[Closed RP: Skwisgaar, Toki, Shoggies -- Jasper, Vladimir later]

Apr 18, 2010 10:44

((Plus Nidhögg, if he wants to pal around at all. Continued from this thread, and very obviously NSFW since it's going to be full of Sharkgaar porn and gore and wrongness. Especially once Vladimir is involved. :P))

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nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, nidhogg, pickles, jasper hale

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best_guitarist May 15 2010, 23:23:13 UTC
Skwisgaar would have been able to properly enjoy the Baron's impressive corpulence the way he had before, if not for being distracted with trying to rip Jasper apart.

Jasper's guess was right on the money, but it was a very good thing he hadn't actually spoken about it, or it probably would have only served to provoke Skwisgaar into behaving even worse. As far as he was concerned he'd won that round, and it was also payback for Jasper sneaking up on him in the showers... almost two years ago. Not that he'd ever held a grudge, their surroundings had just reminded him of it. It was debatable whether he'd even seriously intended to try and kill Jasper -- it was just as likely that it had been a warning and nothing more. Skwisgaar didn't really know himself, he'd simply reacted the way his instincts had prompted him to. If that was a sloppy impromptu attack, he couldn't help wondering what kind of damage he could do with a premeditated one.

He lacked the vampire's powerful empathic abilities, but it was plain enough to see he probably wasn't a welcome guest any longer, as the Baron only seemed to be concerned about Jasper. He could take being reprimanded by Ofdensen, or even Nathan, since that was basically their jobs and he expected it of them, but he didn't care for it coming from someone whom he just liked to have sex with. Never mind that it was the Baron's bath and he should get to dictate what went on in it -- good manners rarely mattered to Skwisgaar.

He pulled himself the rest of the way out of the water, leaning into Toki as he finally looked away from Jasper. "I don't likes de ways he looks at you," he said in an undertone, despite knowing the Baron and Jasper could probably overhear him, Jasper especially, what with being a vampire. "Didn'ts really means to bite him... I was mad then its just happeneds." And he had luckily been so preoccupied with his irritation with Jasper that he'd missed the way the Baron had perved on Toki. "Pffft, dildos," he muttered, thinking he should have stayed in the lake. He still felt vaguely ill from having his gills ripped out and bleeding, though they were already well healed by then. "Yous should gets de butlers to come help me backs to de lake," he told Toki, briefly glancing across the bath at the Baron and Jasper with an uncertain expression. He wasn't particularly bothered by what he'd done to Jasper, only by what it might mean -- such as what would happen if he got that irritated with Toki. But it was so unlikely to happen that he probably wouldn't worry too much about the possibility, especially not once they got back to having more sex.


j_whitlock May 16 2010, 06:03:16 UTC
Pfff typo.

Well. That had certainly killed the mood, hadn't it?

"I'm fine," he said quietly, his shoulders slumping a little, and he didn't look up. Fine, and just very embarrassed. His injuries didn't even hurt once they'd healed. "Sorry," he repeated, and this time it was mostly directed at Vladimir. "I should have realised..." Reading emotions was what he did, he of all people should have known what was happening and been able to prevent it before it got that out of hand. Bad shit was always happening because of him, and getting attacked was really his own fault this time. He could hear the musicians' conversation easily due to his heightened senses, and it made him anxious-even if Toki left, he really wasn't comfortable leaving Vladimir alone with Skwisgaar, not with how volatile he clearly was. Vladimir didn't possess stony skin and wouldn't instantly heal from any grievous injuries. Nor would he die, but that minor safeguard didn't put Jasper at ease in the least. It would be incredibly unwise to be alone with the Swede in his current state, so far as he was concerned. That Toki seemed to be in no danger from Skwisgaar was obvious to him, since there was a strong emotional bond between the two; there was no such bond between Skwisgaar and Vladimir.

While most of his concern was over Vladimir's safety, he didn't like thinking of Skwisgaar coming to worse harm, either. And he knew the Baron had ways of defending himself if necessary, ways that didn't involve having a vampire or howling albino with a soul-sucking sword on hand to do the job for him.

(Hopefully Elric would never have cause to go after Dethklok or their manager anyway, since it was one of the few acts that Smaug might actually consider unforgivable. Such was the nature of his complicated, magically facilitated bond with them.)

Jasper passed his hands over his clothes again, this time siphoning the water out and directing it back into the bath with a flick of his wrist. His damp hair was left as it was. Summoning a house-elf, he had it bring him ink, a quill, and parchment, which he spread out on a dry area of the floor. "I can contact your manager, if you'd like," he said, already knowing what 'butler' meant, "or help you back to the lake myself. Whatever you want." He risked a glance toward Skwisgaar and Toki, then looked to Vladimir, his expression conveying most of his worries without the need for words. No one was going to force Skwisgaar to stay if he didn't want to, and Jasper was just trying to make amends by helping however he could. If Vladimir really did no longer want company, he could make that clear himself.


i_am_harkonnen May 16 2010, 09:32:47 UTC
"No one's dead, no one needs medical attention. I do not look around and see a room full of women- apologies aren't needed." Vladimir gave Jasper a warm smile. He did think that Toki and his wailing might warrant an apology, but, he also didn't feel like wrangling one from the weird Norwegian. It would mean he'd have to talk, and, after the high-pitched outburst in that mewling tone he really didn't want to prompt any more of it. No one had suffered serious injury, so what had occurred was just a fight, and, fights happened. Then they ended, ideally with at least one participant having learned something. Vladimir figured that Skwisgaar must have learned something, especially after Jasper's remarkable display of regeneration.

