Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Degrassitalia anonymous March 25 2009, 01:58:38 UTC
Based off a discussion on the anonmeme:

The Hetalia cast in the setting of Gakuen Hetalia with various "issues": America is bulimic and obsessed to look like a "hero", Sealand (or Austria) cuts themselves to take the edge off, Latvia is a heavy drinker, UK rips out his hair, South Italy has weight problems due to eating out of comfort, etc.

And any other "issues" you can come up with for any other characters anon decides to include (drugs, sexual impotence, etc.)


Disorder and Discord (1/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 06:30:39 UTC
It’s become a hobby of his; it’s rather petty, but Feliciano loves doing it all the same just because he knows he’s the only one who can.

He slides the pencil two millimetres sideways. Ludwig twitches and tenses, his eyes watching it like a hawk, relentlessly, agitated, transfixed.

“What’s wrong, Ludwiiiiig?” He’s a bastard, and he knows it. He twists the pencil a little under his finger and the German next to him grimaces ever so slightly, almost as if the pencil is a part of him and he needs it, needs it back ( ... )


Disorder and Discord (2/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 06:44:12 UTC
Francis slaps him.

“I am talking about you, Mathieu, not your brother. Now come.” Canada has suddenly drawn himself to his full height, glasses hanging slightly off centre on his face. His face flushes in anger.

“…You hit me.” His voice is dangerously quiet and slurred. “You’re like them, aren’t you? You only want me to go with you so you can look better next to me- you…you’re always like that Francis- you…”


“No. Non. Look at me, look at me- that’s all you are Francis. You and Alfred and…always, don’t ignore me, don’t ignore… sick of it.”

The Canadian breaks away and slams the door in his face. He turns towards the stuffed bear on his bed and tells Kumajirou that, secretly, he’s actually not his brother, even if everybody thinks that he is. Kumajirou tilts his head and tells Alfred to shut up and start talking sense.

Outside, Francis stands in front of the door and feels Matthew’s words sting for long minutes.


Shit. Lovino needs pasta. He doesn’t even know what kind. He just needs to cook something and ( ... )


Disorder and Discord (3/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 06:52:47 UTC
The bar is actually a lot more acceptable than Arthur would have expected from Ivan. Ivan’s sensibility makes Arthur’s head twist unpleasantly when he tries to understand it, but this time he find himself appreciating the Russian’s taste. They even serve warm beer, and for the first time in a while he finds himself relaxing as they eat simple bar French fries and skewers and laugh at their lecturers and dorm mates. Ivan and Alfred bounce arguments off of each other, downing vodka almost like water.

Arthur’s eyes rest on Raivis, the two of them sitting quietly next to their friends and watching them become more and more passionate as they turn their discussion to politics. He counts the glasses on the bar in front of the boy and…wait. He blinks. Arthur can’t be drunk yet- he’s only had a few beers ( ... )


Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 07:00:49 UTC
The sound of retching fills the bar’s restroom.

Alfred is purging in the toilet.

Arthur rests the back of his head against the door and closes his eyes, emotion surging under his skin and deep in his chest. He listens until the sound is gone, and then gives his friend a minute before opening the door to peer inside. Alfred jerks his head up from the sink where he is washing his hands.

“Ready to go?” he asks, forcing himself to smile and look him in the eye. He’s a liar. He’s staring at a liar, but he’s the one living the lie because he knows. He’s known about this for years and he doesn’t know what to do. Arthur’s a liar, and Alfred’s a liar, and Raivis has been lying to them all along about something that they’ll probably never find out ( ... )


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 07:22:47 UTC
Oh, oh.

My heart breaks for all of them. But so much for Raivis. And Kiku. And Matthew. Oh God, Matthew. :(

Glorious job, anon!


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 07:34:06 UTC
Anon says thank you kindly. :)

was a little paranoid that the representations would be OOC, as I haven't written Matthew or Francis or Arthur or even really Raivis properly before.

neway- thanks a heap!


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 07:26:37 UTC
Wow, I jumped the gun. If I'd only waited like 15 more minutes, I could have just reviewed the whole thing.

Which, by the way, was EXCELLENT.

Kudos again, anon! (yay bulimic!Alfred returns <3) Japan's social phobia is a great (and historically reminiscent) touch.


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 07:57:39 UTC
oh, i love this.

matthew made me cringe a bit. and GOD. al. sdfhsuef and lativia.

u_____u ♥ ilu anonwriter!


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 08:46:19 UTC
Oh. Oh my.


My heart broke anew with every character I read. Why, oh why, did these characterisations fit so well? The ones I loved most were Canada's, South Italy's and Japan's because they were just too devastaingly true. And the bit about Arthur thinking that Ivan may be the most honest of the all? That line was the one that moved me he most.

Well done anon, well done.


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 30 2009, 09:54:31 UTC
J-Japan, are you me???

This fic was so good!


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 31 2009, 01:58:52 UTC
I enjoyed this probably more than I should have. The Germany and Italy part was adorable and the bar scene was interesting (I liked the bar scene but I can't seem to describe how or why I liked it). I was surprised with Greece being a hypersomniac though it defiantly seems to fit him. (I have hypersomnia too but I have medication.) Anyway good job author!anon


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous March 31 2009, 04:10:24 UTC
Words cannot express how much I love this. <3


Re: Disorder and Discord (4/4) anonymous April 10 2009, 05:14:12 UTC


Re: Disorder and Discord (1/4) anonymous March 29 2009, 06:44:38 UTC

(Oh, Matthew--I weep for you, love)... This is a great start. OCD!Germany is effing amazing. Dope-to-cope!Canada is tragic, twisted awesome.

I'll be watching! <3


the world looks better from this angle (1/?) anonymous March 30 2009, 08:30:00 UTC
Alfred is throwing up again. He's hurling everything he's eaten this past hour into the cool, ceramic bowl, and as he heaves he clutches the bowl like it's everything he has and everything he'll ever have in the world, holding on like he doesn't want to let go. Matthew sits a few feet from him, leaning against the wall and taking a long drag from a joint. "Arthur called," he says, and smoke comes from his mouth like his insides are burning. Alfred is silent for a long moment, contemplating throwing up some more because he hasn't thrown up enough and if he doesn't get rid of everything he'll never be able to be skinny and he needs to look like a hero for his country, for everyone, for himself, he just needs to ( ... )


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