Ville, The Stubborn Sex-Bomb

Jan 25, 2009 14:35

Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: R
Warning: Swearing, Mature content, sexual relations
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara.

This is the end of the flashback.

You flipped over your phone and held it to your ear, anticipating hearing her voice.

"Hello?" You said.

"Oh, sweetie how are you?" Your mother asked in a warm tone. It made you smile ear to ear. You missed her way too much.

"I'm ok. How are you ma?" You asked, rubbing your boots together, staring at the floor, getting lost in the conversation.

"I'm wonderful dear. It's so good to hear your voice, I've missed you so much Holly." She said, slightly whiny and it made you chuckle.

"God, I've missed you too mom. You should come up sometime." You said to her.

"Honey, you live in West Chester. I live in Helsinki, need I reminde you?" She laughed.

"Fly here! It's been too long since I've seen you!" You siad, happily.

"Darling, I would love too. But unfortunely I cannot. I'm swamped with work. You're welcome home anytime though!" She said.

Ivy walked into the room. "Who ya talking to?" She asked.

"Mom." You told her.

Her face lit up with excitment.

"Mom, I'm going to put you on speaker. Ivy's visiting." You said, pressing the speaker button.

"Ivy! How are you baby?" Your mother asked, just as excited. "I haven't talked to neither of you girls in ages!"

"I'm perfect mom! I miss you!" She whined. You giggled.

"We'll come home soon to visit." Ivy said.

Ville walked into the room, with just a towel.

"You must! I miss my girls! How's Violet?" You mother spoke through the phone.

"Mother!" Ville exclaimed, prancing over to the phone in your hand.

"Ville? Oh deary, you're there too? This is wonderful. I've missed you all so much!" Your mother nearly squealed.

"Yes, mother. How are you, love?" He said, his slurring not showing much anymore. He must of pissed alot.

"Absolutely wonderful." She said.

"Oh yeah. Vi's fine, by the way. I saw her, I think yesterday. At a movie premier thingy." You told her.

"Make her tag along too. I would love to see all my girls." She said.

"Hey!" Ville snapped.

"And my boys, of course." You all chuckled.

"How is Bam?" She asked.

"Ask him yourself." Bam said, walking in the door.

"Hey Dawn. How are you, gorgeous?" He said. Hitting on her on the phone. Wow, Bam. You shook your head.

He never called her mother. He didn't like thinking his mother was 'hot.' That's why he calls her by her real name.

"Lovely. I must of gotten asked that 5 times already. How are you Bam?" She snickered.

"Fucking sweet." He said, jumping on the bed.

Ivy looked to all of us. "So are we all going to go to mom's?"

A chorus of 'yes' went through the air.

You finished your 5 person phone conversation and hung up.

"Bam, where are the rest of the band?" Ville asked.

"They're at a hotel. They'll meet you at the place." He waved his hand, walking out of your room.

Ville's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" He greeted.

You turned and sat on your bed, listening to Ville, and looking at his tall slender, wet body. Tease.

"Oh, Melanie, how are you?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

You grew axious with jelousy.

Ville looked like as if he was thinking hard.

"Thing is Melanie," He paused, scrunching up his face in thought, "I'm not a free man anymore."

Relief clouded his features. "Thank you for understanding." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I was technically free a couple days ago." He said, walking over to the wall to lean on it.

'Yes, however, I was nineteen when I fell in love with her. I was just blind." He said, looking up to you with a twinkle in his eye.

Awhhh, he's such a romantic tard. I love him. You smiled back up to your friend turned lover. Still getting used to that.

He chuckled into the phone. "I know, I'm a sappy dork."

"It was nice talking to you too." He said, standing back up on his feet.

"Yes, of course."

"Goodbye." He said, hanging up.

He walked back to you, having the same towel on as before. Just barely covered.

"You're asking me to rip off your towel, aren't you?" You chuckled, getting up from the bed. You felt slightly akward saying that to him. This transition from friend to lover, will be harder than you thought.

He rocked back and forth on his toes, with his hands behind his back. "Mayyybe." He smiled.

You rolled your eyes. "Toothpick." You said, giving him a nickname.

He chuckled. "Medusa." He pointed to your curly hair.

Your jaw dropped. "Not fair! You have curly hair too!"

"Yes, I know. But my hair isn't as long. If anything they would be the curled fangs of a snake. Your hair looks like the whole damn slithery body." He laughed.


"Asshole." You muttered, getting completely turned off. You marched off the bed to go out of the room.

"Holly, you know I was kidding." He sighed.

Fucking men.

You tried to shove past him but he caught your arm.

"Look, I know this is going to be difficult. But," He sighed, running his hands through his sexy, dark, damp hair. Gosh, the simplest gesture makes me go insane. Unfair. "Ugh," He cursed under his breath, funsterated.

"What?" You propped him.

