[Closed RP: Skwisgaar, Toki, Shoggies -- Jasper, Vladimir later]

Apr 18, 2010 10:44

((Plus Nidhögg, if he wants to pal around at all. Continued from this thread, and very obviously NSFW since it's going to be full of Sharkgaar porn and gore and wrongness. Especially once Vladimir is involved. :P))

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nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, nidhogg, pickles, jasper hale

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isnotabumblebee April 19 2010, 09:39:07 UTC
Toki was likewise grateful when the others left, as Pickle's commentary had definitely not been conducive to the mood. He just didn't have exhibitionist tendencies, especially where his bandmates who weren't Skwisgaar were concerned. He also wasn't worried about getting Skwisgaar back to the castle- he'd already decided that if they needed to, they could just have the Shoggies haul him back on one of their sleds. It might not have been a comfortable transportation idea, but, it would work well enough if the floaty candy wasn't sufficient. And, now that he'd submerged himself in the lake, he was comfortable enough- it was cold, but, carrying fish-boxes through the Norweigan snow while rather underdressed for the weather as a kid had been colder, and he'd survived that just fine ( ... )


best_guitarist June 20 2010, 09:37:00 UTC
((Sorry again for dropping the ball in such an epic fail way over the last month! And there will always be future perversion possibilities between these two, especially if Skwisgaar is doomed to be a were-mercreature of sorts. That'd be too funny, plus it means he and Toki can keep the cool aquarium in their room, heh. Whichever mod suggested it can be thanked/blamed for future sharky crack.
Oh yeah, Jasper-mun'll post next, then I will once more.))There could be little question about Skwisgaar enjoying the sex -- he quite obviously was, enthusiastically, with the added bonus that it was completely guilt-free since he had explicit permission from Toki to fuck whomever he wanted to, just as long as they weren't in or working for Dethklok. It was a good arrangement, as it generally precluded the possibility of becoming emotionally attached to any of his various NSA conquests, most of whom he never saw again. Once the fun was over and he and the Baron went back to lounging in the bath, he found himself missing Toki more than before, for ( ... )


j_whitlock June 20 2010, 09:49:37 UTC
((Daww there was no fail, just life happening. Now im back in ur thread, levitating ur d00dz.))

Jasper had spent the last several orgasms while perfecting a combination of spells, using first a chess piece from his pocket as the test subject, and then himself. It was an improved and permanent version of the levitation and water charms he'd cast on Skwisgaar at the lake, designed to activate whenever Skwisgaar was out of water, and wear off when his aquatic form did (and would naturally become active again should he ever find himself in the form of a mercreature once more). Jasper took particular notice of the bites and scratches liberally scattered over Vladimir's body-and had been aware of when each occurred. Since it had been consensual and greatly enjoyed by both parties, if the emotional climate was anything to go by, he hadn't felt the need to interrupt their fun. He was already well acquainted with Vladimir's unusual proclivities ( ... )


best_guitarist June 20 2010, 10:00:51 UTC
Skwisgaar muttered a thanks (because gratitude wasn't terribly metal) and experimentally flexed his tail, propelling himself forward. It wasn't like moving through water, but it was considerably easier than having to drag himself on the ground or having someone pull him. It was a lot like how he imagined flying as a dragon might be, actually, so he was likewise pleased with the results of Jasper's effort ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen June 22 2010, 00:01:13 UTC
((And, holy epic TL;DR! I'm just going to post this reply as two posts, half from Vlad, and half from Toki right afterward.))

The Baron had also enjoyed the sex- in fact, he'd enjoyed it immensely, as Skwisgaar's altered physical condition made it a truly singular experience, and the predatory instincts the change had roused in him had added a perfect spice to the encounter. When they were finished and relaxing in the bath, it was to Jasper that Vladimir's thoughts wandered. He was always so endearingly thoughtful, and had Jasper been honing in specifics of emotions, the surge of deep affection the Baron felt was entirely directed at him.

