
Jun 05, 2006 13:38

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Sunday, October 23rd / 9:45 a.m.
Location: Owlery
Open To: Erik Cohen
Currently Involving: Ninju, Skippy, OWLS!

The owls are still sleepy )


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erikcohen June 5 2006, 23:09:57 UTC
No, Erik had not slept okay. After having yet another encounter with Wes, Erik was a bit uneasy. But to be honest, it was a night better than most in recent weeks, and that was worth something. So he simply shrugged his shoulders and grinned excitedly as Pirkko found her way to rest on his arm.

"I've got a letter for you, Pirkko. 'Tis very important it gets to my mother, yes?" he said to his owl affectionately and stroked her feathers carefully.

It was one of Erik's best qualities. Loving everything and everyone he could until his heart burst. Too bad that meant he didn't know how to back away when the situation called for it. Too much passion. A blessing and a curse, or something like that. But this was an average day, and an average moment, and it was perfect for just that reason.

"You are out of your mind, woman. You're scaring me with your silly box shaking. You just pick one, and they'll listen," Erik said with a laugh ( ... )


erikcohen June 7 2006, 15:46:00 UTC
Well, he certainly wasn't going to be able to avoid reality forever. Conversation, with Juhi at least, was going to have to come back to his ambush outside of Gryffindor Tower. And possibly those howlers from the other day, and... well, he didn't want to tell her about running into Wes again, but he probably couldn't avoid that either. Best to be open in a relationship like this, he supposed. He muttered a silencing charm and sighed before he began ( ... )


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 16:45:27 UTC
Juhi took a deep breath when Erik muttered a silencing charm, and was relieved to find she DID feel ready to get into this. They hadn't even really talked about it since before Nik's funeral, and they couldn't pretend forever that just because some very good things were happening nothing bad was. Not that Erik had been pretending, or even putting anything off. It had finally come to a point where it had to be mentioned, that was all. Juhi turned her body so that she was completely facing him, and watched Erik closely as he began speaking ( ... )


erikcohen June 7 2006, 19:05:36 UTC
If Erik had known what Juhi was thinking, he'd not even hesistate to say that it was worse hearing Nik's voice. It only made Erik miss Nikolaus more, and there were certain nights where Nik was the one muttering crucio and torturing Erik in that empty corridor. His brain was either malfunctioning, or it was his way of visualising his pain over Nik's death. It didn't matter which it was, it still hurt more.

He shook his head from side to side, not to say 'no', but to agree that he was in no way stupid. Not all the time, anyway. Phillip had been right, and while Erik wished he could give Phil most of the credit, it was really Erik that had decided what he wanted to do. He wanted to tell Juhi, and so he did ( ... )


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 21:24:12 UTC
Juhi clung back to Erik with all her might, and flinched a little at his next statement. "I know you don't think I'm stupid, Skippy. That's not what I meant, sorry." She snuggled into his neck a little. His sigh seemed to pass through her, almost, and she relaxed marginally. "I appreciate you telling me everything. You aren't selfish, either. You're smart. You think I'd just back off and let you alone ( ... )


erikcohen June 8 2006, 03:28:24 UTC
No, Erik didn't think Juhi would ever leave him alone. And for that, he was more grateful than he could possibly express. Sometimes he just worried that what he offered wasn't enough for her. He assumed, however, that it was just the way relationships were. Love someone enough and you think they deserve more.

"Not a lot of hexes, no unforgiveables this time. But Juhi? I tackled him. More than once. And there was a lot of yelling, and he acted as if nothing of importance had happened. He mocked my brother's death, he... he's insufferable! He's trying to play mind games with me, Ninju. He thinks he's got some sort of control over me," He explained, anger flashing in his eyes.

One of these days, he was going to see the last of Wesley Broderick. Whether it be through the death of himself, or something much more satisfactory. It would happen.


juhi_saraf June 8 2006, 13:58:16 UTC
Not a lot of hexes, no unforgiveables. Ah. That explained why he at least looked okay, then. The rest of Erik's description followed in something of rush, and it took Juhi several seconds to process it all.

"He is insufferable," she responded automatically, and in something of a monotone. "That's putting it NICELY, actually. He is a poor excuse for a sentient being." Juhi had really been of the opinion that Wes would most likely leave Erik alone now; after all, Nik HAD turned up murdered, what more would the Slytherin need to do? And the fact that Wes had mocked it? Not at all surprising, really. Horrifying, but not at all surprising ( ... )


erikcohen June 8 2006, 21:30:20 UTC
When Juhi asked why Erik tackled Wes, she seemed as if it were the most important question in the world. That stopped Erik from answering 'because he's a git', and instead made him brush some hair out of her face affectionately.

