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Comments 366

waste_lock January 27 2006, 07:04:38 UTC
You are half of what makes people so unbearable.

And what the fuck is "24 hours of immortality"? Isn't the nature of immortality that it's forever? It's a dreadful concept anyway.

... )


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:08:10 UTC
...Okay, little mortal. *pleasant smile* We'll play this your way. *picks up golden arrow with dove feathers* Now, who should I make you fall in love with?

As for the 24 hours, you will not age during those, and nor will you be able to die. That's what I meant by 24 hours of immortality - a taste of what it's like to be invulnerable, just for a day.

((Do you mind if Eros hits Nny to make him fall for someone? It only lasts 24 hours and you can pick the poor victim of his affections. XD))


waste_lock January 27 2006, 07:18:58 UTC
You are disgusting.

((I think that would be absolutely hysterical, but I think you'd better get the okay of whoever you want to make him fall for (no far having me choose, I'd be influenced by his pleas!). His track record with dating is a bit violent.))


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:45:30 UTC
Also dangerous. *aims carefully* Now, do vote properly, little mortal, or I'll make you 'unbearable'.

((*snickers* Well, I can't get on MSN to ask any of the usual culprits at the moment... So that leaves my two chars, Ryuuji and Sal, and I just asked Lupin-mun if he'd be okay with Nny crushing on him. ))


oldoneofrlyeh January 27 2006, 07:19:06 UTC
A pox on thee, fruit. To SPARKLYPOO with thee, and go away, you freakish manchild.


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:22:05 UTC
...That name is disgusting. *adds a second arrow to his bow, golden with dove feathers again*

I'd advise you to reconsider your vote.

((How do you feel about having Nny fall for Cthulu and vice versa? Only lasts 24 hours. XD If not, I can offer my other two chars - Ryuuji and Sal - or try to contact someone else.))


oldoneofrlyeh January 27 2006, 07:26:12 UTC
And so are you, you bastard child of the Sexpot embodiment of the repressed sexual desires of the Greeks.

How about Bitchiwitchi?

((No. No. No. My brain just broke. Ryuuji and Sal might be funny though.))


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:27:57 UTC
Again, no. Last chance, oh monster from a hentai anime. *suddenly stricken with inspiration as whom to strike, swings arrows to point at victim*

Try a proper House, and perhaps you won't need to worry about misusing those feelers of yours.

((*snickers* Okay, Sal. He's in the Hat, so he's safest.))


pompous_simon January 27 2006, 07:21:00 UTC
I'd say Hufflepuff... but you seem to whimsical. Not grounded enough, with the amount of power you posess.

Slytherin or Gryffindor. Which do you prefer?


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:24:53 UTC
Haven't you heard? I'm a troublemaker. Leave a trail of broken hearts and homes in my wake when I'm in a bad mood, bring love and joy and happiness to everyone when I'm in a good mood. Absolutely no sense of responsibility, but when you're a god, it's hard to think about taking consequences for your actions. Immortality makes you reckless.

And oh, I suppose Slytherins would have the least liking for the idea of a God of Love in their House, but on the other hand, Gryffindors don't seem to need me as much as the Slytherins do.. *taps feathered end of bow against chin thoughtfully* Decisions, decisons.

Slytherin. My divine powers tell me that the world will be a far more amusing place if I'm surrounded by people that revile my very nature.


sharpest_pike January 27 2006, 07:33:09 UTC
Revile your nature?

Oh, that is an unkind judgement. As a matter of fact I'd quite like you to be in Slytherin.


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:36:41 UTC
Evil overlords and the like tend to be scared of the 'love' part of my nature, though usually welcoming the 'sex'.

You, however, do me honor - I approve highly of your courtship of those two women and that young man. Do keep it up and I'm certain you'll find your future attempts more successful. *smirks for a second, then passes Steerpike a phial as promised, the liquid inside it glowing a bright white*


conriocht January 27 2006, 07:29:35 UTC
You of all people ought to know that I don't angst and Tonks doesn't mope anymore. It was your doing, after all.

I appreciate your quotation of Sappho and I am deeply in your debt, so I shall sort you into Slytherin, since you asked for it. Also, I think you would have an amusing effect on some of the denizens there.


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:31:52 UTC
Oh, not now. And there's point two why I wouldn't touch each other of you - took long enough for the two of you to get together, so Zeus forbid I break it apart now.

Ah, you recognized it? I always did like Sappho. Clever woman. And thank you for the vote. *passes him a small phial of a glowing white liquid, intensely bright* Use it carefully.

((How do you feel about having Nny fall for Lupin? *points up the thread* Only lasts for 24 hours!))


conriocht January 27 2006, 07:47:36 UTC
"As a whirlwind swoops on an oak, love shakes my heart." Good stuff, that.

*examines vial curiously* What is this?

((Lupin would probably find the situation amusing - I think you should pick someone who would be really outraged and offended.))


spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:58:50 UTC
Oh yes. I loved listening to her and her friends. So nice to get proper devotion.

Ambrosia - enough of it to render you invincible for twenty four hours, as that was the bribe I offered anyone who voted properly. Of course, it also stops you from aging but what's a day more or less in a mortal lifespan?

((Ah, okay. Thing is, I need to okay it with the muns first since apparently Nny gets violent, which is why I'm restricted to people online right now.))


((Gryffindor)) othertrace_puu January 27 2006, 07:32:10 UTC
Puuuu....*Holds up G and picture of Lion*


::screened for the Two Deities only:: spiritoferos January 27 2006, 07:37:49 UTC
*bows, switches to her tongue*

Puuuu puu pu pu puuuu?

((Translation:Thank you for your vote, mighty deity. Of course, my bribe won't be needed for you, correct?))


Re: ::screened for the Two Deities only:: othertrace_puu January 27 2006, 07:44:20 UTC
Puu. Ppuu puuu pu puuu. Pu puu puppu puuu pupuuu puu. Puuu puppuuu pu puu puuupu.

((Translation: No need. Can't drink it anyway. Massive lack of foresight on my part when creating a world. Now my mouth is a quick route to japan.))


Re: ::screened for the Two Deities only:: spiritoferos January 27 2006, 08:04:01 UTC
Puuu. Puu puuuu puuupu puu? Puupuupu pu!

((Translation: Understood. Poor you, can I help in any way? That sounds horrible!))


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