Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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Degrassitalia anonymous March 25 2009, 01:58:38 UTC
Based off a discussion on the anonmeme:

The Hetalia cast in the setting of Gakuen Hetalia with various "issues": America is bulimic and obsessed to look like a "hero", Sealand (or Austria) cuts themselves to take the edge off, Latvia is a heavy drinker, UK rips out his hair, South Italy has weight problems due to eating out of comfort, etc.

And any other "issues" you can come up with for any other characters anon decides to include (drugs, sexual impotence, etc.)


Re: the world looks better from this angle (2/?) anonymous March 30 2009, 08:32:16 UTC

Raivis lost count of how many beers he had a while ago. He doesn't know what the point of counting is, because once he gets past seven everything becomes a blur and he's numb and he decides that he wants to fight the world. He remembers being sober once, waking up to realize he had beat the crap out of Peter sometime during the night, and the bruises and the cuts and the please, I'll get you help, to meetings, just stop was too much and he has never been sober since. He's had so many drinks that his brain has become fuzzy, and it's hard to remember if he was ever actually happy sober, if he was ever actually happy peroid, if it's such a bad thing that he's so angry all the time.

Sometimes, when he goes to class, he's so violent that the teacher actually throws him out. Sometimes he decides not to go at all. He won't stop drinking though, never; he doesn't need help, he's perfectly fine the way he is. And if the others don't like it they can go jump off a bridge for all he fucking cares ( ... )


Re: the world looks better from this angle (2/?) anonymous March 30 2009, 09:17:05 UTC
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 *button mash*

I absolutely love these type of fics, and I just want to hug them all- can't wait to read more, anon!


recaptcha: arabia's explored anonymous March 30 2009, 09:47:23 UTC

Absolutely love it! Shamelessly degrassi-esque and full of high school angst. Thank you for satisfying one of my guilty pleasures.


Re: the world looks better from this angle (2/?) anonymous March 31 2009, 07:30:11 UTC

and poor austria.
plz continue anon!


Re: the world looks better from this angle (2/?) anonymous April 1 2009, 20:23:52 UTC
Nice job so far, can't wait to see how the rest goes :O


the world looks better from this angle (3/?) anonymous April 5 2009, 03:12:51 UTC

He sees them all hanging out in their own little cliques, together, and he's alone, all alone, even though everyone knows his name - alone until those odd times when Francis will come over, sit across from him at his table, his table, and ask him questions like did you get what so-and-so was talking about and party tomorrow night, you in? During these slightly one-sided conversations (he contributes little things like no and sure), the only thing he can stare at is Francis' god damned perfect face; his mouth only ever seems to move when he's about to say something brilliant, his nose flares up when he gets really angry and his eyebrows, his eyebrows curve to highlight his eyes in all the right places, and they're always so- so perfect ( ... )


the world looks better from this angle (4/4) anonymous April 5 2009, 03:16:54 UTC

Kiku - he doesn't sleep. Or he can't sleep now. But weeks ago he had started it, not sleeping to get things done, because he couldn't get things done when others were just watching. Yao shook his head and asked him why, why Kiku, and he had said something about too many people always watching him, can't work, watching him and judging him with their eyes, see, saying things like not good enough and why does he even bother to their friends behind his back.

So he started taking caffeine pills and all other sorts of medication, anything that would just keep him awake, that would push away the urge to sleep, just so he could get things done without people watching and judging. Only now, his body doesn't need anything to say awake, insomnia someone had whispered, and his own body has betrayed him because now, now he can't even get any work done. His body is awake, and he's awake, but not really, not at all, not awake - but not asleep either. Stuck in this in-between universe where everything is white and black, moving and still - ( ... )


The Things We Carry [1/?] anonymous March 31 2009, 06:11:20 UTC
Monday | Clock reads 0518

Student Name: Ivan Braginski
Class Grade: 11th
Class Rank: formerly 2nd, now 1stIvan wonders, vaguely in that place in his mind that he allows himself his own thoughts, how he managed to get back to the dorms. His father had been so angry this time, and his mother had even joined in. But Ivan knew he deserved it... 19 out of 20 was nowhere near acceptable, especially not on a Russian quiz ( ... )


