(no subject)

Aug 16, 2007 22:58

Well I started posting this forever ago and never got past chapter 6.  That being said I have decided to give this another go.  So if anyone is still interested on with the story.

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Previous Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

His last desperate look at me left me stranded in my doorway.  My limbs were useless as anything but weights which kept me in that silent doorway.  Tears played at the edges of my eyes, but refused to leap from their sapphire home.  My heart was racing with the fear that I had met his eyes for the last time, but my breathing was smooth and steady.  I wanted to run to that dark solid door at the end of my hallway, burst it open and hold him, but I lacked the strength.  Physical, mental, emotional, I had no strength left inside me for anything.  Turning slowly, I slipped my door closed before staggering through the unlit room to my bed.  Slipping out of my jeans I curled up on my bed in my purple tank and black panties and wrapped my arms around my pillow, gripping it close to my pumping heart.  My eyes refused to close, so I lay there, focusing on the darkness which began to slowly engulf me.  My thoughts were still, only the heartbreaking image of his pleading green eyes kept replaying in my mind.  My right hand releases its grip on my pillow and floated towards my right thigh, landing softly on the rough skin.  My fingers slid aimlessly over the plethora of rough scars that decorated my once pristine flesh.  An icy breeze passed over my body, sending a violent shiver through me.  I carefully moved my body, lifting the soft violet blanket, and allowing myself to slide under it.  A solitary tear caressed my cheek as my eyelids weighted themselves down, sending me to rest.

The sound of violent rain filled my ears as the cold tears from the sky pierced my flesh.  My eyes wouldn’t work, trying to open them; they felt as though they had been taped closed.  I slowly lifted my right hand, causing sharp pains to wash over my limp body, and brought it to my face.  Slipping my fingers over my image, it didn’t feel like my own.  Every curve of my profile felt distorted, grotesquely misplaced.  My own soft touch made me wince in pain.  I could feel the tears building behind my eyes, but they had no escape, my eyes lids would not allow them.  I placed my hand on my bare, wet belly as my mind began to go dark.

“Meg?” his voice woke me from my dream. Opening my eyes I saw the outline of Ville’s body in my doorway.  It was too dark to make out his features, but I knew it was him.

“Yes?” I replied, my voice cracking as I did so.

“I heard you crying.” His voice was little more than a whisper, but the concern in it was obvious.  As his words passed his lips I began to notice that my heart was beating out of control and my face was warm.  I brought my hand to my cheek only to find my skin soaked in warm salty tears: I had been crying in my sleep.  He shifted his weight as if waiting for a response.

“Come here” I mumbled before stretching my right hand out to him. Slowly he walked inside the room, closing the old wooden door behind him.  When he was close enough he entwined his fingers with mine and sat gently on the edge of my bed looking at me.  I could vaguely make out the pale glow of the skin on his smooth chest as he sat next to my curled up form.  The tension from earlier seemed to have disappeared, but I could still feel his eyes studying me for answers.

“Lay with me.” I said timidly, unsure of how he would react, or how I would react for that matter.  His eyes rested on me a bit longer before he slowly turned and lay on his side facing me, on top of my blankets.  I pushed my blankets down to my waist, exposing my top to him as he slowly touched my face, wiping my tears from my cheek.  A soft sigh escaped my lips as I gently leaned into his warm touch.

“Meg, I. . .” I placed my finger on his delicate lips before sliding closer to him.  He watched me intently as I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms around his slim waist, resting my hands on the waist of his jeans.  I felt his arms engulf me, pulling me closer to the warmth of his chest.  The muscles throughout my body relaxed as I drew a deep breath, letting his scent fill me.  I knew that this was the only chance I had to make things right, so I started talking, no explanation, just telling Vile my story.

“It was about two and a half years ago,” I spoke into his chest in a whisper just loud enough for him to understand. “My parents had just died and my fiancé, Alex, and I moved into the house. . .this was to be our house, our children were going to be raised here.” I paused to draw a ragged breath, gently tightening my grip on his waist before continuing. “About a month a after we moved in he went out of town on business,”

“Meg, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” Ville whispered before placing a chaste kiss on my head.

“No, I have to tell you Ville.”  I let a silence fall around us for a moment as I lost myself in his embrace.  He was so warm, so strong, why did he have to know me like this?  Why did fate not introduce us until after my innocence had been pillaged?  I let that thought pass, knowing that it was no longer important.

