
Jun 05, 2006 13:38

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Sunday, October 23rd / 9:45 a.m.
Location: Owlery
Open To: Erik Cohen
Currently Involving: Ninju, Skippy, OWLS!

The owls are still sleepy )


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erikcohen June 5 2006, 23:09:57 UTC
No, Erik had not slept okay. After having yet another encounter with Wes, Erik was a bit uneasy. But to be honest, it was a night better than most in recent weeks, and that was worth something. So he simply shrugged his shoulders and grinned excitedly as Pirkko found her way to rest on his arm.

"I've got a letter for you, Pirkko. 'Tis very important it gets to my mother, yes?" he said to his owl affectionately and stroked her feathers carefully.

It was one of Erik's best qualities. Loving everything and everyone he could until his heart burst. Too bad that meant he didn't know how to back away when the situation called for it. Too much passion. A blessing and a curse, or something like that. But this was an average day, and an average moment, and it was perfect for just that reason.

"You are out of your mind, woman. You're scaring me with your silly box shaking. You just pick one, and they'll listen," Erik said with a laugh.

Why did this seem like some alternate universe, where their personalities had been switched overnight and they hadn't noticed? Odd....


juhi_saraf June 5 2006, 23:41:05 UTC
Juhi watched Pirkko head toward them and land on Erik's arm, a look of concern briefly passing over her face. Perhaps Erik's shrug meant that he'd slept fine, he just didn't consider it worth commenting on? She crept closer to the group of owls, trying to pick one out, and then turned to look at him indignantly.

"They, uhm." She looked away from his eyes. "They don't usually listen to me, actually. And the shaking is so they know it's not empty!" She tried not to blush. "And I already sent Malachi off." Still, worth a shot. Juhi shrugged and pulled out an owl treat. After hesitating slightly, she called "Look out," and tossed it to Erik for Pirkko.

Then she noticed an owl slightly seperate from the others and walked up to it. Juhi whistled softly and held out her arm. For a split second she was worried it wouldn't work, as the bird simply stared at her without blinking. Then it finally came down, and she broke into a huge grin. Giving it her parents' address, the letter, and an owl treat, Juhi walked to the huge window and let it fly away.

Glancing down briefly (ewww), Juhi found a relatively clean spot on the floor and shifted a few inches to the left, leaning against the sill and staring out at the sky. "I wrote my mum, too. So!" She turned around and faced Erik, resting against her elbows. "You still tired? Going back to bed?" Juhi raised an eyebrow at him; she was always up early on the weekends, but rarely encountered other people out and about until closer to lunch time.


erikcohen June 5 2006, 23:56:13 UTC
They didn't listen to her? That seemed extremely unusual to Erik, who couldn't stop listening to her, even if he tried. He caught the owl treat and wiggled his eyebrows in his own silly way of saying thank you. Pirkko was also pleased, and gave a small hooting noise by Juhi's ear before flying off into the sky.

"Tired, yes. Leaving, no." Erik said simply and joined her on the sill that was much too small for the both of them. Would he let that stop him? No.

"I had a very urgent request, of course. It couldn't wait to be sent," Erik said, hugging his knees.

This was a good topic to stay on, as Erik hadn't mentioned anything about the howler day to Juhi. And didn't intend to, if he could avoid it.


juhi_saraf June 6 2006, 00:24:54 UTC
Juhi beamed at Erik as he joined her in the window. "Why are you up, if you're tired?" She poked him lightly. Oh....an urgent request. She peeked at him from the corner of her eye. "An urgent request, hmm?" Merlin, he was hugging his knees? Precious. Juhi studied the owls, who had now all returned to sleep.

"Let me guess...." she said thoughtfully, and decided to ignore the fact he'd told the owl to go to his parents and so it could very well be a serious letter. If that WERE true, then he was joking in the first place. She could play along! "You can't sleep because we've gone so long without seeing Zonko? You're making sure he'll be out and about next weekend, and are setting up a clandestine meeting?"

She faced Erik again, her eyes wide and shocked. "Honestly, Skippy, I can almost understand that, but sending innocent wee Pirkko with such a message?" She tossed some of her hair out of her face, scornfully. If...such a thing could be done scornfully. She really wasn't sure. "I can't believe you would risk scarring her at such a young age."