While Jasper began summoning some other house-elf, which Vladimir briefly glared at, he very discreetly called over Mopsy, indicating to her that she was bring his robe and the 'item on the table' to the bedroom, and place them not too far from where he was seated. While he did this, Toki was wrinkling his nose at Skwisgaar, saying, "I don't wants the robots butler to comes here. I think he's offs beings a lady fors Nathan, whats with hows they were behavings ats the party. Nathan's probably holdings his hands and lookings longingly into his eyes." They'd been awfully close at the party, and, Toki was slowly beginning to figure out a bit of what was going on, even if he was still off-target. Toki then turned to Jasper, telling him pointedly, "Ifs Skwisgaar needs anymore helps to go anywhere I can helps him withs it, ands our childrens." It wasn't that he was unappreciative, but, Skwisgaar probably wasn't going to eat him, and, it somehow seemed his responsibility, besides. Rather like building him an aquarium. "I gots to build you an aquarium Skwisgaar, so are you going to stay, or do I got to get the Shoggies and takes you back to the lake?" Toki asked Skwisgaar- he was impatient to get to work on it, as, the sooner he had an aquarium for Skwisgaar, the sooner they could hang out in it. In private.

Vladimir indeed had little concern about Sharkgaar as regarded his personal well-being. He covertly flopped half the fabric of his robe over the maula pistol as Mopsy brought it, leaving the bundle within reach. This was mainly done of a well-practiced sense of self-preservation, more than any real belief it would be necessary- it was simply good to cover the bases. To all appearances, Skwisgaar was half-fish, so his agility was confined to the water. He wasn't going to be walking anywhere. As Vladimir's suspensors would allow him to entirely clear the water with ease, it seemed to him that the worst Skwisgaar could manage would be a decent bite or two, if for some reason he went off again. Overhearing Skwisgaar, Vladimir realized why he'd attacked Jasper, which struck him as an obvious misunderstanding. If Jasper had been eying Toki, Vladimir was pretty sure it wouldn't involve sexual notions. As for himself, he felt he had little to worry about there- he'd made up his opinion on Toki. Cute, but, not sexual material. "Well, do make up your minds on where you're going, so that my elf can bring drinks." Vladimir told Skwisgaar and Toki, quite pleasantly, without any enmity lingering over the incident, as Jasper seemed to have none. "I would prefer not to entertain any additional guests just now. But, you are welcome to stay- I wouldn't have invited you if I was going to throw you out over a little fight. Still, I'm sure the evening would prove more enjoyable without another such incident- apologies are not the most amusing way to pass the time." The Baron eyed Skwisgaar as he spoke the latter- he rather hoped Toki would choose his aquarium project which of course he will so that the mun can stop the socking, and, his ideas for amusement of course involved the blonde guitarist and his unusual aquatic form.


best_guitarist May 23 2010, 03:40:10 UTC
((Jasper-mun requests to be skipped for the time being, since there's nothing really for Jasper to do. Sorry, Jasper. XD))

Between his still mildly aching gills and everyone acting impatient with him, Skwisgaar was no longer in the mood for sex. He just wanted to be in his private aquarium now and take a good long nap. But, the private bath would at least mean a much shorter and thus faster return trip for Toki if he stayed there instead of going back to the lake. Skwisgaar's eyes followed Mopsy and the bundle she was carrying as she delivered it to the Baron, not guessing at what it contained, but developing a healthy suspicion due to the Baron's behaviour. Normally he might not have even noticed, but heightened senses and more honed self-preservation instincts had their advantages.

It didn't do much to make him feel welcome, despite the Baron's words, but finally he shrugged, sighed, and pulled himself back into the too-hot water, making a face when it reached his gills. He remained against the wall. "Yous right, they're probably too busy being dildos to helps. Goes do de aquariums," he told Toki with dampened enthusiasm. "I'll waits here for a while."

Jasper had meanwhile already made himself scarce and was waiting in the next room. He planned to stay there unless he felt the need to... intervene. So it was best to stay close.

"You missed a greats party," Skwisgaar said to the Baron. "Even our dragons son Smaug came, and broughts a bunch of screaming jackoffs as de sacrifices for de huge tentacles guy." It took a minute, but he eventually remembered something that might explain why the Baron hadn't put in an appearance -- the war games. Skwisgaar didn't really know why, but Smaug had seemed to intensely dislike the Baron for one reason or another, and presumably would have eaten him and Wolfe if not for Elric singing his weird dragon love song or whatever and getting in the way. "Oh... guess maybes it woulds have been a bad idea for yous to go, eh?" he said after a moment, no hint of mockery in his voice.

Interesting. Was it a love triangle, then, between Smaug and Elric and the Baron? Or a love square including Wolfe? Maybe even a love pentagon, with Jasper, as he and the Baron were married and all. It was all too confusing. Skwisgaar was happy he only had Toki and didn't need to worry about anyone else, at least not in the love-relationship way. One was more than enough for him.


i_am_harkonnen May 23 2010, 09:16:04 UTC
((The Baron of course disagrees that there's nothing for Jasper to do, but, will forever be frustrated in that regard. XD))

The Baron ignored the bundle- that it was there was all that mattered to him- and made himself comfortable in the bath once again, and eyeing Skwisgaar, whom he thought looked rather cute while sulking. Even with the gills. . . fascinating that. He wondered what they felt like, smiling slightly as he sunk into the warm waters, as it appeared that Toki was indeed going to leave for a time- he really was a nice-looking one, but, if he'd been the instigation of Skwisgaar's sudden outlash, it would be safer without him around. And a very sexy outlash it had been- it was such a shame that poor Jasper had been stuck in a role that should have been served by a proper slave, insofar as physically maneuvering Skwisgaar into the bath. It had admittedly been a lovely sight, as it always was to watch Jasper in action- but had it been a slave, it would have been an expendable. Which surely would have been a remarkable show too, and would have imparted such a nice red tint to the water.

