Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Thus saith the Lord (1/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:10:29 UTC
jewish!anon is probably going to go to hell for this. If not for the sex scene and the general wtf of it all, then for the bastardisation of the Exodus. D: I honestly have not read the Old Testament since Hebrew school, and it shows. Boy, does it show.
Also, anon is of the "Zikaron" established fanon of the three Israels: Mizrahim, Sephardim, and Ashkenazim. I'm quite aware that these distinct denominations have yet to show up (we're still talking 12 tribes, hurr), but I'm really not big on the idea of One Israel to Rule them All. And Mizrahim was sort of an easy choice for Moses-type stuff.

Thus saith the LordAshkenazim rouses Mizrahim from an uneasy sleep, and with the fresh layer of dirt and dust smeared across Ashkenazim’s cheeks, Mizrahim scarcely recognises his brother. Green eyes made panicked by tireless apprehension and trauma flicker anxiously across Mizrahim’s face as the boy whispers out an uneasy, “Are you sure you want to do this ( ... )


Re: Thus saith the Lord (2/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:12:57 UTC
Mizrahim feels his shoulders tense unconsciously and he places a large hand atop Ashkenazim’s dark curls. “Come with me,” he says, offering no explanation to Ashkenazim’s perturbed questioning. The pair weaves their way through the crowd of sorcerers and Pharaoh’s court, hugging the walls of the grand hall and only pausing halfway when the ominously smiling Egypt stands a few metres before them. Egypt has grown taller, Mizrahim observes, growing well into the crown his mother had groomed him for and then some. There is a sort of angular mystique to his body, wrapped and coiled with lithe muscles in the sort of way a panther is-tightly wound and powerful while still being light on his feet. The striped nemes fits smartly over his head and the lines accentuate the straightness of his nose and the darkness of his makeup against his olive skin ( ... )


Re: Thus saith the Lord (3/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:14:50 UTC
“I’ll be back to collect you when we’re through,” Mizrahim tells him, ignoring the plain expression of horror.

Egypt lets out a wraithlike bark of laughter and leads Mizrahim away like a sheep on the way to its own slaughter.


It is an odd and somewhat uncanny surprise to find that Egypt takes him to a room that comprises of little more than a sitting room. At least it isn’t a bedchamber. Once satisfied with their surroundings, Egypt turns back to Mizrahim and bids him to speak. “What possible dribble do you have to say to me ( ... )


Re: Thus saith the Lord (4/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:16:18 UTC
Egypt’s face cracks into a feral smile and he slaps Mizrahim-hard. The golden rings slice the skin of Mizrahim’s cheek, thin rivulets of blood trickling down his face from where he is struck, and he is knocked swiftly to his hands and knees by a sudden punch to his stomach, dazed and gasping from the force of the two blows. Egypt towers above him, face drawn into itself in dark rage as he roughly grabs Mizrahim by the hair and with calm lethality, whispers into his ear, “You know nothing of the drive behind this freedom you hunger after, nothing of what it means to be a son of Yisrael.” The chuckling in Mizrahim’s ear is slow and deliberate and filled with venom. “You wish to be treated like a Jew? A Hebrew? Mizrahim, I will teach you what it means to be a slave in my kingdom.” A moist tongue slides along the shell of his ear and the laughter grows colder. “And when you finally understand what it means to be nothing…then you can come crying to me for your freedom ( ... )


Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:17:44 UTC
It is an agonising lifetime later that Egypt empties himself deep inside Mizrahim’s bowels, and at this point, completely sore and raw, the final withdrawal is worlds more excruciating than the first thrust. Mizrahim lies slumped on the floor, used and still jerking with random spasms. Even with his blurred vision, Mizrahim can see Egypt standing above him again, redressing himself and staring down with an expression of revulsion. Mizrahim struggles to lift himself but cries out at the pain throbbing in his body. Egypt sniffs haughtily and adjusts his garments. “Hebrew,” he spits. “What is it you desire ( ... )


Um...Bible Notes???? anonymous November 11 2009, 11:28:25 UTC
Basically a rather dubious Hetalia version of the famed "King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, please let my people go!" song we were all haunted with in Hebrew/Sunday school. Emphasis on dubious.

