Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [1a/?] anonymous February 14 2010, 16:41:44 UTC
Anon here is not above anon, and is in fact posting this for her sister who likes surf the meme but remains html illiterate on general principle.

This will be long-ish and overflowing with crack.


Athens, Greece

February 13 2010, Saturday

A certain conference building

Main conference room

09.32 a.m.

“Okay~”, said France as he assessed the situation in front of him, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t know what this is about, but this is going to be interesting ( ... )


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [1b/?] anonymous February 14 2010, 16:46:24 UTC
Main conference room

09.24 a.m.Everyone had gathered and the meeting would be able to start in time at 09.30 a.m. For once. It was rare, really, Korea had even come up with the idea of filming this historical moment. Thirty-odd nations all being in the right place at the right time was something that didn’t happen so often. Because of time differences someone was almost always jet-lagged and oversleeping no matter where they gathered. If that didn’t happen, someone (usually Spain) came up with something ‘important’ to do just before the meeting. Sometimes there were real problems, like the time in Japan when Italy had choked on his breakfast noodles and had to be taken to the hospital before attending the meeting. And sometimes there were some less real problems as last year in Russia when America had refused to come out of his bed before it was warmer. Anyway, it was rare for them to be in time. Korea’s suggestion still wasn’t put into effect though ( ... )


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [1c/?] anonymous February 14 2010, 16:54:52 UTC
Main conference room

09.33 a.m.“Greece, don’t you know anything about this ( ... )


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [1c/?] anonymous February 14 2010, 17:11:55 UTC
omg my otp ;o; England fighting with Belarus over France, haha, awesome!

Awaiting more~


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [1c/?] anonymous February 15 2010, 04:01:47 UTC
ahahahhahahahahh!!!! I ROTFL like crazy when it registered in my mind that ENGLAND was fighting with BELARUS for FRANCE!! And it makes sense, the once-empire-with-scary-fairies-and-pirate-raiding-skills-England CAN be matched in a fight with Belarus.

And it's so like France to say he has enough love for both of them.

:D :D :D

Not!OP anon is very happy. Thanks!

I look forward to whatever you have in store.


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2a/?] anonymous February 15 2010, 16:02:25 UTC
Main conference room

10.08 a.m.“So uhm-“ Germany coughed as England and Belarus had disappeared through the window. ”Let’s drop their matter for now. We um... really have some things to talk about today ( ... )


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2b/?] anonymous February 15 2010, 16:08:11 UTC
Sweden retreated from the kiss, but stayed near Denmark’s face holding the other’s cheek under his palm. Then he answered the question. “B’caus’ I lov’ ya.”

”Whoah”, Denmark said and stared to his northern neighbour. “...Whoah...”

Norway stared at them for a while and then turned back to stare at the table in front of him. “Whatever was bothering England and Belarus, it’s infectious.”

“Well”, Denmark commented as Sweden climbed on his lap and hugged him. “I ain’t complaining.”

Estonia looked at Finland. “Shouldn’t you be jealous?”

Finland turned away from his video camera to look at his friend. “Why?”

“Finland, stop recording private moments”, Iceland ordered, staring pointedly to the window.

“You call that private?” Norway asked dryly and looked at Sweden sitting in Denmark’s lap and kissing his forehead and temples softly. Then he glared. “But you really don’t have to record it ( ... )


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2c/?] anonymous February 15 2010, 16:14:22 UTC
“Huh?” Seychelles answered and stared at the South Italian brother in front of her ( ... )


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2c/?] anonymous February 15 2010, 20:23:36 UTC
AnonReader loves you. Really, she does. And she loves OP for posting this request. And she loves Eros SOOOOO MUCH!!! :D ♥♥♥


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2c/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 15:38:34 UTC
Oh god, I can't stop giggling. This is an awesome fill, writer!anon


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [2c/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 19:10:57 UTC
ahahahhahah! This is great. Love Seychelles, smart you. Romano and his "chosen one". And the Nordics! Go EROS!!!

This fill is awesome.

:D :D :D :D


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [3a/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 16:33:44 UTC
Main conference room

11.11 a.m.

“So. It seems we have some problems here,” Greece began, trying to avoid everyone’s eyes without anyone noticing it. “So I think we should... uh...” he stopped to think for a while. Germany had just asked him as the host to take the lead, so he had yet to come up with something to say. If I stop the meeting, Eros is likely to complain, no doubt. But if we continue, more and more of us will start to act strange. And at this rate we won’t get anything done anyway, so it would be suspicious to act like nothing is wrong... But I can’t tell them what’s going on, they would blame me for it and that’d just be a pain. I don’t think Eros would listen to me if I told him he’s just causing me trouble... Though there is really no harm done and the effects will disappear, I’m worried about-“Greece, snap out of it, you’re daydreaming again,” a voice interrupted his thoughts. “Look, I know you’re bad at concentrating, but try not to fall asleep in the middle of a speech, ‘kay ( ... )


Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [3b/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 16:38:15 UTC
“Hey you!” America stood up and Turkey and Canada both turned to look at him. “Let go of my brother.”

Turkey stood too, turning around. With one hand he secured Canada behind him, keeping him close to himself like he was protecting him.

“I won’t let go, America. Not just like that,” Turkey said to the older brother, merrily snapping back to his usual self. “Give me a one good reason to do that.”

“Because I say so!” America answered and raised his finger to point at the Mediterranean country.

“I said a ‘good reason’...”

“France took England away from me, so like hell I’m going to let you have Canada!”

“So that’s what’s been rubbing you,” France smiled. “I see, that explains why you’ve been so silent for a while.”

America blushed, but forced himself to look authoritative. “Mark my words, Turk! I’m not going to let you have my brother!”

Turkey smiled. “If it’s a duel you want kid, just come and get it.”

Greece turned pale. This could be bad ( ... )


Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [3b/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 17:06:07 UTC
Duuuuuuuuude, I can barely stop laughing enough to type a coherent response; this fill is awesome!


OP anonymous February 16 2010, 19:13:54 UTC




Re: Guys, Greece Is Never Holding This Conference Again. Ever. [3b/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 20:31:29 UTC
I knew it!! Belarus is going to kill the poor little bird.

I totally did not expect the Turkey/Canada part! ahahhahhahah!!

:D :D


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