While the Baron was eyeing Skwisgaar and entertaining fantasies involving this situation, thoughts which were swiftly returning him to his former mood, Toki was nodding to Skwisgaar, telling him, "We'll makes it a real goods aquarium, goings to be brutal! I'll come back to gets you when it's done. Yous have fun palling around withs the guns teacher ands his cannibals-vampire husband." Toki leaned down close to Skwisgaar, adding in a whisper, "Loves you, Skwisgaar," before heading out of the room, telling the Baron "You gots to have another guns class, or let me have my own guns class withs myself. I can just come to borrows the guns," before heading out, saying goodbye to Jasper as he passed him in the next room. Toki remained entirely clueless as to why the Baron was looking at Skwisgaar the way he was, and hurried to collect their Shoggies and get to work on the aquarium.

Although the Baron indeed took a short moment to hope that Jasper was indeed alright in the other room, the creature in front of him was too interesting to dwell on the strange incident. After Toki left, the Baron shifted closer to where Skwisgaar was resting, with a lecherous smile. As usual, Skwisgaar wasn't the easiest person to understand, but, his prettiness did make up for his questionable grammar skills- not that this explained the 'dragons son' part. "I was invited by the creature who lives under my sofa, but, I was uncertain about attending a party for Shoggies, so I send it along with some drinks," the Baron explained. "It does sound like it was an interesting event, but, I suspect that it was a good idea not to attend. I rather like myself in one piece, and your 'dragon son' appears to have a issue with me." He gave an unknowing shrug. "It's something involving his albino friend, or pet, or, whatever the hell he is, I can't tell." A thought occurred to him, one of possible worth. "Hmmm, so you know this Smaug well, it sounds like- perhaps you might tell him that I don't really want Elric, if that's the issue. He hasn't given me a damn choice in the matter." Unaware of Skwisgaar's conjectures involving complicated love polygons, he of course did not intend to say anything that Skwisgaar could entirely misunderstand. But, Skwisgaar is of course free to interpret that however he likes! "Not that Elric doesn't have his qualities- they're just not the exact qualities I seek."

Now, Skwisgaar, although unusually piscene, possessed the very qualities that the Baron was pleased to seek at the moment, and the shark-like traits only added to his intrigue. "Your. . .new shape, it suits you well. Like a creature from ancient mythology." He continued to drift closer to Skwisgaar as he spoke, moving in beside him, and reaching over with the intent to run his fingers along his altered skin- provided Skwisgaar did not attempt to bite them off, first.


best_guitarist May 24 2010, 01:28:47 UTC
Toki's parting comments to him made him feel marginally better. At least Toki seemed to be looking forward to doing the aquarium and wasn't treating it as a tedious chore, which would have made Skwisgaar feel much worse -- he'd never liked being dependent on anyone.

Skwisgaar was watching the Baron intently as he approached, the desire in his gaze having very little to do with wanting to fuck, at the moment. He was in fact feeling strangely hungry again. When the Baron reached to touch him, his lips curled away from his teeth slightly, an unconscious threatening gesture, but he allowed the contact. Even warmed to it, after a moment, shifting so that he faced the Baron, less anxious now that the mysterious robe-bundle had been left where it was. He was still but for his tail, which was in continuous motion to help move water over his gills.

"I could tells that to Smaug," he said. "But he ams does whats he wants to now that he's all grown up. Maybe he don'ts like de ways you looks at his boysfriend Elric's qualities. So Elric ams a bigs sluts for you, eh? No wonder Smaug's mad. He don'ts likes to share nones of his stuff, except his foods hoard whats he left rottings under mine and Toki's bed." Which was probably still there if the Shoggies hadn't gotten to it yet. Since their room didn't stink, most likely they had.

He had always assumed the Baron to be an indiscriminate slut since their first meeting, what with being picked up by him in the popcorn room despite being covered in truly disgusting salted butter and bloody mud and smelling strongly of smoke. Clearly Skwisgaar would still be sexy despite the greasy mess and an excellent lay, but still, it seemed like a really slutty thing to do, trawling the popcorn room like that. While being married to a perfectly brutal cannibal vampire, no less. Who was, Skwisgaar had to admit, actually pretty handsome himself, just not in a way that appealed to the Swede. Male beauty was almost entirely wasted on him -- he liked looking at Toki, and Toki's body, and that was all he cared about in that regard. He was into a guy, not all guys in general. So he had no interest in staring longingly into the Baron's eyes or admiring his face, any more than he had when they'd first met; his attraction to the Baron was based entirely upon his morbid obesity. The dude had some truly epic mantits that were fun to play with, and Skwisgaar was pleased to note that the Baron's time at Hogwarts had, if anything, only increased his overall girth. Still sort of a pity he wasn't a woman, as Hogwarts had always had a distressing lack of MILFs and GMILFs. Which reminded him that he ought to look Oly up again at some point, see if she was even still around, and if she'd gotten the cheesy Valentine's Day poem.

And of course sexual looseness wasn't a negative thing, to him. He usually preferred the people he fucked to be dirty, seasoned sluts, with Toki again being the obvious exception. Unless Toki was being a slut for him, which was always very acceptable.

"Elric's huge sword coulds be overscompensatings for something," he continued, lightly running the tips of his claws down the Baron's chest, tracing the swells of flesh. With minimal effort he could open great red gashes, then lean in to tear off the ribbons of hanging flesh with his teeth -- and he couldn't deny that he actually wanted to, but had the sense to check the urge. The Baron was pleasant company now, and Skwisgaar didn't want to end things prematurely. "You ever lets him fuck you?" he wondered. "Or lets anyone?" The Baron's physique meant there were quite a few interesting folds of flesh to explore, and him taking it up the ass almost seemed superfluous and unexciting compared to being fucked almost anywhere on his body. And people thought Skwisgaar's tastes were weird. They just didn't understand the fun possibilities one had when fucking the fatties.


i_am_harkonnen May 27 2010, 09:31:39 UTC
((Sorry to be slow! RL ate me the last couple days.))

