Sparks of Emerald: The Letter- Chapter 12

Oct 21, 2008 21:33

Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Swearing, Mature content, sexual relations
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara.

You awoke to Ville slighly snoring in your ear. You turned around to face him, and saw drool coming out of his mouth. You laughed as you used the blanket to wipe it off. You looked over to your nightstand, where your clock was, and the green letters said 10. You pulled the covers off of you and got up to stretch. The only thing you were wearing was shorts and a bra. You shook your head, wondering why you always had more confidence with your body when you were drunk, and grabbed a shirt out of your dresser. It was a black stretchy corset. You pulled that over your head, and headed downstairs after taking one last peek at Ville.

You took the steps down, two at a time. Then you reminded yourself that today would have been the day Roxie left. You looked around the living room where it showed no life other than yourself. You ran back upstairs to her room, to see if you were too late for a proper good-bye. You stubbed your toe when you got to the door and yelped slightly. You put your sweaty palm on the door handle and flew it open. There was no trace of anything that Roxie left. You brought yourself into the empty room and sat on the bed. It still smelt like her. Like honey and palm trees. You threw your head on her pillow and hugged it. You let tears fall from your eyes. Your hand hit something, a letter. You pulled it out for your weary eyes to examine, and it had your name on it. You teared it open and read the messy writing.

Dear Holly,
First off, I really don't know what to say. Perhaps an apology would be appropriate. I'm sorry Holly, I truely am, I do love you, but if I said so, we both know it would be harder for me to leave. And I know your not stupid, there was another reason, but like I said, that would make it harder for me to leave also. Holly, you were my angel. My sun-kissed, sin-ridden fallen angel, and I will never forget you. I do not regret what we've done. If I had the choice I would do it all over again. It's better to have loved and lost than never to love at all right?
You don't know how much I'll miss you. I have done nothing but think of you, Holly. Your silky brown hair, your beautiful purple eyes, and a newly discovered hot body you have. But especially those sweet kissed you blessed upon my lips that will never be forgotten.
I should have told you all of this before I left but I did not want to see you cry anymore and or be hurt with me watching because I can't even stand to watch that. So for all the pain that I have caused to you I am sorry.
I am heading to New York today, to model. Maybe someday you'll see me again in magazines. If you do, please remember all the amazing memories we shared, and not that I'd hurt you. I am leaving you this letter, but before I wrote it I came to steal one last glace at you, my angel. You were wraped up tight it Ville's arms. That is where you should be, who you should be with. You might not know it, but you love him, angel. You love him more than a friend and if it takes this letter to get you to realize it, so be it. It is unmistakable how you feel about him. It shows in the smiles he sends your way, your laughter return. The way he always protects you. Holding you precious in his arms, you burying yourself deep within them. Every act their is a silent scream telling you to never let that go. I see it in your eyes, as well as his. Love him, Holly. Don't let him slip through your grasp.
So, Holly, this is wear I take my leave. I will miss you dearly. I love you. I am completely torn by the pain I've inflicted upon you. You will be okay, Holly. This I can promise, can garuntee. Have a wonderful life my angel. And a day won't go by without me missing you in my life. In reasons too difficult to explain or understand, I must leave to New York. I love you, I hold you dear to my heart, and you will be the stain on my heart also. So good-bye my Holly. Live your life to the fullest and let no regret thrust upon you. Hold me in your memories, in your heart. You will always be in mine. 
Yours forever, Roxie.

Tears strolled along your face. This is all you have to remember Roxie by. You will forever keep it. You fold it back up and put it in the envelope. She loves me.

You can't help but think about what she said about Ville. Than again she was drunk when she was writing this. Her words aboub us, seemed true enough. You couldn't really picture you and Ville together. Yeah, you fooled around with him and stuff, but it wasn't at all serious. Lap dances and grinding. Midnight dips in the pool. Clearly we were just friends fucking around.

You wiped your tears and brought the letter into your room and threw it in your drawer of the nightstand. The phone started to ring. You picked it up.


"Uh, Hi. Is Ville there?"

You looked over your sholdure to a sleeping Ville. He was so cute when he slept. You smiled and chuckled to yourself.

"Yeah he is. But he's sleeping. May I take a message?"

"I'll just call back later than. That's fine."