"This is just going to take time to adjust. Just, give me time. I know you're my lover now and, ugh, this is so confusing I lost my train of thought." He stood there for a moment, playing with his lip with his finger.

"Right," He clapped. "I have to get used to the fact that your not just my best friend. Your my girlfriend and I have to treat you like it. I'm a man. It takes time." He laughed at himself.

You smiled and joined into his laughter.

"Your right, it's not your fault that men are slow." You teased.

He pouted.

"Oh, you know I'm fooling. And I'm sorry for flipping my lid. I know you were kidding. I must be starting my period soon."

He smiled a crooked smile. "Wonderful." He laughed, sarcastically.

"Come here, toothpick." You said, pulling his towel towards you.

"Right away." He said, going for your lips.

You paused and raised your eyebrows at him.

He chuckled. "My beautiful Medusa."

You smiled. "Better."

You touched your lips to his, causing shockwaves down your spine. The way he formed to you turned you on intensly. Not to mention the dropping of his towel on the carpet.

Your tongues wrestled sweetly, and you tasted the smoke in his mouth. You smiled upon his lips while he brought you into extacy.

You pulled away from the kiss because your jaw hurt, and looked down at his naked body.

God, he's so fucking gorgeous. Not fair.

You wanted to look away but his beauty held your eyes in place. You scanned his firm chest, his skinny stomach, his tattoo, and below to heaven itself.

"Like what you see?" Ville asked, seductivly.

You snapped your head back up, blood rushing to your cheeks in embarassment of being caught.

"I.. I didn't mean.. It's.. um.. you.." You stuttered, trying to make sence of your thoughts right now. Which proved impossible.

"I'm.. crazy." You chuckled.

He smiled and grabbed the dark red satin sheet from the bed and spread it around his sholdures covering his whole body. "Can you think better, now?"

You smiled and hit him in the chest. "Don't be getting cocky, Ville. You can't dazzle me all the time." You said, swaying your hips out of the room.

You could feel his eyes looking at your ass.

You continued downstairs to the living room where all the guys were at. And Ivy.

You walked into the room and sat down on the floor.

"Bam, when are we going to mom's?" You asked him, knowing he'd be the one to plan it all.

"We'll go in about a weeks time." He said, jumping on Raab's back. You rolled your eyes and went back upstairs.

You walked into your room and got out your laptop. Something you haven't done in a long while.

Your signed into your hotmail. 1 new message.

It's from Violet. You clicked on the link and read the e-mail.

Hey Holly, I was just wondering if we're actually going to mom's. Ivy called me a couple minutes ago, but you can never know about that chick. :P

You clicked on reply and typed back.

Yeah, we're actually going. If you could come to Bam's tonight or tomarrow ready cuz we're going in about a week. Also, there's a HIM concert tonight if you want to come join.

You pressed send and waited a few moments to get a reply. A couple seconds later, you got a new message.

OMG! YESSSSSS! I never actually heard Ville sing. He probably sounds amazing! Not to mention, I get to see his sexy ass on stage! This is so awesome!!

You laughed at the message. Of course, the perverted mind set begins. And then that's when it hit you. Ville had sex with Violet. That made you feel a bit uncomfertable. I mean, yeah, it was fine before because you weren't IN love with him, but now it seems weird. Heck, your sister got into your lover's pants before you did! Ha.

Alright, just come to Bam's asap!

You pressed send, and not a minute later, Violet replied.

I'm on my way. I'll be there in 20.

You exited your hotmail, and closed your laptop.

There was a silent knock on the door, and you knew right away it was Ville.

A) Because you asked him to knock before he comes in now, and

B) If it were any other guy except Ville, they would burst right in.

"Come in, Ville." You said, placing your laptop on your bed.

You heard footsteps come into your room.

"Love, how do you think I look?" Ville asked in a husky voice. You peered over your sholdure, and he was wearing black pants, clunky boots, and a T-shirt with Edgar Allan Poe on it. His hair was tied to the back of his head, and he smeared eyeliner on his eyes.

"Gorgous." You smiled, getting off your bed and wrapping your small, fragile arms around him.

He held you in his arms and placed his chin on the top of your head.

"I'm kind of nervous." He mumbled, with a hint of slurring.

"You'll be great." You smiled up to him. A smile formed across his ruby red lips and you could of died in his arms at that moment, and you would have died happy.

"Thank-you." He said, ever so gently touching your lips with his. "I love you." He wispered to your lips.

"I love you too." You smiled on his blood reds.

He put a hand on your back, slidling it down slowly onto the small of your back. He placed his other hand, gently tugging in your hair.

Both your hands were pressed to his chest and he felt as hard as a rock, and soft at the same time. How is that possible?

He deepened the kiss, and you went with it. You kissed eachother with gentle passion until he broke away.

"Hmm." He sighed with satisfaction. "Yummy." He said, putting on another sweet smile.