Toki got to work as soon as he'd collected the Shoggies and returned to their room- this took a few hours, due to all the excited Shoggies on the Hogwarts grounds. After finding the 'eyesball throw-ups' children amongst their amorphous brethren, he'd wasted no time in putting some baffled house-elves to work. And, the mun will detail the results when Skwisgaar moves back to his room.


The Baron was able to get a good look at Skwisgaar's teeth when he bared them, which didn't even cause him to flinch. His Imperium-honed discipline had little to do with it- mainly he didn't flinch because he was too stimulated by this savage new trait. The robe-bundle was both left and forgotten, and it was his cock that responded as his hand made contact with Skwisgaar's shoulder and he felt the bite of his altered skin beneath his fingertips. He smiled as Skwisgaar warmed to the contact, and involved his other hand as Skwisgaar shifted to face him, tracing over Skwisgaar's chest and abdomen, discovering that the sandpaper-like feel of the skin was only when stroked against the grain.

It was no surprise that Skwisgaar claimed no control over his 'son'- Vladimir thought it best not to inquire as to why Smaug had food rotting his bedroom. (Food which had indeed been eaten by Shoggies. After it had rotted awhile, for flavor.) That Skwisgaar admitted he shared his bed with Toki was no shock- the Baron had presumed this already. But, Skwisgaar's interpretation of the reason for Smaug's jealousy was both amusing, and mildly unsettling in some indescribable way. Mostly amusing, and somehow flattering coming from Skwisgaar, who seemed to find it perfectly natural that Elric might be a 'bigs sluts' for him. "I expect that your 'son' has had little reason to learn how to share, being naturally outfitted for tyranny." Vladimir obviously approved of this entirely.

The Baron was a slut, but not indiscriminate- which was why he felt no shame about picking up Skwisgaar in the popcorn room. Skwisgaar's acquaintance had been worth it, and, the Baron wouldn't hesitate to repeat the act if he found another naked, greasy young man of his quality- for Skwisgaar was indeed exceptional, and, his hybrid form only accentuated many of his finest traits. He also possessed a rare trait that the Baron couldn't help but enjoy- most of the time, the Baron felt his Hogwarts bedmates were enjoying his company despite his physique. It was obvious that Skwisgaar's attraction was based entirely upon his immense tracts of excess flesh, and it was enjoyable to have his body appreciated. The Baron took pride in his excessive corpulence, which had genetic roots, but was deliberately cultivated, and the Baron's gluttonous habits had indeed not changed since his arrival to Hogwarts- aside from having more time in which to indulge them.

"I've yet to discover if Elric is compensating," the Baron replied lightly, "And I haven't decided if I want to yet." He was honest, delivering the words without much thought, as his attention was for the feel of the Skwisgaar's claws on his chest. He too had evocative thoughts of them tearing flesh, adding to the stimulation of their proximity. He removed a hand from Skwisgaar, leaning back and adjusting himself so that he could loosen the restraints on his harness to free his excited cock, slowly, not rushed. His lips curled with amusement at the question- direct, but, the Baron could appreciate this at times. And, Skwisgaar had proven to have a sense of discretion. "Ah, not Elric, no- I don't think he gets to. But I admit that I have a well-developed sense of debauchery, and, hate to exclude possible pleasures. I've allowed it before." With those of an equivalent rank- which excused it. But, discretion added points too. The Baron wasn't inclined to give Skwisgaar free reign over his ass, but being a seasoned slut, he was well aware that 'fucking' could cover a wide range of possibilities, and that his own body was especially replete with these. "Of course, there are many ways to go about it," he added, trailing his fingers down Skwisgaar's stomach, and further, as he began to wonder about the details of his altered anatomy.


best_guitarist June 4 2010, 07:26:16 UTC
((Annnd cue the porn! Fair warning to any lurkers following this. XD))

He hadn't been aiming to shock the Baron by mentioning the fact he shared a bed with Toki -- it had been delivered in the same offhand way he might comment on something mundane. At Hogwarts there was little reason to hide his relationship, and so he made no attempts to. It was probably for the best, just in case any of the other people he slept with started getting unfortunate ideas about sex with him actually meaning something, which it never did, at least not to him. It was just an alternative to wanking, more or less. Something which he was pretty sure the Baron understood, so he wasn't too worried about any awkward feelings getting in the way of their fucking. Friendship wasn't so bad, of course, as long as it didn't go beyond that.

"Ja, Smaug's a reals brutal dragon, can dos whatsever he wants to because no one can stops him," he said, always happy to talk about his unusual children. It was way better getting to choose his family like this, rather than getting stuck with them, like he was with his horrible mother. "Guess he mights just eat Elric if he ams gets mad enough..." It would be a shame, since he actually kind of liked Elric and considered him a friend. "There's de even biggers blacks dragon around here too, I saws him palling around with Smaug, and de huge lakes dragon. Maybe Smaug starts datings them." None of which the Baron probably even cared about, but Skwisgaar was oblivious; he just liked talking about Smaug and dragons in general, and it wasn't as though he even had to break out the dirty talk to get the Baron in the mood for sex, as was apparent by the state of his cock.

