[Closed RP: Skwisgaar, Toki, Shoggies -- Jasper, Vladimir later]

Apr 18, 2010 10:44

((Plus Nidhögg, if he wants to pal around at all. Continued from this thread, and very obviously NSFW since it's going to be full of Sharkgaar porn and gore and wrongness. Especially once Vladimir is involved. :P))

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nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, nidhogg, pickles, jasper hale

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isnotabumblebee April 19 2010, 09:39:07 UTC
Toki was likewise grateful when the others left, as Pickle's commentary had definitely not been conducive to the mood. He just didn't have exhibitionist tendencies, especially where his bandmates who weren't Skwisgaar were concerned. He also wasn't worried about getting Skwisgaar back to the castle- he'd already decided that if they needed to, they could just have the Shoggies haul him back on one of their sleds. It might not have been a comfortable transportation idea, but, it would work well enough if the floaty candy wasn't sufficient. And, now that he'd submerged himself in the lake, he was comfortable enough- it was cold, but, carrying fish-boxes through the Norweigan snow while rather underdressed for the weather as a kid had been colder, and he'd survived that just fine ( ... )


best_guitarist May 13 2010, 01:18:46 UTC
((The fight itself was written by both of us, so there's no god modding going on, etc. etc.))

No matter how harmlessly innocent Jasper's intentions might be, the way he kept looking at Toki irritated Skwisgaar even more, and they couldn't reach the Baron's rooms fast enough for him. He let himself be helped into the bath, reflexively jerking a little when he felt the water -- he was better suited for arctic temperatures, and the bath felt unpleasantly hot. It wasn't likely to do him any harm, but would just take some getting used to.

Before he could even think about getting settled, he noticed Jasper looking at Toki yet again. Normally he might have just glowered and let it go, but found it impossible to at the moment, possibly due to having much more animalistic instincts. His irritation came to a head, completely bypassing the underdeveloped logic centers of his brain and triggering an instantaneous response. He was pissed. In the blink of an eye he'd launched himself forward and was attached to Jasper's face -- with his teeth. ( ... )


j_whitlock May 13 2010, 01:23:15 UTC
The sharp spike in Skwisgaar's mood had been too sudden for Jasper to anticipate the attack-and he'd thought the irritation was caused by Skwisgaar being out of the water, anyway-and then the guitarist had proved too strong to break away from. Even his usual advantages underwater-the fact he didn't need to breathe, his supernatural strength and speed-were all but moot here, since Skwisgaar appeared to be his equal now. Jasper did have more experience fighting, but it did little good against an opponent who fought like a damned shark.

Jamming his fingers into Skwisgaar's gills and attempting to tear them bought him a precious few seconds in which to wrench himself free of those terrible vise-like jaws, then he managed to hold Skwisgaar's head with both hands, losing a few fingers in the process. He pulled them both back to the surface, holding Skwisgaar at arm's length, trying his best to calm him with his empathic abilities. The cracks in his skin had already healed.


best_guitarist May 13 2010, 01:29:37 UTC
Skwisgaar's skin had somehow lightened, making the striped pattern on it more obvious you know, like a sailfish, and the tall dorsal fin running along his back was erect, as were those on his arms. After a few moments the fins retracted slightly, and he gradually stopped thrashing about, swimming backwards and away from Jasper rather than trying to continue the attack. He sank until his torn, bleeding gills were fully submerged and bared his teeth in a grimace. He still wasn't very happy, but the uncontrollable murderous feeling was subsiding, at least. It was difficult to breathe as his ruined gills knit back together, and after they'd mostly healed he pulled himself partway out of the too hot water, only looking away from Jasper for a moment in order to locate Toki.