You looked deep into his emerald eyes, and you could feel your heart beating for him. You felt like a magnit was trying to pull you closer to his body. Get lost in his scent, crawl into his skin and camp out within him forever.

You placed your hand on his cheek, caressing it.

"You're so beautiful." You said, sliding your hand back down to your side. "It almost hurts."

He smiled and placed a warm kiss on your lips. "You're more beautiful than an angel, Holly."

He took your hand in his. "Shall we?" He asked motioning for the door.

"Lets." You smiled, letting him pull you out of the room.

"I hope you don't mind, but I invited Violet to come along." You said, looking at him as he led you downstairs.

"Oh, of course not. Vi's awesome." He smiled.

When you approched the living room, all the guys and Ivy, were wrestling on the floor. Bam had Raab in a choke hold, Ivy pinned Ryan down, and the rest of the guys were slapping eachother. You laughed and rolled your eyes. They were always good entertainment.

Just at that moment, there was a shy knock on the door.

Bam let go of Raab, who's face was red, and bolted for the door.

"Ape, Phil and Vito are here!" He shouted to the guys.

Ape walked into the room, looking for one sane person, finding Ville and I standing at the side, watching the wrestling match on the floor.

"Ville, Holly!" She exclaimed, holding her arms out.

"Hey Ape," You said hugging one half of her, as Ville was hugging the other.

"Hello, April." You both pulled away. "Lovely to see you again." He said, putting on a brilliant smile that would make any woman swoon.

"You too!" She grabbed Ville's cheeks in her hands and then swipped your hair out of your face. "Oh, you both are so grown up!" She smiled motherly.

You smiled back, feeling your cheeks heating up.

She turned to the guys on the floor. "Boys, boys! A proper hello would be nice." She said, placing her hands on her hips.

They all got up from the floor, and hugged Ape, except for Ryan and Ivy.

Ryan slapped her in the ass, and she yelped. "Ryan!" Ape yelled, raising her arm.

He bolted out of the room.

"Get back here, you little bugger!" She shouted, chasing after him slowly.

Bam, Vito, and Phil came into the living room.

"Alright, these people are going to be staying with us for a while. Troops, gather some house-warming shit for them. They'll be staying in one of the bedrooms upstairs, meaning one of you fuckers will have some more bunking to do. Vito can just stay in the basement with Raab." Bam yelled.

Vito than started frailing his arms in the air like a wild man. "You can't just kellhfpwh basement fukring jerkoff!" He mumbled.

Everyone in the room began howling at his language. You were laughing so hard your were bend over, clutching your belly, trying to calm down. Ville was beat red with laughter.

Bam swatted him in the head. "What the fuck are you saying, you fat tard?"

"I'm hellooumphpa neck in giiua shitter! Bam live or die!" Vito said, going for his neck. "Fucking scalimon!"

Bam struggled to get away from his grasp, making everyone laugh louder.

Again, there was a pounding on the door, so you let go of Ville's hand and walked out of the chaotic room to answer it.

You pulled open the big white door, and Violet stood in the doorway, with a puppy in her purse, and she was wearing a red polka dot top, and green short shorts.

You giggled. "You look like Christmas."

She pulled her big, bug-eyes sunglasses from her blond and purple hair, and placed them over her eyes. "Thanks ya!" She giggled, walking in.

You shut the door behind her and grabbed her hand, walking into the crazy living room. You could still hear the hollars and laughing from the door.

"What's going on in there?" She asked.

"Vito." Was all you had to say.

She giggled to herself.

"So when did you get this cutie?" You asked, petting her yorkshire terrior.

"Oh, this is Majestic. I adopted her from my pet store." She said, petting her black puppy.

"She's beautiful. Hi, Majestic. Your so cute. Oh, yes you are. Yes, you are." You said in a baby voice.

Majestic started licking her wet tongue sloppily on your hand. "Awh." You giggled.

"Is Ville here?" Violet asked, pulling the puppy away with her, peeking into the living room.

"Yeah, he's here. He has a concert, remember?" You giggled at your sister's blondness.

"Oh yeah." She laughed at herself.

She kept on looking into the room, without going in.

"Uh, what are you doing?" You asked her cluelessly.

"Looking for Ville." She said, robotically.

You rolled your eyes and took her hand, pulling her in the room.

"Then come in, you dork." You both manouvered your way to Ville, stanting frightened in the corner.

"Awh, is Ville scared?" Violet asked in a baby voice.

You laughed. Poor Ville was getting made fun of.

His body relaxed and he looked calmer. Perhaps because he had two bodies between him, and Bam's whole crew.

"I was actually. They're fucked." He chuckled.

"Awh, don't worry. I'll protect you." Violet said, sweeping a finger over his chest. Ville stiffened under her touch, wondering what to do.

