Kojiro has been summoned to Hogwarts. He is to serve the Headmistress in a variety of functions: bodyguard, secretary, handyman, cabana boy.
Kojiro knows the location of Hogwarts needs to be kept secret from the Muggle pilot. No landing for him. He'll parachute out. There's only one problem.
The hold ... is full of snakes!
They're in his parachute and all over him as he floats down onto the lawn. There are just too many to brush off or bat aside. When he touches down, they slither away to create havoc.
Snakes on a plane have come to Hogwarts!
((OOC: By popular demand! Along the lines of what happened with Strong Bad's tribble infestation, players should NPC their own snakes. If your char is a Parselmouth, s/he can communicate with them.
Asking Kojiro for help with the snakes would be like asking Homsar for help with your homework -- you could ask, but you might not get the help you were looking for.
Kojiro is a man of mystery! And, of course, if Kojiro were to take away your snake problems, what would be left for you to do?? ))