This Resurrection

Sep 22, 2008 13:22

Summary: When an emotionally shattered Ville has no choice but to enter rehabilitation for his alcoholism, he comes face-to-face with the demons that could threaten his future and the ghosts that haunt his past. One in particular he wasn't ready to revisit.

Pairing: Ville Valo/ OFC

Rating: R to NC-17

Warning (this warning will get longer and longer): I love Ville but I don't own him, any other member/manager or project of HIM, Jonna, Bam, Missy, Maxim magazine, any random celebrity, High Voltage Tattoo or KAT Von D...even though I wish I tattoos Please read and enjoy:)

Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6 and 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11


~To Kill the Loneliness~

Ville awoke expecting to see Angel long gone. He felt for someone next to him…no one. He looked around on the floor. Nothing but his Iggy Pop shirt that Angel had tore off just a few short hours ago. Her clothes were gone, she was gone.

Ville had just been used, and he couldn’t be happier. If Angel wanted to use him like that, he was all hers.

Nerves still gave off remnants of pleasure as Ville slowly got up. Whatever happened between them, whether love or sex, felt amazing, and Ville would be more than willing to receive visits like that from Angel at anytime while they were here.  Sure, it went against every moral fiber of his being because he loved her, but if being fuck buddies was as close as Ville would get to the way it used to be with Angel, then so be it. At least she was his for two and a half weeks.

But once rehab was over, where would their affair go?

Down the fucking drain.

Ville was going home to a pregnant fiancé when he gets out of here. Angel probably has a lot to deal with when she’s out as well. There just wouldn’t be a way to work around their differences.

Unless you convince her to move back to Helsinki.

Yeah, keep dreaming. She left before. Friends, the family she never had, and a man who loved her weren’t enough to keep Angel grounded in Helsinki. He could beg and plead whatever God was watching over him for a small chance that Angel would even think about moving back to Finland, but there was just no way. Ville would never move either. Maybe for Angel he’d make an exception, but leaving Finland would be like cutting a fucking umbilical cord that everyone forgot about. Like it or not, he was attached to Finland. He could visit other places, hell, go on tour for 5 fucking years straight, but Finland was his home.

You never permanently leave home. If you do, well, you might end up in rehab.

Ville couldn’t optimize the situation anymore. There were no options.  He and Angel would have no choice but to part ways after this was over.

They’re different people now.

Ville glanced at the clock. 7:13 PM  July 11th. Ville originally thought he’d be happy to see the halfway mark of rehab, but he didn’t feel happy at all. Thoughts of Angel drowned him in sorrow. Their affair had started about 4 hours ago, and it was already halfway over.

Ville heard a sound coming from behind him. The balcony door in his bedroom opened and Angel popped her head in.

“Hey,” she said noticing Ville was finally awake.

Ville gazed at the classic beauty. She didn’t leave. He wasn’t being used.

Then was it love or sex?

"Hey,” Ville answered. He pulled his pants on and grabbed his T-shirt from the floor. He stood up facing Angel, and stretched out the kinks in his back.

Angel tried not to stare, but that was pretty difficult. She cleared her throat.

“Wanna come out here with me?” she asked.

Ville nodded, putting on his shirt and rubbing the tired from his eyes. He picked up his cap from where Angel had thrown it to the ground and placed it firmly on his head. He didn’t care what Angel thought, it was a great hat.

Ville entered the balcony, plopping down on the empty chair next to Angel.

Angel had her feet up on the bar, watching the waves crash on the silver beach. Dusk had fallen, and California was casted in a world of blue and chrome.


Angel dropped her feet, put them on the chair, held her knees in a fetal position.

Ville took out a cigarette from his pocket and searched for his lighter. When he found the stupid thing, he lit the tip nervously and took a drag.

Silence continued.

Angel sighed.

“So are we gonna talk about this or what?” she asked timidly.

“I guess. What about it?” Ville answered, trying to hide any emotion toward the subject.

Angel raised an eyebrow.

“The whole “me and you just had sex” thing. We can start with that, if you don’t mind.”

“Alright. We had sex. Whatever. It happens.”

Angel eyes narrowed. Her voice became laced with anger.

“Fucking an ex while having a significant other at home wondering if you’re doing ok at rehab does not just happen, Ville.”

“What do you want me to say, Angel? You came here, things happened, it’s over. Not much we can do about it now.”

Angel fought off the sudden urge to hit him. Why was he acting totally apathetic? What about Jonna? The love of his life that he just couldn’t wait to get engaged to? The woman he asked to marry less than a day after he ended a six year relationship? Yeah, she knew. Tim, HIM’s producer and her friend, had told her everything.

