(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 17:58

I got a few lovely comments on the first chapter so I thought I'd give you another.

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

I flashed a quick smiled at him as I turned and began walking into the lobby, towards the elevator.
As the elevator doors slid closed I turned to him, resting my hand on his shoulder “Thank you Ville, I really appreciate this.” His piercing green eyes met mine as he nodded slightly, about to say something.

“Hello sexy. . .” Alice began with a dazed look, resting her hand on his pale cheek causing him to shift his gaze from mine “I’m getting married”

“Congratulations darling” he mumbled as a timid laugh came from this throat. He grinned at her as I gently stroked my dearest friend’s blonde hair.

“But she’s not” Alice finished as she let her head clumsily flop over his arm so she was looking directly at me. His gentle laughter rang through the elevator as I felt myself turning slightly red in the cheeks. I began to wonder if she had any idea of who she was talking to? Probably not. She’d never gotten into the music.

PING! The doors slid open. I stepped out in front of him, turning right down the corridor as I began digging in my back pocket for the plastic room key.

“It’s just down here” I assured him with a quick glance at his fragile looking frame carrying Alice, who had begun slipping her fingers through his seemingly uncombed locks. I slid the key into the electronic lock and turned the handle to reveal an average hotel room. Two queen sized beds, a small table with two chairs and a bathroom, not much else. I noticed Sandi and Christina were passed out on one bed as I stepped inside and flipped the light switch. As I quickly led Ville to the unoccupied bed I heard Alice’s worried voice.

“Meg. . .I. . .” three steps from her final destination I turned around just in time to witness Alice throwing up all over herself and Ville. I cringed as I saw his light skin turn even paler. He gently sat her down on the edge of the bed before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving the door half open.

“Oh Christ.” I sighed as I grabbed the garbage can that had been sitting next to the table and chairs and placed it next to the bed. Alice had already lain back, so I propped her up only enough to remove her thoroughly soiled top. Letting her lay back I covered her and headed for the bathroom, with her shirt still in hand.

“Can I come in?” I inquired. Even though he had left the door half open I thought it would be better to ask before barging in on the man my friend has just puked on.

“Oh, yeah” I pushed the door open to find his now shirtless form standing in front of the sink attempting to rinse the vomit from his shirt. His back was toward me, but his reflection in the mirror displayed everything: the gentle curves of the “S” around his left nipple, the soft almost translucent color of his skin, and the very top of the bluish tattoo on his belly. I glanced away from him, resisting the urge to stand there and gaze at his body. I threw Alice’s shirt into the tub.

“I’m really sorry about all this. Let me pay to have your shirt cleaned, or replaced” I turned to look at him just as he looked on my direction.

“Don’t worry about it” he assured me as my gaze fell into his, a rather stoic expression rested on his face. His lips were still painfully pale, I assumed from the experience he had just shared with Alice. He looked back down to the sink where he was ringing out his shirt. I took this opportunity to let my eyes wonder his figure, taking in every inch of him slowly. All the picture I had ever seen of him were amazing, but to see him so close to me, there was something about him that was more amazingly beautiful than ever before

“Well I should be going” his words brought me back to life. He turned, leaving the bathroom, wet shirt in hand and heading for the door.

“Hey, my name's Meg and we’ll be here until the day after tomorrow,” he turned around slowly letting his eyes look me over from head to toe “so, if you change your mind about letting me pay for the shirt, let me know.” He grinned before turning around and leaving. After a second I went out to the corridor, he was half way down the hall. “Thanks again” I yelled. He raised his hand to acknowledge he heard me but kept on walking. I stepped back into the brightly lit room, letting the door close quietly behind me. With a deep sigh I leaned back letting the weight of my body rest against the cold door. I glanced slowly over the three sleeping bodies in the room as my mind began to speed out of control. I can’t believe I just met him, I thought, and why did she have to throw up then. I covered my eyes with my hands as I gently shook my head. This night had turned out horrible. . .no, this whole weekend had been horrible. I pushed the light switch down with my finger tips as my legs began moving me towards the small table on the other side of the room. My hands searched the table for my old, almost worn out cd player and head phones; I picked them up and stepped out of the sliding glass doors onto the a tiny balcony. Laying the player on the ledge, I placed the headphones on my ears and turned the little machine on, while drawing in a deep breath of Los Angeles’s filthy air. Looking out over the polluted skyline of the city, the pulsing rhythm of Buried Alive by Love blaring in my ears, I let my mind wander back to him. He was a beautiful creature; tall and lanky, with those eyes. Those eyes that seemed not to look at you, but into you. The thought of him looking into me sent a cold unpleasant shiver down my spine. There were too many things pent up inside of me, I turned around and walked back into the room, taking a seat in one of the light blue chairs at the table. Crossing my arms on the table I let my head rest on them as I closed my eyes. Just standing next to him had been amazing, I hadn’t felt that way since everything went awry in my life. I tried to stave off thoughts of my past as I felt the tune of Sweet Pandemonium carrying me off to sleep.


My head shot up from the table not quite sure where I was. Oh yeah, Los Angeles. . . Alice’s bachelorrette weekend.


I looked around for the source of the obnoxious sound for another minute before realizing it was the phone. I reached over the table to pick up the receiver.

“Hello?” I must have sounded slightly confused and groggy because I could tell I still wasn’t quite awake from my brief rest.

“Hello, is this, um, Meg?”

“Yeah, who’s this?” I enquired sitting up to rub my eyes and look at the digital clock across the room: 1:00am it read in crimson.

“This is Ville, from earlier, I, um, wanted to apologize for how I left. . .”

“No, it’s fine, I understand” I cut him off as I felt an enormous amount of blood flowing to my cheeks at the sound of his deep voice.

“Would you like to get together and talk?” I sat up straight in my chair, now completely awake as I mulled his words over in my mind.

“hhhmmm, yeah, sure, when” was all I could manage to stammer out for a response

“Well, I can’t sleep, so why not now?” he asked in a timid voice. He almost sounded afraid and for some reason this notion of a frightened rock star caused a large stupid grin to spread over my lips.

“Sure, where would you like to meet?”

“Why don’t you come to my room, I’m on the tenth floor, 1023” Alone, I thought, I hadn’t enjoyed the notion of being alone with new people since. . .but this was Ville Valo, no one in their right mind would refuse this. I took a deep breath which he must have heard. “Or we can meet somewhere else.” He added

“No,” I swallowed hard deciding to face one of my lingering fears “I’ll be up in a few minutes”

“Okay, see you then” he hung up the phone, but I just sat there for a moment with the receiver to my ear. What was I doing? I looked over at the girls who were still asleep. I could hear Alice’s voice in my head, she’d tell me not to go. She knew all about my past, what had happened, and how I had become this person. I shrugged those thoughts away. I would be fine and they could take care of themselves for a little while.
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