“He was away and I decided to go to a concert in Seattle, at one of the clubs downtown.” His hands were making soft circles on my back as he listened. “Alice was supposed to go with me, but she had gotten set up on a blind date, that was the night she met Brian.” I let a weak smile cross my lips as I remembered how excited she has been after hearing only a description of her mystery man. “So I went alone.” It sounded as if his heart skipped a beat when he heard my words, perhaps he could see where my tale was going.  I listened to him fill his lungs and exhale hard.

“I probably drank too much that night and danced with too many people, but it was all in good fun.”  I could feel the tears again.  My tears didn’t bother to build, they just started rolling quietly down my face as I let my mind wander back to that night.  The muscles in my jaw started to become tense, making it harder for me to speak, but I had to.  “I went outside for a smoke and a group of guys I had been dancing with came out behind me,” my loud unintentional sob echoed through the room.

“Meg” the sound in Ville’s soft voice told me that he didn’t want to inflict more pain on me by making me relive my nightmare.  I ignored him.

“We all talked for a few minutes, then. . .I. . .I felt some one wrap an arm around my waist and place a hand over my mouth.” My heart was pounding in my throat, I hadn’t told anyone this story since it happened.  My mind was screaming at me to just say it, to let him hear me say it.  I gathered all of the strength I didn’t know I had and let my words flow like my tears.

“They drug me into the alley, all five of them.  They. . .they tore my clothes, I tried to fight. . .but they started hitting me, kicking me, until I passed out.” I paused to listen to Ville’s heart beat, it had sped up.  “When I woke up, I was naked on the ground, my entire body ached. . .I heard them talking. . .one of them walked towards me, I passed out again when he stabbed me in the thigh.”  My tears were too heavy to talk any more.  I was sobbing loudly as Ville’s let his hand trial through my hair.

“They raped me, they all took their turn and they raped me.”  I could feel my anger boiling over as the words came out in rage.  My sobs grew louder as I felt my body shaking from the force of my tears.

“Ssshhh Meg. . . it’s alright. Sssshhh.” Ville’s voice sank into my skin, placing a gentle relaxing hand on my bruised soul.  I tried to regain some composure, my ability to speak clearly slowly returned.

“I woke up in the hospital two days later.  No one knew who I was, until I could tell them.  Alex flew home, he came to see me in the hospital.  He never came near me; he just stood by the door every time he visited.  He never touched me again and two months after I was released he left.  He left because he couldn’t look at me. . .I wasn’t innocent anymore”  I took a deep breath as I felt my body go limp in his arms.  My sobs were controlled, but the tears continued to flow as though they would never stop.  I cried for my pain, for my memories, and now for fear of what he would say.  We lay there like that for the longest time, his large hands tracing imaginary designs on my back as my tears slowly started to subside.  His embrace never loosened, but his silence began to worry me.

“I’ll understand if you want to leave.”  I whispered those words more to myself than him, but I knew he heard them.  He moved his hand from my back, placing it softly on my chin, lifting my eyes to finally look at him.  My eyes were tight and blurry from my torrent of tears, but I was no longer afraid to let him see me this way.  As I looked into his eyes I saw two shining streaks running down his face; he had been crying.  With a soft motion he wiped my tears for the second time that evening.

“No, I don’t want to leave” his eyes never moved from mine as he spoke those soft words.  I felt him shiver lightly against me and I realized how cold the skin on his back had become.

“Get under the covers.”

“Meg, I don’t. . .”

“You’re cold, I won’t have you getting sick over me.” He watched me for another minute, as if he was checking to make sure that’s what I really wanted.  Slowly he let go of me and climbed under my blanket.

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable sweetheart” his eyes were clouded in worry as he studied my face.  I moved closer to him, letting my legs touch his which were still clad in jeans. I briefly pondered telling him he could take them off, but I figured he left them on for me, so I wouldn’t think he expected anything.

“You’re the only man who hasn’t made me uncomfortable since. . .”my voice trailed off; there was no more need to explain.  He gathered me in his arms again, holding me as tight as he had before.  I watched as he caressed my face with his eyes as he started to inch his face closer to mine, giving me time to stop him.  His supple lips met mine for a brief moment before he pulled back to look at me.

“We’ll take this slow sweetheart,” he brushed a stray hair out of my face “as slow as you need.” I nodded slightly before burying my face back in the warmth of his chest.  My eyes fell closed.  “Thank you for telling me” he whispered softly.  I fell asleep that night wrapped in Ville’s sturdy arms.
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