Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



New fills for this part go HERE.
Get information at the News Post HERE.

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DC -- Statehood anonymous November 12 2009, 22:33:22 UTC
Off and on over the years there has been talk of making DC a State giving the people who live there full representation in the government (which they do not currently have) amongst other things. So I'd like to see a fill where this happens the government finally decides to grant DC it's statehood and so New Columbia (the actual proposed name) is set to be born ( ... )


Re: DC -- Statehood anonymous November 12 2009, 23:48:51 UTC
Seconding sooooo hard for Russia as the baby daddy


multiple fills ok? anonymous November 17 2009, 15:52:55 UTC
I-if op doesn't mind, I'd like to do a Russia as the baby daddy fill, as well?

I don't want to make a bunch of Russia fills for this prompt since there are obviously so many choices, but I- ...it's been stuck in my head.

(also...are many lulz ok as opposed to much smut? I kinda fail in that department)


Re: multiple fills ok? anonymous November 17 2009, 17:18:56 UTC
Yes multiple fills are more then okay...especially with Russia since he's one of my two OTP's for America...can never get enough of those two...especially where there's lulz involved I'm not overly invested in smut honestly I'd rather have more plot or character interaction any day of the week.


Above Comment is from OP anonymous November 17 2009, 17:19:50 UTC


Re: Above Comment is from OP anonymous November 17 2009, 19:23:18 UTC
Alright then!

*Added to queue*
*queue is long*
*rearranges queue*

Queue says it will be started by this weekend. ^_^


question for OP anonymous November 17 2009, 21:49:13 UTC
what's your other OTP?

Russia's gonna need some competition after all.


Re: question for OP anonymous November 17 2009, 22:24:00 UTC
Well my other OTP is UKUS. Though honestly now that people mentioned it China might be fun too he does have a very valid argument (that America's bosses would be EXTREMELY interested in hearing about ) in the whole making-your-debt-disappear category. And he has history with Russia as well for added layers. But England also has a history with Russia and has the whole Special Relationship/raised America/Has already fathered a ton of the States factor. So I guess...whatever works for you is fine with me if Russia's going to win in the end... ;-)


American Daddy (1/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 04:52:40 UTC
By this weekend, obviously I meant today. >.> Sorry! "...and they are drafting a bill for it to become an actual state." The President sighed as he looked at the young man sitting in front of him, staring ahead with a tell-tale blank look. "So then I told them that if they passed a bill banning the sale of hamburgers, I wouldn't veto it ( ... )


Re: American Daddy (1/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 05:04:17 UTC
Not OP~! BUT WHOA! ABSOLUTELY LOVE!! ♥ Alfred having a choice for who the daddy will be?! That's gonna be fun~ xD


Also not the OP. anonymous December 3 2009, 05:45:41 UTC
But squeeing over this, and really wanting more! Poor Alfred. Only not really. XD


Re: American Daddy (1/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 05:51:27 UTC
Oooh~! This is a great begining! More please?!


American Daddy (2/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 08:11:32 UTC
The other nations sat at their seats, looking at the small, numbered papers in their hands. No one had been told them why there was a meeting being held, but their bosses had asked them to go. The only nation that had yet to arrive was America ( ... )


American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 08:58:51 UTC
It seemed like hours to the eager nations before Alfred finally walked back into the room, carrying a very small pile of applications. He said nothing as he walked over to the chalkboard and started writing numbers. After he wrote the tenth number, he set the chalk down and turned around ( ... )


OP :-) anonymous December 3 2009, 10:28:18 UTC
I was so happy to see this waiting for me in my inbox this morning. And such a lovely beginning. Love how completely business-like Al is being in this one...I have a feeling that's not going to last for very long... *snerks*

Awww...poor Mattie.

Thank you!


Re: OP :-) anonymous December 3 2009, 15:06:39 UTC
You're welcome! Thank you for the prompt, it just called to me. You have very good intuition. I don't know how much of a giveaway the title and setup is, but, while it will be serious (in a way - Al is certainly taking it seriously, even it it comes off as silly to everyone else), it will also parody reality tv shows.

Also, this will actually be two fics, because the mood switches from the first part of the prompt to the second. (and parody didn't fit the fluff/ h/c of the second part)

also, I have all my finals/papers due in the next 5 days, so I don't know if I'll have time to update soon, but I'll try to when I take a work break


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