Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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DC -- Statehood anonymous November 12 2009, 22:33:22 UTC
Off and on over the years there has been talk of making DC a State giving the people who live there full representation in the government (which they do not currently have) amongst other things. So I'd like to see a fill where this happens the government finally decides to grant DC it's statehood and so New Columbia (the actual proposed name) is set to be born ( ... )


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 12:56:17 UTC
Prussia is a candidate? That makes me oddly happy. Um, Switzerland, on the other hand, would make me totally nervous.

I'm liking the inclusion of China! Don't know who you'll be going with, eventually, but I'm looking forward to seeing!


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 3 2009, 15:08:23 UTC
His application was so awesome that Al couldn't resist it. We'll see how he holds up. :3

I thought it would be fun to include nations that US doesn't usually get paired with.


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 5 2009, 19:52:57 UTC
My vote's for Gilbert! ♥ Own America with your pure awesome, Prussia!


Re: American Daddy (3/?) anonymous December 5 2009, 19:39:46 UTC
I'm actually kind of rooting for Yao, Vash, or Ludwig. xDD Just because he isn't paired with them often.

And considering how much we owe China, it would be kind of unfair if he didn't get a chance. >>

Captcha says gavotte France. I assume that it wants Francis to win. o:


American Daddy (4a/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 20:23:14 UTC
Everyone watched as Alfred sat at the head of the table, rubbing his chin in thought. Finally, he set his hands down on the table ( ... )


American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 20:24:02 UTC
“Lovino applied, too! Actually, we were wondering if we could turn it into a threesome.” Alfred’s jaw dropped slightly and he nodded dumbly as he looked at his notes ( ... )


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 21:43:05 UTC
LOL...oh man all these answers were so spot on. I loved Russia's the most (which shouldn't come as a surprise), China's was direct and to the point and Prussia's was surprisingly competent though still completely in character.

Oh England...that is so not the way to get ahead in this... *snerks*

More please!


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 21:44:03 UTC
Above comment was from the OP.


writernon anonymous December 6 2009, 22:09:30 UTC
Ask and you shall receive. I just want to knock out another two or three pages of my paper and then I'll do Alfred's decisions for this round. check back in a few hours


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 22:30:45 UTC
This anon has just discovered your fill and will bookmark for future stalkage. I LOVE fills where America has a choice on the father of his states because it just shows how much he has progressed as a country.

The Prussia one surprised the heck outta me and though I'd love to see more countries go after America, I can understand why these candidates were singled out (no matter how cliche they are) because the father must have SOME knowledge of America after all...CAN'T JUST FUCK HIM AND NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!!

Do keep it up, anon. F5ng!!


American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 00:24:34 UTC
Alfred called the other nations back into the room and walked over to the blackboard, picking up the eraser. He waited until everyone was seated before he began speaking ( ... )


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 01:30:42 UTC
Wow, an update already? So fast!! D8

Daww, Matthew!! >__<;; Love the fact that Alfred's atmosphere reading is present here...that was very mature to determine that Elizabeta put Roderich up to this just by asking one question.

If you don't mind me asking, anon, will future tests involve Alfred's current states? Because I know that before the grown ups get together, they usually consult the approval of their children. 8]


writernon anonymous December 7 2009, 01:46:00 UTC
It may not come off that way at all in this, but US/Canada is one of my OTPs, it's like, tied for number 1.

I am a big fan of Alfred reading the atmosphere on the not-so-obvious, and then letting it go completely over his head on the blatantly obvious.

Actually, yes! That will be one of the last things, after he narrows it down more: dinner with the family (or at least the part of the family with nothing better to do with their time. Oh wait, that's still all of them...hmm...)

Of course, if you have any suggestions for other tests, I take the comments people make into consideration in all my fills ^_^ So, I never mind people asking, and I never mind people's suggestions/comments


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 02:07:29 UTC
*roots for Prussia~* xD

shall now stalk this~* xD


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 03:08:30 UTC
Whee---! But this isn't showing up right in my inbox, I got sent 4b and nothing before or after...? D:

Oh...I still want Prussia, but...China's...appealing to me. XD Oh, I cannot wait to see how the dates go.


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