Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Poor Germany, what have I done to you? anonymous February 28 2010, 14:30:12 UTC
I'll probably be shot a million and one times for this, but it's worth it.

Germany, who's always so serious and uptight during the day, turns out to be a total slut at night. Not in the he-sleeps-with-everything-that-moves way. More like he's really easy (once he unwinds) and needy and loud.

Anon prefers if Germany bottoms. =w=;


* Nation X secretly (or not so secretly?) loves it when he's like that.
* After-sex cuddles
* I'm not too particular about pairings, but I would sell my soul (and my first born) if it was France/Germany or Italy/Germany. But anything is fine, of course. <3


POOR ANONS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO *YOU*? anonymous February 28 2010, 20:11:00 UTC
The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (1/?)

i: in which France keeps getting off topic and connections are being made... sort of

Being immortal cuts, as with many other things, both ways-it's all swings and roundabouts, really-but unlike many other things you'll find no greater hazard to a man's sanity than boredom. Eternal, life consuming boredom: that's what gets you in the end. Forget all the crap about solitude and loneliness (it's a lie) and start to imagine you are sitting in front of a television screen, flipping through prime time in search of angry, testosterone-fueled action films and suddenly: bam! One cheaply produced soft porn after another. Did I mention cheaply produced soft porn on every channel as well? Non? There you go, then. You are sitting in front of a television screen and zapping around a crapload of shitty soft porn with background music so bad it makes your ears cringe, and sex so pathetically executed it makes your eyes bleed and your heart shatter ( ... )


Re: POOR ANONS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO *YOU*? anonymous February 28 2010, 20:54:33 UTC
France's voice is so damned PERFECT. Everything about this is incredible. I am excited, anon!


OP LOVES YOU anonymous February 28 2010, 21:46:24 UTC
I believe I promised my soul. *hands over soul happily*

OH GOD. Anon, the way you write France is amazing. Seriously, I was actually hearing his voice in my head as I read this. I'm so excited to see where this is going!

THANK YOU~ <3333


Re: POOR ANONS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO *YOU*? anonymous February 28 2010, 22:03:47 UTC
Oh, France, chèri... My inner GerIta shipper suffers, but the France and Germany fangirl in me swoons... Can't wait for next part!


Re: POOR ANONS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO *YOU*? anonymous February 28 2010, 22:39:24 UTC
Dear author!anon,


I need more of this. France's "voice" is PERFECT.

ReCaptcha: snobby France. Oh, this makes me smile.


Re: POOR ANONS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO *YOU*? anonymous March 1 2010, 04:29:48 UTC
As other anons said, it is perfect, and there is never enough of Franco-German special relationship XDDD!!! Please have my soul, anon!


is there more???? anonymous August 26 2010, 16:14:23 UTC
Pfff, your France voice. IT'S IN MY HEAD, DOING WONDERUFL THINGS <3<3<3
I don't think I've ever seen a better France in any fic ever. Have you written more fics about him, authoranon? What about this? Is there more of it? Bloody hell, it's FAN-TAS-TIC ♥
also, I now understand why Germany was able to invade France; if the guy spends so long with everything, it's a wonder he can do anything at all. Especially when he gets on about his beautyXD

J'adore-excusez-moi-I meant to say I love euphemisms. Always enriching one's life, always adding a little color, a little wit to it, non. Un petit peu de philosophie, I always say, I does not hurt. Ah, but I shall digress no more. If you are French your heart will shatter and be crushed, and if you are not French then I will pity you all the more because mon dieu! How can one not to be French! As everyone knows the French are the most refined people in the world, non. Poor unfortunate souls that are not French. (Why Angleterre, I almost wish you were here so that I could prove my sneer is real. ( ... )


And now with a foreword by Francis Bonnefoy. (2a/?) anonymous March 1 2010, 18:30:38 UTC
Bonjour mes amis et mesdames (especially mesdames)! Your beauty is a rose of the fullest of reds, a truly splendid color, reaching out to me while I am sitting here on my veranda, enjoying the sight of Mother Earth finally waking up from her slumber over a glass of fine, delicious, French vine. My, the gentle touch of sunlight caressing my face―you should see how the sunlight breaks itself in my hair into a dozen rays of gold, such a pity you cannot―and the first blossoms of spring, they even inspire me to rhyme. Did you notice? I bet you did―une moment, je pense the author anon is calling ( ... )


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (2b/?) anonymous March 1 2010, 18:32:26 UTC
So, as I was―ahem―saying, I was standing, completely and perfectly fine in front of Prussia, who was neither completely nor perfectly fine (in his head), nor that this was anything unusual, mind you, and I was looking down on him and he was, well. Looking up, sort of, I guess. If it hadn't been for his eyes constantly wandering around and I tell you that was even more irksome than the usual freak show he puts on. Considering Prussia is the subject of talk that means a lot, you know. Have you ever seen a man as batshit crazy as Prussia staring up at you, peeling? Oui? No? If non, then you absolutely, no matter what you do, must not see that. Ever. It's nightmare fuel, I tell you, peering red eyes like that combined with drool dripping down the corner of a mouth whose lips are pulled up into the parody of an irritated smirk, that's the stuff America makes his films of. (And just another of the many reasons why I find them lacking in taste and style but that's beside the point ( ... )


The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 1 2010, 18:37:30 UTC
The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?)

iii: France, Prussia and the filtering of spam mails things that will leave you scarred for life

When I said I wanted to ask (but didn't) Prussia whether he was dead yet and you wondered what the hell I could have meant by that, voilà, here is the solution: precisely what I wanted to say.

The thing with Prussia is that ever since he had been dissolved (and Europe joined in a collective exhale of sheer and utter relief) a decent amount of decades ago, nobody quite knows what he has been doing ever since. Sure, sure, Russia suddenly got all grabby hands at him and sort of run away with him in the dead of night (and Germany has been pissed about that since, well, forever, really, unfortunate soul worried himself sick the one moment and the other he runs face first into a wall, but that's another story) and he got to play the GDR―or DDR, how he expected to be called by everyone and everything, persisting to be called the Deutsche Demokratische Republik―though, of course, given the fact he ( ... )


OP (STILL) LOVES YOU anonymous March 1 2010, 20:05:35 UTC

Seriously, the way you write his POV is fucking amazing. It's like he's really here, narrating this. I love how he acts as if he's god's gift to mankind which he is.

Don't stop being awesome, anon!


Writer!anon anonymous March 1 2010, 21:42:59 UTC
You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear! Gleeeee. So much.

Writing France is a scary, scary experience because I swear he's writing himself, I'm barely even typing. That bastard.


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 1 2010, 22:27:03 UTC
This france makes me laugh and love him.
SO much better than how he's usually portrayed.
As a man of passion and love, rather than an utter sex addict.

You win.
I can't wait to see how he describes Ludwig, oh my.


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 2 2010, 05:23:15 UTC

I love you very very very much.
I'm sitting here laughing and my roommate is giving me really dirty looks but it's COMPLETELY worth it. I love this.


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 2 2010, 18:34:09 UTC
Mon dieu, how much I love how you write Francis.
He's just...totally himself and not a sexual running pervert 'scuse-me my country

*sends love*


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