They really didn't fit very well up here, together. The shifting from the hair tossing was making Juhi slip. She squeaked and tried to balance without grabbing on to Erik.


erikcohen June 6 2006, 02:08:34 UTC
Was this a trap? She had outwitted him. Possibly not intentionally, but he had to give her an answer, and there was only one that made any real sense. Not that Erik made sense on a regular basis, but ah well.

"I... couldn't sleep," he said with a shrug of his shoulders and hoped they could let that be that. He shared everything with her, but he was hoping for a good start to the day! No need to jump right into his problems.

He laughed when she mentioned Zonko, and pulled his knees into his chest even tighter. Ohhh that Zonko! So horribly creepy and wonderful at the same time. Erik could imagine he was still that same spot in the store window, watching people as they passed. Of course, he and Juhi were his favourites. No doubt.

"Don't be silly. I sent that message out last night with one of those evil looking barn owls, the ones that never come out of the dark corner and squawk at you if you smile," Erik said, eyes widening in pretend fear.

Well, Juhi might not have wanted to grab hold of Erik, but too bad for her. He quickly let go of his knees and grasped her waist before she could go toppling out a window. He closed his eyes tightly and couldn't bring himself to open them just yet. It was not a pleasant image he'd gotten just then, and his heart was still tightened in his chest. Don't drag down the mood! That was all he could think of.

"The message was for my mum. She loves Pirkko. Would probably keep her, if it weren't for the fact I love her too much. It was about Finland... had to ask her if we could go this summer. I've got someone in mind I'd like to take with me, if she'll allow it."


juhi_saraf June 6 2006, 03:31:09 UTC
Juhi gave Erik a quick, piercing look when he said he couldn't sleep, and then switched to studying her hands. She wasn't surprised, really, and had been figuring as much anyway. It had taken, what, two minutes of almost-silence for him to fall in ENEMY TERRITORY when he visited Ravenclaw Common Room. He obviously didn't want to talk to her about it though, so she hesitated. With a small sigh, she let the statement pass, for now, and tried not to feel bad about the fact that SHE was so happy she'd been waking up early GRINNING and perfectly well rested.

She looked at him in delight, though, with his response about the owls. "Oh, of COURSE you did! Much more secret that way, I suppose. You will let me know when hear back from him, won't you? Or am I not invited this time? Do the two of you need some times alone? After all, he and I have the wink-that-started-it-all."

When Erik grabbed her waist Juhi suddenly found herself clinging back to him, her heart pounding. She'd not even been tilting toward the outside, but while trying to balance an unbidden image of overcompensating and falling that way had flashed through her mind. After a deep breath, though, she was fine. She brushed Erik's hair back from his temple and kissed it lightly before sliding off their perch, standing right in front of him and leaning on the wall.

"Maybe you should get your mum her own owl, then. And bugger, I forgot to add to the letter to the parentals that I sent Malachi off elsewhere. Guess they'll figure it out." Then her jaw dropped open and and she appeared the picture of shock and horror. She backed up a few steps, with her hand over her heart.

"You are not sitting there telling me you're taking ZONKO TO FINLAND?! To meet your parents?! This is retribution for the wink, isn't it? It wasn't really THAT big a deal, you know, I WAS ONLY JOKING!" The effect was possibly ruined but the fact that she couldn't help but grin.


erikcohen June 6 2006, 22:11:25 UTC
Well, kisses did make things feel better, didn't they? Erik felt a small smile form on his lips as she brushed his hair back, kissed his temple, and got down from the sill. Yes, that seemed like a good idea as well. He really didn't want to see someone he loved fall flailingly out of a window. Not at all.

He was about to say that it wouldn't be too bad of an idea, this owl buying suggestion, but then she was backing away from him. Whhaaaa? ZONKO!? HA! Erik would have begun laughing as she said so, but he didn't want to lose face. Instead he shrugged his shoulders, almost failing at responding to her grin. He stood up from the sill and began to pace the room, which... probably wasn't doing much good for the bottom of his shoes.

"Well, I could take Zonko, but he's so indecisive! I like my significant other to be faithful, really. That's why I'm thinking of taking that fourth year Hufflepuff girl. You know, the one with the bouncy blonde curls and eyes that light up the heavens? An angel, she is, and I can't imagine she'd be able to resist accepting my offer," Erik said teasingly and walked up behind her.