Maybe he doesn’t care because something happened between him and Jonna.

Angel felt like a moron. No wonder he didn’t feel guilty about this. Ville and Jonna had broken up. Leaving Angel all alone in the unfaithful category.

Angel suddenly felt a pang of guilt. Ville had distracted her so much that she had totally forgotten about Johnny. She could have given him a call today instead of jumping to conclusions, skipping over to her ex-boyfriends apartment and fucking his brains out. Now she once again had cheated on someone with Ville, and once again, Ville didn’t care one way or the other what would happen because of their affair.

Once an asshole, always an asshole.

“Ville, are you and Jonna still together?” Angel asked looking at him intently.

Ville, confused and annoyed by that question, blew out smoke from his cigarette.

“How did she get dragged into this?”

“Just answer the question.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything.”

“So something happened.”

“Yes…no,” Ville stuttered.

“Ville just tell me what happened.”

Ville tried to lie. Think of something clever, make him look like the one who was done with Jonna not visa versa. Nothing came.

Suddenly, Ville’s heart took over his body, unable to keep quiet any longer.

“Ville,” Angel said again after his silence. “Tell me wha…”

He shot up from his chair.

“She cheated on me three times. Three fucking times,  Alright? Now she’s pregnant and expects me to be the father! I fucking hate her! I hate everything about her! Jesus, Angel. Are you happy now? I’m totally miserable and it’s all because of that one night. That one night I made a bad decision God-fucking-forbid, and you left. Is that what you wanted to hear? Is that why you came over here? To make me even more disgusted with myself for loosing you than I already am? Well, congratulations, Angel. You won. You finally got your revenge on me. ”

Ville stood there panting in fury. Staring at her like he was trying to melt her with his gaze.

Angel looked at him, shocked and floored by his sudden outburst. He did care that she was here. He did want her to leave Promises as much as she did him. She did break his heart as much as he broke hers.

Angel nearly grabbed his face and kissed him.

Turning his back to her, Ville took a deep breath to calm his angered heart. He stared out at the beach as if searching for something. Searching for a way back to May 2005. When everything was okay again.

“This had nothing to do with revenge, Ville. I came over here because I needed…” Angel’s voice trailed off in sadness.

Ville’s voice was covered in annoyance.

“You needed what?” he asked harshly.

“ I needed someone….to…to be with…I felt so alone, and you were here,” she said quietly. That was the truth. Partly. She was looking for someone who cared for her. She needed someone to love her. Angel felt tears run slowly down her face. This must have been the thousandth time she cried while being here and they were almost all for him. For Ville.

Ville turned to face her again, leaning his back against the balcony bar, lighting another cigarette. Angel looked totally sincere in what she had said. Ville had seen the glint of torture on her face ever since the first day. He could tell she was lonely.  She and Kat were fighting, so she didn’t have her best friend. Angel would never call Elijah just to talk for fear of disturbing him in the middle of work or something. She didn’t have her brother, and Ville knew for a fact that something was wrong with Johnny. Angel wouldn’t have come over here if she had him to comfort her.

Ville could imagine going through this without Jonna, but not without Mige or his family to call and comfort him. Jesus, he would have knocked on her door too if he was in Angel’s situation.

Then another thought popped into Ville’s mind.

So her and Johnny had a problem. Maybe Angel didn’t have much to return to after rehab. Maybe Helsinki wasn’t such a far reach after all.

“You needed someone, huh?” Ville said noticing her weeping and taking a step in front of her. He kneeled down so that he was looking up at that innocent angelic face and reached out to touch her cheek gently. Angel tilted her head, reacting slightly to his warm touch.

“Well aren’t I a lucky bastard?” he smiled.

Angel laughed while letting one more tear escape and wiped it away. Ville lifted up her chin and kissed her briefly. After he put out his cigarette in the ash tray on the balcony table, Ville stood up, extending a hand to Angel.

“So how are you and what’s his name?” he asked as he helped her up from her chair.

“Johnny. We’re good,” Angel said in a questionable tone.

Ville opened the balcony door, and they entered the bedroom.

“So I guess he would mind if I…” Ville said.

“Mind if you do what…”

Without warning, Ville shoved Angel onto the bed, and swiftly got on top of her.

“…Do that to his girl,” he said cleverly.

“Honestly, I have no idea if he would mind or not,” Angel said giggling at him.

Ville rained kisses on her eyelids, lips, and neck.

