This Resurrection

Sep 17, 2008 19:39

Summary: When an emotionally shattered Ville has no choice but to enter rehabilitation for his alcoholism, he comes face-to-face with the demons that could threaten his future and the ghosts that haunt his past. One in particular he wasn't ready to revisit.

Pairing: Ville Valo/ OFC

Rating: R to NC-17

Warning (this warning will get longer and longer): I love Ville but I don't own him, any other member/manager or project of HIM, Jonna, Bam, Missy, Maxim magazine, any random celebrity, High Voltage Tattoo or KAT Von D...even though I wish I tattoos Please read and enjoy:)

Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6 and 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

***Word to the wise...this chapter contains adult content  :-)



Angel felt like she was on the Titanic while the bow was pointed toward the sky. Her head throbbed in viscous pain. As soon as she got back from the horrible group session today, she got terribly sick in the bathroom. Angel was never a fan of the sea, and ever since she flushed the pills Ville found down the toilet with guilt, she’d been rocking around like a bad sea captain. Angel figured being without painkillers would do a lot of things, but making her seasick, she didn’t think would be one of them. After puking her brains out, she wobbled into her bed.

July 11, 2007
Day 14

Angel awoke to see the sun well up in the California sky while a few storm clouds lingered in the distance. She glanced at the clock. 3:30 pm on July 11th. She was half way there.

As she lay back down in her bed, Angel tried to think of what she had learned from this place. Nothing came to mind, except the trust issue thing. The doctor told Angel she had problems relying on people because of what happened to her in the past. Her mother was never there for her. Her father died suddenly without warning, and now the doctor said she tended to expect her loved ones to leave her as well. Most of them had, but Angel didn’t believe Dr. Clark for a second. She didn’t have trust issues, every single person she ever confided in just happened to be untrustworthy. Angel suddenly felt that she needed to talk to someone, to prove to herself that the doctor was wrong.  She couldn’t think of anyone off the top of her head, but Angel convinced herself that there had to be someone.

She got up carefully and went up to her drawer to pull her phone out. Angel searched through the contacts looking for someone to call.

Kat of course came to mind. Angel wanted to tell her about how she and Ville got paired together playing a stupid game, and Angel tried to get out of it by saying she was allergic to him. Kitty would laugh and say “way to go, boo boo.” And then Angel would say “whatever, bee bop.” Then they’d share a laugh at their dumb nicknames for each other. Kat would tell her about the shop. About Orbi, Hannah, Pixie, Bam, how much she misses Angel and to be safe in rehab. Angel would tell Kat that she misses her too.

So much.

When Angel realized that she couldn’t call Kat, she felt overwhelmed with loneliness. She wanted so badly to reach out to anyone who knew she existed. That cared she existed. She could call Manna, but she ruined that friendship when she left Finland. Elijah? No, he wouldn’t be interested.


Angel dropped back on her bed, shocked by that thought. That’s who she needed to talk to right now. Corey. Her other best friend from California. When Angel and Kat would fight and bicker, Angel would look to Corey to help them out of the rut. He’d look at her. Tell her to forgive Kat. Beg Kat to forgive Angel, and it always worked. That was Corey. He just had a warmth about him that made somebody want to forget about their troubles.

Unfortunately, when Corey wasn’t solving problems, he was living through them. Enough for him to do something very extreme and very traumatic to all of his loved ones.

Less than a week after Angel left Finland, Corey jumped. Off of a kitchen stool, if Angel remembered correctly. With the rope around his neck.

And you weren’t there. That’s why he left goodbye note for Kat and nothing for you. Corey was in pain, and you were in fucking Finland with the ‘love of your life.’ He needed you, you were nowhere.

You basically pushed him.

Angel lay down in her bed. Face down, she screamed into her pillow. Taking gasping breaths between sobs.

She felt so alone, so unwanted, so used, so ugly.

A vision popped into Angel’s mind.

“She was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful girls I have ever met.”

Ville. Ville said she was beautiful. Ville said that she was breathtaking. She wanted to be with Ville.