"I wish I could give you a clear answer, but I'm not sure. I was angry, and I didn't want to hex him, and I just... tackled him. The second time was to get him out of the corridor because I didn't want to hold back and it was stupid Juhi and I'm sorry," Erik said very quickly and turned from her.

He thought of her and everyone else and he just wanted to do something. Erik acted on instinct, it was who he was. So if sometimes that instinct made him a complete prat, that was just something he had to accept.

"He said he's done with me, Juhi. I might not have to worry anymore, not about myself anyway," Erik reassured her with a weak smile.

He had no way of knowing then he was wrong.


juhi_saraf June 8 2006, 22:52:36 UTC
Thank goodness Erik touched her. As he brushed her hair out of her face Juhi tried to relax; he was here and he was explaining, right? And whatever had happened had already happened. It was done. She closed her eyes for a moment when his hand was near her face, and opened them to look at him and listen ( ... )


erikcohen June 8 2006, 23:13:17 UTC
Erik felt nothing but guilt in the pit of his stomach. It did sound a lot worse when she stated it back to him. He opened his mouth to explain, shut it, and rubbed the back of his neck. There really was no good excuse.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... I was angry and I was afraid and Phil was saying we needed to do something and I just wasn't thinking," Erik apologized and bit his lip.

He sounded so stupid. He really did, but he didn't know what else to say.

Erik had his doubts about Wes as well, especially considering the older boy liked to manipulate. But as much as Erik told others to walk in groups and never be alone, he hated having to follow that himself. It almost felt as if he were letting Wes win. He was letting Wes control what he did and... well, it was a stupid way of thinking, but Erik couldn't change who he was overnight ( ... )


juhi_saraf June 9 2006, 00:04:55 UTC
Juhi swallowed, and snapped a bit more back to the present as she watched Erik struggle to come up with something to say. Her stomach sank to somewhere in the vicinity of her toes. She'd made him feel worse, and she wasn't sure if she'd ever forgive herself for that.

"Erik, just STOP!" It came out louder than she intended, and she quickly lowered her voice. "Stop apologizing. Please." She was definitely pleading, this time. Juhi dropped his hand, and put both of hers on his shoulders. He was looking down, and she leaned foward to rest her forehead against his.

"Skippy, angry and afraid and feeling like you have to do something I completely understand. But you are a smart boy. PLEASE use it. You have to think. You have to." She stepped closer, folding her arms around his neck.

Juhi pulled her forehead away, and waited until he looked at her. "Please?"


erikcohen June 9 2006, 01:34:47 UTC
She didn't want him to apologize? Well, he supposed he could understand that, but he couldn't help it. He was sorry for not thinking, and apparently that's what she wanted from him. She wanted him to think. Bloody hell, he was tryingHe slowly exhaled as she put her arms around his neck. She said 'please' one more time as his eyes met her and he felt the urge to just... scream. Scream and let out all his frustration. It wasn't fair at all ( ... )


juhi_saraf June 9 2006, 05:35:32 UTC
Juhi let out a shakey breath. MERLIN, this was all so frustrating. And unfair. She addressed Erik, her voice low. "I know you're trying, Skippy. And I know you won't LET anyone do anything to you. That's...I don't know. That's why I asked you not to apologize. If you're doing what you can and what you should do...I don't want you to feel bad. Especially not because of me ( ... )


erikcohen June 9 2006, 05:50:30 UTC
If the situation were reversed, Erik would still be as mental as he was now. He'd probably not have nightmares, but he'd be up half the night worried that Juhi was having them. When he thought of that, what he must be putting Juhi through, he shuddered. But... well, there was no doubt in his mind now that she loved him. She had to, in order to put up with all that she did.

He smiled when she told him it wasn't a fair way to make a point. In his opinion, it was the best way to make a point.

"I love you too," Erik said with a small laugh, making sure to look her straight in the eye.

It wan't enough to express anything, really, but those were the only words he had.

And, well, Erik didn't worry about things like it being morning. In fact, he just thought of it as waking himself up in the most enjoyable way possible. He kissed Juhi again, this time applying a bit more pressure and resting his hand on her waist.


juhi_saraf June 9 2006, 06:15:42 UTC
When Erik gave a small laugh Juhi's smile stretched out and became more genuine. It was as if moving those muscles triggered a release for the rest of her body, and she felt tension drain out of her shoulders and back, all of her relaxing. They DID love each other, yeah? And even if they couldn't ignore everything else, and no matter HOW bad everything else was, that was still important ( ... )


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