Sparks of Emerald- Floating: Chapter 8 & Modeling: Chapter 9

Oct 15, 2008 15:55

Title: Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Swearing, Mature content.
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara. Also, the book Impulse is by Ellen Hopkins, she owns it all.

Sorry to have kept you hanging, how evil of me. *Evil grin.* Well, without further ado, I present Chapter 8 and 9!

Chapter 8


He pulled you into his arms and up to the surface. You gasped for air and coughed. He swan with you other to the pools edge and hoisted your butt up so you could get out of the water. You were still coughing, but not loudly. Ville pulled himself out of the water and crawled beside you.

"Holly, I'm sorry. I didn't even think if you could swim or not." Ville said to you hugging you. You coughed into his soaking wet shirt.

"It's ok Ville. Really, I'm ok, so it's ok." You clung onto his shirt and you had no intentions of letting go.

You thought about the absolute, pleasently cool the water was on your skin. It was like a wet chocolate bar. Something you craved and was so good you wanted to let all your sences go and dive into the cave. It felt refreshing on your exposed body.

You looked up to him. "I want to go back in."

He looked at you as if you were crazy and then nodded and smiled. "Ok." He said letting you go.

"Can you come?" You asked him.

"Sure." He smiled and and pulled off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his silky boxers. He then dived into the pool.

"Show off." You laughed as he came to the surface.

He smiled. "I know."

You looked back over to the shallow end and everyone was gone. You shrugged and walked over to the shallow end and walked down the stairs. The cold water slashed on your already cold skin. When you go to the bottem the water was on your chest so your boobs bobbed at the top of the water. You laughed. It was the first time you've seen that.

"Pretty aren't they?" Ville laughed spitting out some water. He was walked towards you with his knees bent so his sholdures were underwater.

"Very." You said poking one of your own boobs. It went underwater and came back up.

Ville laughed at you.

"What?" You asked him, giggling.

"Your funny." He laughed. You nodded.

You dunked your head underwater and came back up. You smiled because you felt refreshed.

You jumped on your back so you could float, but you kept on sinking. You got fusterated and slamed your fists on the water.

"Heck with all this water!" You said.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Ville asked.

"Float." You shrugged your sholdures.

He chuckled and walked towards you. "Lean your head back on the water. Ok, now push your legs up gently." You did as he said but you sank a bit so he held one hand on your back and one on your butt. "There you go." He said looking down at you. "Floating." He smiled brilliantly which made you smile also.

You closed your eyes and listened to the water splashing slightly and Ville's breathing. You felt yourself dozing off.

"Are you tired?" Ville wispered to you.

"Ye." You mumbled.

Ville hoisted you out of the water and walked up the steps out of the pool. He brought you into the house were it was very noisy so you stirred in his arms. You grabbed his neck and pulled your head up so his neck was covering one ear and your arms was covering the other. You heard his deep chuckle as he carried you upstairs. He opened your door and switched on the light and layed you in the bed. You sank into it.

"You were wonderful today." He said as he layed the blankets ontop of your wet body and turned off the light.

"Ville." You mumbled.

"Mhm." He hummed.

"Keep the door open. Thank you." You said.

"Alright. Good-night Holly. I'll get Roxie up here soon."

"Thank You Ville. You rock." You mumbled drifting off to sleep.

I know, it's a short one. That's why i'm giving you Chapter 10 also! Yay!

Chapter 9Type your cut contents here.

You awoke blissfully because there was no ruccus. You stretched your stiff body and found Roxie laying next to you. You gently pushed her black hair out of her face and gave her a small peck on the forhead. You turned and got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. You were still in that revealing bathing suit and you felt like a mess. You felt as beautiful as plastered gum on a sidewalk. You slowly peeled off the bathingsuit that was suctioned to your body and ran the taps flowing warm blissful water splashing against the tub, begging, tempting you to crawl into the wet haven. You stepped in and you grew goosebumbs on your skin and your nipples formed hard due to the sudden warmness. Have you ever felt that when your skin is cold, and you jump into warm water and it makes you feel colder? Or like how you can give water so much heat it begins to pass over the line and becomes cold to the touch? Or how icy cold water is so cold it burns your skin? Or even when they collide you can't even tell the difference of hot and cold?

You don't even know what happened afterward. You wondered if Ryan got the pizza guy's number. Or which team won. You and Ville left Roxie on her own for quite some time. But she could hold the fort. Maybe that's why you saw all those naked butts in the water. Skinny dipping. You didn't know how Roxie could expose her body so care-free.

You let your thoughts; wonderful thoughs; demented thoughs; sautee through your brain, bouncing on your skull like a phsyco in a rubber room. You scrubbed away all your dead skin and remembered yesterday. How you wore a bathingsuit for the first time. And swimming in it. And giving Ville a lap dance. And lustfully kissing Roxie like she was the last breath of oxygen you'll ever have. You washed away everything of yesterday marking it in your brain, and stepped out of the shower. You wrapped a towel around yourself and went into your room to get some clohtes. You picked out an Edward Siccorhands t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. You slipped them on after putting on your undergarments and brushed your hair.

