2006, 20:21:36 UTC
((BWAHAHAHA *dies*))


theuncyclopedia August 18 2006, 20:32:04 UTC
(( xDDDD *revives!* AND OH GOD, Draco's spotted KOJIRO! YESSSSSS! ))


lord_fanny August 18 2006, 20:26:53 UTC
Lord Fanny was just putting the finishing touches on her make-up in the Ravenclaw boy's bathroom (always good for a few laughs) when she saw something brightly-colored slithering up out of the drain of one of the sinks. Upon closer examination, she recognized it as a type of snake she had occasionally seen in her childhood in rural Brazil. They had a tendency to bite, as she recalled, and could grow quite large, but they weren't venomous.

Snakes were sacred in Aztec mythology, so of course she wasn't going to kill the poor thing. And the fact that it had come to her - specifically to her - had to be a sign from some god or goddess, though there were so many serpent gods in the Aztec pantheon that she didn't know which god it might be.

Carefully, she rescued the snake from the drain - it was half-dead with cold - and slung it around her shoulders, then sauntered out of the bathroom, looking for more clues as to what might be going on.


gid_wyeth August 18 2006, 20:31:47 UTC
Gideon looks up from where he's been reading outside to see some untold number of wriggly reptiles on the grounds. While these were legless, small, and probably not determined to commit genocide, his experiences with the Seekers have soured him on reptiles. He gets up and starts walking back towards the castle, ready to surge the reptiles if they try to rush him.


Reposted AGAIN, sorry!! whinylittlegit August 18 2006, 21:00:32 UTC
Draco was slinking along, as usual, probably on his way to either harasss new applicants, harasss his co-Prefect, or molest harass Blaise Zabini, when he spotted the motherfucking snakes out on the motherfucking plain of Hogwarts.

"What is this," he muttered, "some kind of Slytherin joke?" A bit sulky that he hadn't been included, even if he wasn't actually in Slytherin anymore, he stomped out onto the grass, only to spot... him. Who knew how he knew it was the samurai ninja king? Deep in his heart, he just knew. "Kojiro..." he murmured, staring.


hogwarts_kojiro August 19 2006, 06:19:23 UTC
Kojiro turned, hyper-acute senses picking up the sound of his name. Every muscle tensed.

It was only a pretty blond boy. Kojiro relaxed. "lol," he said, casually, and went back to snake-wrangling.


whinylittlegit August 20 2006, 23:15:47 UTC
Their eyes met. Draco, still under the Porncow's thrall, swallowed hard, and then broke into a sprint, running across the snakes to the blonde ninja. "Kojiro?" he called. "Is that really you? What are you doing here?"


hogwarts_kojiro August 21 2006, 00:17:33 UTC
This was met with a blank stare and silence, like so:



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