Poking her in the side and then wrapping his arm around her, he finally let his amusement show.

"Or, you know, I could take you. If you aren't busy with that boyfriend of yours. What's his name? The weird one who thinks he can move staircases?"


juhi_saraf June 6 2006, 22:38:52 UTC
Juhi laughed when Erik called Zonko indecisive, giving up the game. OH BUT WAIT. Now he was talking about some fourth year Hufflepuff? Game on, then, Cohen.

"Hmmm, really? I think I know the girl you speak of." She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. "Bit chubby? Always hanging about with the one hideous freckle faced boy? Can't seem to remember her way around the castle?" Merlin, she hoped he wasn't thinking of some actual PERSON, but nodded firmly anyway. "I'm sure she WOULDN'T be able to resist an offer from you."

Juhi spun around when poked and looked at Erik doubtfully as he wrapped his arms around her. She laughed at his self description and flung her arms around his neck for a moment before pulling back into character. "Oh, you mean Skippy. He'll be busy in Finland or sommat like that, so I SHOULD be free." She paused and gave Erik a very serious look. "He CAN move the staircases, you know. Or at least, he will." She believed that. Completely.

"Did you really ask that in your letter? I asked my mum about winter hols." Juhi slid away from him and grabbed hold of his hand. She headed slowly for the door, ready to be away from the owl...SMELLS. "What're your plans for today? Busy?"


erikcohen June 6 2006, 23:25:59 UTC
Erik hoped Juhi didn't actually have someone in mind, because that would change his image of her. No, she must have just been playing along. He'd picked the absolute best person for him, hadn't he? Luuuuuucky.

"It's adorable, isn't it? I bet if I did take her to Finland, she'd never notice we'd left Scotland! She'd constantly be asking me where the castle was! Good thing I'd be saving her from that freckled bloke. He doesn't stand a chance," Erik continued, but felt his breath catch as she threw her arms around his neck.

He hoped she never stopped doing that. And well, as odd of a serious moment as it was, his heart was bursting with her faith in him. He was even more determined now. Someday, he'd get those staircases to move, and when he did? He wanted her to be with him... or at least for his capability to do such a thing to stick around long enough for her to see.

"You... are far too good for me," Erik said with a grin, and he hoped she'd never realise that herself. Selfish? Yes.

He followed her willingly to the door. With Pirkko gone, he felt there was no reason to stay.

"Yes, it's all in my letter. I don't lie, I stretch the truth is all. But, no plans today. Unless you are going to take me to London. For treats, of course...," Erik said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 00:31:21 UTC
"Oh, poor, sweet, freckled bloke," Juhi mourned. And then she may have scoffed. "You know, between these two and Zonko, I'm beginning to think making up people is maybe not a good hobby for us. They become TOO real, and now I feel guilty." Wait, that might need clarification. "Not about Zonko, mind. He IS real, in an all-too-real way."

Then she looked at him in amused confusion, and shook her head slightly. Too GOOD for him? What was that about? In Juhi's eyes, Erik was a bright, shining, star. Not too good for her, honestly, because she didn't think any one person could really be too good for someone else if they were in a relationship together by choice.

But she also thought NO ONE could be too good for Erik Cohen. She dropped a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Not possible, Skippy. Don't be silly," she said, bemused. Her voice was light and she didn't stress the point with a bunch of seriousness, simply because it was such a crazy thought to begin with. He was probably joking, anyway.

Juhi laughed easily as they approached the door. "Why would we need to go to LONDON for treats, hmmm?" She didn't wiggle her eyebrows, but she did RAISE them at him. "And besides which, I've spent all morning giving away treats and getting nothing in return." Juhi DID give his puppy dog eyes a shot. Couldn't hurt, at any rate.


erikcohen June 7 2006, 02:22:51 UTC
"Ah, see, you misunderstood me. You offered the owls treats to go to London. I thought it was the same for me," he responded with a smirk.

Well, now... handing out treats and getting nothing in return? That certainly was unfair. If she had handed him some sort of treat, he would gladly return the favor. Phwooooar and all that.

"Puppy dog eyes? Whaaaaaaat?" Erik asked, confused as to what she could possibly want. Recognition that the owls were being horrid for no reason? Owls that were not pets were idiotic, obviously. The entire world should know that by now.

