Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 20:24:02 UTC
“Lovino applied, too! Actually, we were wondering if we could turn it into a threesome.” Alfred’s jaw dropped slightly and he nodded dumbly as he looked at his notes.

“Uh…41’s next.” Antonio winked and blew him a kiss before heading out. Alfred let out a relieved sigh when Ludwig walked in.

“At least I’ll get a normal answer from you! Let’s see. All nations, myself included, have done things in the past that we’re not proud of. How would you explain that to our curious state?” Ludwig frowned slightly as he looked at Alfred.

“I would tell him that hindsight is 20/20 and we should look to the past to learn from our mistakes.” Alfred nodded as he took notes, then blinked, looking up as Ludwig continued, “I would make sure he knows that it’s important not to dwell on what could have been if you hadn’t betrayed Russia, and if you did more focused invasions instead of going everywhere so you weren’t fighting on all fronts. The past is the past, and it does no good to dwell on it. You have to look to the future.” Alfred tried not to gape at Ludwig as he put his pen down.

“N-next is 9.” Alfred pulled out the application, watching warily as Ivan walked in and sat across from him before nodding in greeting.

“Ivan.” He glanced over the application again as he thought of a question for him. After a moment, he sighed. “Why do you want to have another state with me?” Ivan’s features settled into a soft smile as he started speaking.

“When you had Alaska, we were fighting so much, da? Because of that, I wasn’t able to support you. I couldn’t go out in the middle of the night because you wanted a burger. I missed Alaska’s first steps and his first words. I didn’t think I’d ever get a chance to try again, and then you came in this morning with your applications. Of course I’d want another state with you. I want to do it right this time, da.” Alfred blinked and nodded a bit as he wrote it down.

“That’s…a little surprising. Thank you. Send in 27.” He watched as Ivan left the room and Gilbert strolled in.

“I have to say, I was impressed with your application. It was very…” Alfred tried to think of how to describe it.

“Awesome?” Gilbert supplemented as he leaned back in his seat, hooking one arm over the back of the chair. Alfred nodded.

“Exactly! Let’s get down to business. Our state decides that he’s tired of just being a state. He wants something more for himself. He wants to be a nation. What do you tell him?” He blinked when Gilbert laughed.

“Of course he’d want to be a nation! After all, he’d be spending so much time doing awesome things with dear ol’ Dad,” he paused to motion to himself with both hands, “read: ME.” He set his hands back in his lap again, “that he’s gonna want to follow in my footsteps! But don’t worry! I’d remind him that he’s the most awesome state in the United States of Awesome, and that makes him more powerful than most nations anyway! Who needs to be a nation when you’re just that cool?” Alfred nodded as he jotted something down on the application.

“That’s certainly very true. Send in the last one.” Gilbert whistled a bit to himself as he strolled back out, and Arthur walked in. Alfred sighed, scratching the back of his head.

“You know, we’ve had a lot of states together, even if it wasn’t entirely by choice. Not to mention we’re like best buds now. I’m not entirely sure what I can ask you, except maybe…” Alfred trailed off thoughtfully then fixed a serious look on Arthur. “You’re not going to make our state eat your cooking, are you?”

Arthur scowled and jumped up, taking Alfred’s shirt collar in his hands, shaking him.

“You git! You take that back! You had absolutely no problem with my cooking when you were just a boy! You used to be so cute, and now look at you!” Alfred grinned as Arthur shook him.

“So, is that your final answer?”


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 21:43:05 UTC
LOL...oh man all these answers were so spot on. I loved Russia's the most (which shouldn't come as a surprise), China's was direct and to the point and Prussia's was surprisingly competent though still completely in character.

Oh England...that is so not the way to get ahead in this... *snerks*

More please!


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 21:44:03 UTC
Above comment was from the OP.


writernon anonymous December 6 2009, 22:09:30 UTC
Ask and you shall receive. I just want to knock out another two or three pages of my paper and then I'll do Alfred's decisions for this round. check back in a few hours


Re: American Daddy (4b/?) anonymous December 6 2009, 22:30:45 UTC
This anon has just discovered your fill and will bookmark for future stalkage. I LOVE fills where America has a choice on the father of his states because it just shows how much he has progressed as a country.

The Prussia one surprised the heck outta me and though I'd love to see more countries go after America, I can understand why these candidates were singled out (no matter how cliche they are) because the father must have SOME knowledge of America after all...CAN'T JUST FUCK HIM AND NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!!

Do keep it up, anon. F5ng!!


American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 00:24:34 UTC
Alfred called the other nations back into the room and walked over to the blackboard, picking up the eraser. He waited until everyone was seated before he began speaking.

"I just wanted to let all you know before I begin, that this was a difficult decision. You all had great applications, which is why you're here now, and you all had great answers to my questions. However, you can't all be the father of my new state, and I have chosen some of you to move on to the next round." He thumbed through his applications, then started erasing a number from the board.

"I know none of us knows who 16 was, because he didn't show up. It's too bad. He had the best application out of everyone. I didn't think anyone knew me that well."