After you were done that you walked downstairs and grabbed the car keys. You wanted a book. You had a craving for a book. Book worm. You like escaping your own reality and crashing into someone else's world. You get so close and personal to the character you can feel their pain. Feel why they react with such hostility, or why they run off to their ex-lover for one last, devil-worthy, kiss. You shoved your feet into your converses and grabbed your sunglasses.

"Where you going?" Bam shouted at you.

"Chapters. Got a problem Bambie?" You asked him.

"Fucking bookworm." He muttered walking out of the hallway to the backyard. You giggled. You liked being called a book worm. In your eyes it was a compliment. Expanding your thoughts, feeling, everything. Your opening your eyes to somebody else, showing you their world. Even if it may be fiction. Your in a thinking mood. You need a book.

"Hey bookworm. I'm joining you." Ville stated as he plowed his feet into his converse. What's with convereses getting bullied? They're treated with no care. Maybe I should start an awarness group for the treatment of Coverse. Care Of the Converse Kind. Care Of Converse Kind. Haha!

"C.O.C.K. Cock." You giggled to yourself.

"Excuse me?" Ville chuckled. "Whatcha got on your mind there, Holly?"

"Care Of Converse Kind." You giggled knowing he would have no idea what your talking about.

"Common bookworm. I'm in need of a good read anyway." He said pushing you out the door.

About five hours later you returned with a book that you and Ville had interest in. So you just purchased one copy and would read it together. It was called *Impulse by Ellen Hopkins.

When you got back to Castle Bam, you felt like reading, so you got a powerdrill and some screws.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ville asked you, fixing his beanie.

"You want to read in peace don't you? And how much peace do you get if your door isn't screwed shut?" You asked him. You didn't need an answer.

Ville chuckled. "You still don't cease to surprise me."

You walked into your room and Roxie was still sleeping. You walked over to your little angel and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hunny, were going to be sealing the door shut. Would you like to get out of here before we do so?" You mumbled to her ear.

Roxie nodded, not even bothering to ask why, and walked out of the door. "Ok." You shrugged.

"Here you go." You said to Ville handing him the power tools. "Your the man."

Ville sighed. "Ladies." And rolled his eyes. You gave him a stare.

"Watch your back Valo." You always used the term 'Valo' when you were threatening him.

You smiled and laughed. "Now hurry. Bam's gonna be up here soon."

With that he turned his tiny body towards the door and started sealing it shut.

You turned on the air conditioning in your room because it was hot, and grabbed the book. You read the back aloud to Ville as he started coming back from nailing the door.

*Sometimes you don''t wake up. But if you happen to, you know things will never be the same.
Three lives, three different paths to the same destination: Aspen Springs, a psychiatric hospital for those who have attempted the ultimate act -- suicide.
Vanessa is beautiful and smart, but her secrets keep her answering the call of the blade.
Tony, after suffering a painful childhood, can only find peace through pills.
And Conner, outwardly, has the perfect life. But dig a little deeper and find a boy who is in constant battle with his parents, his life, himself.
In one instant each of these young people decided enough was enough. They grabbed the blade, the bottle, the gun -- and tried to end it all. Now they have a second chance, and just maybe, with each other''s help, they can find their way to a better life -- but only if they''re strong and can fight the demons that brought them here in the first place.

"Let's get to reading, bookworm." Ville laughed as he jumped on the non-springy bed and lyed next to you. You both lyed on your tummies, feet in the air, and you held the small book between you two. Ville lifted his beanie and moved his hair out of his eyes so he could see. Not a second later, his hair and beanie fell back down. He huffed and pulled the beanie off his head and pulled his hair behind his ears. You watched for your own amusment.

He looked at you. "What you staring at?" He laughed.

"You." You smiled to him.

You took your eyes off of his and opened the book and instantly got excited at what this book had to offer. Where it would take you.

After about an hour or so of you and Ville reading together, it got exciting. You and Ville were gasping and giggling at the events in the book. You both didn't really pay attention to the shouting and pounding on the door occasionally. It also put you in a different state of mind. In no time you finished the book, but you couldn't let go of the thoughts in your head. You closed the book and exhaled.

You looked up to Ville. "That was a good book." You said.

Ville plopped down on his arms, resting his head on them sideways, looking at you. "It was."

"So, what do you want to do?" You and Ville said at the same time.

You both laughed. "Copy cat." You both said in unison.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Valo." You playfully glared at him.

Than there was a loud bang on the door.

"What do you want?" You and Ville shouted together. He stuck his tongue out at you and you laughed.

"To stop hogging my lover boy." Bam shouted back.

"And my lover girl!" Roxie added.

You and Ville chuckled together.

"Why exactly do you have the door sealed shut?" Roxie asked. You heard Bam scoff.