Not that he didn't feel a certain affection for Skwisgaar, but, it wasn't of the emotional sort. Skwisgaar was pleasant company, and there was something about him that set him above most people. Not above nobility of course, as titles were titles, but, Skwisgaar radiated something nearly on par with the indefinably superior quality possessed by noble sorts, and from what the Baron knew of Dethklok ( ... )


isnotabumblebee June 22 2010, 00:03:49 UTC
Toki had a huge smile when he arrived, and Shoggies 10 excitedly piped, "The aquariums! We has it fors you, Master Skwisgaar-Dad!" "Yeah, the house-elves, they helped us finish its pretty fast," Toki explained to Jasper. "Ands the Shoggies built yous a little underwater sea-gods temple and stuffs in it, and even founds a mermaid skeleton in the lake and puts that in there too. You can comes see it if you wants!" Toki was never one to miss an opportunity to show off his handiwork. He turned his grin on Skwisgaar again, telling him, "It's brutal, you's gonna likes it ( ... )


best_guitarist June 22 2010, 05:48:03 UTC
Skwisgaar at least wouldn't have cared much if he knew he wasn't considered above nobility by the Baron, as he had a surprisingly logical way of looking at titles -- calling an orange a banana didn't change the fact it was still fundamentally an orange, and the same was true of people, as far as he was concerned. A Prince of Denmark was still Dutch scum, just more inbred than the average Dutch scum, the way most nobility tended to be. Being Governor of Florida hadn't magically turned Nathan into a great leader guy -- in fact he'd failed at it so hard he'd managed to literally destroy Florida, with a little help from Dethklok's supernatural influence that had caused Scrambles the Death Dealer.

And yet Skwisgaar was, of course, very attached to his own title of Fastest Guitarist Alive. But he'd rightfully earned it, and he was also... a god. Suck on that, nobility ( ... )


j_whitlock June 22 2010, 06:32:15 UTC
Jasper was very aware that Skwisgaar hadn't forgiven him yet, and certainly didn't blame him. How could he, when he himself still felt annoyed about his pet raptor coming to unnecessary harm all those months ago during the Smaug-and-Elric-obliterated war games? Nevermind that the raptor was free to roam wherever he pleased, and nevermind that he had willingly followed Dethklok onto the field and started playing of his own accord. The raptor hadn't signed up for the class and so should have been taken off the field. Senseless violence and being entertained by it was one area where he and Vladimir were simply never going to see eye-to-eye, and he'd mostly accepted that fact, but his lingering unhappiness over the war games was exacerbated by the knowledge that Vladimir was now working with Akabane, who had dishonoured himself by using Jasper's hapless human roommate to get to him. A tactic which Vladimir undoubtedly approved of in general, if perhaps not in that specific case and Jasper secretly liked the fact Vladimir was often openly ( ... )


isnotabumblebee June 23 2010, 10:43:54 UTC
The Baron would have been greatly amused to hear the tale of Nathan's turn as Governor of Florida, and it was likely he'd hear it eventually. The Baron had actually quite enjoyed Skwisgaar's disjointed stories about Dethklok, and wasn't ever likely to discourage them. Although he'd have found Nathan's try at governing a good example of why popular opinion was a silly thing to base leadership on, he'd mostly have found Scrambles the Death Dealer absolutely hilarious, and applauded Dethklok's abuse of the power handed to them ( ... )


best_guitarist June 24 2010, 06:37:19 UTC
"Everything whats I used to eat," Skwisgaar said in response to the question about his diet, and the look that he gave Jasper suggested the vampire could easily be (re)added to the menu if he continued asking dumb questions. "And I guess mores fish now," he went on after a moment, making a conscious effort to lighten up so as not to ruin the mood for Toki or the Shoggies, not that the latter would have even noticed. Besides, Jasper was one of the very few people he normally liked. "Fish and meats ams good, especially de fish eyes, and bones, I likes de sounds they make between mine teeth. And de other things I probably shouldn'ts be having, but they sound goods too." Such as people. He had a growing suspicion that whatever he was now, he was possibly meant to be eating them, not fucking them. Cannibalism was brutal and all (was it really cannibalism when he wasn't currently human?), but he'd also heard it led to really horrible brain-eating diseases, and he didn't want to eat Toki, anyway. Nor did he want to eat the rest of Dethklok ( ... )


j_whitlock June 24 2010, 08:31:20 UTC
((Jasper doesn't have much to say, so you get exposition about Smaug. XD))

Noticeably withering slightly under Skwisgaar's glare, Jasper decided against asking the Swede to elaborate on things he 'shouldn't' be having, though he was now more curious than before. He'd never met an actual real, living merman before, and even though Skwisgaar was usually human, his new form and all the physiological changes it brought were intriguing-as were the emotional ones. What he could perceive of Skwisgaar's emotions weren't like those of an animal, but neither were they quite as they had been before, when he was human, nor necessarily a blend of human and animal. It was an interesting puzzle.