The Baron's fixation on rank would have amused Skwisgaar if he'd known about it, as rank seemed pretty meaningless to him. There was only one world to worry about where he was from, and he held more power than any individual world leader just by being in Dethklok. In the Baron's time, it may have been the equivalent of holding sway over most of the known galaxy and blowing up entire planets by accident -- or for fun -- during galactic concerts. And one day, this cross over may exist.

Skwisgaar arched into the Baron's touch with a hum of approval, letting his own hands wander in turn. His preferences hadn't changed much in the last two years -- as long as there was no uninvited penetration of what was now the equivalent of his ass, there probably wouldn't be a problem. He made a token effort to be careful with his claws, but it was inevitable that they'd break skin sooner or later, and unless the Baron objected, he wasn't going to stop. Once he reached the Baron's cock he took it in hand and started to stroke it, purposely curling his fingers so the tips of his claws were dragging against flesh, curious about what kind of reaction it might elicit. It was still fairly weird to be fondling another guy who wasn't Toki, but if it meant he got to go to town on the Baron's body he didn't really mind. As they seemed to be on the same page with that, he shifted to press his lower body against the Baron's stomach on one side, near his hip, letting his engorged cock partially slide out and into the crevice formed by a great roll of flesh. He languidly undulated his hips, sighing in pleasure as he worked his cock deeper. It was different from fucking a pussy or ass, different in a good way.

Bowing his head, he lightly scraped the expanse of skin between the Baron's neck and shoulder with his teeth, the desire to draw blood only growing with his arousal. While the urge to bite Toki had definitely carried an underlying possessive quality, it had no such emotional basis with the Baron -- if they weren't currently having sex, he had the strangest feeling that he'd plain just want to devour the Baron in the most literal sense.


i_am_harkonnen June 7 2010, 02:03:21 UTC
The Baron approved of Skwisgaar's casual approach, and, was pleased to confirm that Skwisgaar appeared to to nicely fixed in his relationship. As unlikely as it seemed that Skwisgaar would get any sort of inconvenient ideas, it was still a solid guarantee against those awkward feelings. The Baron was not at all adverse to friendship with Skwisgaar, but, as far as feelings went, he already had as many of those as he felt like having at Hogwarts, centered around a certain vampire and a certain Potions professor.

So, dragons were a very acceptable topic- dirty talk could be fun, but he didn't need it from Skwisgaar to put him in the mood. It was impossible not to be, having him alone in the bath, and in his intriguing aquatic form. And besides, the Hogwarts dragons were remarkable, even if one had tried to eat him and Lord Wolfe. "There's two other dragons here?" Vladimir commented, while lighly drawing a fingertip over Skwisgaar's gills, carefully watching his reaction. "Ah yes. . . Elric mentioned something about 'summoning' one to eat that awful sun monstrosity. I'd like to see the others, someday- Smaug's an impressive creature." Vladimir's flattery was genuine- he'd seen bigger creatures, but not a more majestic one. The sandworms of Arrakis were immense, but, not airborne, fire-breathing, or intelligent.

Although Vladimir remained curious about what orifices Skwisgaar's new anatomy might offer, penetrating him wasn't required for good sex, and he made no move to find anywhere to insert himself- from what he'd deduced of Skwisgaar's personality, he was the sort who'd offer it if he was in the mood for it. There were plenty of other ways to fuck around, and, Skwisgaar's musically-trained hands were a delight in themselves, especially with their claws. He thus far had no objections, even when they did threaten to break skin, as a little pain added to the heady brew of his arousal. As Skwisgaar's hand reached his cock, he gave an low, encouraging groan, a shudder of pleasure quaking his body as the tips of Skwisgaar's claws added to the intoxicating touch. His cock was the one piece of the Baron's anatomy where he'd have objected to broken skin, but, as that hadn't occurred, he wasn't about to stop Skwisgaar's attentions.

The Baron encouraged Skwisgaar as he shifted, shuddering with pleasure again as Skwisgaar's abrasive skin bit against his. He slipped his arms about Skwisgaar to draw him in as he positioned himself, thrilling at the feel of condensed strength in his altered form. The nature of Skwisgaar's changed anatomy was somewhat illuminated as he felt his cock slide out and into the deep fold of flesh, and he had to smile at Skwisgaar's sighs and evident enjoyment of his body. The slightly scandalous aspect of allowing Skwisgaar to fuck him in such a way added to the fun, too- the Baron might have been hung up on rank, but, was happy to be flexible in interpreting the 'rules' for debauchery's sake.

He tilted his head and leaned into the touch as Skwisgaar's teeth raked his skin, prompting another deep groan and further firing his arousal. He too thought about biting, some of which included mental images of the vampire in the other room, and occurrences he'd often fantasized about, and which could never happen. Remaining alive and in one piece was of interest to Vladimir, even if he could appreciate some pain. It didn't seem that Skwisgaar was inclined to shark-like savaging at the moment, which was a good thing, but, the thought of the possibility, the closeness of those razor-like teeth and claws, was exhilarating. His hands wandered over Skwisgaar's back and he rocked into the motions of his hand, watching the accompanying movement of his tail as he undulated against his body. Something about his cock was unusual- he couldn't see it, buried as it was between rolls of his fat, but, he could feel it was somehow different than that of a human. This made things a bit more scandalous, but also more fun. After all, it wasn't actual bestiality- if Skwisgaar hadn't still possessed the human parts that he did, he wouldn't have been interested. Sharks were sharks, and, Skwisgaar was currently an actual merman.


best_guitarist June 20 2010, 09:37:00 UTC
((Sorry again for dropping the ball in such an epic fail way over the last month! And there will always be future perversion possibilities between these two, especially if Skwisgaar is doomed to be a were-mercreature of sorts. That'd be too funny, plus it means he and Toki can keep the cool aquarium in their room, heh. Whichever mod suggested it can be thanked/blamed for future sharky crack.
Oh yeah, Jasper-mun'll post next, then I will once more.))