j_whitlock May 13 2010, 01:36:56 UTC
"It's okay," Jasper said soothingly, collecting his missing fingers from the water and moving backwards toward the edge of the bath. "I'm sorry. I... didn't mean to." It was phrased almost as a question, since he wasn't entirely sure what he'd done to provoke Skwisgaar. He was guessing that Skwisgaar's behaviour might have something to do with his possessive protectiveness of Toki, but couldn't know for certain, so didn't say anything more. He felt bad about the gills, and was relieved to see them quickly healing up on their own. His own injuries weren't permanent either; all it took was pressing his bitten off fingers against the matching stumps and they instantly healed as good as new. He just hoped Skwisgaar hadn't ingested any of his poisonous blood, or they'd have an even bigger problem on their hands ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 14 2010, 11:42:39 UTC
((Since both Vlad and Toki are involved, my reply got quite TL;DR, and so had to be posted as two comments.))Toki was quite impressed by Jasper's display of useful magic. "Wow-wee, you mades him fly! That's lots better than dragging him ons the Shoggies sled's." He tugged on his clothes, or at least his pants, seeing as how the rest of his tuxedo was ruined by the mud- he just left the rest there to rot or be eaten by Shoggies, before stepping into his shoes and wandering back to the castle with Skwisgaar and Jasper after telling their Shoggies to "comes home soon, to helps me make your dad's aquariums." That Jasper kept looking at him didn't register as weird- he figured that Jasper was just being polite, and making sure everyone was all together ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 14 2010, 11:43:12 UTC
"Fuck!" he bellowed- despite the Baron's usual eloquence, Skwisgaar launching himself at Jasper's face was the sort of disaster which could only be expressed by a single loud profanity. He hadn't noticed Jasper's glance at Toki, and even if he had, he'd have been perplexed as to what would cause such a viscous reaction- his swift motion and sudden fury was indeed marvelous, but, the fact that his teeth were attached to Jasper's lovely face was not. They were both in the bath before he could make a move, and Toki's sudden wailing added to the chaos as the Baron slammed on his suspensor controls and rose above the bath waters, which were already churning where he sat despite the bath's size.

"Stops it! Stops it, both of yous! Don't kills each other! Don't hurts Skwisgaar!" Toki wailed, frozen near the entrance to the bath, as unsure of what to do as the Baron. The Baron actually knew what he wanted to do, but, unfortunately he'd left his maula pistol in the bedroom- he hadn't anticipated needing it, and submerging the thing would ( ... )


best_guitarist May 15 2010, 23:23:13 UTC
Skwisgaar would have been able to properly enjoy the Baron's impressive corpulence the way he had before, if not for being distracted with trying to rip Jasper apart ( ... )


j_whitlock May 16 2010, 06:03:16 UTC
Pfff typo.

Well. That had certainly killed the mood, hadn't it?

"I'm fine," he said quietly, his shoulders slumping a little, and he didn't look up. Fine, and just very embarrassed. His injuries didn't even hurt once they'd healed. "Sorry," he repeated, and this time it was mostly directed at Vladimir. "I should have realised..." Reading emotions was what he did, he of all people should have known what was happening and been able to prevent it before it got that out of hand. Bad shit was always happening because of him, and getting attacked was really his own fault this time. He could hear the musicians' conversation easily due to his heightened senses, and it made him anxious-even if Toki left, he really wasn't comfortable leaving Vladimir alone with Skwisgaar, not with how volatile he clearly was. Vladimir didn't possess stony skin and wouldn't instantly heal from any grievous injuries. Nor would he die, but that minor safeguard didn't put Jasper at ease in the least. It would be incredibly unwise to be alone with the Swede in his ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 16 2010, 09:32:47 UTC
"No one's dead, no one needs medical attention. I do not look around and see a room full of women- apologies aren't needed." Vladimir gave Jasper a warm smile. He did think that Toki and his wailing might warrant an apology, but, he also didn't feel like wrangling one from the weird Norwegian. It would mean he'd have to talk, and, after the high-pitched outburst in that mewling tone he really didn't want to prompt any more of it. No one had suffered serious injury, so what had occurred was just a fight, and, fights happened. Then they ended, ideally with at least one participant having learned something. Vladimir figured that Skwisgaar must have learned something, especially after Jasper's remarkable display of regeneration.

While Jasper began summoning some other house-elf, which Vladimir briefly glared at, he very discreetly called over Mopsy, indicating to her that she was bring his robe and the 'item on the table' to the bedroom, and place them not too far from where he was seated. While he did this, Toki was wrinkling his nose ( ... )


best_guitarist May 23 2010, 03:40:10 UTC
((Jasper-mun requests to be skipped for the time being, since there's nothing really for Jasper to do. Sorry, Jasper. XD))

Between his still mildly aching gills and everyone acting impatient with him, Skwisgaar was no longer in the mood for sex. He just wanted to be in his private aquarium now and take a good long nap. But, the private bath would at least mean a much shorter and thus faster return trip for Toki if he stayed there instead of going back to the lake. Skwisgaar's eyes followed Mopsy and the bundle she was carrying as she delivered it to the Baron, not guessing at what it contained, but developing a healthy suspicion due to the Baron's behaviour. Normally he might not have even noticed, but heightened senses and more honed self-preservation instincts had their advantages.