You bit your lip at the sudden akwardness that Vi's was completely oblivious to.

Ville put on a forced smile and grabbed my hand, to signal that he was taken.

Violet fell dumbfounded, still not getting the point.

Bam burst into your little circle, saying it was time to get to the show.

You smiled and entwinded your fingers with Ville's rubbing your hand up and down his arm, giving him goosebumps.

He felt so soft and so warm. You looked up to him, and smiled, placing your head on his sholdure while walking to the hummer.

He brough his free hand up to your head, and smoothed it down to your cheek, and pinched it.

"Ow." You mumbled. He just chuckled.

"You're a doorknob." You said squeezing his hand.

"You're a monkey." He smiled.

You both shared a little laugh, losing yourselves in your own little world.

The drive there was uneventful. When you got there, Bam parked in a no- parking zone, and ran over a parking meter. You all burst out laughing.

You made your way into the theater. It had a big stage and it had a dance floor and a bar.

Bam shouted "Party time!" And the rest of the guys, and Iv and Vi, ran into the bar leaving you and Ville walking together silently in complete bliss.

"It's gonna be a wonderful show. I can't wait to hear you sing." You told him, feet clapping on the ground roughly.

He held the door open for you. "I can." He chuckled huskily.

He still had a little buzz going on but he was quite sober.

You walked into the theater and it was very dark. There were dim lights on the stage, and the bar and that was all the lights hin there. Ville led your through the way of crowded people, leading you backstage.

He led you to a room were it had four others in. You were guessing this was the rest of HIM.

They were shouting in Finnish at eachother. You listened in on the conversation.

"Common, Patka! We're starting to get big! You can't quit on us now!" The one with long straight blond hair said.

"No, this is my last show-" The long haired brunette said before he was interuppted by Ville.

"You're quiting the band?" He shouted with anger.

"Ville, you have to understand. I am very sorry, but I have to be there with my son. I cannot travel around the world." He said, trying to be calm.

"Thanks for the such short notice! Why the- Ugh!" Ville shouted, raising his hands out of yours and walked toward the wall and leaned on it.

You wrapped your arms around your, bringing your jacket closer to your body. You bit your lip uncomfertably and stood there staring at your shoes, trying to be as invisible as possible.

Ville banged his head on the wall. "I understand you, Patka. I know you have a family now. It's just fucked, you know?"

Patka went with it, and walked over to Ville. "Sorry, man." He patted him on the back.

Everyone seemed to shut up and stared at the two.

Ville came back over and grabbed your hand. "Tha'ts alright. We'll find someone to replace you." He said, coldly.

The guy just nodded.

You all stood their in akward silence. Surly this wasn't good for the gig coming up.

Ville than took the silence to introduce you to the band. You nodded a hello to the names. Mige, Linde, Juska and Patka.

You feeling very umconfertable with the broken band, decided to go to the bar to find Violet. "I'm going to go into the bar. I'll see you onstage. Good luck baby." You said giving him a peck. He smiled and nodded.

You walked out of the room, tracing your fingers on the brick hallway, walking towards the bar. You bumped into a couple of people, so you decided to start to watch where you were going.

You finally made your way into the bar and found Violet dancing with some really attractive guy. Her puppy wasn't there so you fingured she left her at the house with Ape, Phil and Vito.

You walked up to the bar and ordered a drink.

"Bailey's on the rocks please." You said, facing the stage.

You turned to your bar and rested your elbows on it, looking at the oak wood.

He placed the drink infront of you. "Thanks." You said, taking a sip.

It felt good as it slid down your throat smoothly.

"Hey." Someone said beside you.

You turned and saw a guy with silver hair with blood red tips at the bottem, a lip ring, and was dressed in everything black.

"Hello." You smiled at him, being friendly.

"The name's Draven. But you can call me Frost." He said, placing a hand infront of you.

You gulped and shook it. "Holly." Your voice cracked.

You absolutely dreaded interacting with other males. Strange males. Males that weren't freinds. You never knew what their intentions were.

"Are you here to see the band?" You asked him, making small talk. You moved your eyes behind him and found the exit door. You located all the spots you could escape if he tried anything.

"I've never heard of HIM. I just came into the bar and a band was playing, so I decided to stay." He smiled, his lip ring move up on his lips.

You forced a smile back.

"Have you heard of them?" He asked you, leaning towards you. You shifted backward uncomfertable.

"Yeah." You wimpered. You tried to make your voice sound strong. You hated being with a stranger alone.

"The singer is my boyfriend." You told him, hoping he'd get the point.

He nodded and smiled to the oak wood on the bar.

"I see." He said, sitting back on his chair. He turned and faced the stage, as did you.

The band members took the stage, and you would have never guessed they were broken. They were smiling and laughing.

Ville walking up to the mic and placed a fag between his lips. It gave you butterflies seeing him up there, about to sing. It got you excited.