Angel shot up from her bed, and opened her door. Her past tried to stop her.

Fuck that.

She swung the door shut behind her.


God damn it!

Right when Ville lit his fourth cigarette, rain fell harshly around him. He rushed back inside to his apartment and shut the screen door. The day was just getting better and fucking better.

He called Jonna, and she still wanted the baby. No news on what was going to happen when he went back to Helsinki, but Ville felt like returning to Finland would be like shutting a cage door on himself, and locking it shut.


Can’t move or breath.


Ville ran into the bedroom and grabbed his inhaler. As he quickly took two puffs of medication, there came a bang from somewhere.

It wasn’t at the door, but it came again. Ville followed the sound back into the living room. He looked around, and there at the screen door, was the one person he needed to see right then.


Ville quickly unlocked the door and swung it open. There she was, again drenched in water. Staring at him, begging him with those eyes. Ville could tell she had been crying.

“Hi,” she said loudly over the sound of the rain.

He swiftly grabbed her by the arms and dragged her inside. He closed the door.

“Hi,” he said.

They looked at each other, keeping their colorful eyes locked in one another’s stare.

Neither of them could take it anymore.

Ville pushed her up against the wall, and quickly took her lips with his own in feverish passion. His kiss was rough, harsh, yet incredibly tender. His taste was that sexy peppermint vanilla. She wrapped her arms around his neck to bring the kiss as close as it could be. Ville nipped her bottom lip, making Angel open for him, letting him invaded her mouth with his tongue. Ville tasted every corner of her. Playfully struggling in sweet pleasure against the swift strokes of her tongue.  She tasted like heaven as an angel naturally would. So sweet that he had to have more. He needed to taste more of her. All of her.

To Angel’s protest, Ville broke the kiss and grabbed a handful of that soft damp raven hair. He tugged her head back, placing his hot mouth down her exposed neck. When he sucked at the pale lovely skin until it turned red, Angel didn’t protest anymore.  Instead, the beautiful pain made her close her eyes grabbing Ville’s head in need. She never wanted anyone more than she wanted Ville. She wanted to feel them connected again. She wanted nothing but to be loved by him.

Ville let go of her hair and trailed his kisses up her neck. He licked and nipped his way to her ear, where he teased her earlobe with his soft open kisses. He sent shivers…no, shockwaves down her spine. Ville felt her body tremors and groaned at the feeling of her trembling body against his own. It was now or never.

“If we start going, I’m not gonna be able to stop,” Ville confessed softly in Finnish. “Are you sure?”

He slowly began to open the buttons of her navy blouse. Very slowly. One… by… one.

“ I’m sure,” she gasped wanting and needing only this. Only him.

“What?” he asked.

Angel had spoken in French again. She cursed, and then nearly shouted in English.

“ For Christ’s sake, Ville, I’m sure!”

Ville smiled. He placed his lips on her chest, kissing after every button he undid. Angel was losing her mind.

Ville opened her blouse and pulled her silk, black bra down so that one of her breast showed through to him. He flattened his palm against her small pink nipple and moved his hand against it.

Angel’s breath caught as her eyes fluttered shut.

Even with her eyes closed, Angel was the sexiest woman he had ever seen.

Ville kissed her again. He wrapped his arms around her, unhooking her bra and throwing her shirt to the floor. His kiss became rougher as his breath became more rapid. His heart was beating so quickly that Angel could feel it in her chest. Keeping the kiss intact, Ville quickly picked Angel up by under her thighs and carried her into the bedroom.

When they got to the king size bed, Ville laid Angel down gently. Slowly, he got on top of her, staring into her baby blues.  Her moist hair lay over her beautiful breasts. Her cheeks were flushed with passion. Her eyes were blue fire. She was a Goddess.

Angel looked up at Ville whose eyes were shining bright green moons. She noticed that his deep brown curls were constricted by that stupid hat. Angel kept her gaze on him while she grabbed his paperboy cap and threw it to the floor letting his curls fall in that adorable way that she loved so dearly. This man killed her, and now had the power to bring her back to life. It was like Ville was a God.