It didn't do much to make him feel welcome, despite the Baron's words, but finally he shrugged, sighed, and pulled himself back into the too-hot water, making a face when it reached his gills. He remained against the wall. "Yous right, they're probably ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 23 2010, 09:16:04 UTC
((The Baron of course disagrees that there's nothing for Jasper to do, but, will forever be frustrated in that regard. XD))

The Baron ignored the bundle- that it was there was all that mattered to him- and made himself comfortable in the bath once again, and eyeing Skwisgaar, whom he thought looked rather cute while sulking. Even with the gills. . . fascinating that. He wondered what they felt like, smiling slightly as he sunk into the warm waters, as it appeared that Toki was indeed going to leave for a time- he really was a nice-looking one, but, if he'd been the instigation of Skwisgaar's sudden outlash, it would be safer without him around. And a very sexy outlash it had been- it was such a shame that poor Jasper had been stuck in a role that should have been served by a proper slave, insofar as physically maneuvering Skwisgaar into the bath. It had admittedly been a lovely sight, as it always was to watch Jasper in action- but had it been a slave, it would have been an expendable. Which surely would have been a remarkable show ( ... )


best_guitarist May 24 2010, 01:28:47 UTC
Toki's parting comments to him made him feel marginally better. At least Toki seemed to be looking forward to doing the aquarium and wasn't treating it as a tedious chore, which would have made Skwisgaar feel much worse -- he'd never liked being dependent on anyone.

Skwisgaar was watching the Baron intently as he approached, the desire in his gaze having very little to do with wanting to fuck, at the moment. He was in fact feeling strangely hungry again. When the Baron reached to touch him, his lips curled away from his teeth slightly, an unconscious threatening gesture, but he allowed the contact. Even warmed to it, after a moment, shifting so that he faced the Baron, less anxious now that the mysterious robe-bundle had been left where it was. He was still but for his tail, which was in continuous motion to help move water over his gills.

"I could tells that to Smaug," he said. "But he ams does whats he wants to now that he's all grown up. Maybe he don'ts like de ways you looks at his boysfriend Elric's qualities. So Elric ams a ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 27 2010, 09:31:39 UTC
((Sorry to be slow! RL ate me the last couple days.))

Toki got to work as soon as he'd collected the Shoggies and returned to their room- this took a few hours, due to all the excited Shoggies on the Hogwarts grounds. After finding the 'eyesball throw-ups' children amongst their amorphous brethren, he'd wasted no time in putting some baffled house-elves to work. And, the mun will detail the results when Skwisgaar moves back to his room.The Baron was able to get a good look at Skwisgaar's teeth when he bared them, which didn't even cause him to flinch. His Imperium-honed discipline had little to do with it- mainly he didn't flinch because he was too stimulated by this savage new trait. The robe-bundle was both left and forgotten, and it was his cock that responded as his hand made contact with Skwisgaar's shoulder and he felt the bite of his altered skin beneath his fingertips. He smiled as Skwisgaar warmed to the contact, and involved his other hand as Skwisgaar shifted to face him, tracing over Skwisgaar's chest and abdomen, ( ... )


best_guitarist June 4 2010, 07:26:16 UTC
((Annnd cue the porn! Fair warning to any lurkers following this. XD))

He hadn't been aiming to shock the Baron by mentioning the fact he shared a bed with Toki -- it had been delivered in the same offhand way he might comment on something mundane. At Hogwarts there was little reason to hide his relationship, and so he made no attempts to. It was probably for the best, just in case any of the other people he slept with started getting unfortunate ideas about sex with him actually meaning something, which it never did, at least not to him. It was just an alternative to wanking, more or less. Something which he was pretty sure the Baron understood, so he wasn't too worried about any awkward feelings getting in the way of their fucking. Friendship wasn't so bad, of course, as long as it didn't go beyond that ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen June 7 2010, 02:03:21 UTC
The Baron approved of Skwisgaar's casual approach, and, was pleased to confirm that Skwisgaar appeared to to nicely fixed in his relationship. As unlikely as it seemed that Skwisgaar would get any sort of inconvenient ideas, it was still a solid guarantee against those awkward feelings. The Baron was not at all adverse to friendship with Skwisgaar, but, as far as feelings went, he already had as many of those as he felt like having at Hogwarts, centered around a certain vampire and a certain Potions professor.

So, dragons were a very acceptable topic- dirty talk could be fun, but he didn't need it from Skwisgaar to put him in the mood. It was impossible not to be, having him alone in the bath, and in his intriguing aquatic form. And besides, the Hogwarts dragons were remarkable, even if one had tried to eat him and Lord Wolfe. "There's two other dragons here?" Vladimir commented, while lighly drawing a fingertip over Skwisgaar's gills, carefully watching his reaction. "Ah yes. . . Elric mentioned something about 'summoning' one to ( ... )


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