(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 11:30

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

I was woken by the feeling of cloudy sunlight bursting through my bedroom window, slowly warming my exposed shoulders.  I waited to open my eyes, I didn’t want him to know I was awake yet; I didn’t want to disturb this beautiful moment, our bodies pressed against each other, feeding on each others warmth.  Ville’s hand moved slowly through my hair as if he was combing it with his long fingers.  I drew a deep breath, letting his scent of nicotine and mint slowly flow through my body before exhaling again.

“Good morning sweetheart.”  My change in breathing had obviously alerted him to my state of consciousness; I had intended it that way.  Pulling away from his chest, I raised my head to find his smiling face watching me.

“Morning Ville” a giddy grin crept over my lips as I heard myself say his name.  There was just something about how his name sounded when it was only the second word I had uttered after waking up.  He rested the tip of his finger on my lips and began slowly tracing my grin.

“What’s this about?” he asked with intent.  His deep voice somehow managed to be both innocent and knowing all at once.  I shook my head, refusing to answer, but still unable to force the grin down.  He slid his body down farther into the bed, letting his feet hang over the end, and gently letting his forehead rest against mine.  Our eyes studied one another for a moment.  “Please tell me” He jokingly pleaded with me as his hand slid across my cheek.  I could feel the blood rushing to my face as his loving touch made me blush.

“You’re still here.”  Our eyes locked onto one another as I whispered those words.  Ville nodded as he leaned in, meeting his lips with mine.  It wasn’t a deep kiss, but it wasn’t a peck either; his still lips rested on mine for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled back, slowly letting the space between our lips grow.  My tongue quickly slipped over my lips, hoping to find his taste, which it did.  I watched the devilish smile on his face; he seemed to know what my tongue had been looking for.  “How long can you stay?” I inquired as my hands began to slowly rub the small of his back.

“Until Monday morning,” a soft sigh resonated from him, “we start in the studio that afternoon, but that means we have all of today and all of tomorrow, love.”

“Alright dear,” I pulled up close to him letting our legs weave themselves together.  The sensation of his jeans against my bare legs caused a small giggle to escape my lips.  While the idea of Ville sleeping in his jeans was funny, I was secretly glad he had.

“What?” the look on his face was one of utter confusion

“You didn’t have to sleep in your jeans.”  The statement came out sounding more timid and unconvincing than I had intended.  He simply smiled at me before his face took on a more serious expression.

“Meg,” the tone of his voice was softer now and I was coming to understand that this tone of voice meant he was afraid of hurting me with his words.  “Before I came in last night. . .why were you crying in your sleep?”  Though his words were delicate and carefully chosen my face still turned cold.  I knew that my confession last night was something that we would have to talk about again, but I had hoped it wouldn’t be so soon.

“I was dreaming about it.”  My words were flat as I watched his face express an understanding.  His red lips fell open as if to say something, but were quickly cut off by a loud growl coming from my stomach.  “Maybe we should get up and eat something?” I suggested, thankful for the change of topic, while also realizing how hungry I was.  Thinking back to yesterday I remembered that in all the commotion I had not really taken the time to eat.

“You wait here.” He grinned at me before releasing me from his embrace and sitting up.  Before I could ask what he was up to he was out my bedroom door and bounding down the stairs.  I lay on my back, thinking about how all of this had happened.  Thinking about the events of the pervious evening I realized that after telling Ville, I didn’t dream about it.  I held no hopes that sleeping in his embrace was a cure for the nightmares, but it was a satisfying feeling knowing that I had managed to escape my past for the first time since it happened.  After a few minutes of being lost in thought I heard the distinct sound of cupboard doors slamming in the kitchen.  I lumbered out of bed and slipped on an old pair of pajama bottoms I found in my dresser drawer.  Standing  at the top of the stairs, I listened for a minute to the slamming of doors, the clatter of falling pans and the clinking of dishes traveling up from my kitchen.

“Ville,” I yelled down to him “you need some help?”

“No,” his voice was muffled “you just stay up there.”  I grinned and shook my head as the image of him trying to find anything in my kitchen floated through my mind before shuffling off to the bathroom.  The ruckus from the kitchen had quieted down when I returned to my room, so I slipped back under the covers and waited patiently for him.  Twenty minutes after he had leapt from my arms I heard him softly ascending the stairs.

“It is impossible to find anything in your kitchen sweetheart.” he asserted as he pushed the door open a little revealing that he was carrying two large bowls of cereal and two glasses of orange juice delicately balanced on a flimsy cookie sheet.  “Breakfast is served” his lips spread with a wide smile when he saw my shocked reaction.  He sat the tray at the foot of the bed as I sat up.

“All that noise for this?” a little laugh came through with my words before he shot me an almost hurt glance which only made me laugh harder.  “I’m sorry. . .thank you Ville” my hand pushed his dark uncombed locks out of his face before landing a quick peck on his lips.  This is how we spent the day, curled up in bed passing little innocent kisses between us and talking.  We talked about everything, life, music, travel, clothes, the band, my job, even yesterdays wedding; it seemed as though the only thing we didn’t discuss was the topic from the previous evening.  Ville seemed to know that I didn’t want to talk about it and he didn’t press the subject.  We never really left my room that whole day; we hung out the bedroom window to smoke and when dinner time rolled around we ordered pizza which we eat while sitting on my bedroom floor.  I drifted to sleep that night lying in Ville’s arms, listening to him telling me about the beauty of Helsinki.

I made a point to wake up early the next morning.  Since Sunday was the last full day we would have together for who knows how long I had decided to make the most of it, not with out protest on Ville’s part though.