There could be little question about Skwisgaar enjoying the sex -- he quite obviously was, enthusiastically, with the added bonus that it was completely guilt-free since he had explicit permission from Toki to fuck whomever he wanted to, just as long as they weren't in or working for Dethklok. It was a good arrangement, as it generally precluded the possibility of becoming emotionally attached to any of his various NSA conquests, most of whom he never saw again. Once the fun was over and he and the Baron went back to lounging in the bath, he found himself missing Toki more than before, for some reason; Toki remained the only person who'd had the opportunity and had bothered taking the time to learn his specific preferences with regards to sex, though it wasn't just that knowing touch that Skwisgaar was missing, but his company as well. It was a strange way to feel after fucking someone else several times.

Still, far better to feel that sort of emotional tug toward Toki than to feel it for said person he'd just screwed. He was pleased to see the Baron still remained very tactilely inclined after sex without being particularly cuddly, as he really had no interest in cuddling at the moment, but did like being touched. The prior rough sex had left no lasting marks on Skwisgaar, but the Baron was still sporting miscellaneous small wounds -- shallow bites and scratches -- which Skwisgaar took pleasure in slowly fingering and ghosting over with the tips of his claws, just enough to maintain a constant low level of stimulation. He wasn't opposed to fucking once more, if there was time and the Baron had the inclination to.

While they waited for Toki's return and shared the Baron's ubiquitous wine (despite Skwisgaar's suspicions that it'd turn him into a lady, which was apparently a fate worse than being part fish), Skwisgaar was content to make idle conversation, going on about Dethklok, touring, his peerless guitar skills, groupies, Mordland, and the impressive culinary abilities of Jean-Pierre, the latter of which he knew might actually interest the Baron. He also mentioned wanting a video camera, but was soon distracted from explaining why by talking more about Smaug and the Shoggies. (And in truth, it wasn't only homemade porn Skwisgaar had in mind -- a dragon documentary and home movies of their "children" also ranked high on the list of possible uses for a camera.) He was in the midst of a colourful anecdote about the Shoggies' dietary habits when Jasper reappeared, followed by Toki and any Shoggies who may have come.


j_whitlock June 20 2010, 09:49:37 UTC
((Daww there was no fail, just life happening. Now im back in ur thread, levitating ur d00dz.))

Jasper had spent the last several orgasms while perfecting a combination of spells, using first a chess piece from his pocket as the test subject, and then himself. It was an improved and permanent version of the levitation and water charms he'd cast on Skwisgaar at the lake, designed to activate whenever Skwisgaar was out of water, and wear off when his aquatic form did (and would naturally become active again should he ever find himself in the form of a mercreature once more). Jasper took particular notice of the bites and scratches liberally scattered over Vladimir's body-and had been aware of when each occurred. Since it had been consensual and greatly enjoyed by both parties, if the emotional climate was anything to go by, he hadn't felt the need to interrupt their fun. He was already well acquainted with Vladimir's unusual proclivities...

After explaining in detail and acquiring Skwisgaar's reluctant permission, Jasper withdrew his wand from a sleeve and cast the new spell on him. Once the Swede climbed out of the bath, Jasper watched with a pleased look as the spell immediately took effect, pulling Skwisgaar into the air as a near invisible layer of water flowed over his skin and gills. It was really the least he could do to make up for causing Skwisgaar so much trouble.

"That should help you get around easier," Jasper said amiably, briefly eyeing Vladimir again (more specifically, his wounds) before turning to Toki. "Aquarium's already done?" It was a rhetorical question-he was curious and wanted to see the aquarium, but wasn't going to invite himself or push his luck, not this soon. If Toki wanted to show off his work, Jasper knew he'd probably say so.


best_guitarist June 20 2010, 10:00:51 UTC
Skwisgaar muttered a thanks (because gratitude wasn't terribly metal) and experimentally flexed his tail, propelling himself forward. It wasn't like moving through water, but it was considerably easier than having to drag himself on the ground or having someone pull him. It was a lot like how he imagined flying as a dragon might be, actually, so he was likewise pleased with the results of Jasper's effort.

"It's likes flying," he said, doubling back and skimming the surface of the bath water with his tail as he made his way toward where Jasper and Toki were waiting. "Prettys cool." He finished off the rest of his wine and passed the glass to Mopsy, whom he then watched the way a cat might a mouse: something that wouldn't make a great meal, but could make an amusing toy. He was normally indifferent toward the house elves, but couldn't really help his newfound interest -- the less human parts of his mind were highly susceptible to seeking stimulation through violent means, and tended to have a very apex predator view of the food chain around him. The relatively insignificant wounds he'd inflicted on the Baron were barely a taste of what a part of him really wanted to do.

Mopsy was luckily spared from the unwanted attention when Skwisgaar shifted his focus to Toki instead, reaching for one of his hands for no reason but to hold it. It seemed wiser than indulging his urge to chomp on the house elf to see if she made a satisfying crunch or not, since she technically worked for the Baron, who might not appreciate it very much.


i_am_harkonnen June 22 2010, 00:01:13 UTC
((And, holy epic TL;DR! I'm just going to post this reply as two posts, half from Vlad, and half from Toki right afterward.))

The Baron had also enjoyed the sex- in fact, he'd enjoyed it immensely, as Skwisgaar's altered physical condition made it a truly singular experience, and the predatory instincts the change had roused in him had added a perfect spice to the encounter. When they were finished and relaxing in the bath, it was to Jasper that Vladimir's thoughts wandered. He was always so endearingly thoughtful, and had Jasper been honing in specifics of emotions, the surge of deep affection the Baron felt was entirely directed at him.