He enveloped her in a hug, kissing her what seemed like hundreds of times on top of her head and laughed.

"What do you want from me, silly?"


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 02:53:58 UTC
Juhi looked at Erik blankly for a moment, and then dropped his hand to rummage around in her pocket. "You don't have to go to London! You rank higher on my list than owls, anyway. Should have known you'd want an owl treat, what with how much you obsess over disgusting candy." She held one out to him, and returned his smirk.

Muahahaha. She grinned as Erik pulled her in for a hug, and snuggled into him to receive the kisses happily. She pulled away from him, laughing as well, when he asked what she wanted. "Whatever you would give me," she shrugged, "just wanted to see if it would work."

Starting down the steps, Juhi wondered idly what they should do, now. She didn't really want to suggest her original plan, as Erik could show her up at rock skipping without TRYING, and the point had been to improve slightly before they did that again. A small hop and she skipped a few steps, then picked up her pace, then stopped and turned to look at Erik. Racing down stairs was probably not a good idea.

Especially since he was tired. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she remembered that.


erikcohen June 7 2006, 03:39:33 UTC
Oooooooh, tricky girl! She'd wanted affection from him the whole time. Well, that was hers without asking. As always. He would have given her a nicer kiss, but the smell of the owls made it less romantic. And he was feeling a bit silly anyhow. Probably loony from the lack of sleep.

He matched her pace, but stopped as she narrowed her eyes at him. She was being confusing today. Though, he wouldn't put it past himself to have done something stupid already.

"Er... yes?"

Very clear question, Cohen. Bravo.


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 04:03:57 UTC
Juhi's eyes widened slightly. Oops. Have to stop thinking in her head so out loud. Or something. She sighed, and grabbed his hand, heading back down the stairs; she watched their feet so she wouldn't have to look at him. "I'm just worried about you, that's all. And I know it's annoying, and I'm sorry, really, but I can't help it."

She squeezed his hand softly, and managed to continue. "You wouldn't like it either, though, if I wasn't sleeping well. Right?"

They had reached the bottom of the steps, so she turned to face him, and allowed herself a small smile. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, it's okay, I just...apparently I needed to let you know that it's on my mind." She shrugged. It hadn't made her feel any better, and it would probably only make him feel worse, and she needed to find something else for them to do, right away.


erikcohen June 7 2006, 04:41:05 UTC
Her worrying about him was far from annoying. He could be annoyed about the fact that she had something to worry about, but not that she was worried. Of course he'd be worried out of his mind if Juhi wasn't sleeping well. He'd probably sneak into her common room again and try and do something about it. What he could do he had no idea, as boys were magically barred against going into the girls' dorms anyway. Yet... girls could visit boys? Seemed odd, but he didn't question it.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Erik yawned, and smiled at her to let her know he was okay with everything.

"We can talk about it, but I don't know where to start. What... what do you want to know?" he asked her, rubbing the back of his neck.

They were going to have to discuss it sometime. In his mind, Juhi had a right to know what was going on with him. He tried not to keep secrets.


juhi_saraf June 7 2006, 15:10:08 UTC
Juhi's smile slid off her face, replaced by a slightly confused frown. What DID she want to know, anyway? She rubbed the space between his thumb and index finger lightly with her own gloved thumb, and then grinned at him.

"I want to know everything about everything!" She flung her other arm into the air. "I'm in Ravenclaw for a reason, aren't I?" She smirked at herself, and continued more seriously. "Is it...bad dreams when you sleep, or...bad thoughts that won't let you or...both?"

It was hard to not feel slightly awkward, which only made Juhi slightly frustrated. At herself, though, not Erik. In fact, she was frustrated with pretty much everything about the situation in the first place EXCEPT Erik. She began to get an idea that this conversation would be hard to get through without wanting to snuggle him silly.

Though really, the dreams or the thoughts, it seemed like either problem could possibly be fixed by some sort of potion. She dismissed that solution quickly, though. That would not be the sort of thing that would appeal to Skippy, OR her. Probably the only thing that could fix this was time. How annoying.

She focused on the other person with her and gave him a small and slightly sheepish, but also sincere, smile. It was a relief to be talking about it, wasn't it? He hadn't seem to mind at all, and that WAS good.


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