“Can’t we just stay like this for another day?” he whined as I walked out of my room heading for the shower.

“No, we have to get out.”   And get out we did.  We spent the late morning and early afternoon meandering through the eclectic shops downtown before finally settling in for lunch at a local restaurant.  Lunch, a few drinks, and a few hours later we left the establishment and found ourselves walking through the large city park.

“Over here” our hands locked together I pulled him to a bench inside the park’s rose garden.  The flowers weren’t in bloom yet, except for a few small buds on two or three of the plants, but he sat anyways and admired the rose of leafy plants that would soon produce beautiful fragrant flowers.  His arm wrapped around me, pulling me up close to him.

“We’ll have to come back here when they bloom, I bet it’s beautiful” he whispered.

“So you do plan on coming back?” those words were only meant to slide through my mind, they were never intended to be spoken, but before I knew what had happened, they tumbled out of my mouth.  We sat there quietly for a minute, myself hoping that he hadn’t heard my verbal ponderings.

“Did you think I was going to leave and never see you again?” I wasn’t sure if I detected anger in his voice, so I pulled away from him and turned to sit Indian style on the bench facing him.  The expression covering his face was one of disbelief as he looked straight ahead at the bushes.  My hand came to rest on his cheek, softly moving his pale face so he would be forced to look into my eyes.  I searched those green orbs for a moment, trying my best to make a mental picture of them because I knew tomorrow they would be gone.

“I didn’t mean it that way, it’s just,” my words were stumbling, unsure how to convey my true meaning “you’re a busy person Ville and. . .” I had no choice but to let my words trail off because I had no idea how to get, with words, where I wanted to go.

“Meg, there’s something here, between us” his voice was sincere as he took my hand in his “something I’ll make time for, no matter what.”  He placed a small kiss on my lips.

“We better get going, it’s starting to get dark” I pulled him to his feet and we began our trek back to the house.  We had decided that morning that since it was beautiful spring weather outside we would walk all day, and that had not been a problem, until we headed out of the park and the sky opened up in a torrent of cool rain.  As people ran from their parked cars into their warm homes, we walked casually through the spring shower.  Thirty minutes later we arrived at my porch, dripping and cold.  Closing the front door behind us, we stood in the foyer for a minute looking at one another, before bursting into hysterical laughter.  Ville’s clothes clung to his frame, revealing how thin he was and his hair was plastered to the sides of his face; from his laughter I can only assume that I looked as haggard as he did.

“I have to get out of these clothes” I sighed before leaping up the stairs and retrieving a towel from the bathroom cupboard to dry my hair with before heading into my room to change.  Quickly I towel dried my hair and changed into my tank top and pajama pants and climbed into bed.  A few minutes later Ville came strolling into my room, again wearing only a pair of jeans, causing me to shake my head.

“I’m thinking that you don’t always sleep in jeans, so why don’t we just be adults and you can sleep in whatever you normally sleep in.”  He stood in the door way for a moment looking shocked.

“Meg, I don’t usually sleep in anything.”

“Oh” and after my little lecture about being adults I now felt that burning sensation in my cheeks that only teenage girls seem to get when confronted with the idea of nudity.

“Hold on a minute” he said laughing as he turned and left my room.  A minute later he reappeared donning a pair of black cotton boxers and a smile. “Better?” he climbed into bed as I nodded a yes to his question.  He lay on his back and I rested my head on his chest listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. “So, is this what you always wear to bed?” it was a loaded question.

“Of course” I lied.

“You should come down to Los Angeles next weekend.”  I propped myself up on one elbow so I could see if he was serious.

“Seriously?” he nodded.

“Yeah, you could stay with us, meet the guys,. . .” he put his hand on my cheek and I watched as his eyes seemed to cloud over “Meg, I want to kiss you” his voice was deeper than normal making his accent even more prominent.

“You’ve been doing that all day” I joked with him before I recognized the desire in his eyes.

“No, I mean really kiss you.” He whispered as he slowly drew his lips to mine, giving me a chance to stop him, but I didn’t.  His soft lips pressed against mine as his hand slid through my damp hair.  His tongue slid along my bottom lip, asking to be let in.  A chill went down my spine as my lips parted and I felt his tongue gently exploring my mouth.  His mouth muffled a moan I released as our tongues touch each other.  He turned on his side, never breaking our kiss, and I pulled his body firmly against mine mindlessly grabbing at the soft skin on his back, as our kiss slowly deepened.  His taste was distinct, a mix of nicotine and something sweet which I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but I liked it and I could have laid there for hours devouring his taste.  He ended our kiss abruptly before laying back again.  I knew why he’d ended our kiss; I had felt his stiff reason against my thigh.  Trying to hide my smile, I looked at his face to find his eyes closed and a deep blush on his cheeks.  With a silent laugh I rested my head back on his chest and let my arm drape itself over his belly.

I found myself standing on my porch at 8:00 the next morning, still in my tank and pajama bottoms, smoking a cigarette with Ville who was waiting for his taxi.  I took a hard drag of the almost extinguished cigarette

“I’ll catch a plane after work Friday afternoon.”

“Good” he smiled at me as he exhaled a large cloud of smoke.  He walked up to me, wrapping one arm around my waist “I’m going to miss you sweetheart.”  I bit my bottom lip and nodded.  Just as the taxi pulled up in front of my house his lips met mine, giving our tongues one last change to explore.  I pulled back, letting out a deep sigh.

“You better go” He nodded and kissed me on the forehead before heading down my steps.  I watched him load his bags into the car before getting in and disappearing down the road. 
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