Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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Comments 9946

Wired Differently - Canada/America (+Sex Machine) anonymous April 25 2010, 06:02:47 UTC
Wired Differently

Request: Canada/America - Fucking Machine

Parts 1-3:

Parts 4-14:

Continued below.


Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 06:35:35 UTC
Most love confessions don’t end with the drone of a small motor ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:09:23 UTC
Wow, I was just talking about this fill converting me to CanAm and how much I love the dynamic you've created between these guys. <3

I love the sense of mingled anticipation/apprehension you've created here; it seems really realistic to me, considering the kind of, uh, adventure these two are embarking on.

The idea of America needing titanium restraints is awesome, and America's denial about not wanting bondage is ... not the most convincing, yeah.

Canada kissing America's ankle was enough to make me kind of squee, but this exchange:

“I think that’ll do it, eh? Let’s lube you up.”

“You’re so romantic. Tell me more.”

“America, shut up.”

THAT'S why I love the dynamic here; it's warm and loving and hilarious and snarky at the same time. Not to mention ridiculously sexy. <3

“God, I hope your balls don’t get pinched by this thing." Oh Canada, you're such a sweet-talker. XD ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:41:12 UTC
A new CanAme fan! I cheer. ♥ The boys could always use more love.

America's attempt to convince Canada that he's not interested in bondage was very... er, half-hearted. At best. >.>;;

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. ♥ I so much appreciate it and it was enough to make me struggle to finish editing the next part to post before hitting the hay. XD

Thank you, thank you, thank you, awesome anon. ♥ ♥ ♥


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3a/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 14:01:36 UTC

former parts (1-2):

Anons, you are lovely and you know that and I am FUCKING SORRY for the lack of updates. Don't worry, I neither forgot about you or, worse, decided to abandon you. Finals decided to fuck a little around with my private life and I had to get the bitch back first. More frequent updates from now on. And yeah, chances are high I'll de-anon at some point. (So I can be hold responsible for finishing this, haha.)


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship 3

iv: in which you learn things about Prussia's sex life, France tries to scare you and Karl Lagerfeld will not be pleased to hear of this

So, oui-or as les anglaises would say, 'Bloody yes, indeed!'-Prussia was wearing make-up. Can you ( ... )


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3b/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 14:04:04 UTC
This is why, you see, feminine make-up would undermine my masculinity. If it didn't as much as it always does, though, it would put such a perfect emphasize on my doll-like appearance with my fair taint and soft skin and full lips and angelic curls framing my angelic face. Don't you think so, too? (Qui ne dit mot consent, just so you know. Silence actually does give consent ( ... )


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3c/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 14:05:38 UTC
Despite myself, I felt a slight pinch of guilt regardless and so I did nudge him with the tip of my shoe until I stirred a reaction from him.

But only the tip of my food and only with utmost caution, mind you. I didn’t want to ruin my shoes either. Prussian drool may have burned itself through all that leather, putting even acid to shame. You can never tell with those Germans and their German-ish states, can you?

"Say, my friend, why are you wearing make-up? I always thought you were..." Everything in me was reluctant to say too manly because that would have been an insult to actual men like myself and I didn't want to say above it all because it is hard to describe someone as above it all when the only thing he is doing is lying beneath it all so I hesitated. And waited for the right words to find their way out of my mouth. They didn’t. And I flailed. And flailed some more until Prussia, half dazing, half trying to find his way back to the world of the living, offered, "Awesome?"

"No," I said, perhaps un peu too fast. "But the ( ... )


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3c/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 14:32:47 UTC
Ramble ramble little France,
we just want you in Allemagne's pants....
(sung to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star)

Your france is adorable, but I kind of lost the thread with the rambling about canada and fear. I'm enjoying this immensely nontheless, but perhaps cher francis could be nudged back towards the plot a bit more often?