He was careful this time to not keep glancing at Toki the way he had before, since he really didn't want a repeat of the bath brawl ( ... )


isnotabumblebee June 25 2010, 13:17:46 UTC
((Posted in two comments because I TL;DR'd the aquarium description.))"The fish heads ares good too!" Shoggy 18 interjected into the conversation about food. "Ands the little squishy gut bits ons the insides," added Shoggy 3. "They have extra flavors in them!" "Other meats are good too," agreed Shoggy 10, "Likes hamsburger and chickens and those leggy things ins the trees, and people, but we can't eat people here because then we don't get chicken, but it's alright. There's lots of good meats." The subject of fish and meat was one that Shoggies could expound upon for a while, and, their conversation turned to this amongst themselves for most of the way to the room ( ... )


isnotabumblebee June 25 2010, 13:20:33 UTC
The house-elves had indeed done some magical room-enlarging in order to house the properly Sharkgaar-sized aquarium that Toki had told them to install. It wasn't ridiculously proportioned, but, Skwisgaar would would be able to swim about the tank, and not feel too confined, or so Toki hoped. And as was unavoidable with Toki and the Shoggies playing project directors, they'd decorated the tank- featuring most prominently were some pieces of strange masonry which the Shoggies had stuck together in order to create what looked like some sort of scaled-down primordial sea temple. It had taken some interesting work on the Shoggies' part to bring these pieces- in fact, they hadn't actually gone to get them yet. They would later, or more accurately, they'd send a few other Shoggies to go through the convoluted trip through various dimensions it would take to obtain them. Most of the stones had bizarre carvings of abominable octopus-headed beings. The stones formed a small room within the aquarium- they did unfortunately block off some the ( ... )


best_guitarist June 28 2010, 22:37:26 UTC
Dressing accordingly for the dragon-ride-pillaging-picnic seemed a good idea, but Skwisgaar decided against bringing up his clothing preferences. Their last conversation about choosing brutal suits of armour had gone rather poorly, with Toki having unflattering things to say about his platinum armour idea. It was for the best anyway, as it really would have looked ridiculous, he'd realised later, and Toki had probably saved him some embarrassment. He wasn't who he used to be, and maybe he was finally outgrowing his stark, all-white preference -- wearing all-black leather and Viking-style furs seemed more metal to him just then, though it would probably be too hot to wear dragon-riding. "I'ms also goings to pillage yous in a few minutes," he replied blithely, making only a little effort to keep his voice down.

"Do yous know how to dos those spells ons de camera?" he asked Jasper, and curled his lip at Toki saying they'd share a copy of the Smaug documentary. He was feeling less hostile toward Jasper now, but he still didn't really ( ... )


j_whitlock June 29 2010, 01:12:03 UTC
Jasper nodded to Skwisgaar's question, and took it and Toki's comment as implicit permission to secure the camera for them. While Skwisgaar was preoccupied exploring his aquarium with Toki and the Shoggies watching on, he took the liberty of getting the camera set up on the tripod, working the protective magic on it as he did. He positioned the camera in front of the aquarium when he was finished, and then turned his attention to Skwisgaar as well, appreciating the way the diffused light glittered across his skin at certain angles and fascinated by his sinuous movements as he rubbed against his stony bed. It did strike Jasper as an extremely erotic act, whatever the Swede was doing-and had he been able to blush, he would have as he quickly glanced away. Even though Skwisgaar didn't appear to care about being observed, it felt like he was intruding on an intimate moment.

He regretted looking away, oddly, and after a long moment glanced up again. The only word he could think of to describe Skwisgaar's nimbleness as a merman was ( ... )


isnotabumblebee July 1 2010, 09:28:23 UTC
Toki would be easy to talk into leather and Viking-style furs instead of metal armor- a full suit of metal armor was pretty uncomfortable, and bound to be miserable after riding around on a dragon for too long. But, Toki was not very concerned about what they would wear at the moment either- that was a detail they could decide on later. Toki colored a bit at Skwisgaar's pillaging comment, his own response a quiet but excitedly high-pitched, "Good! I wants to be." He wasn't much worried about Jasper overhearing- it was pretty much public knowledge that they weren't just platonic roommates ( ... )


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