Not that he didn't feel a certain affection for Skwisgaar, but, it wasn't of the emotional sort. Skwisgaar was pleasant company, and there was something about him that set him above most people. Not above nobility of course, as titles were titles, but, Skwisgaar radiated something nearly on par with the indefinably superior quality possessed by noble sorts, and from what the Baron knew of Dethklok and rock stardom, Skwisgaar's influence in his own world was similar. Whatever it was, although the Baron felt no emotional tugs toward Skwisgaar, he did appreciate him for more than just his lovely body, talented hands, and excellent attitude about casual sex.

While they relaxed and conversed, Vladimir was content to let Skwisgaar lead the conversation, and mainly listened as he lazily traced his hands over Skwisgaar- the Baron was indeed not a cuddly or snuggly sort, but, never did tire of touching. He still gave low sighs of pleasure now and again as Skwisgaar's claws moved over the sensitized spots where he'd been bitten and scratched, and mused over another round of fucking, as well as introducing Valentine to Skwisgaar in the future. He knew that Valentine had met Skwisgaar at Potions class, but, he didn't think that they'd ever had a chance to interact, and at that time, Skwisgaar hadn't been altered into a particularly dangerous merman.

Listening to Skwisgaar's stories about Dethklok and Mordland helped to clarify the Baron's presumption about the high social status of rock stars- it did sound as if Dethklok possessed exceptional wealth, as well an almost religious sway over their followers. It sounded as if a world leader would have been a fool to not want an alliance with the group-Dethklok seemed as if it might serve better than a whole army of propagandists. Jean-Pierre also sounded impressive- Skwisgaar did appear to have standards, and with their apparent bank balance, probably had obtained the best chef in their world. Mention of wanting a video camera was enough for Vladimir to agree to sending one along with Skwisgaar- what he was going to do with it didn't matter much, although the Baron was thinking about the possibility of amateur Skwisgaar and Toki porn. He was actually listening the anecdote about the Shoggies' dietary habits with interest (he had one living under his couch, after all, and was still trying to figure out what to do with it) when Jasper reappeared with Toki and a pair of Shoggies. Some more distant Shoggy voices could be heard as well, for Shoggies 3 and 4.6 were talking to the aforementioned Shoggy 21.5.

Although Vladimir had been hoping that Toki would take a bit longer to show up again, he wasn't annoyed at his return- he'd had a pleasant night, and at Hogwarts, there seemed to be endless opportunities for more. And besides, Skwisgaar seemed quite attached to odd Norwegian, and, there was no way he could begrudge such a pretty thought as the two of them in bed. . . or in the immediate case, in an aquarium, apparently. The Baron gave Jasper a warm smile as he assisted Skwisgaar with the levitation magic. Jasper was always so very thoughtful. Being well aware of Jasper's empathic traits, he hoped that Jasper had found some enjoyment in his own pleasure- it wasn't the same thing as fucking Jasper, but, given Jasper's condition, it seemed about as close as it was going to get.


isnotabumblebee June 22 2010, 00:03:49 UTC
Toki had a huge smile when he arrived, and Shoggies 10 excitedly piped, "The aquariums! We has it fors you, Master Skwisgaar-Dad!" "Yeah, the house-elves, they helped us finish its pretty fast," Toki explained to Jasper. "Ands the Shoggies built yous a little underwater sea-gods temple and stuffs in it, and even founds a mermaid skeleton in the lake and puts that in there too. You can comes see it if you wants!" Toki was never one to miss an opportunity to show off his handiwork. He turned his grin on Skwisgaar again, telling him, "It's brutal, you's gonna likes it!"

The other two 'eyesball throw-ups children' reappeared, with Shoggy 21.5 in tow, having actually been lured out from under the Baron's sofa by its fellow Shoggies. "Can Shoggy comes home and plays with us fors a while?" Shoggy 3 asked, the question apparently directed at Vladimir. "It wants to sees the aquariums too!" The Baron nodded his approval, seeing no reason why it couldn't- Shoggy 21.5 appeared to do whatever it wanted to anyway, which was why it was under his couch in the first place. Still, its seeking of permission was something of an improvement.

"Sooo cool, you gots a Shoggy-kid too!" Toki exclaimed. "It's likes a playdate for the kids!" Toki was a bit giddy with excitement, impatient to show off the aquarium- having had the opportunity to do something nice for Skwisgaar had made him extremely happy. Both Toki and the Baron missed Mopsy's discomfort as Skwisgaar was eyeing her- the Baron was far more interested in the three lovely men in the room, and, Toki had noticed the Baron's little bites and scratches. Although he'd left the room clueless as to what Skwisgaar and the Baron were likely to do, this little sign gave him some indication of what actually had gone on. But, it didn't seem like anything to be jealous about- in fact, it seemed like something to be happy about. Skwisgaar had surely enjoyed himself, and Toki wanted him to be happy. Toki knew that he couldn't cater to Skwisgaar's entire range of tastes- he wasn't an old fatty, and Skwisgaar had to get his kicks of that variety somewhere. To Toki, getting jealous would have seemed like getting jealous over candy. Candy was candy, and it was great, but, you didn't love candy. You just enjoyed it. In some ways, Toki was wiser than he tended to appear.