First, the three Israeli siblings + Daddy!Yisrael
This is a system of characterising Israel that's been floating around LJ a bit, and I kind of find it best suits my purposes here.
-Mizrahim (our victim), literally the Middle Eastern Jews
-Sephardim (the sister), Spanish and Mediterranean and African Jews (basically everyone kicked out during Reconquista and all that jazz)
-Ashkenazim (the brother), Eastern/Central European Jews
Obviously Mizrahim plays the part of Moses (or something), and Moses had a brother and a sister. Coincidence? I think not!!!!! D8*Midian is the area around the Sinai Peninsula in modern day Egypt, and this is where Moses went after he first left Egypt ( ... )


hurr me again~ anonymous November 11 2009, 11:35:36 UTC
I also apologise in advance for the horribleness of this. I literally just stayed up until 6:30 in the morning from 8AM yesterday for the sake of this, so don't be surprised if there is some subject-verb disagreement or something. D: And I also apologise for any mind fuckery and the lacklustre notes. I'm really exhausted.


hurr me again~ anonymous November 11 2009, 11:36:22 UTC
I also apologise in advance for the horribleness of this. I literally just stayed up until 6:30 in the morning from 8AM yesterday for the sake of this, so don't be surprised if there is some subject-verb disagreement or something. D: And I also apologise for any mind fuckery and the lacklustre notes. I'm really exhausted.

If anyone has questions, I'll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

And if anyone comes to beat me over the head, I'll take that graciously as well. Goodness.


Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 19:25:51 UTC
this was simply amazing, anon. I can't remember much about the original story but this still worked fantastically - the sex was as harsh and disturbing as it should be and the whole thing was wonderfully written.


Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 23:55:06 UTC
You just satisfied the twisted pervert, the religious history nerd, and the writing critic in me.
That ending line was just perfect, too.


anonymous November 12 2009, 16:20:13 UTC
jewish!OP!anon wants to thank you and marry you and have your legitimate children, please.
Now, this is gonna be a long, long comment, telling you exactly how awesome you are, so embrace yourself.<3 Because a simple "thanks for filling it you're amazing" just won't do ( ... )


author!anon here~ anonymous November 12 2009, 19:57:59 UTC
I more or less felt my heart burst when I read your comments. ;^; Thank you for your kind words and I'm so happy you enjoyed it, OP! And I'm also glad you found it angsty XD I wasn't sure if I hit upon the right kind you'd wanted.

And YAY for Bible!canon! :D lawl Mizrahim/Midian

The "King Pharaoh" song I mentioned in my notes was just some little thing I used to sing with my classmates in Hebrew school. Not even Hebrew school--like Hebrew pre-school. It was very classy and sophisticated.
"King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, please let my people go.
King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, please let my people go.
They work too hard all day, they never get to play.
King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, what do you say?
No, no, no. I will not let them go.
No, no, no. I will not let them go."

D8 This might be a stab in the dark, but I feel like I've just been issued a challenge...is backtracking to the Inquisition okay?


Re: author!anon here~ anonymous November 13 2009, 12:00:14 UTC
It was angsty alright. I don't usually like angst, but I felt it'd fit here. [and it did, what do you know :D]

OMG so you're really gonna write it? ^__^
Inquisition would be lovely. And if you can toss Romano in too, then I'm forever yours.


Re: author!anon here~ anonymous November 13 2009, 13:17:39 UTC
Ahaha I'll do my best, OP, but it'll probably take a little longer, because I'll have to crack out research and actually conceive a plot. D: But I'll definitely see Sephardim through.

And Romano will of course make an appearance. C:


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