open RP: El Mundo del Sombrero bites the dust! Hot Pockets for everyone!

Sep 08, 2007 01:48

The Sorting Hat had a new lease on life, thanks to the return of its abducted bride. In Virginia's absence, the Hat had fretted alone in the Hat House, leaving only grudgingly for the Sortings it must perform, and using the rest of its time for contemplation so emo as to be worthy of the most bespandexed Gryffindor. Had it a navel, it would have ( Read more... )

sorting hat, roran garrowson, rp, toki wartooth, tomo takino, jadzia dax, john trent, vicky pollard, fritz howard, lola sanchez, all school, billy brennan, brice de winter, doug murphy, maia, charles foster ofdensen, nebulon, john ryder, erk, susan sto helit, silas, shaun riley, yoda, jack sparrow, chance silvey, ned stark, valentine wolfe, homestar runner, family values, delenn, brenda johnson, archie kennedy, aayla secura, mel beeby, jaime reyes

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Comments 246

bantersucks September 8 2007, 06:10:55 UTC
One would think that someone with their own built-in paranoid piece of sentient alien tech that scanned everything as a potential threat would be safe from this. However, Jaime was operating on very little sleep, having slept poorly and the scarab's sense of timing, as usual, was way off.

Noticing an influx of people heading for the Great Hall, he followed the crowd, curiosity winning out. He passed on the Hot Pockets, but figured a jelly donut wouldn't hurt.

Of course, as soon as he swallowed, the scarab started shrieking. "Gah!" He dropped the donut, clutching his head in pain. "What the hell is wrong with you, I just - aaaagggh!"

Whatever was in that donut had just kicked in, and the scarab was trying to fight it, failing miserably, and Jaime felt like he was being torn apart. Its screaming in his head crescendoed as everything went black and he went crashing to the floor.

Anyone who rushed over there might notice that the teenager who had just fallen over... wasn't a teenager anymore.


nicknamegirl September 8 2007, 16:47:21 UTC
((*can't resist*))Technically Lola had no need for sleep. It was, however, a nice thing about humanity that she wasn't planning on giving up, so it did not stop her from grumping when she was awakened most rudely in the middle of the night by a bunch of House-elves dismantling a village. Sleepily rubbing her eyes, Lola exited the beet farm, blinking at the people around her. Then she managed to snap up the news that the Hat had dissolved everyone's marriage, and sleep suddenly became less important. She was a free woman? Cosmic ( ... )


bantersucks September 8 2007, 17:07:23 UTC
((*doesn't blame you at all*))

In other circumstances, Jaime might have been amused that he was now a couple inches taller since every single news reporter HAD to make a crack about the Blue Beetle's height. Later - much later - he'd look back on this and laugh.

The first thing that registered was the fact that his head was pounding. Jaime groaned, not moving or opening his eyes at first. He felt like he'd been thrown into a giant blender set to liquefy. "...owww..." Okay, he could at least talk now, although his voice sounded alien to his own ears. Then again, the drum solo in his skull probably had something to do with that.

Someone was saying his name. It took a second for his brain to connect the voice to a face, and that was enough for him to finally open his eyes and blink as the colored blurs solidified into a familiar face. "Lola?" he murmured, still more than a little woozy. "What happened?" He had no idea how long he'd been out, why the scarab had spazzed... and why the hell was it so fixated on scanning people's teeth?( ( ... )


nicknamegirl September 8 2007, 18:28:09 UTC
Blink. Blinkblink.

He was looking older. And what was up with the white coat? And the tie? And... was that a sweater vest? Oh dear, oh dear...

Lola's hand automatically went to his temple, sending out a warm wave of healing vibes as her fingertips brushed against his hair. Glasses, too. And facial hair. What the heck was going on here? She was kind of wishing that she hadn't been wearing her PJ's and robe right now. She definitely found this kind of thing easier to deal with in a proper trouble-shooting outfit.

"You had some sort of seizure, I think," Lola said gently, keeping her voice lowered. "I'm guessing it was something you ate. That happens around here from time to time. How are you feeling?" Poor babe. He was looking pretty pale.


secondfastest September 8 2007, 17:41:37 UTC
Toki doesn't learn easily. Due to this, and wishing to celebrate his no longer being married to Skwisgaar and more specifically Dr. Hobo, he gorges himself on Hot Pockets.

And is suddenly very small, very fuzzy, and wishing to build a longboat to conquer the things around Hogwarts's lake. It makes sense, really. Because he comes from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

Much to his annoyance, it is hard to hold tiny battle axes with kitten paws and his helm keeps slipping over his eyes.


tomowildcat September 8 2007, 18:03:28 UTC
Having acquired some spiffy new armor, Tomo was in a good mood - although she was disappointed that she didn't have the chance to wage war against the Hat!

She did settle for setting off some beet-bombs before rushing towards the castle, still in shiny armor, with a battle cry of "WHOO-HOO!"

So she was decked out in full armor when she came in, and was marching her shiny self up to the table when she spotted it. A kitten. With battle axes, and a helm. It's so awesome it can't be coincidental. "AHAHAHA!" She scoops him up and holds him over her head like a trophy. "Viking kitty!"