"Alright. Can I have your name?"

"It's Melanie. From the mall."

"Oh, yes. You. Alright, I'll tell Ville you'll call back later."

"Thank you. Bye."


You than hung up the phone and walked back into bed with Ville. Your icy toes hit his leg, and got warm instantly you snuggled up to him and you felt him stir. You silently cried into his sholdure, dripping it with your warm tears. You were going to miss her deeply. Nothing else mattered, just that she was gone, and she wansn't coming back. You closed your eyes tightly, imagining the tears dissapearing. And eventually they did. You opened your eyes to be stared at by his nipple. You really liked the tattoo around is nipple. You wiped your damp eyes and looked up at Ville who was still sleeping. You decided how you were going to wake up Ville. You brought your lips to his nipple and started biting it, nibbling it. You started giggling and Ville began stirring some more.

"Mmmm." Ville moaned, twitching his eyes.

You started giggling more. You flicked your tounge on his nipple.

"Mm, Holly." Ville grumbled, moving his neck to the side.

Holly? He hasn't even seen me yet. You than burst out laughing.

Ville squints his eyes and slowly wakes up. He stares at you with your chin on his chest.

You smily sweetly at him. "Good morning."

"Uh, good morning." He said, puzzled.

He than leaned up on his elbows, causing you to sit up.

"Were you licking my nipple?" He asked you, raising one eyebrow.

You look at him innocently. "No, Mr. Valo. I wasn't." You laughed.

He rubbed his nibble. Hard and wet. He chuckled. "Liar."

You smiled widly at him. "I know." You laugh.

You jumped up from his bed. "You got a call, you know?"

Ville scrunched up his eyebrows. "From who?"

You raise the back of your hand to your forehead, dramatically. "Melanie." You gasp.

He than plasterd on a huge smile on his face. "Melanie." He chuckled.

Bam than burst into the room. "We're going out." And ran out of your room.

You and Ville just stare at the empty door frame.

You than look at Ville in disbelief. "You'd think we'd be used to this by now." You said throwing your arms up in the air.

He chuckled. "I wonder where were going."

"We'll soon find out now won't we?" You shrugged.

Ville got up from your bed and stretched. "I've got to get changed. Excuse me Hol." He said jogging out of the room.

You closed the door behind him and started rummaging through your drawers. When you couldn't find anything, you looked in your messy closet. Clothes splured out of the bottem and landed on the floor. Perfect. You rolled your eyes.

You grabbed many items throwing them back into the closet. You rolled your eyes, giving up on the constant fight you had with your closet and pulled out a dress. Good enough. You stuffed everything else except the black dress inside and slamed the closet doors shut.

You threw the dress on your bed and walked back over to your dresser. You pulled open the drawer and grabbed your lacy white lace-open underware and your red bra. You ripped off your clothes and tossed them on the already growing pile on the floor and put the new ones on. You pulled on your knee high socks and slipped on your black dress.

You searched around your room for your knee-high combat boots but couldn't find them. Bam.

You banged your heels on the floor as you flung open the door and walked down the hall to Bam's room. You pounded your fist angrily on his blood red door.

"Bam! Open up!" You yelled. I swear, if he did anything to those boots..

"What the fuck do you want?" He yelled through the closed door. You jiggled your hand on the locked doorknob.

You banged your fist on the door again. "My boots! Where are me boots!" You screamed, getting funsterated.

"Those big black ones?" Bam yelled back.

"Yes, those big black ones. What did you do with them?" You demanded, staring at the wooden door.

You heard Bam laughing. "I did an experament."

Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. "What!? Bam, what the fuck did you do with my boots!" Your screamed, your voice craking.

"I was horney." Bam laughed.

You didn't even dare think of the possibilities.

"Bam." You squeeked, trying to scream.

"What's wrong?" Ville asked, apearing behind you.

"Bam's pretending he's an inventer, did an exparament, while being horney, and he has me boots!" You nearly screamed at Ville.

Ville flinched at the hostility of your tone.

Bam flung open the door. You whipped your head back around.

Bam laughed. "Me boots?"

"My boots." You said, crossing your arms. You hated making a fool out of yourself when you were angry.

"And I didn't do anything with your boots. I just wanted to make you mad." Bam laughed, pushing a camera in your face. You swatted it away. Yeah, get me on film like a wild animal.

