Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Comments 9019

Italy/Germany/Prussia anonymous November 3 2009, 13:56:48 UTC
A sequel to the fill where both Italy and Prussia try to seduce a clueless Germany.


Re: Italy/Germany/Prussia anonymous November 3 2009, 14:38:38 UTC
If you're talking about this fill,


There is already a sequel here


Though even more sequels would always be good, too, IMO.


Re: Italy/Germany/Prussia anonymous November 3 2009, 15:37:43 UTC
Yeah, I know about that one. Maybe I should have clarified with 'another sequel' xD


femRussia and the men in her life anonymous November 3 2009, 14:07:55 UTC
I'd like to see femRussia (who has always been a woman) and how the men in her life (Baltics, Allies, etc) feel about her / how she feels about them.

Anon would prefer it in a funny light rather than angst, but will take anything she can get ♥

- Latvia has to paint femRussia's nails... but he's shaking so much that he does a terrible job
- Lithuania has to go out to buy tampons
- Instead of being pushed down, Latvia is hugged to Russia's boobs until he passes out from lack of oxygen
- ...Estonia/femRussia? :D Please?


The men in her life (1939-1945) anonymous November 11 2009, 20:59:07 UTC
Stole your title OP, haha.

Mariya Braginski is fem!Russia's human name.


It is the eve of World War 2 and the world is in turmoil.

Mariya Braginski looks at Europe and shakes her head. Why? Why must it always come to this? What it is with men in general and Germany in particular that makes them want to proclaim that they are great and the others are unworthy? Why? Why, why, WHY?It is a silent plea that goes unanswered in the night. God never listened to Mariya, or if he ever did he stopped after October 1917. God doesn't answer ( ... )


Re: The men in her life (1939-1945) anonymous November 12 2009, 02:37:19 UTC
Very interesting!

More soon, please?


Yandere!Canada/America anonymous November 3 2009, 14:15:43 UTC
something happens that causes Canada to attempt to annex the U.S.... and SUCCEEDS.

Bonus: Alfred losses because he didn't want to fight his brother, so wasn't using his full strength.

Take this any way you'd like anons!


Re: Yandere!Canada/America anonymous November 5 2009, 21:25:18 UTC
I second this!


Okay, here I go... Pt1 anonymous November 7 2009, 07:14:11 UTC
"Oh he's just throwing a bitch-fit, if we dignify it with a response it'll only encourage him," Alfred said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Seriously, it'll be like that one episode of South Park."

"I don't really watch South Park, Alfred..."

"Really? Not even the episodes you're in?" Alfred tilted his head to the side, giving him a surprised look.


"Heh, you saw the election one right? That was gold."

"But back to the matter at hand?"

"Psh, yeah, whatever, he'll last less than a week then he'll get tired and go home." Alfred leaned back in his chair. "He just wants attention."

"You don't think that we should even consider what to do if they're not bluffing?"

"Even if it's not a bluff, seriously, what's he gonna do? His army is this big." Alfred held out his fingers to demonstrate the size of the army in question ( ... )


Pt 2 anonymous November 7 2009, 07:14:40 UTC
The complaint, in the end, was that the Microsoft Corporation must have had smarter nerds than the Pentagon and that the fault for the loss of American sovereignty lay with the traitorous Left-Coasters and their pale, unhealthy computer programmers. With every internet-enabled device in the United States revolting, the country had been thrown into disarray. The chaos that ensued had been enough to rival the worst natural disasters in America's history and in the confusion surprise attacks from Nova Scotia and Ontario had turned the tide of what should have been an easy victory for the United States.


"Alfred, come out, there's more things to sign!" Matthew called, knocking on the locked door.

"No! I'm so pissed at you! I won't sign anything!"

"You don't have to sign. Mister Obama's signature is quite sufficient ( ... )


AU: The Hetalia Charas as Not-Nations in a WW2 Superhero/Supervillian/Supersomething Type World anonymous November 3 2009, 14:30:18 UTC
AU: The Hetalia Charas as Not-Nations (Human or Non-human) in a WW2 Superhero/Supervillian/Supersomething Type Setting.

I would perfer a world in which the Superman level of Superpowers just does not exist, though, game/story balance wise.


No Such Thing (1/1) anonymous November 21 2009, 02:01:26 UTC
I'm really sorry if this wasn't what you were going for, OP. It just wanted to be this way.“I always wanted to be one of them ( ... )


Re: No Such Thing (1/1) anonymous November 21 2009, 02:19:46 UTC
...damn. ..DAMN.

Short, sweet, and powerful. Love it.


Authoranon anonymous November 24 2009, 19:37:44 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it!


Nations Going Undercover (As Just Plain Humans) anonymous November 3 2009, 14:57:10 UTC
For whatever reason, the Nation-tans have to go 'undercover' as just plain humans.

This is an undertaking that is somewhat harder then it looks like at first...

Bonus 1 : They are going 'undercover' in a country that is not their own. This causes even more problems.

Bonus 2 : They also have to go to school (University, etc) as a 'cover' for whatever they're really supposed to be doing.


Re: Nations Going Undercover (As Just Plain Humans) anonymous November 5 2009, 07:01:41 UTC
America had substituted in this counselling position for the day because he wanted to meet some of his students face to face, and learn of their problems and triumphs. It wasn't said too boldly -- or if it was, never to his face -- but he had heard whispers of others opinions about his education system, and whether they actually held this opinion of the quality of his smarts or not, it made him feel a little self-conscious. (He could just hear England laughing at him from the corner of his mind for his low self-esteem and his denial of said low-self esteem, but he ignored it. Denial wasn't so bad a thing ( ... )


Fresh Off the Boat [2] anonymous November 5 2009, 07:09:13 UTC
Aiyah, I forgot to put the title in the first post. Pretend it's there. e.e;;


"A friend of mine had his appointment with Mister Jones yesterday," Yao said, and America liked the statement even less with the way the boy said it, voice a little shaky, working to keep recognition out. "He said Mister Jones was a fatty, middle-aged man with a tacky mustache."

"Really," America said, finding himself running his fingers over his lip without thought. "And this friend, did he say--?"

"College!" Yao burst, face steaming red, as he reached into his backpack to pull out his school transcript. "We are here to talk about college, yes?"

America glanced half-heartedly at the proferred paper, and looked back at Yao's face. He had to know. "What college were you thinking of going to?" He bit his lip at the sarcasm he hadn't managed to keep from his tone. This question was met with a quiet "aiyohh" and a not-so-discreet facepalm.

America took this time to actually read over the transcript this time. Name: Wang, Yao; Date of Birth: 10/1. ( ... )


Fresh Off the Boat [3] anonymous November 5 2009, 07:10:33 UTC
He calmed down surprisingly quickly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before his muscles relaxed under America's fingers. He calmly brushed his ruffled hair out of his face, flashing an uneasy smile at America. "Sorry, Mister Jones. I was out of line, aru."

America stared suspiciously for a few minutes at the "Mister Jones," but deemed it safe enough to return behind the desk. Yao crossed his legs, clamping his hands over the shaking leg to still it. "My leaders are in charge of a lot of things, and because copyright laws are getting stricter I have more time free."

Sceptical eyebrow. "So you're at school here. . . for vacation?"

"Aiyah, no, not vacation, not for me," Yao sighed, just a hint of wistfullness in his tone. "Don't tell Hu jintang about this, but ( ... )


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