He was still close enough that you could see his features perfectly.

The crowd was chanting HIM, HIM, HIM, loudly and you saw Ville smile. What a wonderful smile he has.

"Alright." He said into the mic. "This one's called Wicked Game." The crowd cheered and Linde started playing the intro. You smiled as the rest of the band joined with him.

Ville was looking at Linde, one hand was on the mic, the other was by his side, and he was bobbing his head with a cigarette in his mouth.

He turned back to the mic, putting the fag between his fingers and began to sing.

"World was on fire no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do."

You found yourself shouting insainly, having a blast on the ricketly stool you were sitting on.

He had a meraculous voice. Sweet as honey and as rugged as nails. And, oh, how sexy it was.

In no time, the song was over and also was your drink.

About near the end of the concert, you were feeling a slight buzz, and Ville flung his shirt off and the crowd went crazy.

"Whoa! Sexy!" You shouted, and started laughing at yourself.

After you yelled that, there was other comments such as 'hottie', 'sex bomb', and 'marry me'.

You laughed, clapping your hands together at the bar and having a wonderful time listening to Ville's voice and dancing on the stool.

When the concert was finished, you noticed that "Frost" guy was gone. The rest of HIM went to the bar to get a couple drinks. Ville was talking to a person off to the side. You saw Ville's jaw drop, the man smiling, and then Ville jumping into the air with a huge smile on his face. A couple minutes later, he waltzed back into the crowed towards you.

His hair was messy, he was sweating like crazy, smelt like smoke, and his eyeliner was smudged. He looked downright sexy. Geez, how did I not think he was hot before?

"Holly, your never going to fucking believe this!" He shouted to you, excitedly.

"What?" You asked him, giggling 'cause of how giddy he was acting.

"We got a fucking major deal! We're making another CD!" He shouted, his lips wider than ever before.

"Oh my gosh Ville! Holy fuck! That's fucking amazing!" You squealed, hugging him. He picked you up and spun you around.

"Let's go tell the guys." He said, grabbing you hand and running to the table.

They shared the CD talk but you kept on staring at Ville. He was absolutley sexy right now. You licked your lips as you looked into his lap. The table covered most of his legs, however. His dark pants hugged his thighs, and he had a belt on. The pants were loose at the crotch area though. I'll fix that. You thought to yourself.

You slid closer beside him so your arms were touching. You looked up to him and he was talking to Novak about something. His chest was covered in shadows and his pants blended into the darkness.

You slipped your palm onto his knee, under the table and he smiled at you. You smiled back shyly. He went back to joking and talking to Mige. You rubbed your fingers on his pants, and the material was smooth. You slid your hand up his thigh and back down. When you slid up this time, you went to his inner thigh and you saw his pants near his manhood twitch.

A sly smile formed on your lips and you continued rubbing his inner thigh, scarily close to his member. He slid down a bit so your hand quickly and gently touched his area. You smiled, knowing you were turning him on. You looked up and watch everyone as they talked, but kept rubbing your hand in circles on Ville's inner thigh. You glanced down with the corner of your eye, and saw him forming beside your hand. You slid your hand down to his knee, and went back to his inner thigh, and massaged his hardening member with your hand.

Ville stopped his conversation and gasped in surprise before smiling and carrying on with his conversation with Mige a bit unfocused. A giggle slipped through your lips, and in response, Ville slid one hand under the table, grabbed your hand that was on his member, and stroked your hand up and down his pant covered dick.

Your teeth clenched onto your bottom lip sharply as his big, strong hand guided you on his hard member. He went on with his conversation as if nothing was happening. He moved his hand with yours under the table, and was talking with his other hand and a furrowed brow.

You giggled softy, knowing nobody at the table had a clue what was going on.

"Holly!" Violet yelled in your ear. Your hand was still on Ville's dick, but the tabletop thankfully covered that.

"Whaaaat?" You whined loudly.

"Can I stay at your place tonight? I don't want to stay in a hotel." She slurred.

"Yeah, whatever. We'll have to bunk though." You told her, recalling Bam's family.

"That's fine. Hay," She said, changing the subject, "You mind if I dance with Ville?"

"Ugh," You searched your brain for words, "Sorry, I'm playing with his cock at the moment. Could you come back later?" You spilled out into Violet's ear. It was the only way she was actually going to leave you alone.

"What?" She asked, surprised. She knew you've not had any interaction with a cock since you were 15.

You giggled and she dipped her head under the table getting a full view.

"Oh my gosh!" She hit your playfully. "Since when have you and Ville been," She made a gesture with her hands, intertwining her fingers.

"Um, like 2 days ago, I think." You told her, still rubbing Ville's member with his hand on yours.

"Oh, that's so great!" She smiled a real smile.

You smiled back at her. "I know."

Ville moved his hand from yours and placed it on your thigh.