"Where are my fucking boots than?" You nearly yelled back at him.

Bam put his arms up in surrender. "In Valo's room."

You squinted your eyes at Bam. "And why were they in there in the first place?"

"I knew sooner or later you were going to look for them. I wanted to get you mad." He stated simply.

Your jaw dropped. You than swated him in the chest. "Don't" you hit him agian harder, "touch," you said louder, "my," you hit him harder and screamed, "shit!"

"Someone's PMS-ing." Bam chuckled.

PMSing? PMSING? Just because I'm pissed that he moved my shit around without permission doesn't automatically mean I'm PMSing. You wanted to rip his head off.

"Grahh!" You screamed in fustration throwing your arms in the air and walking towards Ville's room.

You ripped the door open with all of your fustration and it hit the wall with a loud thud. You heard footsteps following you. You waltzed into his room and tugged at his closet doors looking hopelessly for your boots. You started tossing all of his clothes out of his closet.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." You heard Ville behind you. He grabbed onto your wrists to stop you from throwing any more clothes behind you. After a couple more seconds of thrashing, he pulled your wrists behind you so you fell on your butt and he wrapped his arms around you.

When you finally calmed down you apologized. "Sorry, Ville."

You felt Ville's chest rise and fall continuously on your back. You listened to both of your frantic breathing for a few moments.

"Are you alright?" Ville asked you, breathing unevenly.

Yeah. The love of my life left me, Bam's contanstly trying to piss me off, and all I can think about is ripping everything to shreds... except when I'm in your arms.. Everything's fine and dandy.

You sighed. "I'm just mad at her. Mad that she left me." You stared at the black carpet through your violet eyes.

"I can make you forget." Ville wispered in your ear. Make me forget.

He lifted you up by your arms. You found your footing and stood up on your own. "Yeah?" You asked him.

"Common," he said grabbing your cold hand, "no more sadness. Let's see what Bam has planed us for our funeral's, alright?" He smiled.

You smiled back, your heart flying. "Alright."

You let Ville lead you out of his, now messy, room and walked down the stairs to find your combat boots on the floor. You let go of Ville's hand and plowed your feet into them, zipping them up.

"Better." You smiled at him.

You found Dunn, Raab, Novak, and Dico in the living room. You jumped on Ryan Dunn's lap and squirmed around until you got comfertable.

"What's up, Dunny?" You asked him.

"My penis." He laughed. The other morons joined in.

You got up from his lap. "Very mature." You said moving to Raab's lap.

"Hey baby." He said moving his eyebrows up and down.

You rolled your eyes. "Not you too." You whined.

Novak started laughing. "I've corrupted him."

You got up off of Raab's lap and went to sit on Novaks, but stopped. "Bad idea." You laughed to yourself. You walked over to Ville who was on the chair.

"Hay! What about me?" Novak said.

You scoffed as you ploped down on Ville's lap. He was so comfy. He formed perfectly to your body. "You'd have a boner in a second." All the guys laughed.

"I would not!" He argued.

Dunn hit him in the head. "Yeah, it would take a whole two seconds."

"Exactly." Novak said. The guys burst into a fit of hysterics.

When Novak could breath again, he said "How come you'd rather sit on Ville than me?"

"Because he doesn't have a boner. He knows how to control himself." You said. You heard Ville's chuckled behind you.

Raab jumped up off of the couch. "10 bucks he has a boner."

"Fine, I'll check." You said.

You shifted your weight to the side and slid a hand on his crotch and pushed on the surface. You felt his crotch but it wasn't hard.

"Ha!" You said putting your hand back into your lap and sitting back on Ville. "I told you."

Raab ran out into the backyard. "Bam! Bam! Holly just grabbed Ville's dick man!" All the guys got up and follwed them except for Ville.

"Morons." You muttered.

Ville sighed. "You realize now, they're never going to let this go." He laughed.

"Oh yeah. I know." You laughed along with him.

He changed the subject. "I wonder where were going."

You sighed getting off his lap. "I'm not sure if I want to know."

You all piled into the hummer and waited for Bam's command of where to.

"Where are we going?" You asked, growing impatient.

"A party thingy. I think it's a showing for a movie." Bam said, starting up the hummer.