Re: The Things We Carry [1/?] anonymous April 1 2009, 03:43:58 UTC
Oooh. OP here of the original request, I'm loving the different takes on this topic so far, and I can't wait to see you and the other current fill-writer continue with your versions :) (the first fill was awesome, and it's always neat to see more takes on a subject)


Re: The Things We Carry [2/?] anonymous April 2 2009, 07:24:01 UTC
Alfred looks down at the plate in front of him. For a moment--one fleeting, damned moment--, Arthur feels hope that Alfred is actually going to eat something and not immediately go and regurgitate it. But then Alfred is standing up (bones, bones, that's all he is) and scowling, shaking his head.

"Leave me alone, Arthur. It's not your business."

"You're my friend! I can't just -"

"I am not destroying myself!" Alfred shouts. "And it's not like you're a bed of roses either. At least I don't go around destroying other people's property when I get ticked off!"

Student Name: Alfred F. Jones
Class Level: Junior
Class Rank: formerly 1st, now 2nd
Diagnosis: Anorexia-Bulimia Nervosa

Arthur watches Alfred storm off, looking back down at the table. He tries very hard not to cry, but it doesn't work. So he hides his face in his arms and sobs while biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.

Student Name: Arthur Kirkland
Class Level: Senior
Class Rank: 3rd
Diagnosis: Intermittent Explosive Disorder

--------------------------------------------- ( ... )


Re: The Things We Carry [2/?] anonymous April 3 2009, 14:44:16 UTC
Poor guys so far, all of them :( Can't wait for the next part.


Re: The Things We Carry [2/?] anonymous April 3 2009, 17:58:26 UTC
I feel so bad for Ivan! And Tourettes - That's an interesting take on China's verbal tick. Am looking forward to more, anon!


Silent Anxiety {1/2} anonymous May 25 2009, 23:29:35 UTC
{{Hope this is alright to attempt!fill, I just really wanted to try this idea with Sweden/Finland. I don't write very much... First fill for the kink meme even! Very sorry! Also- wasn't sure how to do Sweden's accent- so I kinda winged it.}}

Berwald - Speech impairment
Tino - Anxiety disorder


Tino looked over at his roommate Berwald; he was lying next to him on the bed, sleeping calmly. The younger teen smiled and moved his hand to cup the larger man's face- only to stop midway and pull back. He looked down at his hand and frowned deeply, he still couldn't get over this sort of phobia. Even through he loved Berwald so much... It all started about the beginning of High School- this anxiety. Berwald had tried to help him through it, and although there isn't as much fear, some still lingered.

They began their relationship around the beginning of their second year. Berwald had come up to him in their small shared room, but at that time Tino's phobia of the larger man was at its peak. (Although, Tino speculated Berwald knew how ( ... )


Silent Anxiety {2/2} anonymous May 25 2009, 23:34:27 UTC
They were now in the middle of their senior year. After two years of "going out" they had made at least a little progress with Tino's anxiety. He now trusted Berwald, well, enough to let him sleep in the same bed as him. They never went farther than that- he knew the taller man would never push him to do something he didn't want to. Even kissing was a huge step.

Tino had given the first kiss, he remembered. It was a sunny day so they had went outside to eat lunch together. Berwald had some ketchup on his face, and Tino didn't even think before he licked it off. He remembered how Berwald smiled and asked "C'n I kiss'ya too?" (Can I kiss you too?). Even since then Berwald always showed Tino with affection. Although he never really said much, Tino was still head over heels ( ... )


Re: Silent Anxiety {2/2} anonymous May 30 2009, 08:52:34 UTC

*deep breath*

I don't want to retype everything out, but I really loved this! And you avoided some major peeves of mine that make me hate a lot of SuFin in fandom. Like how you didn't completely uke-fy Finland. The way you wrote his fear, but also the gradual progression of getting over it, is very realistic!

Excellent job, anon!


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