"And now if you don't mind, I have some business to take care of." You chuckled in your sister’s ear.

"Bad girl." She said, playfully hitting you before grabbing her leave.

You turned to whisper into Ville's ear. "How about we go somewhere?" You asked him.

He look at you surprised, and not in the best way. "You're drunk." He said, disappointed.

"I'm not that drunk." You said, trying to reason with him.

He sighed, grabbing your hand off his member and intertwined his fingers in it.

"You wouldn't be acting this way if you were sober." He said, looking into your eyes.

"No, that's not true," You said, moving your body towards him, "I've never wanted a man as much as I want you, right now."

He chuckled and caressed your cheek. "I know you want me now, but maybe tomorrow you would regret it."

"I wouldn't Ville. I promise that!" You told him.

"That's the booze talking, sweetheart." He said to you.

You grabbed his hand with your other hand, so both your hands were holding his one.

"No it's not. What's so different now, than that other night we..." You trailed off, not needing to explain.

"We were both drunken hormonal teenagers." He stated with a smile.

You rolled his eyes. You were ready to take him home already. "Pleeeeeease?" You asked him like a child in a candy store. I bet he tastes as good as a lollipop. You thought, looking down in his lap and giggling.

"Oh, Holly." He chuckled, taking you into an embrace. "You're a horney drunk."

Your head was in the crook of his neck, and your arms were huddling into your chest.

"I've only been horney with you." You said truthfully.

"Not tonight." He said, kissing your cheek. "When you're sober, we'll..." He chuckled. "Do stuff."

You pouted. "But I want you noooooow!" You whined.

He grabbed your face and kissed you passionately, forgetting everyone at the table. You were in your own little space so they didn't hear the word exchange going on between you two.

"You do not know how hard it is for me to say no right now. I just don't want you to regret it in the morning, Holly. Please, help me out here." He grumbled.

"I will, just take me home, and I'll make you feel all better." You said, trying to be seductive.

Ville moaned out of struggle, "You're not making this very easy."

"Than give in." You told him, tugging at his belt buckle.

You got out of your seat, and grabbed Ville's hand and pulled him into the crowd and away from the table. He wasn't struggling, so you walked with him outside, hailing a cab.

"Holly, I told you, we're not doing anything tonight." He said, letting you pull him into the cab.

"Alright." You held you hands up. "I surrender." You lied.

You waited until you got to Bam's house before kissing him. You looked around and found a light on downstairs. Phil, Ape and Vito must be downstairs.

Once he shut the door and locked it, you plowed yourself onto his body. You found his lips easily with yours a kissed him furiously. He was pushed up against the wall, his hands entangled into your hair, pulling you closer. He was wanting it and you were loving it.

"Common, baby. Don't you want more?" You eagerly asked against his lips, sexily.

"Shh. More." He said, kissing you like it was the last time he ever would.

Shivers were shooting down your spine, goose bumps were bouncing out of your skin, fireworks were going off in your head, and it was the most mesmerizing kiss.

You heard him panting into your kiss. You giggled, pulled away to find his jacket, pulled out the puffer and handed it to him.

"My my Ville. We've only just begun and you’re out of breath." You winked as he inhaled.

He threw his inhaler on the floor, picked you up, and smashed you into the wall with a loud bang. He slammed into you, knocking the breath out of your lungs.

"Frisky." You giggled.

He held you tight with his body against the wall. He looked deep into your eyes and you gave him a lazy smile. The passion in his eyes slower flickered away.

"You're drunk Holly. We can't do this." He whispered, not wanting to stop at all.

He let you down on the ground gently, kissing your forehead.

"Fucker." You said, upset you didn't get your way. You ran upstairs immaturely, and Ville naturally followed you, knowing you were being naive because you were, well, being you.

You unzipped your boots when you got to the top and flung them off, along with your jacket. You stomped to your room, slamming the door in Ville's face. You giggled at how stupid you were acting.

You swung the door back open. "Sorry Ville. You know me." You smiled, letting him in.

He gave you a knowing smart-ass smile and walked into your room. He sat on your bed and crossed his legs.

You leaned on the wall and looked over to him, square in the eye.

"I'm dirty." You stated.

He gave you the most hysterical look. It was a cross between being constipated, and staring at an insane person.

"I mean I need a bath." You said, laughing.

He chuckled and stretched out his arms. "Oh."

"I would like company." You interjected. You gave him an encouraging smile.

"Only if you wear a bathing suit." He said.

"I don't need too. I truly feel comfortable around you. I know I can trust you." You told him sincerely.

"And you rejected me. So I know you’re not in it for sex." You giggled.

"Ah yes. I must be insane, aren’t I?" He said, hopping off from the bed, and throwing your blood-stained shirt that was on the ground into the hamper and the rest of your clothes.

