Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 11:17:44 UTC
It is an agonising lifetime later that Egypt empties himself deep inside Mizrahim’s bowels, and at this point, completely sore and raw, the final withdrawal is worlds more excruciating than the first thrust. Mizrahim lies slumped on the floor, used and still jerking with random spasms. Even with his blurred vision, Mizrahim can see Egypt standing above him again, redressing himself and staring down with an expression of revulsion. Mizrahim struggles to lift himself but cries out at the pain throbbing in his body. Egypt sniffs haughtily and adjusts his garments. “Hebrew,” he spits. “What is it you desire?”

Mizrahim’s voice is scratchy and cracks when he whispers, “Let my people go.”

Egypt stares at him for a long moment. At last, he derisively mutters, “Filthy Hebrew.” And he turns to leave. “I am the Kingdom of Egypt, and I do not yield for any son of Yisrael.” And he sweeps away to the entrance of the chamber and says in a harsh, commanding way, as if to a servant, “Well, what are you doing here? Get out of my sight-and take him when you do.”

There’s a muffled squeak of response and a pale-faced Ashkenazim peeks around the threshold of the room. His cheeks and nose are red and his large green eyes are glassy. He sniffles and wipes at his nose before shuffling into the room and falling to his knees beside his collapsed brother. “M-Mizrahim?”

Mizrahim gingerly shifts his positioning, wincing when shooting pains flare up his spine. He glances over at his little brother and fails valiantly at a smile. “Ashkenazim,” he whispers, because he does not trust his voice. “Are you all right?”

“Am I all right?” Ashkenazim echoes faintly; he laughs humourlessly. He carefully helps move Mizrahim into a sitting position, licking his lips nervously at every cringe and sharp inhalation. “What about you?! He just brutalised you, Akh!”

Mizrahim inhales wearily and slides his eyes shut. This is my brother. He has always been my brother. He bites into his lower lip as Ashkenazim helps him to his feet, and he leans heavily on his brother for support. “I’ll survive,” he says simply. And before Ashkenazim can protest, Mizrahim asks, “Whatever happened with Moses and Aaron?”

“Oh!” Ashkenazim looks like he had quite forgotten them. “Well,” he begins as he acts as a crutch for Mizrahim to walk on as they make to leave the palace, “God turned Aaron’s staff into a serpent, so Pharaoh had all his sorcerers do the same.”

“Did it work?” Mizrahim asks, if only to distract himself from the sickening dripping he felt down between his legs.

“Yes, they all turned their rods into serpents,” Ashkenazim replies.

“Then what happened?”

Ashkenazim looks over to Mizrahim, eyes filled with wonder. “Then the serpent God created devoured the others whole.”



Um...Bible Notes???? anonymous November 11 2009, 11:28:25 UTC
Basically a rather dubious Hetalia version of the famed "King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, please let my people go!" song we were all haunted with in Hebrew/Sunday school. Emphasis on dubious.

First, the three Israeli siblings + Daddy!Yisrael
This is a system of characterising Israel that's been floating around LJ a bit, and I kind of find it best suits my purposes here.
-Mizrahim (our victim), literally the Middle Eastern Jews
-Sephardim (the sister), Spanish and Mediterranean and African Jews (basically everyone kicked out during Reconquista and all that jazz)
-Ashkenazim (the brother), Eastern/Central European Jews
Obviously Mizrahim plays the part of Moses (or something), and Moses had a brother and a sister. Coincidence? I think not!!!!! D8

*Midian is the area around the Sinai Peninsula in modern day Egypt, and this is where Moses went after he first left Egypt
*Kemet is the Egyptian word for Egypt, so...mama!Egypt


So, yeah. This is really a heavily sexed adaption of the Exodus in the Old Testament. You can go read that briefly if you're curious. It's easily available online in several different translations.

Or you can go watch Prince of Egypt on youtube.
But that one's not totally accurate XD


hurr me again~ anonymous November 11 2009, 11:35:36 UTC
I also apologise in advance for the horribleness of this. I literally just stayed up until 6:30 in the morning from 8AM yesterday for the sake of this, so don't be surprised if there is some subject-verb disagreement or something. D: And I also apologise for any mind fuckery and the lacklustre notes. I'm really exhausted.


hurr me again~ anonymous November 11 2009, 11:36:22 UTC
I also apologise in advance for the horribleness of this. I literally just stayed up until 6:30 in the morning from 8AM yesterday for the sake of this, so don't be surprised if there is some subject-verb disagreement or something. D: And I also apologise for any mind fuckery and the lacklustre notes. I'm really exhausted.

If anyone has questions, I'll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

And if anyone comes to beat me over the head, I'll take that graciously as well. Goodness.


Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 19:25:51 UTC
this was simply amazing, anon. I can't remember much about the original story but this still worked fantastically - the sex was as harsh and disturbing as it should be and the whole thing was wonderfully written.


Re: Thus saith the Lord (5/5) anonymous November 11 2009, 23:55:06 UTC
You just satisfied the twisted pervert, the religious history nerd, and the writing critic in me.
That ending line was just perfect, too.


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