Aug 18, 2006 15:46


I just wanted to link everyone to the main page so you can tell me if you wish Unc to use his misinformation of a character in interactions with your characters. He will not do it without prompting - see Colbert interaction for an example. I have no wish to meta-game in the least, even with crackily inaccurate knowledge. There will definitely not be any fourth wall breakage here! Unc actually has an opinion on fictionality and would not do it even if he were allowed to tell because he feels fictional things are necessary to life. He will usually bend the information to suit when it is of a fictional nature (for instance, he spoke of Barney in his application and mentioned children, but not that Barney was a TV character). I will only use information after permission from the player. Feel free to be as specific as you like, he will also gladly talk about things not directly about your character.

Item of note: Links cannot be seen ICly by your characters. The only ones would would be able to 'access' that information would be telepathic characters or the Hat. The links are just there for credit to the source and to be an entertaining read!

disclaimer, ooc

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