"And how did you get invited to this?" You asked him.

He laughed and looked at you through the mirror. "I'm Bam Margera."

You instantly gave up on a normal explination.

"Ville, I like your clohtes." Raab said. You actually looked at what Ville was wearing and he had on a black 'Wild Thing' T-shirt on with some black trousers.

He looked real good.

He shrugged. "Nothing special."

For the rest of the ride there you talked about how the summer was so far, and how your dance-instructing days were going. Bam pulled into a parking spot and you all hopped out. You landed on the gravel with your boots making a thud noise. You stood infront of a huge building, covered in streamers, lights and confetti. Bam handed you a ticket.

"You'll need this to get in."

"Wow. This is one elegant party. Can't wait to see how Bam'll fuck it up." You luaghed.

Bam laughed. "I know, I'm brainstorming."

You all laughed. "Get going." Bam said slapping your ass.

"Jeez, fine, fine." You said, leading the crew to the front door.

You handed the bouncer the ticket. "Have a nice evening, young lady." He said, allowing you access. You nodded and walked inside. You had one word: elegant. Very, very elegant. There were many fancy dinner tables, waiter's with caviar and wine, chandliers, and people in tuxes and long dresses.

You stood there, clueless, of what to do. Bam pulled on your wrist. "The tables over here, dipshit." He said leading all of you to his entitled table. It was near the back in the VIP room. It was very dimly lit, but still nicely decorated. You took a seat on a beany-like tall chair, and watched everyone else take a seat. You looked around the room taking in the many beautiful men and woman dressed up. You felt slightly out of place. You look down at the table, tracing your finger over the lit candle in the glass holder.

Someone was talking to you, causing you to look up with a dumbfounded expression. "Huh?" You asked, looked at a short, lanky man. A waiter.

"May I get you something to drink, ma'am?" He asked, smiling.

"Oh, yeah." You said fumbling around your mind for a good drink. "Just some red wine would be nice, thank-you." He smiled and continued to the next person.

You looked up, accross from you, and saw Ville. You ment to bring your eyes back down, but they wouldn't let you. Your violet eyes locked onto his face, unable, unwilling to move. The candlelight dusted accross his pale face, making him look darker and sexier. You just wanted to reach out, to see if he was just a mirage, but you couldn't, wouldn't move. The candle flickered causing moving shadows to dance along his face, drawing your eyes in to look at every inch if his skin with the dim light glistening on him. You sub-coniously licked your lips, staring at his blood-red pout, being played upon by the dark light. (I love that song.)

You were brought out of your trance by a person talking on the announcer. The words stood out as a complete blur, crossing in your ear and out the other. You couldn't make heads or tails with it. You shook your head of the blurry fog in you mind. The guys slowly made their way behind you, sitting on the big, elegant couch. You got up out of your seat and turned to sit on the couch also. Bam, being Bam, put his feet up to the side, and covered the only spot left. You laughed and shrugged and hopped on Bam's knees. He winced in pain and threw you off, landing on the floor.

"Ow!" You said to him, rubbing your ass. "You're such an ass, you know that?" You nearly yelled.

"Oh, stop making a scene." He said not moving and looking at the screen. You crossed your arms around your chest and put your back agaisnt the couch on Ville's legs. You gritted your teeth in anger, and held back the stinging hot tears behind your eyes. Sometimes, you really hated Bam.

Ville nudged your butt with his feet. "Hay."

You swated his feet away with your hand and scooted up. You heard him sigh.

"Come sit with me." He said his hot breath on your ear, sending goodbumps down your back and arms. You smiled and got on your feet and looked at him in the dim light. You looked at him strangly. Ville was in the corner, by the wall on the couch, and Bam sat beside him, taking an extra two spots.

You could see a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He pated his lap. You laughed and gracefully put yourself on his lap. Your back was against the cornered wall and Ville held your back, and under your legs. You snuggled your head in between his neck and sholder, and shut your eyes.

You didn't really pay attention to the screen. You heard voices but they were instantly covered by Ville's breathing. He slowly rocked you back and forth. Your breath was beaming out onto Ville's neck and you breathed in his scent. Musky, smoky and fresh. You opened your eyes to Ville's neck. He started rubbing your booted leg, stopping at your knee, where the boot turned to skin. You urged for him. You haven't felt like this since highschool. But with his hands on you, your mind couldn't help but start to think of dirty thoughts. You could see Ville almost perfectly, but Bam and everyone else was turning into blurred darkness.