No one noticed Matthew rolling his eyes as he left the room. Alfred continued erasing numbers.

"Francis, I'm sorry. We all know how good you are in bed, but that's just not enough. If I were just looking to get laid, I wouldn't be doing this. I just can't rely on you to be a father." He looked at Francis with an apologetic shrug as Francis stood, silently leaving the room.

"Antonio, as appealing as a threesome sounds, I have to be completely sure of who the father is. If you're still interested after the state is born, though, give me a call." He grinned and gave Antonio a thumbs up. Antonio laughed as he headed for the door, returning the gesture.

"Will do! I'll let Lovi know!" Alfred grinned then turned back to the board to erase Roderich's number.

"Sorry. But you didn't seem comfortable doing this, and I wouldn't be comfortable having an audience for the whole thing. Not that there's anything wrong with Elizabeta! She's a very lovely lady when she doesn't have a camera in her hand. It was a little obvious she put you up to this though."

Roderich nodded, and looked a little relieved, as he hurried out of the room. Alfred looked at the rest of them. As for the rest of you, congratulations! You made it to the next round!"

Everyone else let out the breaths they had been holding. Alfred walked over and sat back down at the head of the table again.

"The next competition will take a week to do. Starting tomorrow, you're each going to have the day to spend with me. We'll do whatever you pick for us. Keep me interested, and I'll keep you in the next round. Yao, you can kick us off tomorrow. Pick me up at noon. The rest of you will find a schedule on your doors in the morning."

Everyone started getting up and leaving, talking amongst themselves. Alfred grinned to himself. This was going great. He flipped one of the old applications over and started making a schedule.

That's all for now. I'll post all six dates at the end of the week, after my finals


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 01:30:42 UTC
Wow, an update already? So fast!! D8

Daww, Matthew!! >__<;; Love the fact that Alfred's atmosphere reading is present here...that was very mature to determine that Elizabeta put Roderich up to this just by asking one question.

If you don't mind me asking, anon, will future tests involve Alfred's current states? Because I know that before the grown ups get together, they usually consult the approval of their children. 8]


writernon anonymous December 7 2009, 01:46:00 UTC
It may not come off that way at all in this, but US/Canada is one of my OTPs, it's like, tied for number 1.

I am a big fan of Alfred reading the atmosphere on the not-so-obvious, and then letting it go completely over his head on the blatantly obvious.

Actually, yes! That will be one of the last things, after he narrows it down more: dinner with the family (or at least the part of the family with nothing better to do with their time. Oh wait, that's still all of them...hmm...)

Of course, if you have any suggestions for other tests, I take the comments people make into consideration in all my fills ^_^ So, I never mind people asking, and I never mind people's suggestions/comments


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 02:07:29 UTC
*roots for Prussia~* xD

shall now stalk this~* xD


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 03:08:30 UTC
Whee---! But this isn't showing up right in my inbox, I got sent 4b and nothing before or after...? D:

Oh...I still want Prussia, but...China's...appealing to me. XD Oh, I cannot wait to see how the dates go.


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 04:06:02 UTC
At least it shows up in yours at all. :(


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 03:52:10 UTC

though the idea of more America and Prussia anything sounds wonderful too!!!

I'm loving this fill way too much!

Captcha says kerchief merinoff D: Does that mean Arthur wins?


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 11 2009, 21:48:22 UTC
*is shocked that someone else likes Vash/Alfred too*

You have to do this pairing! There's almost no fics out there with these two... and I KNOW there aren't any fics out there with Alfred as the girl in the pair...


Re: American Daddy (5/?) anonymous December 7 2009, 05:29:07 UTC
I'm so glad I found this fic! It's definitely one of my new faves.

I can't wait to see all the different dates, and I really hope Russia wins!


OP anonymous December 7 2009, 10:28:45 UTC
Heee...this is such an awesome fill I was thrilled to see more of it already!

N'awwww....poor Canada...I do really love their relationship as family I just don't ship them... :-(

I can't wait to see the individual dates...this is going to be so much fun.

LOL (at a comment below) I can just picture the States fighting amongst themselves over who gets to be part of the Meet-the-Family part of the experience...no one has a bigger disfunctional and vocal family then America that's for sure...poor potential daddies really don't know what's in store for them... *snerks* Well except England perhaps he might have had to deal with that lot on occasion and maybe Russia from when they were still BFFs though there wasn't 50 of them at that time...

Out of curiosity are you tackling the whole fill or just the choosing-the-daddy part? I'm just curious about how much more of this goodness I have in store... ;-)


writernon anonymous December 7 2009, 12:08:25 UTC
I'm doing the whole thing, but I'm writing it as 2 different fics. First fic is choosing, then I'll write the next part as the sequel.

I'm going to have a lot of fun with the meet the family. Also, America meets their family.

And even though I know what I said I was making this, I'm very tempted at this point to do an alternate version of the last part, and 2 very different 2nd fics


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