Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Poor Germany, what have I done to you? anonymous February 28 2010, 14:30:12 UTC
I'll probably be shot a million and one times for this, but it's worth it.

Germany, who's always so serious and uptight during the day, turns out to be a total slut at night. Not in the he-sleeps-with-everything-that-moves way. More like he's really easy (once he unwinds) and needy and loud.

Anon prefers if Germany bottoms. =w=;


* Nation X secretly (or not so secretly?) loves it when he's like that.
* After-sex cuddles
* I'm not too particular about pairings, but I would sell my soul (and my first born) if it was France/Germany or Italy/Germany. But anything is fine, of course. <3


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 3 2010, 10:21:48 UTC
You write Francis so well! ♥ ♥ &hearts!


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 3 2010, 11:25:56 UTC
Oh my God this is hysterical. Fuck, I rarely laugh out loud at anything, and here I am, I must have been laughing at this for ten minutes straight.


And I can't wait to hear him wax romantically about Germany. I expect Twilight levels of epicness ('Adonis with marble skin') only more classy, clearly, because this is France.

Seriously, from now on this is the official character's voice for me. It reads like the beginning of one of those huge historical romances from the 1800s with a ton of characters, only it's hilarious.


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous March 6 2010, 07:12:50 UTC
I could fill this whole comment with how much I FUCKING LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW. But it's be tl;dr to the extreme.

But is there any chance of you denoning? Because I want to SHOWER YOU WITH SO MUCH LOVE THAT... THAT... I CAN'T FIND A GOOD ENOUGH WAY TO END THIS STATEMENT.


Dieu existe ! There's correct French in it ! anonymous March 15 2010, 02:02:01 UTC
I love you, anon. Your France is made of shiny epic win. And, god, he's just as bad as Italy for staying on topic (must be the latin roots, I guess).

I'll put my spam filter on. I really will. PRUSSIA WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD. (While listening to ideologically-subversive music)


Re: The Remarkable Franco-German Friendship (3/?) anonymous May 30 2010, 18:15:26 UTC

Oh. France. Digress as much as you want. Of course I want to hear read you speaking in your lovely tone. The story is not important at all~


is there more???? anonymous August 26 2010, 16:15:36 UTC
Pfff, your France voice. IT'S IN MY HEAD, DOING WONDERUFL THINGS <3<3<3
I don't think I've ever seen a better France in any fic ever. Have you written more fics about him, authoranon? What about this? Is there more of it? Bloody hell, it's FAN-TAS-TIC ♥
also, I now understand why Germany was able to invade France; if the guy spends so long with everything, it's a wonder he can do anything at all. Especially when he gets on about his beautyXD

J'adore-excusez-moi-I meant to say I love euphemisms. Always enriching one's life, always adding a little color, a little wit to it, non. Un petit peu de philosophie, I always say, I does not hurt. Ah, but I shall digress no more. If you are French your heart will shatter and be crushed, and if you are not French then I will pity you all the more because mon dieu! How can one not to be French! As everyone knows the French are the most refined people in the world, non. Poor unfortunate souls that are not French. (Why Angleterre, I almost wish you were here so that I could prove my sneer is real. ( ... )


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