Jan 26, 2009 22:16

Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: R
Warning: Swearing, Mature content, sexual relations
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara.








You awoke to a banging on the door. A very loud, demanding banging. You’re heart race quickly picked up at such an amazing speed, you almost fainted. It’s probably just Bam. You tried to calm yourself, but this bang was scary.

You shook Ville beside you, until he woke up. You grasped the blankets around you, tugging them to your chest. You felt tears welling up into your eyes.

Ville sat up also, and whispered. “Don’t worry, it’s just Bam.” He started caressing your hair. You just shook your head. You knew you were in trouble. You just knew it wasn’t Bam.

Ville chuckled and yelled to the person. “Bam! Screw off, you’re scaring her!” Ville’s voice was a bit raspy because of just waking up. But the sun wasn’t even up. It’s still night. You looked at the clock; Midnight.

You grabbed Ville’s shoulder, staring at the wooden door. “It’s not Bam. I know it’s not.”

He kissed you on the cheek, still giving you tingles. “It is.” And just then, the door busted open, and you knew you were in deep trouble. It wasn’t Bam, or anyone you knew for that matter.

At that single moment, Ville turned into an animal. Not the gentle, soft-spoken, sweet bastard you’ve always known. But a nasty, foul, protective creature.

“Get the fuck out of here!” He screamed, throwing and hand overtop of you in defense. There were three men, around there twenties. One had wild, shaggy red hair and wore a sneer on his lips. There was a blond, with short spiky hair and cold white eyes, and the last was a brunette, long straight hair and facial hair. They all wore jeans and leather jackets, and had knives in there hands.

Your gut twisted in a tight knot, but you didn’t cry, didn’t move. You just sat there, frozen. You were absolutely scared stiff. Your arms started shaking, and you just stared at the three men.

You clutched your hands to Ville’s non-tattooed arm, cradling it into your bare chest, covered by the sheets. You were scared for yourself. You’ve seen that hunger in men’s eyes, many times before. You always saw it twice, when they were about to rape you, and in your nightmares when you went home. You swallowed spit down your dry throat, preying they won’t touch you.

“Get the fuck out!” Ville screamed again, tears in his eyes and a red face.

The blond chuckled, looking over to the brunette. “I love it when they fight.” And the smile flew off his face as he lunged on the bed, grabbing Ville and throwing him off the bed.

“No! Please no!” You screamed rocking forward on the bed, grasping the blanket to your bare chest.

The blond climbed on top of Ville and placed the knife to his throat. Ville’s eyes shook with fear, as you bursted out in tears for your lover. Anything but him. Ville laid still, his brown messy hair clinging to his forhead.

“Looks like we scored ourselves a queer!” The blond shouted looking over to his two followers. Your stomache boiled with anger, and tears of wrath poured out of your eyes. Touch him, and die.

But you didn’t dare say that outloud, just in case they attempted to.

The two men shook with laughter.

“Eye-liner, long curly hair, painted nails. Fagget.” The blond spat in Ville’s face as a tear went down his face.

Please don’t hurt him, anything but him.

The blond turned his head to you and you froze with fear.

“This your boyfriend, missy?” He asked, slightly pushing the blade into his neck, breaking the skin.

You nodded, but stared into Ville’s eyes. You preyed to the gods that help would come. His eyes were filled with fear and hope.

“Please don’t-“

“Shut up!” The blond yelled, still pinning Ville to the ground.

“You know what I’m going to do?” He asked, licking his lips.

You shook your head, and sniffed.

“I’m going to kill you both.” He laughed.

That sickened your stomach and you threw your head to the side to vomit. Tears formed in your eyes, and cold shivers went across your body. You started shaking uncontrollably, and the blood in your veins pumped faster. Your sobs fell onto your chest and they were coming out in heaps and make you choke on them. You looked at Ville who was lying on the ground.

“Please-“ You tried to say.

“Let me finish!” He shouted, cutting you off. “But before I do that, I’m going to rape you. And make your boyfriend here watch.” The two men that were behind the blond started walking towards the bed. You shifted your body, pressing against the heahboard trying to get away. You swung your hand infront of you.

“Please no!” You yelled, holding your naked body into the blanket.

