A chance encounter

Jul 23, 2005 16:01

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update on here, life has been hectic.
I'll keep updating on here as long as people are reding and commenting, but it might take a while.

On to chapter 3, enjoy!

As I stood in the elevator I gave my pockets one last check, making sure I had everything with me; cigarettes and lighter in the breast pocket of my jean jacket, cell phone, a little cash, id, mace and my keys in my faded jeans: all things I hadn’t had with me on that fateful night over two years ago. If my id hadn’t gotten lost perhaps I wouldn’t have laid in the hospital for two days as a “Jane Doe” and if I’d had the mace. . .My eyes fell closed, trying to blind me from my memories. “This is not the time to be thinking about that” I whispered to myself as the doors slid open on the tenth floor.

Walking down that long dimly lit hallway I could feel my heart beat gradually speeding up. A look to my right revealed that I had found it. . .1023. Taking a moment to run my hand through my hair, I considered turning around and running, instead I took a deep breath and raised my trembling hand to his door.

Knock. . .Knock

The door opened quickly, revealing Ville standing in the entrance with a rather large childlike smile on his face.

“Hello sweetheart” he asserted before standing aside and motioning for me to come in. I followed his lead and almost mechanically entered his room without really looking at him. I let my eyes slip around the room taking in its not so distinct features. The room was larger than mine, most definitely; the sitting room had a couch and a few chairs, a large television, and coffee table littered with four open beer cans. I could see down the short hallway before me the bathroom and an open door to the right of it which I assumed to be the bedroom. The deadbolt on the door turned into place with a cold metallic striking sound which made me jump slightly.

“Are you alright?” Ville asked in a soft voice as he placed a hand on my shoulder. His touch made me wince slightly, but he never noticed. I nodded as he walked in front of me, where I could finally take a good look at him. His face had recovered the color it had lost during the incident earlier; though that didn’t mean much since he was naturally pale. The delicate eyeliner had been washed from his eyes making his facial features look more natural. My eyes studied his warm face for a minute before getting caught in his gaze. My mind went blank as I felt his eyes on mine, looking at me, looking into me. I quickly looked away, glancing down over the worn Black Sabbath shirt he was now wearing. Slowly he removed his hand from my shoulder. “Make yourself comfortable, I was just finishing something” he said as he turned and headed down the corridor into the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath I looked around the room one more time, finally noticing the same sliding glass doors that my room came equipped with. As I slid the door open I could feel the early morning heat hitting my face and I gently stepped out onto the balcony which was bigger than mine and had a small plastic table with four chairs around it. I plopped myself down in one of the slightly weather beaten chairs and pulled out my cigarettes. Okay, I thought, he seems harmless enough and if it came to it I think I could take him. I laughed quietly to myself at that last thought. As I raised the cigarette and lighter to my lips I noticed that my hands were shaking. Taking a long deep drag I vigorously shook my hands trying to get the shaking to stop, trying to get my fears to subside.

“There you are.” He said with a smile as he walked out onto the balcony and took a seat in the chair next to mine. I watched him lower his frail looking frame into the chair when I realized that I had yet to speak to him even.

“That was a great thing you did for Alice earlier. I mean, I seriously don’t know what I would have done.” I smiled at him as I brought my cigarette to my lips.

“Well,” he began before taking a long breath from the cigarette he had lit while I was speaking, “what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t help a lady in such obvious need?” I let a laugh escape my lips as he gave me a coy wink “But seriously, I’m sorry for leaving like such an ass.”

“No, please, no more apologizing” I pleaded with him.

Shaking his head and releasing a large cloud of smoke from his full lips “It was an asshole thing to run out like that, but, I just don’t deal well with people being sick.” I looked at him as his head leaned back over the chair and he looked up into the sky. A grin played on the edge of my lips as I realized I had not felt this comfortable with a stranger in years.

“Alright, apology accepted.” I reached around the table pulling another of the white chairs in front of me before placing my feet in the seat of it. A silence fell over us, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, it was simply a pleasant silence. I took the clear glass ashtray off the table and squashed my almost dead cigarette in it before handing the dish to him. “Looks like you might need this” I tease him as I looked at the large ash he was mindlessly balancing.

“Oh, yeah.” My words seemed to pull him back to our conversation as he took the dish and noticed that I had become more comfortable in my seat. “You wanna slide that other chair over here,” he added with a grin “That looks comfortable” With a nod I slid the other chair to him and watched him stretch out his long legs, resting them in the other chair, before placing the ashtray on his belly. I let my head lean back, looking into the sky where no stars could be seen.

“So, you’re here for you friends wedding?”

“No, this is her bachelorette party, stretched out over the weekend. She’d never been to Los Angeles before, so we drove down here for the weekend so they could all get shit faced” I heard a soft chuckle come him.

“They certainly did a good job of that, but you didn’t” he said inquisitively. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him turn slightly in his chair so that he was now looking at me.

“No, I was designated the one who would stay sober and make sure Alice didn’t molest any attractive men,” I turned in my chair to meet his glance “men such as yourself” I shot him a smile “Besides, I don’t like getting drunk in public.” As soon as I said it I knew I shouldn’t have.

“Oh, why’s that?” his expression one of curiosity. I moved my eyes from his, studying the floor as my mind raced for an answer.

“It’s too expensive” I hoped this pathetic excuse would end the topic.

“Well next time I see you in a bar I’ll be sure to buy you a drink” he added with a laugh. “So where are you from, Meg?” My heart stopped as I heard him use my name for the first time since I had arrived. I looked back to his gentle face.

“I live outside Seattle, about thirty minutes south”

“Ah, yes, Seattle” he said as a way of showing that he was listening

“Alice is getting married in Seattle on Friday. Oh it’s gonna be bad” I said that more to myself, but it appeared to spark his interest.