You've seen Ville completely naked before. You've actually teased him by giving him a short handjob. That was when you were both in high school, and he's sneak into your room at night. He'd climb in the window. Those nights Violet usually slept in Ivory's room. You both got completely wasted, and things got hot. You helped Ville strip out of his clothes and you had a way with him. Before you could finish him, Ivy walked into the room and saw your naughty fun. She stared at you, playing with Ville's naked body and got jelous. She warned to tell Mom so you told Ville to leave. You almost got busted for being drunk that night by your mom. She heard you'd been drinking by and 'unknown source.' You giggled at the memory.

"What?" Ville smiled at you, turning his head. Only you, Ville and Ivy knew about that night.

You kissed his neck softly. "Just remembering our little secret."

He pulled away from your lips and looked at you amused. "What secret?"

You smiled, not moving your head. Ville placed his neck back on your lips. "Remember." You said on his neck.

You kissed his neck, below his ear. "In high school... that night."

You saw his cheeks pull up in the corner of your eye, showing you he was smiling. You kissed his earlobe. "We got drunk." You wispered low in his ear.

"Really drunk." He breathed out, unevenly. He twisted his fingers up your boot and cupped the back of your knee.

You chuckled in his ear. "I still remember the clothes you were wearing." You took his ear in your teeth and bit lightly.

"Red Sabbath shirt and black jeans." He chuckled back.

You nodded with his ear on your lips. "You looked real good in that." You said seductivly kissing his jaw.

The guys were completely oblivious to what you were doing, and you took courage in that.

You brought your lips back to his ear. "You looked better without it." You wispered low.

Ville squeezed your leg and traced his fingers over your boot and on your skin.

"I felt better without it." He said, turning his head and wispering in your ear. You felt his hardness against your thigh. This gave you a hot, wet sensation between your legs. Something you haven't felt in the longest time.

Your lips inched, slowly, closer to his juicy red lips. Your eyes traced his lips, and you couldn't wait to devour him. You felt his warm breath on your lips, and the distance between you two faded. Your lips barely touched his, just dusted along when-

"Your drinks?" The waiter said, breaking you and Ville apart.

You felt like you wanted to rip the waiter's throat out. You wanted to taste Ville, you were so close. You force a smile on your annoyed features. "Thanks." You mummbled taking your red wine, and Ville's beer. You handed it to him and he sighed. You took a sip of your wine and placed it on the table. You fell back into his arms, like you were before and sighed in defeat. You looked up at the screen, and was completely lost, so you closed your eyes on Ville.

This made you start to think. Was Roxie right? Did you really want Ville more than a friend? You really, truthfully couldn't possibly imagine it. You've always been close to him. Figurativly and literally. But you didn't want to lose the friendship you had. He was the only guy you trusted with your life. You told him eveything and anything. Well, almost. When you would be upset, he'd take you into his arms like a caring big brother and rock you until the dusk of the dawn. He was like your body guard. Always protecting you, always by your side. And you didn't want him to destroy you, your heart. You wanted to be like this, simply lying in his arms without a worry, forever. No worries about putting your heart in the wrong place, leaving your worries on the top of your mind, there was complete trust and perfect love. You didn't want to hurt him, and worse you didn't want your Ville to hurt you. Your protecter killing you. That's how you saw him. He was your crutch whenever you broke your leg, your medicine whenever you got sick, your glue whenever you got your heart broken, he was near everything to you. And you never wanted that to change. Being his lover wasn't worth risking everything you two had. The unmistakable bond.

You were dragged out of your thoughts when you heared a roar of applause.You opened your eyes to find the movie over and people clapping. You wiped your eyes and sat up on Ville's lap. You noticed he still had a tight grip on your leg. He smiled up to you and you gave him a warm smile back. Everyone started clearing out to go downstairs where the elegant part stopped, and the dirty partying started. You streatched when you got off of Ville's lap. His boner went down and he got up from the couch also. He was so close to you, your breasts were pressing against his chest. You looked up in his emeralds and sighed. So beautiful. He placed his large hand on your tender cheek and smiled again. You felt your heart flutter, and you thought you were rising toward the roof. You couldn't kiss him. You knew you'd get attached. It took all of your will power to rip away from his hefty, loving, longing gaze.

