Prompt Post 2 (Closed to new prompts)

Dec 24, 2012 23:38

Prompt post 2
Welcome to the Hobbit Kink Meme! Here you can post prompts for anything related to the Hobbit!
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Bilbo/Kili coffee shop au anonymous December 28 2012, 05:47:00 UTC
Because every fandom needs one.

Kili works in his uncle Thorin's café to earn some cash while he's in college.

Bilbo works in the flower shop next door, and comes in every day at the same time for a milky tea - no sugar - and a muffin.

They both keep an eye on each other, engage in playful flirting on Kili's end and flustered conversation from Bilbo's.

Anything can happen.

Go wild, nonnies!


Fill: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 1/? rata_toskr April 6 2013, 15:03:08 UTC
Well I started filling this, not sure where it's going or how long it will take, but I can promise you eventually ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 2/? rata_toskr April 6 2013, 15:03:34 UTC
“Oh, um, yes that would be me. Though I need to get that sign repainted and it's actually Bilbo Baggins, at your service.” He replied, giving the other man a half bow from his seat and trying to ignore the way that Thorin was watching them from the corner of his eye ( ... )


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 2/? adrieunor April 8 2013, 21:45:17 UTC
Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Excited already!


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 2/? rata_toskr April 8 2013, 21:51:13 UTC
Thanks for reading :)

This is the fic I write when my angsty WIPs get too depressing so it won't be the fastest updated but I will definitely finish it at some point.

And I do have some idea where it's going now, I just haven't worked out how exactly it's getting there yet.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 3/? rata_toskr April 11 2013, 23:15:37 UTC
On Tuesday Bilbo waited until his normal time before stepping out for tea and when he walked into Cafe Erebor he told himself he wasn't disappointed that Kíli wasn't there. Instead, one of Thorin's usual employees, a boisterous redhead called Bombur whom the florist thought was some manner of cousin was standing behind the counter mixing drinks ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 4/? rata_toskr April 11 2013, 23:16:13 UTC
But Thorin just smiled fondly at his words and Bilbo could tell that he loved his nephew dearly. “That he is and he'll be your friend if you want him.”

“You'd approve of that?” The florist asked in surprise, unsure why the other man was talking to him if not to warn him off.

“Of course I would. My nephew is old enough to make his own decisions, even if he does always assume the best of everyone, and he doesn't need me chasing his friends off. In fact you might be good for him because Kíli has always been a flighty one and he could stand to learn some responsibility from your example. That said, if you do hurt him somehow I promise I will make your life a living hell.”

There was the terrifying Thorin that he expected and Bilbo quickly nodded his agreement beneath the other's ferocious stare. See, there's one good reason right there to nip my crush in the bud, he told himself as the Erebor's owner stood up and walked away to greet another customer.

Kíli sounds like he just flirts with everyone and even if he does like me I'm ( ... )


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 4/? anonymous April 19 2013, 22:30:31 UTC
Bilbo is too adorable, the sweet thing!


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 4/? rata_toskr April 19 2013, 22:33:23 UTC
Thank you :), this is my fluffy escape from the angst I normally write.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 5/? rata_toskr April 21 2013, 05:48:59 UTC
(I don't know how Kili completely disappeared from this section, but he'll show up again eventually ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 6/? rata_toskr April 21 2013, 05:51:46 UTC
The florist was momentarily distracted by the horrifying realization that his best friend might actually be an old man at least four times his age who had known his parents. While Bilbo did have other people whom he was glad to see, Gandalf was the only one whom he could call at any hour of the night in order to bitch about the latest jackass who had left him high and dry.

Okay fine, maybe I deserve the lecture since I apparently don't have a life. So I'll listen to it this time but if he says I told you so I'm hanging up and perhaps Kíli will save me from ever having to hear those words again.So Bilbo gathered his courage before dialing the old man's number and indeed the conversation went exactly as he thought. The old man was glad to hear from him, greeting him cheerfully before starting in on his life choices and it was nearly half an hour before the florist managed to turn the conversation toward the actual reason that he called ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 7/? rata_toskr April 21 2013, 05:52:29 UTC
Unfortunately, luck wasn't with him and by the time his sump pump was back in working order there was no point in opening his doors, especially since most flower sales occurred in the morning anyway. So instead Bilbo went in early the next morning to prepare for Nori's arrival, tossing out his wilted flowers and cleaning up the shop. He had just finished filling up the vases for those flowers that survived when he heard a knock on the door and he went to open it with a smile.

The florist did a double-take when he saw the man waiting in front of his shop for he had never seen such vertical hair nor such an interesting style. However, the man had a kind smile and Bilbo didn't care what he looked like as long as the man could drive, so he held out a hand to shake as he greeted him warmly ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 8/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:40:43 UTC
I don't even know what's going on with this fic anymore and I've given up on trying to control it. Seriously though, Kili will be back next section and for now enjoy the random crack I guess.


The Sackville-Bagginses drove him into the city for lunch, parking outside of the most extravagant building the florist had ever seen. Lobelia ushered her cousin out of the car and through the doors, barely giving Bilbo enough time to read the cursive script painted on the window.

The Greenwood Hall? Isn't that the fancy new vegan restaurant that just opened up? He wondered as they walked inside and looked around in awe. All the waiters were tall and blond and snooty, dressed in fine tailored green uniforms that looked like they might actually be silk. Bilbo tried not to gawk as their ridiculously attractive waiter led them to a table in the corner and he tried not to faint when he saw the prices on the menu ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:43:35 UTC
The words were different, but it was the same argument as always, the same argument they had been giving him ever since his parents died. And as always Bilbo didn't want to hear it; Bag End belonged to him, it was his inheritance and the last thing he had of his family. While it was a large home for one person, the house was filled with memories and he would never let it fall into the hands of the Sackville-Bagginses, not when they wouldn't love it right ( ... )


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? anonymous May 1 2013, 15:44:30 UTC
Oh, the ending! Poor Bilbo! Kili NEEDS to make an appearance ASAP so that Bilbo can stop fretting.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr May 1 2013, 16:08:37 UTC
Next section, promise :)


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