“Well, hopefully he doesn’t, cuz I don’t feel like getting my ass kicked by some crazy actor dude,” Ville said lingering on lips that he craved more than alcohol.

“How did you know Johnny was an actor?”

Ville paused and stared at her, looking for a lie. His face suddenly turned red as he dipped his forehead onto her chest to hide himself in embarrassment. Angel giggled sweetly.

“HAHA! Busted! You tried to play it off like you forgot about me,” she shoved his shoulder so that he picked up his head.

Ville was still smiling.

“So, if he doesn’t mind me kissing you, do you think I could get a loan from him,” Ville asked still looking into her eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s gonna be pretty lonely here. Especially in the next two weeks. I mean, you heard the doctor…Maybe we should, you know, help each other out,” he suggested as lazily unbuttoned her shirt.

“ Jonna doesn’t need to know anything, and you said Johnny wouldn’t care.”

“I said I don’t know if Johnny would care or not…he’s so busy with his career that I wouldn’t be surprised if he forgets my name from time to time…”

“I’m not gonna steal you away from him. We dated, it didn’t work out, now were here, and we know no one but each other. Look, I’m just suggesting to…to kill the loneliness or whatever, we could…”

“Have sex with each other,” Angel finished.

“Yeah. Angel, when I’m with you I forget about everything, including alcohol. Maybe being with each other will…help us get through this, you know?”

“I guess,” Angel muttered. You guess? Thinking of Ville stops your migraines in their tracks. Just think what having him as a friend with benefits would do.

“It’s just sex?” Angel asked.

“…just sex,” Saying it sent a pang of pain through his heart, but Ville knew it’s all they could have.

He hesitated. Why did he hesitate? Angel couldn’t ignore her own disappointment, he was firm in what he just said, but damn it, why did he have to fucking hesitate? It’ll keep her up for hours. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake. She shouldn’t do this. They shouldn’t do this. If anything, it’ll fuck with her mind even more.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she answered.

Ville stopped his unbuttoning.

“What the fuck?” he said, extremely pissed. He thought he presented a pretty damn good argument. Well too bad for Angel that he refused to take no as an answer after what happened.

“Jesus, Angel you’re killing me. We won’t do it that often, just when we need to. I’m not looking for anything but someone… just like you,” His eyes were an intense green, begging her to agree with him. Angel then realized that Ville needed her as much as she needed him.

She hesitated, and then gave in.

“Okay,” she breathed.

Ville smiled.

“Good, cuz I want it now,” he said. Angel looked down to find Ville already had her shirt halfway undone. She smiled, but her face twisted with passion as Ville ripped her shirt open and wasted no time tearing her jeans away as well. He took her panties off slower, but still at a quickened pace. Ville didn’t bother taking off his clothes, he wanted her too badly to wait. He stood up from the bed and unzipped his jeans. Letting his erection free, he placed it at Angel’s soft center. He slowly rubbed the tip against her opening, causing Angel’s lips to part slightly, close her eyes tightly.

Still standing, he brought Angel’s reclined body closer to the edge of the bed. When she was close enough, he shifted inside of her.

The penetration. Jesus, nothing was better. First resistance, then pure undeniable bliss. Ville thrusted at a steady pace. She whispered, moaned, moved against him. Ville’s head began spinning as he watched her move with him. There was no way he could be with anyone else. Never again.  Angel was his only one. Good God, he was in love. He never stopped loving her. Dreaming of her.  She was his everything. Her warmth. Felt. So. Fucking. Good.

Angel felt the climax building. God she hated this. She hated that she ruined the best relationship she ever had. She did something to make him cheat on her. She wondered for two fucking years. What could she have done? He was such a bastard, and a liar, and she loved him. Loved him. More than anyone ever. She wanted to marry him and have children and be with him until she died and…

Oh my God.

They wanted so badly to say to one another:

Ville, I love you.

I love you, Angel.

But nothing was said.

She felt him shutter. His eyebrows crunched upward as if in a distress, but he was feeling nothing but pure fulfillment.

The force of his orgasm made Ville loose his rhythm. He plunged into her hard and fast.  Angel felt the rush all over again.

They ignited each other with ecstasy, sending one another to the height of pleasure.

After it was over, they lay together.

Fuck buddies and nothing more.

As Angel drifted off to sleep, she wondered why on earth somebody like Jonna would even think of cheating on Ville. Let alone three times. Poor Ville. On top of everything else, the dumb bitch got herself pregnant.

Forgot to use a condom. What an idiot.

Wait a minute.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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