"Let's go party!" You said, excited and grabbing his hand, dashing downstairs into the dinner party- turned nightclub. All the lights were off and the only lights in there were the throbbing, flasing balls on the ceiling. There was fog on the ground, due to a fog machine, that went up to your knees. You danced your way onto the dance floor, pulling Ville along until someone jerked you away.

You turned around to face the person. "What the fu-!"

"Violet!" You screamed embracing your sister. God, you missed her so much.

She hugged you back. "Holly, what are you doing here?"

She pulled away from the embrace, and you got a good look at her. A pinch of jelously pulsed in your veins. She looked breathtaking. Wonderful. Her blond hair, now had purple streaks in it, and was wavy, like yours. It fell on her sholdures and she was wearing a dark purple cocktail dress which flowed above her knee. Her lips had a plum colour covering them.

"Bam dragged Ville and I here." You said, tuggin at Ville to come beside you.

Instantly, Vi's eyes lit up at just his name. Ville stepped away from behind you, and went beside you. At this, Violet's lips tugged up in the corners, and she smiled widly. She was so cute. Like a high-schooler facing her godly crush. You smiled at her adorablness.

"Hey Ville!" She smiled, trying to keep her enthusiasm down. She's had a crush on Ville since she met him that day, way back then. And since they've -drunkly- slept together, she's been hooked.

"Hey Violet. Lovely to see you again." He said, letting go of your hand and hugging her. Her smiled grew wider at his touch. It made you chuckle slightly.

"So what are you doing here?" You asked Vi.

"Oh, I'm here with a friend. The actor in the movie, Will Pierce." She waved her hand off, like it was no big deal. "Did you like the movie?" She asked you and Ville.

"I- uh. Hm, I.. Well," Everything that popped into your head seemed rude. I fell asleep, I didn't pay attention, I was bored to tears. "It was good. Yep." You smiled, hoping she would buy it.

She laughed and poked your sholdure. "You fell asleep didn't you?"

You nodded. "You could say that." You both laughed.

"What about you?" She asked Ville. Unlike me, Ville was a very good liar.

"Very good. It was grabbing." He smiled looking at Vi. You could see the adoration in her lust-filled eyes.

Some man patted her on the sholdure. "Vi, would you like to dance?" He asked her.

"Oh yes." She nodded. She looked back to you, "It was killer seeing you sis. Come drop by soon, I'm staying at Mashon Hotel." She said hugging you.

"Will do." You hugged her back.

She flickered her eyes towards Ville, standing very close to him. "You too Ville. Drop by anytime." She said tugging at his pant line. Since when did she become such a flirt?

Ville smiled back at her, not saying anything. You didn't know if it was out of politness of not rejecting her, or taking her up on that offer. Stranger still, why did you care? You didn't care when they've had sex before, what makes it different now?

With that she waltzed off with that other man, into the raging dance floor.

You stood there, akward, wondering what to say. You've never had this problem before. What the hell?

Ville placed his hand on your sholdure from behind you and bent down to wisper, "Would you like to dance, or stand around?" He chuckled. His hot breath danced on your ear, turning you on intensly. What the hell is going on? Why the fuck is he effecting me this way? It's Ville for fucks sake. You child-hood best buddy. Not newly fuck buddy.

He placed his head on your sholdure and his lips on your neck. Not kissing, but pressing. "Hmm?" He questioned.

With that, you spun your body around and pushed him harshly against the wall. You both fell into the darkness and you pressed your small frame hard against his tall body. He held his hands up, like he did something terribly wrong. You held one hand on his sholdure, and the other on the wall. You breathed in his scent, your nose touching his jaw. Ville stayed on the wall in complete shock, and he didn't move. You wanted to -so badly- to press your lips hungrily on his, devouring him. It took all your power not to. Not to ruin the bond you have. You needed to get away from him. Just long enough to clear your head of the dirty thoughts that clouded your mind. You could only focus on your body pressed up against his. You pushed yourself away from the paralized Ville and dissapeard in the crowd, your feet taking you outside.

ville valo

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