"No. Just a gentleman. But you don't have to be 'cause I want you. And I'm not drunk." You said to him, slipping off your shirt and throwing it on the ground. He sighed, picked it up, and threw it in the hamper.

You pulled off your leather pants as gracefully as possible, and after falling a few times you finally got them off. You left them on the floor and patting your foot on the ground, crossing your arms.

There you stood, in your black bra and black underwear, waiting for Ville to be your maid. Must of been a funny sight for him.

"You're a pain in the ass." He chuckled, walking over and bent over to his knee to pick up the pants. You put your bare foot on his bare shoulder and pushed him over so he landed on his back. You quickly climbed on top of him, your hands on his chest, your pelvic bone on his, and your lips to his ear.

"Be a good boy and watch your dirty mouth." You said, kissing his cheek and nibbling on his ear before climbing off of him, heading to the bathroom. You heard him trample to his feet.

"Hey, Holly," You turned around to face him, "Catch." He said, throwing a bathing suit at you, hitting it in your face. There goes seductive Holly.

"Thanks." You grumbled, walking into the bathroom and closing the door. You threw the red bathing suit he gave you into the hamper in there and stripped your underwear and bra. You ran the bath, and it filled up in two minutes. It had power jets so you activated them. It was a good size tub. Like a mini hot tub.

You climbed into the burning hot water and yelled for Ville to come in now.

There were bubbles in the water, and your neck and head were the only things that were showing, so he didn't know you were naked.

He opened the door, and only had boxers on. He pulled his hair out of his bun, and it was touching his shoulders ever so gently. You smiled at him and waved for him to come join you.

"You can take them off. I won't peek. And it's not like I've never seen him before." You said, trailing your fingers over the water.

"Close your eyes." He sighed.

You slipped a wet hand on your face, covering your eyes, and you felt the water plung. He must of gotten in.

Sure enough, he was in front of you, with his boxers on the bathroom floor.

His feet were on either side of your hips, and you had your knees crunched up, touching your chin. You slipped one foot down the bath tub floor, and slid it down until it reached his member.

He gasped as your toes played with his soft dick.

You placed a devilish smile on your face, and crawled over to him, keeping your body submerged in water.

"Holly, no. This is so hard, please." He begged.

Your hands gripped onto his bare thighs and you kissed his lips tenderly.

"Do you want this Ville?" You asked him, moving your hand towards his member.

"More than anything." He said, huskily.

"Than what's the problem?" You asked him, ticking his member with your fingertips. He was forming fast.

"Your drunk." He said, rolling his head to the back of the bathtub, enjoying the pleasure.

"I'm buzzing. I'm not drunk." You told him, sternly.

"Yes you-"

"Am I slurring?" You asked him, in a perfect, clean tone.

"No." He said, looking back into your eyes.

You raised an eyebrow in question.

"Fine." He sighed happily.

You smiled and grabbed him and started stroking him. He moaned, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, God, Holly." He moaned, gripping the side of the tub. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your bare breast.

"Your naked! Oh, fuck, I swear to God, I'm gonna come right now." He said, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

You smiled happily. You were finally getting what you wanted. A man to make love to you. Not to have sex with you, not to fuck you, but make love to you.

"Come." You said, pulling his hand and getting out of the tub.

"What if someone comes home?" He asked, concerned.

"They won't be home for hours, Ville."

You reached the bed and turned around so Ville saw you completely. In the bright, shining light, he saw every beauty mark, every inch of flesh, every freckle and every goose bump.

You watched him watch you. You kept your eyes on his eyes and he wandered your body, just with his emeralds. He took time for you. You finally let your eyes trial down his whole body. Your gut twisted in a knot due to wanting him so bad, and wanting to be shy.

His beauty was unforgiving. He looked so glorious, and you felt no comparison to him. Like you didn't belong at his side.

Ville took two steps towards you, your nipples gently touching his chest, and he laid a hand on your cheek.

"Only if you’re sure. We can stop anytime, Holly." He whispered to you. He looked so sincere, so caring, and it made you feel like the most special person in the world.

You grabbed his hand off your cheek and wrapped your fingers around his.

"I love you. I want to be complete." You whispered, kissing his lips, ever so gently.

"Go lay down. I'll be back in a second." He said, disappearing out of the room.

You gulped and moved your jelly legs over to the bed. You climbed your naked body up on it slowly, taking in everything that was about to happen. And only if you wanted it to happen. That brought a glow inside of your chest, and spread throughout your whole body.

Ville came back in, switched off the light, and in it's place put candles in every inch of the room. A dim red glow danced shadows around his body, making him look more inhuman. Too beautiful.

You bit your lip out of nervousness and excitement as your heart pumped extremely fast. Your hands were already sweating.

Ville climbed back on the bed carefully and climbed on top of you. His soft strong body molded to yours, and you both went up for a kiss and banged foreheads. But instead of it being awkward you both laughed.