As Skwisgaar drifted over and took his hand, Toki squeezed it affectionately and beamed happily at Skwisgaar. "You gots to see, you's gonna likes it alot I hope!" He grinned at Jasper, telling him, "The flying magic's real great, thanks for helpings!" Toki was not so disinclined as Skwisgaar toward showing gratitude- perhaps it wasn't very metal, but, Toki really was grateful for Jasper's help. "And thanks you for letting Skwisgaar stay here so he didn'ts dry up or gets bored while we mades the aquarium," Toki told the Baron, who smiled, waving a hand as to indicate that it was not a problem at all. As it certainly had been anything but a burden. Unlike the five Shoggies milling about his bathroom, which could quickly grow to be one- but, this appeared to be a very temporary situation, so Vladimir paid it no mind. Mopsy, however, was standing well away from the tub and glowering at the Shoggies, who she seemed to think threatened the cleanliness of the room.


best_guitarist June 22 2010, 05:48:03 UTC
Skwisgaar at least wouldn't have cared much if he knew he wasn't considered above nobility by the Baron, as he had a surprisingly logical way of looking at titles -- calling an orange a banana didn't change the fact it was still fundamentally an orange, and the same was true of people, as far as he was concerned. A Prince of Denmark was still Dutch scum, just more inbred than the average Dutch scum, the way most nobility tended to be. Being Governor of Florida hadn't magically turned Nathan into a great leader guy -- in fact he'd failed at it so hard he'd managed to literally destroy Florida, with a little help from Dethklok's supernatural influence that had caused Scrambles the Death Dealer.

And yet Skwisgaar was, of course, very attached to his own title of Fastest Guitarist Alive. But he'd rightfully earned it, and he was also... a god. Suck on that, nobility!

Toki never would have anything to worry about with regards to Skwisgaar's emotional fidelity, and the fact was, if Toki ever asked it of him, he was pretty sure he could remain sexually monogamous as well without feeling as though he were missing out on anything -- he practically was almost monogamous by this point, as Hogwarts lacked groupies and he very rarely saw his friends-with-benefits such as the Baron or Oly. Just as long as he was regularly getting laid by someone he could be happy, and Toki was always his first choice for that anyway.

Skwisgaar was far less enthused by the notion of Jasper accompanying them back to their room, as fucking hadn't made him forget about having his gills ripped out and a bit of magic didn't make up for it (never mind that he'd instigated the fight and had actually had the upper hand). Plus it would mean he and Toki couldn't get right to "christening" the aquarium if they had company over. The extra Shoggy didn't matter one way or the other, as it would presumably enjoy the ball pit with its brethren when the time came to put the children away. But, if it made Toki happy to show off what he'd worked so hard on, Skwisgaar didn't really mind. Due to his altered metabolism he was feeling ravenous anyway, so would probably decide to eat in his new watery home before doing anything else.

The sea-god temple did sound interesting, and between that and Toki's and the Shoggies' weirdly infectious excitement, Skwisgaar's irritation didn't last. Vladimir freely giving him one of the spare "muggle" video cameras certainly didn't hurt matters either. "And thanks yous for de cameras stuff," he told the Baron as he picked up the camera in its case and the accompanying equipment Mopsy had retrieved by request. "Now wes could makes de underswater documentarys show, eh?" he said to Toki, of course meaning porn. For all he knew this was the one and only time he'd be a mercreature, so it made sense to immortalise part of the experience on film. Another flex of his tail gave him enough momentum to get moving, and he headed back through the Baron's rooms, saying, "Shows to me my aquariums. Shoggies ams probably wantings a food break, and I'ms hungry again too."

In more ways than one.


j_whitlock June 22 2010, 06:32:15 UTC
Jasper was very aware that Skwisgaar hadn't forgiven him yet, and certainly didn't blame him. How could he, when he himself still felt annoyed about his pet raptor coming to unnecessary harm all those months ago during the Smaug-and-Elric-obliterated war games? Nevermind that the raptor was free to roam wherever he pleased, and nevermind that he had willingly followed Dethklok onto the field and started playing of his own accord. The raptor hadn't signed up for the class and so should have been taken off the field. Senseless violence and being entertained by it was one area where he and Vladimir were simply never going to see eye-to-eye, and he'd mostly accepted that fact, but his lingering unhappiness over the war games was exacerbated by the knowledge that Vladimir was now working with Akabane, who had dishonoured himself by using Jasper's hapless human roommate to get to him. A tactic which Vladimir undoubtedly approved of in general, if perhaps not in that specific case and Jasper secretly liked the fact Vladimir was often openly biased when it came to him, so Jasper hadn't seen any reason to argue about it.

A feeling of alienation had been festering. His wife and adoptive brother had been missing for months, he was solely responsible for the mess with George, Victor seemed to want more from him than he could give, his roommate was now popcorn, and Vladimir-well, he was who he was, and Jasper truthfully wouldn't change anything about him even if he could. More than anything Vladimir had been a very good friend to him, far better than he deserved, and he felt bad for letting circumstances-the war games, a purely professional engagement with Akabane-even colour his opinions.

"You're both very welcome," he replied, sounding both friendly and sheepish, hoping to appease Skwisgaar. "The aquarium sounds interesting. If you really don't mind..." There he glanced from Toki to Skwisgaar. "I would like to see it." He wasn't planning on making a nuisance of himself. He was genuinely curious to see the aquarium setup, and once he did, he'd probably excuse himself. Glancing at the still bleeding wounds on the Baron's body a final time, he couldn't help feeling a little sad and maybe even vaguely jealous (and thankfully not hungry, since he was very carefully not breathing). He turned and followed Skwisgaar out, trailing behind Toki and the Shoggies. He wasn't sure he'd come back after seeing the aquarium, figuring Vladimir would be in bed by then sleeping off the sex overdose, so bade him a good night before closing doors behind them as they passed through Vladimir's rooms.

"What do you-eat, anyway?" he asked Skwisgaar as they walked-and floated-and squelched along. Besides Barons, he thought but didn't say. "Do you have a specific diet now? If it's something the house-elves can't get, I'd be happy to try." Even if he wasn't hoping to get Skwisgaar to forgive him he would have offered; it was just how Jasper was.


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