Sparks of Emerald- Muddy Buddy: Chapter 2

Oct 06, 2008 15:37

Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Swearing
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara.

When something is in italic, it mean's it's what the person is thinking.

You pressed the handsom boy's puffer to his lips, waiting for him to breath it in. His gasps were short and choppy and couldn't get a deep breath of the puffer. You rolled your eyes and hit his chest once and he took in a long gasp filling his lungs with the puffer. Instantly his breathing slowed. You sat there holding his puffer on his chest, waiting to hear him say he's ok.

He just layed there, in muddy grass with dead leaves in his dark borwn curly hair. His chest was rising and decending quickly, so you sat up and put an ear to his chest, just to make sure everything's okay. His heart was beating and his breathing began to slow to a normal pace.

You sat up. "Better?" He just nodded. You put the puffer back in his pocket. You turned to the other guy who had the most peircing icy blue eyes you've ever seen.

"So what was this all about?" Roxie demanded to the blue-eyed boy, seeing the other boy was stressed.

Blue eyes started laughing histarically. "I broke that guys window!"

You and Roxie stared at him like he was mental. "Are you fucking crazy?" Roxie yelled, clearly mad they almost got her in trouble.

"Hell yeah!" The boy yelled. You just shook your head. You looked down at the dark-haired boy to see if he was still breathing. Good, he was. He caught you looking at him. He had wonderful pale emerald eyes. They were more beautiful than Roxie's.

He grinned. "Asthma."

You chuckled. "I noticed."

Beauty-eyed sat up, folding his legs. "He's a freak isn't he?" He looked towards blue-boy.

You nodded. The blue boy stood up, causing you and the other boy to stand also.

"The name's Bam." He said.

"Your name's Bam?" Roxie giggled. You asked after. "Is that your real name?"

"No, it's a nickname. Just call me Bam bitches."

Your jaw dropped when he called you a bitch.

So did Roxie's but she decided to yell. "Excuse me?" She stepped toward him. "You nearly get us in trouble because you broke someone's window and you call us bitches! Now where do you-"

'Bam' cut her off. "I didn't mean it literally doof-" He shut up looking for a word. I'm guessing he's an asshole, you thought to yourself.

The beaut(iful)eyed boy quickly stepped in to help his buddy. "He doesn't mean it literally." He explained to Roxie. "He's vocabulary consists of only vulgar words. He's being freindly though."

Roxie thought the beaut-eyed-boy was toying with her. You grabbed her hand and gave her a reasurring peck. "He's being serious Roxie." You chuckled.

She lightened up and chuckled back.

"Ok, I know your name, now who the fuck are you?" The Bam boy asked.

He does have a vulgar mouth. "Holly." You smiled, attempting to be nice.

You gripped Roxie's hand, winding your fingers through hers.

The beut-eyed boy took his hand out of his pocket to light a fag. "Ville." He said before putting the smoke back in his mouth.

The 'Bam' guy looked you and Roxie, up and down. "Are you guys lesbo's?" He asked, a bit too happy.

You just stood there and looked at Roxie.

She answered for you. "No. We're bi." She said squeezing your hand. You were ready for laughter.

Bam nodded his head. "That's hot." You rolled your eyes slightly relieved neither of them even giggled.

You stood in silence and decided to break it. "So, how did you break a window?"

"A rock." He chuckled to himself. You laughed also. Ville also chuckled.

Bam poked at Roxie. "Oh, common. Lighten up chicky."

Roxie just scowled at him and looked down at her feet.

Bam bent down so she had to look at his blue eyes. "You know getting chased was fun. Adrenaline is fun." He smiled. He stood back up and she look up also.

"Don't be so stuck up." He poked her again.

Roxie laughed a bit. "Ok. It was kinda fun."

Bam clapped. "Ha! There you go. Now your getting to know the real Bam. I'm fun." He stood proudly.

"Your a nut." Ville mumbled through his smoke. You all laughed at his.

After the introductions and small talk, you, Bam, Roxie, and Ville all hung out until the early hours. You pushed eachother in the freezing lake, threw mud at houses, gave eachother wedgies, and when it started raining you all rolled around in the newly wet mud and threw wet, sloppy mud balls at eachother. By the time you departed at 4 in the morning you all were muddy and your clothes were ruined.

Hanging out with those guys felt so awesome. It felt like you've been chained down for centuries and were set loose to just fucked around for a bit. It tasted like freedom. It was the most fun you've ever had. You and Roxie never experienced boys like that. They usually just wanted to get some. But they were fun. You laughed, and got dirty. Something you haven't done since you were 3. Literally.

You usually ran out from the rain, but this time you embraced it with open arms and got dirty. For the first time you let go of all your worries. You forgot about how Ivy hated you for turning the house into a bunch of lesbians. How you ruined your family's reputation. How when everytime you looked at a guy you could see them undressing you with their eyes. How you could just let the world off your sholdures for one night and be yourself. Not trying to impress anybody, but just to be yourself.
I know it's short. They'll be getting longer.
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