Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 08:58:51 UTC
It seemed like hours to the eager nations before Alfred finally walked back into the room, carrying a very small pile of applications. He said nothing as he walked over to the chalkboard and started writing numbers. After he wrote the tenth number, he set the chalk down and turned around.

"If your number is not on this board, you may leave. Thank you for your interest, and I'm sorry to have wasted your time." He adjusted his glasses, then walked to the head of the table, sitting down and looking at the applications in his hand again. "The rest of you stay in your seats. We'll begin the rest of the application process.

There were various grumbles and murmurs as nations checked their number against the ones written on the board. One by one, nations started to file out of the room.

After some time had passed, and there were no longer the sounds of people leaving the room, Alfred looked up again at the nations who remained, watching him quietly.

He wasn't surprised to see Arthur there. The application had a lot of questions about Alfred, and America in general, on it. It wasn't surprising that he got most of them right.

Sitting in the seat beside him was Francis. Again, this wasn't surprising.

Neither was Antonio. He had states with all of them before, even if it wasn't entirely willing.

Across the table from them were Yao and Ivan. Given the history with their nations, he wasn't surprised that they were there either.

The others were a little surprising however. He counted to himself as he noted the others at the table: Ludwig, Roderich, Vash, and Gilbert. Ok, actually, Gilbert was more than just a little surprising.

He frowned slightly and counted again, then looked at the board, counting the numbers he had written. There were ten. He sighed and turned. "Why are there only nine of you here?"

Matthew sighed, letting his forehead hit the table.


OP :-) anonymous December 3 2009, 10:28:18 UTC
I was so happy to see this waiting for me in my inbox this morning. And such a lovely beginning. Love how completely business-like Al is being in this one...I have a feeling that's not going to last for very long... *snerks*

Awww...poor Mattie.

Thank you!


Re: OP :-) anonymous December 3 2009, 15:06:39 UTC
You're welcome! Thank you for the prompt, it just called to me. You have very good intuition. I don't know how much of a giveaway the title and setup is, but, while it will be serious (in a way - Al is certainly taking it seriously, even it it comes off as silly to everyone else), it will also parody reality tv shows.

Also, this will actually be two fics, because the mood switches from the first part of the prompt to the second. (and parody didn't fit the fluff/ h/c of the second part)

also, I have all my finals/papers due in the next 5 days, so I don't know if I'll have time to update soon, but I'll try to when I take a work break


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 12:56:17 UTC
Prussia is a candidate? That makes me oddly happy. Um, Switzerland, on the other hand, would make me totally nervous.

I'm liking the inclusion of China! Don't know who you'll be going with, eventually, but I'm looking forward to seeing!


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 15:08:23 UTC
His application was so awesome that Al couldn't resist it. We'll see how he holds up. :3

I thought it would be fun to include nations that US doesn't usually get paired with.


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 5 2009, 19:52:57 UTC
My vote's for Gilbert! ♥ Own America with your pure awesome, Prussia!


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 5 2009, 19:39:46 UTC
I'm actually kind of rooting for Yao, Vash, or Ludwig. xDD Just because he isn't paired with them often.

And considering how much we owe China, it would be kind of unfair if he didn't get a chance. >>

Captcha says gavotte France. I assume that it wants Francis to win. o:


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