Part 9, France & UK, Living with a ghost AU, update (artfill) anonymous April 25 2010, 17:53:55 UTC
France is the new chef in town, and needs a place to live. And what better place than that old, abandoned loft which he can spruce up according to his tastes?
Then of course the dream house is ruined when he finds out that no, not rats, not cockroaches, but a GHOST lives there too. A particularly angry British ghost with no sense of taste.

previous part: )


Re: Part 9, France & UK, Living with a ghost AU, update (artfill) anonymous April 25 2010, 18:55:58 UTC
Oh, yes, yes, you can draw!!!

I'm dying of cuteness!

Francis bookmarking the link...Oh, god, he can't help it, can he?

And Arthur going: "I'm dead...and stuff". Why so tsun, Arthur? (hugs him).

Please, please, draw more! This is fantastic!


Re: Part 9, France & UK, Living with a ghost AU, update (artfill) anonymous April 25 2010, 19:40:00 UTC
OMG these are the cutest chibis ever, your art style is adorable. <3 I can't wait to see more, and learn about Arthur's past and why he died. ;o;

And I see what you did there, Francis. Why do I think that website will be showing up again?


Re: Part 9, France & UK, Living with a ghost AU, update (artfill) anonymous April 25 2010, 20:25:59 UTC
*still suffering gigglefits*

It's so cute and funny at the same time despite England being dead and all. xD


Germany/N.Italy - Italy admires how strong Germany is anonymous April 25 2010, 22:24:10 UTC
Original Request:
Germany/N.Italy - Italy admires how strong Germany is - during sex of course.They say that in heaven the mechanics are German. Feliciano, who has been sleeping with the personification of Germany for the past six months, is inclined to believe that. Every movement the man makes is fluid, graceful, but with a practicality that leaves nothing wasted. It’s like watching a car that that slides smoothly through the gears, hugs the corners, and purrs when you accelerate. Feliciano thinks it’s an especially appropriate metaphor right now considering Ludwig has just picked him and carried him up the stairs to his bed, letting him feel the shifting muscles of those strong arms and the steady thump of Ludwig’s heart ( ... )


Holy... anonymous April 25 2010, 23:52:13 UTC
Writer!Anon, I'm not OP, but damn I enjoyed this piece of work. I think you really captured the way Feliciano thinks and then turned that on Ludwig, and God damn, you've shown that such a combination makes something simply beautiful.

In short, you rock.


not OP but I loved this anonymous April 26 2010, 00:23:04 UTC
anon, this was gorgeous. utterly gorgeous.

the way italy thinks, poetic and rational, and the pace of the shot, and everything... it's just beautiful, anon. thank you for sharing this piece of art. I appreciate, too.


Re: Germany/N.Italy - Italy admires how strong Germany is anonymous April 26 2010, 01:05:33 UTC
Not OP either but guh that was amazing.


[Part 9] Magic Cube [1/3] anonymous April 26 2010, 00:30:31 UTC
Original request:

The Rubik's cube was invented by a Hungarian so...

Right after its invention, Hungary comes up to the other nations with a proposal. If they can solve the Rubik's Cube in X amount of time, they'll win something - plus they'll prove just how clever they are to the rest of the world. If they can't she gets to take pictures of them in any poses she wants to fill out her collection.

Most of them being the proud nations they are, don't want to be considered idiots by the rest of the world. They fail. Utterly.

Bonus: Someone totally unexpected like Italy solves it with no problem."You're late, Hungary!" Prussia teased when the Hungarian was the last person to walk into the room ( ... )


Magic Cube [2/3] anonymous April 26 2010, 00:37:38 UTC
They were all hard at work for even if they didn't want to do it, Hungary would hold up a frying pan aggressively before they could complain ( ... )


Magic Cube [3/3] anonymous April 26 2010, 00:40:20 UTC
"...Italy." Belarus said with a charming smile and Ukraine knew something was up. "Would you like to trade cubes ( ... )


Re: Magic Cube [3/3] anonymous April 26 2010, 00:58:20 UTC
(not OP)

that was very cute, anon! the fill made me chuckle ^^ the ending was quite anti-climactic, poor Nations... to be defeated by italy, of all people :P


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