"We were reading." Ville shouted, not moving from the bed. He let you get up and attempt to unscrew the door.

"This may take a while." You shouted to Roxie on the other side of the door while picking up the screw driver thingy.

Bam banged on the door again. "What the fuck were you two doing in there?"

"Reading." You shouted back, trying the turn the rotating thing on. You looked over your sholdure at Ville.

You lifted the tool and made a 'arn't you going to help me?' look. He laughed, keeping his chin on his hands and just smiled.

"You owe me." You told him, holding out the screw thingy.

"It doesn't take 6 hours to read, Holly." Roxie said.

"A whole book, it does." You laughed. You heard them laugh also.

"How do I owe you?" Ville asked.

'Lap dance' you mouthed to him.

His face just lit up like it just dawned on him. He nodded and hopped up from the bed and walked over to you. He grabbed the power tool from you and started upscrewing the screws in the door.

Bam shouted and pounded on the door again. "Why the fuck did you seal it anyway?"

"Bam, how the hell did you expect me and Ville to read in peace if the door wasn't?" You shouted to him.

"True dat. Smart girl you got there Roxie." You heard Bam say.

You laughed and rolled your eyes. You skipped back to your bed and jumped on it, dangling your feel at the end. You looked at Ville's back as he undid the door. He looked weak and what not, but you could see how much strength he was putting into the tool. Ville didn't look like the tool type. Dark grey jeans and a black shirt. He looked more like, perhaps a model. Or a rockstar that he is becoming. He kinda looked like a prince. He gracefully undid every screw. The Prince of Power Tools. You laughed. He took out the last screw and Bam and Roxie cam crashing in ontop of Ville.

"Ow. The fuck?" Ville mumbled.

Bam started laughing in Ville's face. "Ha! Why so down in the dumps Ville? Ha!" He banged one hand lightly on Ville's chest and hopped up on his feet. You hopped off the bed and tailed over to Roxie.

"Miss me?" You asked her. She nodded and gave you a hug.

She grabbed your hand and started walking out of the room, over Ville, who was still on the floor. Just than, Ville grabbed yours and Roxie's ankles and pulled. You crashed down onto the floor on Ville's lap. You head was on his thigh, your thigh on his face, and Roxie was ontop of your back.

Ville than groaned. "Owh. Bad idea." He chuckled.

You chuckled also. "Someone isn't the coolest rockstar in the house." You got up, purposly postponing it as long as possible, climbing all over Ville, and kneeing and hitting him in a few places.

Your hand ended up on his face while you got up.

"Now your just trying to make me suffer." He mumbled into your hand.

You kissed his forehead and removed your hand. "Smart boy." And you stood up and followed Roxie down the stairs after giving Bam a quick peck on his bruised cheek.

Ville leaned up on his elbows. "I'm a man. Not a boy." He said. "I'm a big kid now." He laughed and sang to you.

"Oh god." You and Roxie mumbled walking downstairs, dissapearing out of Ville's view.

When you got downstairs you were surprised to see that it was dark outside the window. You didn't even know that it was nightime.

Roxie turned to you. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked.

"I would love to." You smiled and went to grab your Nightmare Before Christmas sweater.

You followed Roxie outside. You looked into her eyes for the first time in a long time to find them dialated and blood shocked.

"Are you ok?" You asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm ok. I just have to talk to you."

You wiped her black hair behind her ear when you found a fag. No, not a fag. Something else. It looked like dried up shredded grass surrounded by paper. You've only seen it once. It was your father's, and he smoked it. You had no idea what it was though. Was it like a fag? Was it better for you? Worse?

Roxie snatched it out of your hand and shoved it in her pocket.

"What is it?" You asked her.

She shook her head. "That's not important right now." She took your hands in hers and looked deep into your eyes. You had to force yourself to not shy away from her gaze. Her eyes looked crazed. The black part was much too large and red vines were strangling her beautiful green colour.

"I just got an offer." She smiled widely. You nodded and smiled for her to keep going.

"You remember that night when we first met Ville and Bam? How a week before that I went to New York? It wasn't just a vacation. Well it was at the begining. But I saw this modeling place and decided to go in for a photoshoot. You had to pay alot and you probably weren't going to get a call back, but I decided what the hell? And I did it. And just like, yesterday, I got a call back to go to New York to model!" She shouted excitedly.

You smiled and hugged her. "Oh, Roxie! I'm so proud of you!"

She squeezed you back. "But the bad thing is, is that I have to leave like, tomarrow." She frowned.

You pulled out and looked at her. You tried to hide your dissapointment. "No, that's ok. You living your dream! I knew you were too beautiful not to be a model!" You smiled and took her face into your hands and kissed her gently.

You pulled away. You had another question. "How long will you be gone for? It should only take like a week right?"

She looked down to her feet. "I might live there." She was barely audible. But the words came loud and clear.

Poor Holly! I hate writing about abandoned love. But, it must be done. *Tear.*

*Book Belongs to Ellen Hopkins.

ville valo

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