“Why bad?”

“To make a long story short, she’s marrying him for his money and he’s an idiot. Not to mention both of their families are completely nuts, so we’re all expecting this wedding to be total chaos”

“Oh? Well than I should come sweetheart. I rather enjoyed the little chaos you two caused this evening, a whole wedding of that would be great” We both laughed

“Yeah you should come, you could be the one sane person” I paused for a moment letting my thoughts gather “I don’t know, I love her, she’s my closest friend, but I think she’s making a huge mistake” I looked at him nodding attentively. “So what are you doing here?” He raised an eyebrow at my question “I didn’t think you were on tour or anything?”

“Ah, and I thought I was just going to be the dark stranger from the bar.” He said with a devilish grin.

“You can still be the dark stranger,” I assured him “just a stranger who’s name I happened to know” I watched his face as it changed. His eyes lost that confidence they had when he thought I didn’t know of him. I gently bit my lip, hoping that I hadn’t just ruined what had become a lovely evening, as I reached out to touch the back of his hand, “Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?” He parted his lips in a large smile as I mindlessly rubbed my thumb softly over his milky skin

“No, I. . .we’re going to do some recording here, so I’m looking for a house to rent, for the band to stay in”

“Oh, that’s great” I could feel my eyelids starting to weigh themselves down, but I refused to end this evening so soon. My hand still on his I began looking for words “Listen, I know we don’t really know each other, but” I began to stammer as his green gaze rested squarely on mine “this is the most peaceful, calming thing that’s happened in my life in the past few years” I felt his fingers entwine with mine before he looked back up into the lifeless sky. I sat there, more content then I had been in so long. I had not even allowed a man to hold my hand in the past few years. The warmth of his grip seemed to flow over my entire body as I drank in every inch of him before my eyes become too heavy to lift.

The throbbing of the music made the earth feel as though it was vibrating in time. I could feel the cold, rough sensation of the pavement on my bare back as the voices seemed to get louder, but still I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I tried to open my eyes, but to no avail. My heart was racing, pumping blood too quickly to every corner of my body; I could feel my heart beat in my eyes. The breeze over my body told me that this wasn’t right, I was outside. There voices slowly grew more distinct as I finally heard one of them say “now it’s my turn bitch” before a dull pain pierced through my right thigh.

My eyes flew open as my chest was heaving from my labored breathing. Had it been a year ago I would have been worried that I had screamed, but I had stopped screaming in the dreams since then. That’s not to say the dreams had changed, I had simply become accustom to living in my nightly terror. Scanning the room I began to panic, not sure where I was. Then I remembered the previous evening, my conversation with Ville. He must have put me here, I thought as I pulled the covers back to make sure I was still dressed: I was. I looked around the large bedroom, his luggage, a small pile of cloths on the floor, a pack of cigarettes on the night stand, this was definitely his room, but there was no sign of him. I let my head lay back on the pillow again as I looked at the clock on the nightstand: 10:00 am. After a moment or two, I thought I heard someone talking, figuring it was probably Ville in the front room I decided I had better get up and get back to my friends. Moving slowly down the short corridor I peaked into the living room to find Ville curled up on the couch with a light blanket over him. He looked like a small child, legs curled up and the blanket pulled up to his chin. If I didn’t know his music, I would never have guessed from the looks of him sleeping that he was a rock star. I laughed quietly to myself as I noticed a few stray strands of hair were resting in his face. As I turned to head for the bathroom I heard his voice. Looking back to see if I had woke him I realized that he was talking in his sleep. I decided to sit for a minute just to see if he would say something again. Truth be told, I just wanted to here his voice, there had always been something soothing about that voice. After a few seconds he started talking again and I realized he wasn’t speaking in English. I just sat there unable to move, he was talking and I had no idea what he was saying, but I could still hear the passion in his voice. The words slipped off his tongue with ease and I was captivated, even aroused. His voice, those mysterious words, I could have listened to him all day. . .then my cell phone rang. Ville’s eyes shot open and I leapt from the chair which sat directly across from him.

“Hello. . .yeah. . .no I’m fine. . .yeah. . . I’ll be there in a minute, bye” I closed my phone and turned back to find Ville staring at me, this time the silence was uncomfortable.

“Did you know you talk in your sleep?” I asked with a sly grin as I watched his cheeks begin to turn a deep shade of red

“What, what did I say” he stammered, obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

“A lot,” I added teasingly just to watch his almost horrified expression “but you spoke in Finnish, so I have no idea what you said” The look of panic slid off his face and was soon replaced by a smile as he sat up on the couch. “Sorry about falling asleep on you” I said as I sat down next to him “I gotta go, Alice woke up in a panic since I wasn’t anywhere to be found.” I stood up and started to leave as I felt his cold hand grab my wrist making me jump.

“I didn’t mean to scare you” he said as he let go of me. I turned to him.

“No, I’m just a little jumpy sometimes” smiling down at him I took his hand in mine and entwined our fingers like they had been last night.

“What are your plans for today?” he inquired as he squeezed my hand lightly.

“Well, I’ll thought I might go out and wander the city later, since I’m pretty sure the girls won’t be doing much more than sleeping for most of the day” I said with a smile.

“Why don’t we hangout? We could go out to lunch, then wander the city?” he smiled hopefully up at me

“Alright,” I nodded “but I have to go check on them and get cleaned up. How about we get together around noon?”

“I’ll pick you up at noon sweetheart.” He bowed his head slightly and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand as I shook my head in disbelief. Our hands released each other and I headed for the door. Stopping to turn the deadbolt I looked back at Ville still sitting on the couch. He gave me a quick wink as I stepped out the door and headed back to my room.
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