She'll put him down in a second, of course, the spectacle is just too awesome not to call attention to.


secondfastest September 8 2007, 18:17:29 UTC
Toki doesn't quite know what to make of being picked up suddenly. Everything seems very large, including the face of the girl holding him. He squirms a little, then lets himself dangle as he's really not looking forward to the long drop down. He tries to say, "Nice armor," but only manages a strangled sounding chirpy-kitten meow.

He is never going to hear the end of this if the rest of the guys find him like this. Maybe he better stick with the girl for a while, just to be safe. Besides, armor is metal.


tomowildcat September 8 2007, 18:29:08 UTC
Contrary to popular belief, Tomo can actually learn from mistakes - usually painful ones. So when Toki squirms, she suddenly remembers what happens when she swung around a certain pissy Iriomote cat. "Oh, yeah!" She hastily puts him down on the table. "You were trying to storm the castle, weren't ya? Where's the rest of the invasion party?"


stylish_nebulon September 8 2007, 17:45:45 UTC
Nebulon was so very depressed.

The one person who had been legally obligated to like his style was no longer thus obligated. The Hat had undone the one good thing that had ever happened to Nebulon. Sighing, the unstylish green alien remembered the good times: Archie letting Nebulon kiss his hand. Archie calling him "Neb." Granted, that was pretty much the sum total of the rather uneventful marriage, but it was the principle of the thing!

Wibbling, he dragged himself into the Great Hall to stuff his face in a desperate attempt at self-consolation. Ever since his catastrophic loss at Candyland, Nebulon had been gobbling candy in record quantities. It made him feel closer to King Kandy. At this rate he'd achieve the girth of a Jolly in no time flat, and it wasn't like Nebulon didn't already have a rotund figure.

This couldn't be very good for his pointy and therefore fragile teeth.


bantersucks September 8 2007, 18:49:43 UTC
From the other end of the table, a very dazed man in a lab coat stared at Nebulon. "Okay, there's a green alien over there you've never seen and you're bitching about the state of its teeth?" he asked himself, still staring. " Does it have any nerves left in any of them?"


stylish_nebulon September 9 2007, 00:11:32 UTC
Nebulon stared back. Did this guy like his style, maybe? Encouraged, he grinned at the man, showing off his jagged candy-smeared teeth.


bantersucks September 9 2007, 03:52:35 UTC
Yeargh. Jaime flinched visibly and turned away. "...okay, I think I know what you meant by 'lost cause,'" he muttered, shaking his head. Even without the effect of the donut on him, he'd still admit that was pretty bad.


crossed_my_mind September 8 2007, 21:52:17 UTC
Jelly doughnuts were like crack for cops. Except that Trent had never been a cop, so he took a Hot Pocket instead. The plan had been to squirrel it away somewhere on his person and eat it later, but, funnily enough, the damn thing was actually hot. Pulling it back out from under the the drawstring of his pants, he sat down and ate the thing.

Only to realize that he was sitting in the middle of some hall, wearing filthy hospital clothes, and had tomato sauce in places best not mentioned. Which wasn't all that different from how he'd been when he walked into the movie theater. Except for the sauce.

Head clearer than it had been in weeks, Trent wandered off to find a shower, some clothes, and hopefully an explanation.


chance_silvey September 9 2007, 03:37:20 UTC
It's a good day, if a weird one. Chance got spared the indignity of marriage and relocation by Hat fiat, so she's been mostly indifferent to the entire business, and the bustle of people moving back into the dorms today has been sort of reminiscent of back-to-school week at the university. Plus, she's got a couple of promising leads on the magical liopleurodon, thanks to Steph, Dax, and Henry Winter. Humming the theme to Bonanza under her breath, she wanders into the Great Hall for dinner.

Okay, there's either Grant or one of his doubles. Probably not Grant because he's ntot wearing the hat. Probably not Reilly because he doesn't carry himself the same way. Probably not Damien Thorn because he's not wearing a suit. But then the only one left would be ... no, it can't be.

"Hey," Chance waves. "Which one are you?"

Blunt? Never.


crossed_my_mind September 9 2007, 03:48:53 UTC
Which one what? Trent turned around to find the woman with the nice rack talking to him. Or... whatever her name had been. He hadn't quite caught that part.

"Hi, um, Miss," he said, trying to cover. Wait, no, they'd been talking about more than just her boobs. She'd asked him about the monsters, and he put two and two together. "You're the woman talking about hickeys!" he said.


chance_silvey September 9 2007, 04:03:08 UTC

It takes Chance a moment to even process that. Oh, right. Yeah, this is Trent.

"I'm Chance Silvey, yeah, we met at your Sorting," she says. "A liopleurodon is a marine reptile, not a hickey. If I meant a hickey I'd just say hickey." Again, blunt? Never. "Looks like you cleaned up a little, huh?"


charlesofdensen September 9 2007, 00:27:12 UTC
Oh, thank god was the first thing Ofdensen thought.

Such was his relief that he didn't realize that he ate something. At Hogwarts. That he wasn't sure if the house elves made. As his eyes widened, he swallowed the bite.....


charlesofdensen September 9 2007, 00:33:05 UTC
....and found himself much shorter, and in a blurry world. Oh, wait, that was just the glasses.

Ofdensen took off the glasses with now-too-small hands, and blinked at himself.

He's turned into a child.



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