Prompt Post 2 (Closed to new prompts)

Dec 24, 2012 23:38

Prompt post 2
Welcome to the Hobbit Kink Meme! Here you can post prompts for anything related to the Hobbit!
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Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:43:35 UTC
The words were different, but it was the same argument as always, the same argument they had been giving him ever since his parents died. And as always Bilbo didn't want to hear it; Bag End belonged to him, it was his inheritance and the last thing he had of his family. While it was a large home for one person, the house was filled with memories and he would never let it fall into the hands of the Sackville-Bagginses, not when they wouldn't love it right.

Lobelia knew his feelings on the matter well because the first time she had brought it up was just after the funeral and Bilbo had rejected her quite harshly. However, despite being literally thrown out of his house on more than one occasion, the Sackville-Bagginses simply would not give up and every few months they would stop by to bother him again.

They had tried everything: guilt, money, reason and now they were apparently working toward bribery given the restaurant the group was sitting in. Of course, if they actually knew anything about their cousin, they would know that The Greenwood Hall was not the kind of place that would change his mind. So Bilbo picked at his salad, nodding and smiling as Lobelia rambled on and Otho drank himself into a stupor.

Once lunch was finished they would drive him back because his cousins would rather die than be overtly impolite and Lobelia would have no more reason to keep him there. So he hunkered down and endured and to be honest it was a pretty good salad, at least for something made entirely of leaves.

Eventually Bilbo finished his dessert and convinced his relatives to return him to Baggins' Bouquets, where they dropped him off by the door. Watching them drive away, the florist sighed, wondering when they'd finally get the hint and leave him alone, or worse, what ridiculous attempt they would make on Bag End next.

He tried to push these worries from his mind, turning to reopen his shop one more time and he told himself it was natural to glance into Cafe Erebor long enough to notice that Kíli had indeed already left for class.

Well there's always next week, He thought to as he straightened the displays and helped the few customers that wandered in off the street to examine his flower arrangements. Bilbo wasn't very busy until the evening, the Friday rush always showed up right before closing, and while he normally appreciated the break, today the silence gave him too much time to think.

The combination of Gandalf's scolding and his relatives' visit had the florist feeling pensive, wondering if they were all correct and he actually was wasting his life away in solitude. It was not something he normally worried about because he was a generally content person, but he did have to admit that Bag End got lonely sometimes.

However, he would see Kíli again soon and the younger man seemed like the type who emitted joy like sunshine so if they did become friends Bilbo knew his life would probably change greatly and he was torn between anticipation and terror at the thought.

Even though he had decided to just go with the flow at their next meeting, the florist couldn't help but worry that he was getting his hopes up for nothing and he had misread the situation after all. What if Kíli changed his mind about wanting to be friends before they met again or had been less serious in his overtures than Thorin had implied? Maybe he was just that nice to everyone and had already forgotten about the shy man who worked next door in favor of his college life?

And yet, what if he was happy to see Bilbo? What if Kíli meant it all? While this might be the florist's chance to make a friend his own age, his life was comfortable in its familiarity and the thought of breaking out of that protective shell made his heart thunder in his chest.

However he could not deny the hope and he could not stop thinking about the possibilities, whether the two of them became casual acquaintances or friends or something, nothing more.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr May 1 2013, 15:44:30 UTC
Oh, the ending! Poor Bilbo! Kili NEEDS to make an appearance ASAP so that Bilbo can stop fretting.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr May 1 2013, 16:08:37 UTC
Next section, promise :)


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