“Fuck you!” Ville yelled, throwing the man ontop of him off onto the floor. All three of the men were startled, so you dove yourself at the redhead and grabbed his knife out of his grasp, and ran beside Ville. He was rolling on the ground with the blond, fighting to get the knife.

You threw your arms high in the air above them, and drove your hands down, hoping it’ll hit the blond. Before the knife touched any body, you were tackled to the ground, the knife ripped out of your hands, and pinned down by a guy. You lifted your gaze into the eyes of the brunette.

“Don’t fuck with us!” He yelled into your face. He pulled you up by your hair, nearly ripping it out of your head. You cried out in pain, and you were thrown onto the bed. You scampered to get yourself covered. The thought of what was about happen was unbearable. It pulsed at the back of your head and you felt like just screaming out.

You heard Ville cry out in pain and all the thoughts of you vanished. You looked over to see Ville stabbed in the leg. The blond pulled the blade out of his leg, and stood up. Ville curved himself into a ball and you could hear him sobbing. The blond licked the blood off of the blade.

“Well, let’s get to it.” He said.

Ville stood up and ran and jumped on the bed, ignoring his wounds. He sprawled his body in front of you. “Don’t fucking touch her! Get out! Get away!” He cried.

“Oh, shut up.” The blond sighed, lifted his blade the side, swiping along Ville’s face. Ville didn’t even try to stop the blow that cut into his face. He kept his arms in front of you the whole time. The gruesome sound of metal cutting into fresh flesh was repulsive. And it made it even worse to know it was Ville’s.

“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” The blond said, putting the blade in his right hand. “Your choice.” He folded his arms into his chest, waiting an answer.

“The hard way sounds more appropriate.” Ville growled.

“We got ourselves a hero, men.” The blond laughed, looked to the ground and shaking his head. “Don’t try, you’ll lose, brave one. I am very sorry, I can tell you’re in love. But she is much too tempting.” He looked back up and looked into your eyes. They were as cold as his heart.

The blond snapped his fingers and the two men behind him threw Ville to the ground, and started kicking him.

“No! Please, anything! Anything but him!” You cried, pleading that they’ll stop. “God, please. Don’t hurt him.” You said, crying into the blanket. You than screamed out in frustration.

You heard sirens outside the walls, creeping into your ears. You were very thankful, but this wasn’t over. They still had time to kill Ville.

“Take him to the car.” The blond ordered, pointing to Ville.

“No!” You screamed, hopping off the bed and tried to push over the two guys. You banged your fists on the back of their leather jackets as they hoisted up Ville’s bloody and bruised body. He was kicking and screaming and it broke your soul hearing his voice in such agony. It was much worse than nails on a chalkboard.

“We can’t leave you with a happy ever after, I’m afraid. We’ll come back for you.” The blond said, pulling you into a kiss, and you clawed into his face. He pushed you to the ground. The redhead had a hand over Ville’s mouth, his face was beat red, and his eyeliner was down his face. The brunette carried his kicking feet. You threw yourself off the ground and ran towards Ville.

“Ville!” You screamed, hoping he would somehow break free. The blond caught you by the waist, and held you still. You looked into Ville’s eyes once more, quivering with fear. Please, anything but him.

You shook your whole body as Ville disappeared out into the hall and down the stairs. You shook your head, flailed your arms and legs, hoping to get free.

“Fuck you! You fucking bastard! I love him! I need him!” You yelled, your eyes closed and he tightened his grasp around your naked body.

“I surely can’t wait to meet you again.” He said using one finger to swipe over your entrance. He pressed his chest into your back.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” You screamed. He stomped on your ankle, making a snapping sound and shot a lightning of pain through your leg and you dropped instantly to the ground, hitting it hard.

The blond male walked out of the room. “Touch him and I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking find you and kill you!” You screamed. You banged your fist on the floor in frustration. You couldn’t walk now, you couldn’t do anything to rescue your love. You were going to torture them. You were until they cried, until they shattered. You will make them regret ever touching Ville.

You laid on the ground in a puddle of Ville’s warm blood sticking to your cheek. The tears fell into the carpet, mixing with the crimson liquid.

“I promise. I will find you. And when I do, I will kill you.” You whispered, knowing they wouldn’t hear, but they would soon enough. Darkness came over you and brought you into unconsciousness.

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