"It's been awhile." You giggled at his goofy smile.

"I can tell." He chuckled.

He kissed you deeply. "Don't worry, I'll teach you."

You tangled your fingers gently into his hair, pulling him on you harder.

His warm lips formed to yours, and he lightly traced your law line. You felt like crying out in pure bliss.

He didn't once go harsh towards you. No animalistic urges, no rough-play, no forcing, it was all love. His kisses where tender but send out the message loud and clear that he wanted you.

You ran your finger down his spine and he shivered before you grabbed his ass with one hand. You smiled against his lips as his hair fell into your face.

You chuckled and pushed it away, under his ears.

He trailed sweet innocent kisses down your neck and back up to your mouth. You began to feel hot flashes and your muscles were getting really tense. Your chest was moving up and down quickly, thinking about what was about to happen.

"Holly. Relax. Don't think about it. Focus on me, right now." He spoke softly, looking into your eyes. How comfortable he made you feel was outrageous. You felt like you could do anything, and he would never judge you. You could show him anything and he'd accept you.

"Oh God Ville. I think I’m in love with you." You said to beneath him as he kissed your neck.

He rubbed the hair off your forehead that was sticking there because of the water and sweat. He looked down at your worried face and smiled.

"I'm in love with you too, Holly. Nothing will ever tear us apart." He said, kissing your lips. You smiled like a giddy girl and pulled his neck to your chest with your arms, nearly choking him in an embrace. He collapsed on top of you completely, his whole weight crashing into your, and his member hitting the inside of your thigh.

He wrapped his tattooed arm under you and around, giving you back as much love as you were giving him. You both stayed there for a couple moments, your heaving chests on one another's, and showed your love in the sweetest way possible.

"Not even death?" You asked him, ask a joke.

"Not even death." He stated, kissing your cheek, making your heart flutter with intense joy, and a smile appearing on your candlelit face.

He looked heavenly in the light. Breath taking.

"Can we.. you know.." You stumbled, trying to find the words.

Ville chuckled at your dorkiness. "Yes, love. One moment." He climbed off of you and slipped a condom on.

You took a deep breath, and let it out. Like you do when you got your ears pierced.

"We can stop anytime, Holly. I want you to be 100% comfortable." He said, freezing on the bed, on top of you.

You closed your eyes and searched for a reason to not go on with this love. You smiled when you found none.

"I'm ready." You said.

Ville lowered himself onto you, stealing one more sweet kiss and asked you once more. You nodded.

He looked into your eyes, his sparks of emerald shining with unexpected pleasure and happiness and he smiled like an angel.

You could feel his member at your opening, and it made your legs quiver. You haven't done this in so long. No, you have never done this. Never made love.

You rested a hand on his chest and the other was gripping the blanket.

He slowly slid inside you, making you moan out of bliss, as he stretched you out. You wanted more, a lot more. You felt like you were on a flight straight up to heaven already. The muscles in your body tensed even more, forming itself around Ville. You opened your eyes to find Ville smiling down upon you. A smile grew on your face as he started going faster. It felt as if your heart was about to explode, nothing could explain making love to Ville.

He gently kissed you, letting his chest fall on yours, as his hips dove his dick deeper into you.

"Oh my goodness." You said, not wanting to let go of this feeling.

Ville chuckled at your adorableness. "You're so beautiful right now Holly."

Your hand was being crushed by his chest, so you lifted it and placed it at the back of his neck. "Oh, Ville." You moaned in pure ecstasy.

You opened your eyes to see Ville biting his lip, and you giggled at that. Gosh, you were as happy as a clam right now.

Ville's love making got faster as he starting moaning very loudly.

You felt as if you were in a complete different universe as the pleasure waves washed over you and devoured you.

"Oh, God Ville! Oh my, Oh!" You screamed in surprise as he hit a certain spot in you that made you go ballistic.

"Ville! Oh!" You screamed, and he moved his hips faster.

He lifted his chest with one arm, and grabbed your hip with the other, keeping you in place.

"Holly, your so.. Oh my fucking god." He yelled, his face going red.

With one last thrust, he brought you to a whole new world where nothing bad existed, and it was just you and Ville. He gave you the sweetest, best, most orgasmic orgasm you've ever had.

He moaned your name once more, as he let himself inside you.

He pulled out and collapsed beside you, panting. "Holy fuck, that was... Holy fuck Holly." He chuckled, speechless of a word.

"Holy fuck covers it, Ville." You agreed. He ripped the condom off and threw it in the garbage next to the bed and blew out the candles after sliding on his boxers.

You got under the covers and held them up for him to go under also.

"I'm so fucking happy right now." Ville snickered to himself, snuggling up to you.

"Me too, Ville. This is so amazing." You laid your head on his sweaty chest and he pulled his arms around you. You fell asleep in complete bliss in each other’s arms.
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