Ville laughed a little at her disapproval of his beloved hat, but then realized he had more important things to do. Ville dipped his head and kissed her again.

This time his kiss was slower, deeper, thorough. Angel followed his lead, allowing him to devour her, molding her mouth with his. When he had his fill, Ville left her mouth, traveling back to her throat, down to her collarbone, and then made his way to her bare breasts.

Ville captured one of her nipples between the searing heat of his teeth. He sucked the sweet tasting nipple into his mouth making Angel whimper and gently raise her hips against him. Ville gently tasted her, slowly moving his tongue against her nipple back and forth. It stood at attention, and Ville flicked his tongue over the tiny nub in sweet, fast motions. He turned his head and gave the same treatment to the other nipple. Angel’s head shot up.

“ Ville,” she called out.

“Shhh,” he came back to her lips for only a moment. Kissing her briefly. Brushing his lips against her soft pale ones. Angel lay back down again as Ville messaged her breasts with his calloused hands. He intentionally rubbed his rough thumbs over the already deliciously tortured nipples, and Angel responded by grabbing his tattooed forearms as hard as she could. The tension made Ville feel like he was going to explode. Watching Angel go wild, writhing underneath him, rubbing against his hardness made Ville loose more and more control. He wanted to be inside her now.

Ville kissed her stomach while he unbuttoned her jeans. He slid her panties along with the denim down her long beautiful legs. Ville kissed her under her belly button, going lower and lower still until he finally reached the nub at the top of her sex. Ville licked and stroked with his tongue as Angel writhed under his head. Her eyes opened slightly as she moaned against the pleasure. Fighting a loosing battle with climax.

Oh god, it feels so good.

Muted screams escaped her lips as Ville continued licking biting sucking her, but he wanted more. Angel looked down to see Ville place his hand between her pink folds and slide one long finger into her.  She  let out a loud shriek, giving him the sound he was looking for. As Ville continued to work his magic on her with his mouth, his protruding finger moved slowly in and out of her. Angel tried, but she could not hold back the storm any longer. She grabbed his wrist holding his finger into her. He went harder deeper faster, and the wave of climax washed over her repeatedly until she gently floated back to Earth.

“Jesus Christ,” Angel said as she caught her breath.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Ville said in a strained voice. “Now it’s my turn.”

Angel smiled devilishly as she quickly helped him pull off his shirt revealing his skinnier yet still sexy chest. She’d yell at him for not eating later.

Ville tore off the rest of his clothes leaving them both completely naked. Ville again settled on top of her.

Feeling evil, Angel reached out and circled her hand around his hardness, moving her tight grip back and forth. Ville shuttered and bit back orgasm. Jesus, her hand felt better than any other woman.

Angel let go, seeing the look of climax slowly creep upon his face.

Ville put himself at her opening, and slowly thrusted into her.

Ville groaned. Warmth filled him, enveloped him. She felt amazing. Better than he had ever anticipated. He was home after two years away. Ville moved at a snail’s pace, trying to get used to her again. Angel grabbed his shoulders and squeezed tightly.

Once he got a feel for her, Ville began moving at a faster pace.

Angel could feel the fever building again, except this time it was ten times hotter. She  never had forgotten what it felt like to make love to Ville, but he was better, so much better than she had recalled.

So this is why I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

Ville swiftly sat up and pulled Angel’s hips downward to meet him harder and deeper. Angel’s eyes closed tightly as intense pleasure forced her to tilt her head toward the ceiling grabbing at the pillows surrounding her.

“Angel, look at me,” Ville said harshly in Finnish.

The two locked eyes. As he saw Angel get dizzy with her oncoming climax, Ville felt himself loose all hope as well.

Angel shuttered around him, whispering his name while he brought her over the edge. Ville thrusted as hard and as fast as his hips would move until finally, after two years of hell and torture and waiting, his Angel took him back to heaven.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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